Deer Demon Race

Chapter 199: Fierce battle

The five fingers grabbed the Demon Sword Sword without falling. It was under the "strength release", "hard skin", "heavy fat", and the "steel bone" that strengthened and tempered the bones. It was derived from the heterogeneous black-winged dragon demon. Steel bone; there is also the magical power of the demon general level, "Strong", which comes from the black cow of the former general of Jingping Mountain; there is also a piece of white deer skin that has been warmed for many years and has been refining the "solid" character on 18 layers of white deer skin with white characters. Although the shape of the Taoist robe can't cover the palm of the hand, it is made of real deerskin, and the effect is to cover the whole body!

The blue smoke on the palm of the deer deer's palm is straight, and it is obvious that he has been burned by the sword of the demon, but he chooses to face it head-to-head, and will hurt both sides. Zixia is unwilling to show weakness. The smashed head drank softly in his mouth at the same time: "Gengjin! Yushu!"

   as she shouted, there was lightning forming in the sky, but it only existed for a moment, then disappeared again, because the locked target could not be found!

   That is the magical power "Wandering Track" at work. It comes from Jingping Mountain Demon King Filling Water B, Demon General!

The five-fingered Thunder Mang's claws grabbed it straight, and the deer demon head that flew out still unavoidably let the five-finger Thunderman catch it. In the sound of "squeaking" flesh and blood, Juli slammed the five fingers away and went up again. Smash!


It was not a great fear between life and death. The gray robe on her body would not be activated. The flying head of the White Deer Demon hit Zixia's chin with a heavy blow, causing her head to be thrown back and her body floated afterwards. !


   This is enough to surprise all the spectators, and some of them are gasping and hissing slightly.

Although the deer deer adopts the method of playing both loses and loses, but has not really landed, Grand Sister Luo Xiaguan has been slightly injured, how can she be one of the top foundation-building cultivators below the five golden cores, fighting against the demon generals of the same level, Such a situation is extremely rare!

   The White Deer Demon really has the confidence to challenge, and it's not a good match!

   leaned back and floated a few steps to stand firmly, Zixia shook her head vigorously to drive away the dizziness, then took out a wooden sign and crushed it to let the green light into her body and warm the cracked bones on her chin.

   Green light and warm, she actually "chuckled" out of laughter.

Handing her left hand to her mouth, she stretched out her tongue and licked the deer blood she caught: "Last time you got away, the master learned the method of door induction. As long as you get the blood, you can't escape the master god. Nian induction will not let you escape by using the earth to escape!"

On the face of the deer deer, there are five big blood stains caught by her Lei Mang. The flesh is rolling, red with black, and the charred black is electrocuted by the Lei Mang. Underneath, there are some dense and white bones, but there are constantly new flesh and blood. Give birth, the wound is healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   That is "rebirth", the only magical power that Sacred Ape Mountain was proud of when it turned into a demon. It wasted countless schizophrenias to produce today's effect!

   The head flew back, and the deer demon did not attack again for a while, humming softly in his nose, and replied: "My old deer is still waiting to ride you, how can you escape?"

   looked at each other, the other person's eyes were full of frost.

After    the white deer demon's nasal sound, his body rose slightly again. It was "swarming", which could be superimposed on "boiling" and "vitality". It was derived from the sacred monkey mountain Wanhua Valley female demon king Huanghuaniang, demon general level!

Zhu Yaojian did not do much damage to Lu Yao, Zixia put away the sword, and said coldly: "The evil animal is an evil animal, so he took off the animal body, and did not change his habits at all. He used to swear words, but what did he do? use?"

"Pretending to be measurable? If it's useless, how can you wicked lady come today?" The deer deer laughed "haha" and raised her eyebrows. The intestines are clean!"

  The gray-robed female cultivator suddenly became angry, and greeted the big white deer and threw the celestial rope, then jumped up again, raised her hands, and inspired the thunder method that was laid by the opportunity of speaking: "Golden Tribulation Thunder Array!"

   The golden thunder tribulation was dyed in mid-air. At the same time, all of them fell down, covering the thirty-foot area around Zixia!

   Road and road fall thunder, that is, it slashes at the White Deer Demon, and it also slashes the Zixia who summons the magic circle!

  Since this wicked animal can evade directional spells, grandma aunt uses the range magic circle, which is more ruthless, isn't grandma aunt?

   Zixia’s nameless anger was doubled, originated from the white deer’s eyelashes and facial features. It was “charm” and “provocative” and learned from the weasel demon general Lang Jun and a certain demon in Jingping Mountain.

The tied fairy rope restrains the physical strength. If it is tied, no matter how strong it is, the deer demon is indeed more afraid. His body shook, and the small short tail flew out behind him, swelling into an identical deer demon, which was **** by the tied fairy cord. , The fake deer demon is still struggling constantly on the ground, making the immortal rope entangled tighter and tighter.

   That is the "stand-in", which is obtained when the leopard demon does not fight to be promoted to the demon.

   The substitute was bound, the deer demon sank his knees and jumped forward!

   That is "leapfrogging", derived from Jingping Mountain Toad Demon Ding Snakes!

   In the sky, the Gengjin Tribulation Thunder Array was completely formed, and it fell with a "boom".

   In the intensive lightning fall, Zixia's gray robe finally lost its wind and rose up to block most of her damage, while the white deer demon only flashed his head, letting all the falling lightning strike the deer!

  Today's tactics are tough! Just the front!

   The whole body was scorched black and stiffened, and then more Jie Lei Yuanyuan struck, the "leapfrog" stopped, and the deer demon landed.

The Gengjin Tribulation Thunder Array is very lethal. The falling thunder dissipates, but there is still a golden light, like interlaced knives, continuously cutting the deer skin and flesh, and it is blessed by the white robe with eighteen layers of "solid" characters. It has many magical powers. Protecting the body, there are still blood holes on Bai Lu's body, and golden light is constantly being drilled into it to cut, cut the fleshy gaps, and go in with effort to poke the internal organs.

   The skin on the outside, old wounds are healing fast, and new wounds are constantly being born.

   The original white deer demon, the outer skin is no longer visible an inch of white, either it is burnt black after lightning, or scarlet with blood!

   However, when the Gengjin Jie Lei dissipated, the Deer Deer couldn't be killed, and he didn't let him groan!

   Deer Deer also has an extra skill called "Resistance". This is not a supernatural power, but an instinct accumulated from previous injuries!

   Lei Jie dissipated, his joints soared, and he quickly transformed into the true appearance of a giant deer, his four hooves suddenly activated, and with the sound of the wind, he slammed into the gray robe at close range!

   It was a "savage collision", which originated from a pig demon among the wild little demon in the borderless land outside Jingping Mountain!

After being struck by the Gengjin Tribulation Thunder, relying on its thick skin, solid but not flashy "strength", relying on the pain-bearing instinct, the white deer demon did not retreat for half a step, and finally slammed into the gray robe viciously. !

   Zixia raised her hand, and the cobweb-like thunder and lightning opened her hand again, wrapping her head towards the deer demon!

   The deer demon does not stop, is not afraid, does not turn its head, there is only one choice, bump!

   "Cracking" electric lights exploded everywhere on the charred body, Zixia's arm was directly knocked back by Juli, and Bai Lu put her head on her waist again!

   That huge force was almost unstoppable, and it hit her arm bones deformed, her internal organs vibrated, and her body drifted back!


   Zixia was still retreating, Bai Lu opened his mouth and spit out, a large gray nail flew out, chasing straight to her chest, and there was a chill in the air!

That is the "arrow in the mouth", derived from the magical powers of Ding Biyan, the protagonist of the Dingfengling Mountain, and the spikes are half-beaked by the woodpecker of the mountain king. The demon king has been tempered for two to three hundred years. Newly practiced with "broken" characters twenty-four stacked on top, the demon generals and the foundation building stage are almost indestructible!

  As if there is a spirit, when the deer demon "the arrow in the mouth" exits, Zixia resists the injury, and also raises her hand, the teacher gave and tempered the "breaking" character fifty-five stacks of armor-piercing golden cones to shoot!

One ash and one gold, two rays of light led by the divine sense, and finally collided in the air, with a loud "bang" sound, the surrounding spiritual energy suddenly burst, and the fragments of the magical artifacts mixed with sand and grass leaves flying around. Right below, Shengsheng was blown out of a big pit!

   Two magical weapons that only focus on attack power were destroyed at the same time!

   "I'm one hundred and seven yellow top grade!" The thunderous energy on his body finally disappeared, facing the flying debris and mud, the deer demon roared again: "Roar!"

After    a roar, his feet sank again, and rushed to the female sister in gray robe again!

  The Golden Cone of Broken Armor was bestowed by Master during his lifetime. Zixia has always cherished her. She was so distressed when she was ruined. She was shocked by a shock and the blood rolled. Seeing the deer rushing again, she also resisted the discomfort, screamed and stood up to fight.

After the successful origination of "Strong", the deer deer's body has improved in all aspects in a balanced manner. Almost all the magical powers learned have benefited from "Strong" It has made a huge improvement over the time of the demon, plus For more than 40 years of continuous body tempering, the body is also hard and abnormal, and it has a recovery speed that horrifies most living beings. It completely uses the game of losing both sides, using supernatural powers in turn, and never hides the slightest!

   was injured everywhere on his body, all relying on physical rigidity, "regeneration" recovered quickly.

   Regardless of how many injuries you have suffered, as long as you can get back some minor injuries from the wicked lady, you will earn money!

   Even if Zixia has built her foundation for many years and is only one step away from the golden core, she will be dragged down by the invincible monster to be completely temperless!

Since becoming a demon, all the fights and fights of the deer demon have not been too long, and the spirit of the peach peak is melee, and will not even have the time to rest. Today, we are fighting with this wicked woman. Life.

   is only the master Luo Xiaguan's ability and magic weapon, it is really not good!

   When the war started, the sun had already set, and the fighting continued until the sky was completely dark, but the fighting continued, but no matter whether it was fighting or watching the battle, it would not be affected by the dark environment.

   Miscellaneous Luan Bird has a large flower, which has turned hundreds of times in the sky. .

From time to time, the body was cut by the Gengjin Tribulation Thunder Array, with blood holes and blood holes, blunt knives cut the meat in, and then cut the bones and punctured the internal organs. However, the injuries continued to accumulate, blood spilling from the mouth, ears, and nose of the deer demon, truly bleeding all over his body.

Grand Sister Luo Xiaguan’s arm collapsed, and she couldn’t use her strength anymore. The hairpin was a magic weapon and it had been ruined. Her hair had been scattered all over, and some of them had been stuck to the flesh by sweat, and there were blood stains in her nose and mouth. It is a sequelae after several consecutive "roars".

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