Deer Demon Race

Chapter 221: Ask again

Listening to the two requirements of the deer deer, it is not too difficult. The wrinkles of the holy ape unfolded, and he replied: "The first thing is right now; the second thing, the golden mane and the scorpion have not arrived yet? Some of his demon ancestors don’t know if they need a monk’s book, so go outside and wait!"

The demon ancestors are more literate, and I don’t know if there will be people who want to grab the book with their own, but as long as they can get a big head, it’s okay to divide them up. The deer deer replied with joy, and ran to chat with the demon kings again.

   The demon general who can talk to the holy monkey master, this time several demon kings are willing to take the initiative to make friends with him.

   The Demon King arrived one after another, and not long after, the cheap eldest brother of the White Deer Demon King Shura also arrived.

   The deer demon wanted to come over and talk, but it was a pity that King Shura glanced at him diagonally, his head turned aside, and the deer demon had to retreat.

After   , when King Kang, King Zhu Wei and others arrived one after another, Huang Huaniang finally arrived.

   The deer deer was still explaining to Huang Huaniang why she came before her, a yellow light whizzed and flew directly into the pavilion, and exclaimed with joy: "I haven't seen you for thousands of years, Holy Ape Lord Wanan!"

   Deer demon looked at, he was a mighty man with blond hair.

   The holy ape nodded and said, "Golden Mane, look at it getting stronger again!"

   This will confirm that it is the golden mane of the lion demon, the ancestor of Howling Wind.

There are five demon ancestors on the holy ape mountain, only the farthest Thunderbolt spirit monster, the ancestor of the sacred ape, has not yet arrived, and the holy ape has spoken, and the ancestors are far away from the road. Qi, Linggen, and Lingzhi, the twenty-one Lianzhen Pavilion were not given points, but his staff contributed a lot, and the remaining four cultivators belonged to him.

Obtained the quasi-trust, the 21st came out and dispatched: "The king of the house, the king of Shura, the king of Baiyu, and the king of Shan Qian go to the sea cloud view of Cumulus Mountain; the king of Ding Jia, the king of Dangkang, the king of Baishan, and the king of Zhu Wei go to the five old men. Xiaogong in the cave; King Yaoshan, King Motian, Huanghuaniang, King Qinyuan went to the Red Maple Mountain to see Luoxia; King Jinyu, King Rainbow Pheasant, King Niu, King Shangyang went to the Immortal Cave of Luobao Mountain. Other little monsters are only afraid of it. It’s still far away. You can work harder for Sanfang, Dingjia, Yaoshan, and Jinyu. He waits for the Demon King to accompany him. It’s fair and fair, and each is more restrained and upright, no matter the spiritual plant or magic weapon search. If you pay it first, you will always have a reward. If you wait for your hard work, don’t be greedy to hide and let those ancestors laugh at me! Let the spiritual roots stay in place, and the ancestors will pick them up in the future."

Each monk’s mountain gates dispatched four demon kings to contain each other, lest the good magical artifacts were concealed. The demon king’s mountain field under his direct jurisdiction was the nearest here, and the little demon rushed to the forefront. The most profit sharing should be.

Hearing that the demon ancestor divided Huang Hua Niang to Luoxia Temple, and Jin Yu to the Immortal Cave, these two are the best relationship between their own families, and maybe they are convenient to take photos. Twenty-one pairs of their own really don’t have to say, wait for him After ordering to turn around, the deer deer was busy and thanked.

When the ancestor turned and returned to the pavilion, the deer deer hurriedly called: "Hua Empress, King Jinyu, my two enemies, please keep them for me, especially the evil lady Luo Xiaguan, and the holy monkey master over there. Let’s talk about the clone, Mo Xu exchanges his life with a demon general!"

   King Jinyu and Huang Huaniang both smiled and nodded in agreement.

Thinking of the Qing Luo in the room, the deer deer said to Huang Huaniang again: "After the flowers, Luoxia View is full of female cultivators. I heard that she is the best at making vestments. There are a lot of good vestments for women, so I will leave two for me. Pieces!"

   Huang Huaniang scolded and said with a smile: "Didn't you hear what the ancestor said? You have to turn in first, and then wait for the reward! The four demon kings go together, and the queen will be the one with shallow eyelids?"

   Deer demon said with a sullen face: "There are only five Banshee Kings in the old ancestor realm. How much do you get? There should be surplus, so please help me take care.

   Huang Huaniang rolled her eyes and Yukong went.

   Deer demon waits to ask for books first.

The original "Seven Talisman Illustrated Fan" was released by his family for making Zhenzhen pavilion and good refining equipment. The deer demon made the equipment, and it has only been given the two characters of "broken" and "solid". Don’t let it go.

   After another half an hour, the farthest ancestor of the 虺虺 appeared in the thunder of thunder.

The ancestor of 虺虺 is a spirit monster. He was born in thunder and lightning. He was born to be very good at thunder. He was a man with a beard, and his skin was a little pale. Mobs.

  虺虺 ancestors met with the holy ape, and then pulled down the mobs on his shoulders: "Zixi, meet the holy ape!"

   The little monster obediently bowed his head and opened his mouth and exclaimed: "Zixi is a little monster. When he was born, he carried a thunder mark on his body, so he was good at recruiting thunder, so he had to take this name and kowtow to Grandpa Saint Ape!"

   Seeing this pink and cute little monster, the holy ape's eyes shrank slightly, and he felt a little stabbed.

  虺虺 noticed, and touched his head embarrassedly said: "It's my fault, I shouldn't bring the seal, let the holy monkey remember the little saint!"

   This ancestor of the 虺虺 has been with the demon clan for too long, and he also called himself "I".

   Sacred Ape shook his head: "It's irrelevant, looking at him, it's similar to my Na Yaoer, there will be nothing to do in the future, so take more to Ape Mountain to play!"

   took out the chilly gold ingots: "I just snatched it today. It's in response to the scene, Zixi boy, ask your father to help you refining, take it back and play!"

The holy ape has that powerful pole, a magic weapon that is not rare to use, but the demon ancestors are all greedy. Seeing that the holy ape gives such a generous gift, even Xiaoyu was taken aback and cried, "The child is still young. , Can't afford to be so honored as the Holy Ape Lord!"

   Sage Ape glanced at him and replied: "It was given to him and also to you. Accept this magic weapon, and the magic tools, spiritual roots, and spiritual plants in the Refining Pavilion will no longer have your share!"

  虺虺 turned around and smiled bitterly at the unintentional ancestors: "Sorry brothers, I brought the baby here, but I grabbed the first prize!"

   The grinder ancestor rolled his eyes and said: "No matter how light the eyelids are, there is no shame to grab the baby with the child!"

   After finishing talking, he grinds his teeth and waved to the pink boy: "Zixi, come to Auntie, and eat with you Lingguo!"

   Zixi opened his eyes to look at her for a while, and replied: "My mother said, I saw beautiful aunts and aunts outside, and I want to talk to her when I go back. What is the name of my aunt?"

   gritted his teeth and smiled, "Does your mother still control your father?"

   Zixi shook his head first, then nodded: "My mother will call all the demon girls in the mountain field away, so that he can't sleep any of them!"

  虺虺 Old Ancestor smiled and cursed: "I didn't cover it, I won't give you a face!"

   The deer deer was still anxious to avenge her, and she was impatiently waiting outside. He heard that the children in the pavilion were teasing the children, and he coughed repeatedly.

   The holy ape finally said: "There is still a big demon general outside who can't wait to take care of his affairs, you guys, who wants the books of the five monks?"

  The gold mane and the horns were unknown later, but that thing was not very useful to monsters except for the convenience of toileting, so they all shook their heads.

   The holy monkey said: "Then all reward the white deer!"

   The deer deer heard it outside and exclaimed happily: "Thank you, Holy Ape Lord, and many ancestors! The little demon moved the book first!"

   First ran to see the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion of Lianzhen Pavilion. The restrictions in it had been destroyed by violence, and the doors of the rooms were open, but there was no demon.

It’s just that the three-story Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, including travel notes, notes, geography and other miscellaneous books, there are a lot of books. Two of their own pockets are five feet long and wide. Throw away all the sundries, and the books are packed tightly. Books in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion also take up half of the space.

   There are four more companies waiting to move, and the pocket space is not enough!

   I don’t know when I missed such an opportunity. The deer demon flew out again and asked Xiaoshi to come in, guarding the Buddhist scripture pavilion first.

After going out for a while, I finally found a familiar one among the demon generals who were watching the monks. It was the Pingdingshan demon general Ye Xiao. The deer demon went over and asked him for help. He searched out all the books in the monks’ treasure bags. Need to ask for some empty treasure bags.

   Ye Xiao smiled and said: "Why don't you wait, the little monsters searched it several times, and all the treasure bags were taken out and sent to the hall to divide the things!"

   The deer deer was overjoyed, and asked Ye Xiao to help spread the word. The little demon who searched the house from time to time, if you found any books, please send them to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

   When he went to the hall from home, he saw a few demon generals sorting things out, and he hurried forward to ask for books, saying it was the holy ape master's permission.

   Those demon generals were still a little puzzled, the voice of Twenty One rang out of thin air, asking him to wait for the deer demon to take the books.

   The deer demon smiled and snatched another ten or so empty treasure bags of unrestricted monks, filled all the books checked out here, and ran away.

   Turned back to the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and threw all the treasure bags to Xiaoshi, asking him to empty the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

I thought about it again. The holy ape and others were kneeling outside the I listened to the chats of the demon kings before, and it was the only gold pill that survived in the Lianzhen Pavilion, but the treasure bag of the gold pill I don't know who is holding it, and there should be classics. If there are rare characters in the refining tool, it would be a pity to miss one.

I ran back, past the demon kings, and when I ran to the pavilion, I heard the holy ape saying: "No matter how many little demons we rush to tomorrow, they will all go out to this holy mountain. You six lead them, and take these three thousand miles. The monks and mortals are killed!"

   The deer deer was taken aback, stopped immediately, and looked suspiciously.

   The six demon ancestors in the pavilion all bowed and said, "Observe the order!"

   The holy ape said coldly: "Thousands of years ago, these three thousand miles were originally the land of the holy. Now he has waited for nothing, so as to surround the holy family of the holy?"

   It turns out that killing all these five monks is not enough, and the monsters have to kill another three thousand miles!

   The only mercy of the holy ape, it would only be a charity to the monster race!

   The humans and monsters are in mutual enmity, and there have been many battles. Monsters killed and killed the monks. Now the deer only feels normal, and there will not be any ripples in his heart. But how many mortals will there be on the three thousand li road?

   The three thousand miles boundary is equivalent to a provincial area. Although the population is far less dense than in the memory of previous lives, are there millions of people?

   In one thought, the holy ape will kill millions of people?

   is not tens or hundreds, but more than millions! !

   He was in a daze outside the pavilion, and the holy monkey frowned and turned his head around and asked, "What else?"

The deer deer took out some of the books in the pouch and threw it down, and stepped forward and knelt down and said, "Holy Ape, I don't want to give up my revenge and ask for a letter. Is it okay to let the three thousand li people live? "

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