Deer Demon Race

Chapter 219: Such as morning dew

"My old lady was the best to the monster race. Because I had a big feud with the old rhinoceros, and was afraid of being implicated in the child, she let go and no matter what happened to my family. After giving birth for hundreds of years, she practiced the technique of invisibility. Even the truth is covered, no longer showing up in front of the demon, only I and a few demon ancestors know it!"

"Thousands of years ago, my child was only three hundred years old. There was a rumor in the Holy Ape Mountain that my child had a bone statue of a sky demon. There is a complete Beihai Dragon Palace! I have to hear about it. I am afraid that the thief is thinking about the life of the child. I want to go to the Dragon Palace to destroy the secret method. The old lady came to stop me and said that there is no such way in the world. Answered her that I violated her words for the last time, for my child, I would have to go this way to be at ease!"

"I don't want to be in the Dragon Palace. The Dragon Kings are both demon saints. They have been passed down for thousands of years, and the magic weapon is hot enough. When I overthrow them, my family is also injured. I threaten the life of the Dragon King. To spit out the secret method, but the secret method that day, it was originally said to swallow the true dragon keel, supplemented by three heavenly high-grade elixir, and then apply the secret method, or there is the hope of the heavenly demon! It involves the true dragon keel, so the dragon king The family didn’t want to take it out, and I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years have passed since the heavenly elixir. I knew I was deceived and hurried back."

"I have not yet come back, but the old rhino has broken into the holy ape mountain. The five demon ancestors couldn't stop the five demon ancestors. The king apes of my clan were all killed by him. The ape mountain was broken and the mountain spirit The roots and the middle-grade Lingzhi were all crushed! Realizing that I came back, the old rhinoceros flew back to the holy rhinoceros valley!"

"My Hun family is the most capable of the demon ancestors I have ever seen. I think if she is willing to take action, adding five demon ancestors, she can at least prevent me from coming back. Stop it? If you blame me for not listening to her, you can forget your husband and wife's love? If you can't get angry for a while, you can overthrow her."

"I didn’t know until my family came back from injuries. When the old rhino broke in, the miscellaneous hair that Xuantian sent in that day also stole in and grabbed my child. She went to chase the miscellaneous hair and grab the child, so she couldn’t take care of it. Saruyama."

   "My Hun family, although they practice slowly, they have the appearance of the sky demon, but there is the same thing. They must not move to the true state, otherwise they will not be able to advance. Being pushed by me, she has no hope of the sky demon!"

"I regret and hate, I rushed to the Xuantian faction to find miscellaneous hairs, but he couldn't escape. He only asked the disciple to take my child out for me to watch, but he had planted his disciple's thought curse. He has the ability to reach the sky, and dare not move! The disciple of the miscellaneous hair said that the old rhinoceros's Mochizuki Rhinoceros was passed down to me by his family deliberately. The Dragon Palace has the secret method of the sky demon, which was also passed down by his family. When Japan wants to say Move the old beast, take advantage of my return from the dragon palace, the old rhino intrudes and takes my life together, but the old beast did not respond, and his miscellaneous master only robbed my child!"

"The miscellaneous disciples came out to say these many things, originally trying to drive me crazy, so that I will give birth to the heart demon robbery, the massacre creatures, and be killed by the heavenly robbery! I was going to go crazy, it was my lunatic family who was stealing with me. Later, upon seeing this, she smashed her own mahogany core into my spiritual sense, and kept me a trace of clarity, but the mahogany core was shattered. She didn't say the sky demon, even the demon saint was hopeless, and she could only stay in the demon ancestor realm."

"Look at my family who saved me, the disciple Zamao started to be cruel, and chanted the curse on the spot, and the pain caused my 300-year-old child to roll all over the floor. It was extremely pitiful. Where can my husband and wife bear to see? I had to retreat! Zamao! The disciple also vowed that I would leave the Sacred Ape Mountain in the future, take a step east, and curse my child to death!"

   "After that, my Hun's family left the mountain and I never saw me again. I Wuyan persuaded her to reply. Wuyan treated the whole clan's corpse, and Wuyan saw the mountain monsters. Fang was divided into five thousand clones and melted into this mountain field!"

Today, I am called Bailu Yaolai, and I will tell the past inexplicably. The previous voice was very small, but immediately, the holy ape roared ferociously: "My old ape is twisted in temperament and has too many feuds in this life. There is even a clan and annihilation! Wife, wife scattered! You have a son, you have a loss! You are ashamed, hard to say! Have grudges, hard to repay! Have the intention, powerless! You are as knowledgeable as my **** family, but tell me, what is the truth to let me relax a little The pain?"

   The words in front were only heard by the white deer demon in front of him, but the roar from behind echoed to every corner of Doufengling.

Earlier, I heard him talk about those past events, but the deer deer was still cursing in his heart. You, the sacred ape of the dog days, got into trouble everywhere, making the sacred ape mountain all enemies. Maybe one day, these tens of thousands of miles of life-giving monsters in the sacred ape mountain will suffer. Flew misfortune, all died unclearly! In such an unstable place, Lao Tzu used it as a safe haven! Think of you as a golden thigh! The gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, and when he kills the big sister Luo Xiaguan, Lao Tzu will have to go far and high!

   When he heard the roar and roar behind him, the deer deer couldn't help trembling in his heart and liver, and didn't dare not answer, and knelt down and cried: "Holy Ape, I'm just a little demon general, how can I answer you?"

   The holy ape roared again: "Don't you have a lot of truth? You mean it!"

   Look at the madness of the holy ape, is it not trying to find the answer from yourself, just need to vent his anger and depression? Deer deer tried hard to think about it, and reluctantly said: "Holy Ape, if you know your mistakes, no matter how difficult things are, as long as you want to do it, you will always be able to make up for it. .. There is a heart demon'!"

   The holy ape stopped his feet, walked back and forth a few steps, feeling completely clueless, and then yelled again: "Get out!"

   The deer deer, like a pardon, got up and flew away.

   It turns out that this is the companion of the monarch as the companion of the tiger, how can I dare to accompany you?

   After this incident, the saint ape calmed down and did not become seizures anymore.

   There are not many King Kong Iron Gibbons left behind, and many of them have come sparsely.

On the night of the full moon, the sacred ape didn’t climb to the top of Dafengling Mountain, but just sucked the moon and refined it by the water pool. The deer deer was on the top of the mountain, feeling the full-bodied moon spirit, and the long river flooded the water pool. , And besides Yuejing, there seems to be something difficult to identify and confuse in it.

The deer deer has tempered the moon spirit much faster than before since he was promoted to the demon general, but such a rich moon spirit is definitely only seen in his life. I don't know if I can see it in the future, and I don't know whether the holy ape borrowed Mochizuki's rhino horn. force.

The number of Little Demon in Doufengling Mountain was not good. Later, I couldn’t remember how many heads came. One day after the full moon, the deer demon was supposed to be a fusion of nearly five thousand King Kong Iron Gibbon, when the holy ape called the White Deer Demon again. Said to him: "The sage borrowed from you, and the clones have been collected, so let's go! In the future, there will be difficulties. I will come to Saruyama to see the sage and allow you to help you once. I can't ask for any other benefits. "

After    gave the order, the holy ape sneered and said: "At the beginning, the miscellaneous-haired disciple said that Ben Shengdong was not allowed to go out of the holy monkey mountain. Now that the holy person is not out of the mountain, the mountains are full of rats!"

   suddenly greeted the air and uttered: "Twenty-one, recruit the demons under your house and go to Longtou Mountain to kill the monks!"

   also called: "No injustice, teeth grinding, golden mane, 虺虺, and the end game of the new demon ancestor from outside, all come to Longtou Mountain to see the saint!"

   The deer demon heard these two commands clearly.

   Then, the figure of the holy ape flashed and disappeared!

   Dragon Head Mountain?

  After thinking about it for a moment, the deer demon remembered, isn't Longtou Mountain where the cultivator sect Lianzhen Pavilion with Yuan Ying is located?

   As soon as the holy ape appeared, he couldn't help but want to attack the five monks who invaded the mountain?

  Ouch! This is a good thing, following the holy ape, is Lao Tzu's enemy waiting for a fart? Really waiting for hundreds of years for that wicked lady to be promoted to Jin Dan?

   Borrowing the east wind of his holy ape, my old deer just happened to take revenge!

  Where is the deer demon willing to wait in the driving range, and yelled: "Steel! Steel! Hurry up and go to Longtou Mountain!"

   The blue-eyed replied to him: "Master, the steel bones are still healing, so ride a ride instead!"

  The deer demon just remembered, and shouted, "I'll take care of that, hurry up!"

   Qing Luofei jumped out and asked, "Master, what's the matter? Can you ask the slave family to follow?"

   The deer demon waved away, jumped on Xiao Shipeng's back, and flew straight to the southeast!

   At this moment, southeast of Holy Ape Mountain, Longtou Mountain.

In    Lianzhen Pavilion, a figure rushed away from the tiles, trying to fly to the east, and its speed was extremely fast.

   A huge palm emerges from the void and grabs this figure!

   The figure had a meal, it was originally a handsome man with a full sky, and he turned immediately!

He just turned, a big pole with a slightly curved middle part appeared out of nowhere, and knocked it down on the man's body. A magic weapon that looked like a golden ingot flew straight out, turned it back and opened it again. Along with seven or eight top-notch magical weapons, Dao robes and swordsmen, they all face the pole!

   It's a pity that in front of the pole without brilliance, only the golden ingot blocked for a while, and then it was taken away. All other magical artifacts were like paper, and they were broken or knocked off when they encountered the pole!

   The man showed great fear on his face, his figure changed positions seven or eight times, but he could not hide from the pole, and he was drawn straight to his head!

   The man’s head exploded instantly, and a little Yuan Ying, one foot high in his abdomen, drilled out, and swept forward again at a speed several times faster than his previous physical body!

A burly, tall, thick brow and big-eyed holy ape emerged from the void, stretched out his hand and grabbed forward, and a phantom palm appeared directly in front of Yuan Ying Feiqiao, Yuan Ying screamed in horror, but couldn't change direction at all, and rushed straight. Into the palm of the phantom shadow.

   After the virtual palm caught Yuan Ying, the next moment, the little Yuan Ying appeared in the hands of the holy ape and was handed to his mouth.

   Approaching the mouth of the holy ape, Yuan Ying screamed sternly: "I will die! But there are many demon slaves in the door, and I am willing to get rid of him and wait for freedom in exchange for the lives of my disciples!"

The emergence of such a major incident has already shocked the disciples of all levels in the Lianzhen Pavilion. Several golden cores wanted to escape, but were all shot to death by the pole that appeared out of nowhere. One blew himself up before dying, but did not cause anything to the pole that had no brilliance. harm. .

The saint ape has delivered the little Yuanying to his mouth. After hearing him yell, his face showed a look of nostalgia, glanced at him, and asked: "As the Yuanying, taking his life as a chill is because he didn’t die fast enough. NS?"

   Xiao Xiao Yuan Ying smiled bitterly and replied: "The little school has to watch the door for others, knowing he will die sooner or later, so he laughs at himself in this name!"

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