Deer Demon Race

Chapter 205: Digging Ganoderma

   This King Kong Iron Gibbon is a transformation of the Deer Demon.

The demon generals who used to have enemies with their own family, such as the weasel demon Langjun, were not imprinted in their minds and could not be changed. The responsibilities later contacted were not enmities. It would not be good to go to the house of King Ruyi to rob and blame anyone. He thought that the King Kong Iron Gibbon also had the ability to be a demon general. Anyway, it was just a blinding technique that would not be known to King Ruyi.

   There are still few monsters staying at Ruyi Mountain, not enough for the invading monsters to kill.

I’ve been here before. I still remember the path. I walked all the way. Except for the little monsters and monsters who were killed, the battles at the level of the monster commander were two or three siege on the opposite side. Helping to dig out the red Ganoderma lucidum, I didn't make a move. I wanted to find a warehouse and went straight to the Ruyi Wang Dongfu.

   When King Ruyi called to evacuate in mid-air, many of the monsters and little monsters had been killed, and the rest of them fled in panic. The three monsters left behind by his house were surrounded and it was difficult to retreat.

Only in front of the gate of the cave, Mrs. Ruyi, the Shura girl, although she is only a demon general, her sword and body skills are extremely fast and weird. The two demon generals attacked her together, and the spells of the same level were invalid. The demon general might as well, the tempered bones were chopped into two pieces, so scared that he hurriedly held his severed hand and flew away to find a companion for treatment.

   There was only another demon general left, and she couldn't stand it. She was forced to flee in embarrassment with a few knives. After hearing the wish of King Ruyi to withdraw, she sneered twice, did not chase anymore, and wanted to take off.

   When the deer deer approached, he saw the beautiful woman in black dress lifted into the sky, and recalled the unbearable old things and made you run away. Do you really think that my old deer is a grudge?

   took off to greet her, and when she looked over coldly, the King Kong Iron Gibbon was launched in mid-air to "enchant" and "provoke" at the same time, and then roared, "Roar" exited.

The King Kong Iron Gibbon emits three weird magical powers in a row. Mrs. Ruyi Wang was shocked by the roar of blood and became angry. She carried a black-bone lancet and chopped it over, and sternly asked: "You demon monk, how can you hide? Come to my mountain field with your head bare?"

   Hearing her shout, the deer demon almost fell to the ground!

  Niang, my old deer finally learned 72 changes, changed his appearance and went out for the first time, thinking that the whole world didn't know his own roots and hadn't started acting coquettishly, how could he hit someone with bright eyes?

   She broke into Xingzang with a cry, did Wang Ruyi hear it? Is it still useful to mute the mouth at this time?

The black-bone lancet came too fast, it had already slashed in front of you, and it was too late to think about it. The deer demon left an afterimage in the air, went around her back, kicked her back violently, and spit out the roots at the same time. The porcupine thorn, nailed to her back.

The black dress demon got a thorn in her back, but her waist was twisted weirdly, avoiding the heavy kick, the black lancet turned back, and slashed towards the deer demon belly, forcing the deer demon to retreat, and stop the follow-up. The idea of ​​"head mallet".

   This Shura woman really used a sharp knife, and the black-bone lancet looked really sharp. The deer demon had no choice but to "tiger leap" again and fell to the ground.

The previous "provocative" effect still had some remnants, forcing the deer monster back, and slightly injured behind her back. Mrs. Ruyi Wang knew that it was not easy to stay here for a long time. Just about to escape, the monster below changed its appearance and shouted: " Female Bodhisattva, the poor monk is here to save you!"

   is more useful than "provocative", and the provocation made her angry, turning around and carrying the knife to chase.

Although the daughter of Shura is fierce, it's just that the knife is difficult to use. The knife is sharp, not as difficult as the evil lady of Luoxiaguan. The deer demon hesitates and gives up the "boiling" or the "vitality" that has just begun to be sealed. , Choose "dodge" to walk around.

   Her lancet, the blade only slashed in the air, will leave some blood marks on the skin, I really don't dare to harden it.

  Luo Xiaguan's master sister's sword for killing the demon is focused on the word "demon killing", and its sharpness is far inferior to the black bone lancet of the Shura woman.

   It was useless to "boiling". Her lancet forced her hands and feet to be restrained. The deer deer was also a little on fire. He took out the long horns and waved them toward him. After a crisp sound, the horns broke into two pieces.

   When the horns broke, a "spicy" character flew from the back of the deer deer that looked like a King Kong Iron Gibbon, turning into a ghost and falling on the Shura girl.

   It's really hard to take down this female monster by hand-to-hand combat, and the deer monster opened his mouth: "Hoo!

   "Roar" followed by "low hiss", and after the three gods passed through, the woman in black dress screamed, her hands covered her ears, her body faltered.

   Sweat leached on his forehead again, which is the effect brought by the "spicy" feeling. The deer deer wants her couple to taste the taste most.

This Shura girl is actually somewhat immune to negative emotions. "Low hissing" and "same sympathy" do not hurt her much. The main thing is the second blow of the "roar" to make merit. Taking advantage of the blood in her body, the deer demon slaps fiercely. Draw it over and start the "continuous shooting".

That black-bone lancet was originally refined from her own elbow bone, and it can be integrated with the meat. The deer demon shot vigorously several times, but it didn’t fall off. It just smashed many bones on her body to make her Lost resistance.

The three demon generals of his family have been wounded and fled. King Ruyi was being chased by Huang Huaniang and King Da Si. He was flying over to look for his wife. He saw a King Kong Iron Gibbon knocking his wife down and sternly asked: "Thief, but that The demon monk who once shaved his head to worship the mountain?"

  得, the voice was heard by Wang Ruyi before, and his identity was really exposed!

   The deer demon was angry, "greedy", and the big deer's mouth appeared, swallowing the Shura girl's belly, and at the same time, thirteen identical diamond and iron gibbons appeared, all rushing to welcome the Ruyi King.

   How can the King Kong Iron Gibbon have supernatural powers?

Being able to overthrow Madam, this hateful monk demon is also a strong hand among the demon generals. Looking back on the appearance of the year, it is clear that the recent rumor is that the war monks have built the foundation and made merits, and the ancestors treated the white deer demon differently. After more than a dozen phantoms came, they were able to identify the true and false, and they would definitely not be able to hold them for a while. If they were intercepted by him a little bit, Huang Huaniang and Da Si Wang would overtake them.

Thirteen King Kong Iron Gibbons rushed to stop them, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Wang Ruyi raised his body and flew out with an angry roar: "The demon monk of the dog day, dare to touch a hair of Mrs. My. This king will never die with you. !"

   Ruyi Wang Fei escaped, and the next two demon kings chased him. Huang Huaniang called the big si king to stop: "The poor, don’t chase, it’s serious to move the red Ganoderma first, and it’s too late to change!"

   Red Ganoderma lucidum touches the demon king's heart. If it is known by the surroundings, it would be bad for him to come and interfere, so he must hurry up and act.

   Called the King Da Si, Huang Hua Niang turned to more than a dozen bitter-faced King Kong Iron Gibbon phantoms and said: "If you don't receive the magical powers, go with the book to move the red Ganoderma lucidum?"

   Then the illusion was shattered, and only the most remote King Kong Iron Gibbon was left, and said: "After the flowers, you go first, I'll go shopping first!"

Knowing what he was thinking about, Huang Huaniang raised her brows: "The Ruyishan warehouse is owned by the five companies. How can we give you one? Since you have robbed his wife and wanted the elixir, you can force him to exchange it for one. Madam, she is also the sister of King Shura, not worth a few hundred top grades, still not satisfied?"

   was broken by a loud voice, and the deer demon had to follow to see the red ganoderma of the middle-rank Xuan-level. Here, the three demon generals of King Dani, King Huanghuaniang, and King Shanxian went out to check the warehouse. Unfortunately, after the war broke out, the King Ruyi was also cautious, and the convenient and high-grade top grades were all packed in his own pockets. The warehouse only Find some inferior and influential, not much value, and even the five.

   The red Ganoderma lucidum of Ruyi Mountain grows on the top of the mountain. It is three feet high, red all over, with oily luster. It takes two people to hug the Ganoderma lucidum.

There are four pieces of old zhi meat on the top, all in the shape of a red fan, all of them are the most profound treasures of the middle grade, but unfortunately they need to be kept. The less sesame meat is left, the slower the aura, and the slower the growth of new sesame meat. The Ruyi Wang family is greedy and cuts too much, which leads to a new growth once every 100 years. Each time there are only five or six slices of new sesame meat. Although a piece of new sesame meat has the medicinal effect of three parts of Xuanzhong, the quantity is still small. Only by protecting a dozen slices of old sesame meat, the production time will be shortened, but the demon kings can’t wait.

   The true species is not alive, and the four pieces of old Zhirou, which are more powerful than the general Xuanzhong grade, are the harvest of the five demon kings, but it is not all in vain.

   When the deer demon followed Huanghuaniang and the big si king, two demon would have been guarding under the red ganoderma.

You can smell the scent of medicine from a long distance. Waiting for the red ganoderma, Huang Huaniang raised her head and felt it carefully for a while, and said to King Da Si: "Brother, this red ganoderma is pulling the surrounding spirits. It will be transplanted to Wanhua Valley. I'm afraid It also requires some sorting methods!"

   For the first time in his life, he was so close to the middle-rank Xuan-level Lingzhi. King Da Si was trembling with excitement. He wanted to step forward and touch him, but he was afraid of accidents that he would die if he was touched.

   He knows it too, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com was only half finished after grabbing the Red Ganoderma lucidum. It would only be possible to successfully transplant it to Wanhua Valley to expect the harvest. After listening to Huang Huaniang's words, she frowned and said: "Combating the spiritual energy, is it possible to go to the ancestor?"

"When An is born, the ancestors will be able to move if they want, and they need to be planted in the Ten Thousand Flower Valley," Huang Huaniang exhaled, and then turned to the King Kong Iron Gibbon: "Hurry up and see, how can I dig it away? That's great!"

   The deer demon stepped forward and looked carefully. This red Ganoderma lucidum grows on top of a rock, with seven or eight small rocks attached to its roots, and some withered branches and rotten leaves underneath.

It was indeed a bit troublesome. After thinking about it for a while, the deer deer said, "Take some fine soil to fill the gaps in the stones. When you pan carefully, don't shake it to the root!"

   Huang Huanniang rolled up her sleeves: "Why is it necessary to use a demon general, I will come in person!"

Step forward to take the soil and fill the gaps between the stones, more careful than fighting with Ruyi Wang, waiting for her to enter the evil spirit, and gently solidify the broken stones, the dead branches, grass, and the soil below into stone, without hurting the red ganoderma. Only when the roots were a little bit, King Da Si was asked to separate the surrounding soil and rocks within three feet, and the unnecessary soil nearby caused the spell to be lifted away.

   Waiting for the red Ganoderma lucidum roots to have only three feet of soil and rocks, digging down more than two feet deep, Huang Huaniang made spells again, all of which were solidified into stone. .

This red Ganoderma has to be planted again. No matter how big the urinary bag is, I dare not get it in. The deer demon empress releases its magical powers with the character "Rui" on the back to help it maintain its vitality. Only then did several demon generals carefully remove it. Even the big rock at the root was moved to a bird demon general's back.

   Keep steady while moving. Huang Huaniang and Da Si Wang are by the side, screaming to be careful all the time, and they will be frightened when they shake it.

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