Deer Demon Race

Chapter 208: Lean against

   This is just a slight coincidence, and it is a coincidence. It is far from the Shura sword skill, but it has already touched some doorways and spent another ten or twenty years. It is definitely an authentic Shura anti-fighting technique!

With this action, the deer deer himself also noticed the difference. It was mostly excited. Relying on the physical strength and not afraid of tiredness, he repeated experiments and slowly learned the trick. After hundreds of times, he no longer needed coincidences. out.

Repeatedly consolidating, he fought faster and more authentically there, and the Shura girl who had been watching almost broke her silver teeth, and suddenly stomped her feet and exclaimed angrily: "Return me Shura's knife! "

   Seeing that the female monster was almost crying, the deer monster was a little puzzled, and the two black-winged Peng monsters and small mountain spirits in the distance couldn't even figure it out.

   Her tears were rolling in her eyes, and the deer demon thought that anyway, she couldn't prevent it from spreading. My old deer learned that you have a lot of vellus hairs, and how can you return the skills you learned?

   ignored her and practiced anti-fighting repeatedly. My family felt that the speed of the knife was getting faster and faster, and he was very happy.

I modified several other methods of sword release, imitating the Shura girl, and understood everything, but gradually figured out some ways, but it was still a bit awkward and unsmooth. It should be a problem with the coordination of breathing force and sword release. Temporarily unable to figure it out, he walked over again.

   Seeing him approaching again, the flustered Shura girl hurriedly threw the horn knife and closed her eyes and shouted, "You hacked me to death, never fight back!"

   Xiaoshan Jing stayed there for a whole night, and understood the deer demon's thoughts. Seeing him seemed a little unprepared, he shouted, "Brother, come and talk!"

  When the deer demon walked over, Xiaoshan Jing whispered: "She is not a female bodhisattva. If you touch her a few, you can't help but fight back!"

   This method may be effective, but I have to pretend to be a gangster? Too bad?

   hesitated and walked back. Seeing her anxiously closed her eyes again, she couldn't help but according to Xiaoshanjing's words, stretched out her hand and pinched her waist.

   The Shura woman was so frightened that she jumped up immediately, opened her eyes, and waved her palms with her backhand. Although she used her palms, she made a cut!

   The deer demon laughed, staring at her and fought her with the palm of her hand.

The white deer demon meat is hard. After several hard touches, the palms and elbows of the female monster hurt. Seeing that he smiled triumphantly, she forced herself to fight back with her hairy hands and feet, suddenly went crazy, bent down and picked up the horn knife, splitting her head. Hacked for a while: "Teach you to see enough! Teach you to see enough!"

   She thought that she was just hacking, she didn't need combat skills, but she learned something that she would never forget. The Shura combat skills she had practiced since she was a child were as natural as breathing, and she would have traces of her movements unconsciously.

This time, she slashed for more than an hour. The sky was gradually brightening. The deer deer only avoided the vitals such as opening her eyes and lowering her yin. Willing to stop, but also to hack.

   Without a weapon in her hand, she was not afraid of being chopped off her mouth. The deer demon launched a "greedy mouth" and swallowed her to be trapped in prison.

Recalling the movements of the female monster, she practiced cutting, slashing, picking, etc. with a single knife, and gradually found some ways. Unfortunately, without Shura's careful guidance, there were many flaws, and the speed of the sword was still not as fast as the female monster, but it was better than her own. It's almost a few percent in normal times.

  I practiced until noon, and his thoughts were still unfinished, and he couldn't improve it any more. He was very dissatisfied with the many flaws, so he stopped again and vomited the female monster.

   The Ruyi Wang Madam lay on the ground, staring at him fiercely, and the deer deer scratched his head and said, "What is going to happen to me to pass this secret method to me?"

   Seeing her without answering a word, the deer said: "If not, after I get it done, I won't receive some elixir from the wishful king?"

   The Shura girl finally scolded: "You are a thousand knives, cheated grandma's Shura combat skills! How many elixir do you have, what is your relationship with grandma?"

   Deer demon smiled and said, "I haven't gotten the real one yet, I just got some fur!"

   The Shura girl stood up and jumped up, but this time she came up and scratched like a shrew: "It's just a fur, you pay me back!"

   is not even afraid of slashing with a bullhorn knife, even if she scratches like itchy, it's just that she has more physical contact, a bit indecent, and the deer demon stands in the way and said: "I have learned it, how can I pay it back?"

   Knowing that he has thick skin and flesh, the Shura girl is not stupid. Scratching her hands is just a cover. When he does not pay attention, he flies under the skirt and kicks under the deer crotch.

   This place is indeed the cover of the White Deer Demon.

   The female monster didn't take the knife, and she was thinking about the one who was not strong enough. The deer monster had just stopped scratching before, which was really careless.

   He bent his body into a prawn shape, hissing lightly, and tears came out a few drops: "Oh, hiss! You hurt my old deer's lifeline, wait for you to come back, I really asked you to drop the price, don't regret it!"

   The Shura woman gave him a fierce look, then turned around and walked to a stone, sitting in a daze.

   The deer demon raised his sword and practiced again, but he still didn't make any progress, and as he became more proficient, he felt flaws and awkwardness everywhere, and the speed of the sword was far inferior to this female monster.

   The Shura girl was in a daze, turned her head back, saw his sword styles such as cutting, chopping, picking, and turning back, and muttered softly: "It seems that she should be born to practice Shura combat skills!"

   The deer deer didn’t hear clearly, so he stopped and asked: "What did you say?"

   The Shura girl rolled her eyes and turned her head to ignore.

She was crying and tossing, she had some stains on her black dress, and she didn’t know where she dropped the hairpin when she stepped on her head. Her hair was messy and the mountain breeze made her feel uncomfortable. Busy and tidy up again.

The Shura girl refused to speak, and the Bailu Demon felt a little unwilling to do so, so she had to use those sword-and-force skills to practice it. This combat technique was obviously suitable for her family, but it was a pity that she missed today. I don’t know when to meet the Shura clan again. The real advice.

Not reconciled, she just tried to die. The female demon over there turned her head and stared again, until the small mountain spirit ran over and asked, "Brother, do you want to grow red ganoderma? It's cheap this mountain!"

   The deer deer stopped and looked up again, only to see that the sun was already westward again, and said, "Oh, I forgot all about it. Go and go!"

   was about to open her mouth to swallow again, the female monster jumped away in a hurry: "Grandma doesn't want to get in your belly again!"

   Bai Lu demon sighed: "My old deer dare to go to Wanhua Valley only after a change. When the King Ruyi saw you, how can he pretend to be a fake?"

   The Shura girl shook her head: "Then wait until you reach the Ten Thousand Flower Valley, you can swallow it again, there is still a long way to go over here!"

This is true, but many years ago, he stomped Zixia’s mount Miscellaneous Luan bird in order to escape. Although this woman in black dress is not strong, she can't help but is called "steel bone" magical powers. The steel back is safer when I personally look at it.

Exercising the supernatural power of "bulging body", Demon Peng has a large back, and there is still a lot of room to stand up to the two of them. There is a small mountain spirit alone, and if you do not use "bulge" to know things, you can run around on Demon Peng's back. .

   After the two black wings took off, the deer deer felt sweaty again, and asked Ganggu and Xiaoshi to find a mountain stream, and let him rush into the body first.

   The female monster asked strangely: "Isn't it in a hurry? How about washing it?"

   Deer demon replied: "If you don't wash away your sweat, it will be uncomfortable to stick to your body, and there is a smell again!"

   "Huh!" The female monster sneered: "It's rare to see a clean monster! Are you a fake monster, a monster?"

   The deer deer twisted his neck and moved back to him: "You are the monster! The deer! Don't play with my old deer!"

  Waiting to find the mountain stream, the deer deer called three little monsters and looked at the female demon. After a quick wash at home, he started on the road again.

The Shura girl actually wants to wash her face, wash off the stains on her skirt, and smooth her hair, but she wants to know that the White Deer will not let her out of sight. The four smelly monsters are not good for anyone to stare at. Endure.

   Then take off and go on the road, Xiaoshan Jing called on Xiaoshi's back: "Steel bone, I guess you have paste in your mind. This supernatural power will only increase, not shrink?"

   While flying steadily, Peng Yao's steel-boned mouth shouted angrily: "Your little head is full of paste, unclear!"

   Xiaoshanjing exclaimed: "An idiot who can't look at Jing'er, what is it that there is no paste in his mind? Look at Jing'er!"

   The steel frame looked around in doubt, and muttered in his heart: "How many years have I been flying in the sky? Is there anything else I haven't seen in the Sacred Ape Mountain?"

   He was still wondering, and another Peng Yao said: "Brother, you think about my name!"

   It took a long time before the steel bones woke up, and as expected, they removed the "bulging body" in mid-air and shrank the body.

   The Shura girl exclaimed, she was about to jump down, was grabbed by the deer demon, and pulled back to Peng's back.

   It's a bit squeezed now, with her back against the white deer demon's chest, she can't escape from the left and right, the Shura girl said cruelly: "Damn Peng Demon, someday you will be ripped off your hair!"

   Which small mountain spirit "puchi" smiled and shouted: "Brother, steel bones are your bird!"

   The female monster glared at the Xiaoshan Jing again but after a while, she didn't dare to move anymore.

   It is a pity that the remaining hundreds of miles did not take too long. When they saw the boundary of the Ten Thousand Flower Valley, the deer deer with great perseverance called the steel bone to stop and changed into the appearance of the antelope demon.

   The Shura woman stomped him severely before closing her eyes: "You swallow it!"

   This is not a fun time, the antelope demon will flash out a huge deer head behind his back, open his huge mouth, and swallow this beautiful woman in one bite.

   Flying closer, you can feel the violent shock of the demon energy in the distance, and the nine demon kings and more than a dozen demon formations on both sides are fighting in full swing.

   Now they are all squeezed in a distance of more than a hundred feet outside the Drunken Flower Valley. The five families of Huanghuaniang are included, and the four families of King Guangmang are outside. The steel frame, Xiaoshi, and Xiaoshan Jing looked like it was not easy to penetrate.

   The deer demon laughed, and shouted and flew slowly toward the Huanghua's family demon array, and when he got closer, he shouted: "Help the queen of flowers!"

   There is still a demon general in Huanghua’s family, why is another one flying here?

   Wang Guangmang and others still have some doubts, Huang Huaniang yelled: "Where did the rensheng go to draft? How can I come back?"

   Throwing away the Ruyi King who was fighting against her, flying over, and fighting each other with the demon generals supported by the demon formation here.

   Seeing King Ruyi chasing him from behind, the deer demon shouted: "King Ruyi, how many elixir do you have for your wife?"

  Wang Ruyi was furious, and roared: "It was originally you, take away my wife!"

   "Slowly come, come slowly!" Deer demon shouted: "First change your wife and go back, we won't be too late to fight again!"

   The two black-winged Peng monsters had already taken the opportunity to fly in, and the Huang Huaniang turned around and fought against the King of Ruyi.

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