Deer Demon Race

Chapter 227: Mysterious monk

   Holding a mountain load, the white deer demon rides the black-winged peng demon, and flies in a circle around the human realm again.

   Flying from the air to Duanlu Village, he didn't know the path at all. Fortunately, he first found the paddy sea where the Dashuibowazi had been changed.

   flew to the border between the Gobi and Daohai, and finally found the village of Duanlu.

   The fat monk greeted him from a distance, his face glistening with a smile: "Go farther, don't disturb the people!"

The deer deer called Xiaoshi to land on the Gobi behind the village, jumped off the Pengniao back, and asked the fat monk: "Master, do you know? I want to save the people within three thousand miles east of Sacred Ape Mountain, which is worth a thousand people. In the past few years, I have also said a lot of truth to the monsters, is it worth ten years of teaching the Dharma?"

   Miaode smiled and responded: "It's worth it, it's worth it!"

The demon Bai Lu said again: "My old deer has told Mrs. Sacred Ape to return to the mountain, and the Sacred Ape will agree and will no longer make the Little Demon go out of the mountain to eat people. Demon?"

   The fat monk smiled and said: "Yes, you can!"

   The monk is easy to talk, and the deer demon smiled and said: "Where is the master to call the wolf demon out, I will not enter the village to disturb the people!"

   Miao De smiled and said, "Don't worry, listen to the monk's words too!"

   The deer demon stood up and said: "Master, please say, my old deer listen!"

The fat monk stretched out his hand and put on a light yellow diamond cover to cover both of them, before he smiled: "This is for the little wolf demon, think about it, I'm not very relieved, I have to talk to you personally. Say a few words!"

   glanced at the pole in the arms of the white deer demon, the fat monk said: "The first thing, the miscellaneous hair is at home, and the soul is in the Jiuyou Refining Killer."

Just this sentence surprised the deer demon. He opened his mouth to ask more clearly. The monk shook his head to stop him, and then said: "The second thing is that your spiritual consciousness does not need the three lights to appear at the same time. Just keep one of them, and wait for good luck. , First look at the divine consciousness; compassion is not only for foreigners, and you have a great opportunity to spare the tiger demon's life."

   "The third thing, if you encounter... in the future, kill if you can kill, run if you can't kill, and stay away!"

Lu Yao put away his doubts and listened to Miao De first, but after the fat monk said "Ruo Yu", his mouth seemed to move, but he didn't hear any sound. He finally asked, "Who is the master talking about?" "

   The monk paused, and asked in surprise: "You haven't heard?"

The white deer demon nodded, the monk sighed and said with some frustration: "Then advise a few words, don't just think about fleeing! The last 200,000 miles of sea area around Xumi Mountain Island, the last demon saint has been killed, can All the moved sea spirit roots are removed and filled on land. After two or three thousand years, the land on the continent will become sandy and alkaline, and the spirit roots will eventually be exhausted. Forty-nine gods will come out. You There is nowhere to hide!"

   Forty-nine? Transformation?

  The deer deer was dumbfounded, and asked in surprise, "Who is the master...what is his identity?"

Because of the name that he had not uttered before, Miao De was in a bad mood, and shook his head again: "The monk has some predictive ability, but it is difficult for a doctor to heal himself. If it is related to himself, he will never be allowed! Tell these three things, in order to end with you Under the good destiny, if the holy ape couple wants to kill the monk in the future, you must stop it!"

   "Two sacred monkeys..."

   The deer's deer talk was not finished, and the next to him suddenly asked: "Why do you want to kill you?"

   Monk Miao De and Bai Lu demon were surprised.

   A peach blossom flew up from the deer demon's white robe, and the diamond covered the void, and walked out of a woman in a red palace costume.

   Seeing her, Bai Lu Yao lost his voice and exclaimed: "Why are the ancestors here?"

   Madam looked to the west and gave him a glance: "The crappy doctor that is hard to find, if someone is killed, the old lady is not wronged? Don't bear a mountain load is really a panacea!"

   turned to the fat monk again: "What is the monk's Shigen feet?"

Since Mrs. Wang appeared in the west, Miao De is like having dozens of ants on her upper body. She is uncomfortable. She does not ask why she can hide her spiritual knowledge in the vajra hood. He just replied: "A monk is a monk, and she has the ability. It doesn't help, it's just from Mount Xumi, I know something! You two wait, the monk tells the little wolf demon to go!"

   After finishing talking, he actually removed the diamond cover, folded and flew back to Duanlu Village.

  Looking at his anxious look, the deer demon asked: "The monk has been here for hundreds of years, doesn't the ancestor recognize him?"

   Mrs. Xiwang shook her head: "He has never seen him before, and he has never had a grudge. How can he seem to be a little afraid of his aging mother?"

   This monk is extremely mysterious, but Mrs. Xiwang wants to know his roots and feet, and the Deer Demon can't even think of it.

After a while, the big black-gray wolf sneaked out of Duanlu Village, rushed to the Gobi, and quickly ran to the front, turning into a half-man and half-beast, with a sad expression on his face, kneeling at the deer demon and knocking his head. There was a "boom boom": "Woohoo! Master! Wooo! Langlang kowtows to the master! Langlang is just a small demon who doesn't matter. He is greedy and commits crimes. After so many years, the master still remembers me! Woo!"

   Seeing him crying with tears on his face, the deer demon also sighed, and called Mrs. Xiwang to kowtow: "This is the ancestor of our Lingtao Peak, quickly kowtow!"

   Hearing that this woman is the identity of the demon ancestor, Lang Lang was frightened, stopped crying, and hurriedly bowed his head to Madam Xiwang.

   Madam looked west and looked at the wolf demon for a while, then turned her head to the white deer demon and said, "It's just a little demon, what's the value of saving it? I can't see your unrequited love!"

   The deer demon just smiled, and called the wolf demon to get up, and asked, "Where is Master Miao De?"

The wolf demon casually wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, and replied with a gasp, "The fat monk went back to the monastery and said that the wind had committed the wind, oh! The wind cannot be blown, and it is not suitable to go out of the monastery in recent days! After the people live, when will the Xuantian Sect ask to move away, woo! They will move back to the east with the monastery!"

   The deer demon asked: "How many monks and monks are there in that temple?"

   Langlang shook his head and said: "Together, there are only seven or eight monks in total, except for the fat monk who is dark-hearted.

   The monk didn't want to come out again, the deer demon saw that Mrs. Xiwang had nothing to say, so he asked Xiaoshi to come over: "Let's go back to Lingtao Peak and ask again on the road."

  When things happen, the black-winged roc will appear. Seeing that even the alien mount is a monster, Lang Lang jumped up, showing a smile, and asked: "What are you doing back to Lingtao Peak? The master has been promoted to a monster?"

Without answering the matter of Lingtao Peak, the Bailu Demon only nodded his head to indicate that he was the demon body, and the wolf demon smiled and said: "Returning to Lingtao Peak is also possible. You can be decent in front of the ancestors. Ever? It's not like the monk's shabby, after all there will be meat to eat!"

   The wolf demon rejoiced happily, and talked with the deer demon. Mrs. West looked silently, and turned into a peach blossom, which was hidden on the deer demon's robe.

   Peng Demon spreads its wings and took off, and only said after lift off: "Little Wolf Demon, I am a demon. Look at the face of the master, and I will take care of you. I will know things later and walk by myself!"

   The wolf demon replied: "Chome said yes, I have already remembered it!"

   turned around and asked the deer demon again: "Master, five steps brothers, are they all demon?"

The deer deer was guessing at the roots of Monk Miaode. Hearing his question, he was taken aback, and then replied sadly: "Five steps are dead, and the old plague has been transferred to my master's house, Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan. It's the demon in the mountain field, and the little mountain spirit is still the same."

   The wolf demon cursed: "The old plague of dog days, I knew he was not a duty!"

After only a few conversations, the flying Black Winged Peng understood. This was also the confidant of the White Deer, and hurriedly saved: "Wolf demon, I think you will be promoted to the demon sooner or later. Just call me, my name is Xiaoshi, and I have friendships with Brother Goubao, Brother Yuanxiang, and Brother Biyan. I was joking with you before!"

   The wolf demon smiled and touched Peng's back, which was very helpful.

   After returning to Lingtao Peak, a bunch of wild demon, wolves, tigers, leopards, bears, pigs, cows, sheep, and pheasants apes, all of which are not missing, stood in clusters to the east and a group to the west.

   When the sun sets, the deer deer comes down from the top of the mountain with Xiaoshi, Langlang, and a large animal skin.

   About a sweep, there were nearly two hundred wild little monsters gathered, and almost all the people around Lingtao Peak had arrived.

   There are a few flying little demon evasive in the distance. The four demon kings sent to investigate the letter.

   Only because the demon ancestor vocally summoned it, so many wild little demon gathered together to maintain order and did not fight each other to kill and eat meat.

It was almost time, and the deer demon flew into the air and said to the following: "My deer demon is known as Baibao. He used to fight in Jingping Mountain, and later escaped to the Sacred Ape Mountain to live. Now he is just a demon general, the master of the demon king Huang Huaniang. Xu I set up his own door again. The mountain field is called Doufengling Mountain, and there are still more than 1,500 miles to enter the Holy Ape Mountain! Today, I borrowed from my ancestors to make a promise, when you wait to enter the Holy Ape Mountain, first inquire about the lost forest. If you feel that the mountain field is too small, those who don’t want to worship the mountain can leave by themselves, and there will be no trouble!"

"Holy Ape Lord is It was persuaded by the ancestors to look to the west that he would take his temper and not kill the human beings three thousand miles east of the holy ape mountain, but they were all frightened stupidly. You wait for the wild demon, While heading west at this time, don't harm people along the way, just as no monks dare to provoke!"

   I thought I had a thick leg next to it. Listening to the deer demon's words meant that I was going to cross the human realm and walk to the Sacred Ape Mountain by myself?

  The wild little monsters are a little dumbfounded.

   The white deer demon shook his hand, unfolding the animal skin in his hand in midair, and the wild little demon looked at it. Two lines of ghost characters were written on it.

   Just, which one of our wild little demon is literate?

   The little demons below looked confused, and the deer said: "By the order of the ancestors looking west, the little demon will go west to worship the holy monkey!"

After the show, the deer deer said: "I have something to do with the ancestors. I can’t wait for you to wait. I ask the ancestors to allow these words. When you hold them high as a flag, the wolf demon will lead the way and go all the way to the west. , In three or four days to go to the Sacred Ape Mountain, see which monk dared to move! Just don’t eat people on the road and get killed because of your own troubles. The ancestors can’t ask!"

   These are all the tiger skins of Mrs. Wang Xiu as the big flag, and the deer demon asked again: "Anyone who dares to raise this flag?".

Among the wild little monsters, there are mostly cunning, cruel and suspicious generations. When they heard that the demon generals and demon ancestors are not accompanying, they all hesitated. Just leave to ask for life!"

   Lost the shelter of the demon ancestors, where can the four demon kings stand in the mountains? I'm afraid that I will be swallowed by the human race in a few years, or become a place where the two races of humans and monsters are fighting, adventure westward is the only way to survive! Frightened by him, a jackal suddenly jumped out: "My three are here to raise the flag! Don't be afraid of falling eggs to follow behind me!"

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