Deer Demon Race

Chapter 232: Misfortune comes

   After all hard work, I asked the holy ape to take back the killing mind, and find a way to survive for the human beings three thousand miles to the east. As expected, the heaven and the earth induced the avenue of good fortune, and gave it back to him.

   There are countless lives, and good luck and luck.

   The good fortune did not come all at once, but turned into strands of blue light, floating into the body one after another.

   This blessing into the body does not enhance the physique, nor can it refine the demon energy. In addition to enhancing the supernatural powers of the word "Rui", it only has the power of good fortune to make the spiritual consciousness agile?

   Knowing the transfiguration spirit in the sea, the deer demon's training time is still short, almost as it is.

   Try to control it. After entering the body, the light of good luck can command it. Monk Miaode has always had good intentions, and he should not lie to my old deer!

   Madam Xiwang agreed. The deer deer hesitated for a moment, and then introduced the successive waves of fortune into the sea of ​​dantian knowledge.

  Slowly accumulate less and become more, good luck poured into the divine consciousness, scattered into the sun, moon, and stars.

   The monk said that the divine consciousness does not need to be present at the same time, just keep the same. It should be said that these blessings have very little power and can only choose the same to evolve.

  Concrete divine consciousness, it’s not the bigger the better, so just leave one thing, specialization!

   Is there any choice to leave? Of course it is the moon full of expectation and spirituality!

   In the sea of ​​consciousness, whether it is the sun or the full moon, at first they were just two spheres embodied by the consciousness. The deer demon himself defines them as the sun and the moon, but the difference is actually not that big.

   The deer-shaped soul jumped out from the full moon, looking up at the sea and sky, controlling the sun and the stars, and melding them into the full moon.

   There are not many stars composed of divine consciousness, he controls it, and it blends into the full moon soon, and the moon becomes larger.

   Then, it was the sun without spirituality.

   is intermingled with the continuous influx of fortune, the reserved inanimate sun and the slightly spiritual full moon touch in the sky of the sea of ​​consciousness, and begin to merge.

   "Om, Riluo, Tuodu, Shao!"

   Suddenly, the heart sprouted, and this sound popped out, and it quickly became brilliant, like Huang Zhongda Lu, shaking to every corner of the divine consciousness.

   The soul is completely filled with this chanting, just like the chanting of Monk Miaode in his ear more than 40 years ago!

   With this sing, the knowledge of the sea, the sun and the moon, which should have been quietly blending together, suddenly radiated golden light from the collision!

   was originally a silently deduced world of knowledge of the sea, but this time, it really seemed as if two huge spheres collided, which caused golden light to shine. It seemed that there was a "booming" collision sound, but for some reason, I couldn't hear it!

  The golden light is getting more and more prosperous, and it brings enthusiasm to the soul again!

   The deer demon was shocked, the golden light finally spread throughout the sea of ​​consciousness, and the consciousness became golden, full of light!

   is like closing your eyes, what you feel is not darkness, but it is all golden dazzling light with warmth!

   This is my own consciousness, why is it out of control?

  When the golden light faded away, and it was no longer so dazzling, the deer deer realized that the full moon in his own spiritual consciousness had disappeared, and the sun disk that had been reserved was swallowed up!

   swallowed the full moon, and with the power of good fortune brought by fortune, the originally inanimate god-conscious sun is now radiating repeatedly, just like the real sun in reality, it actually brings warmth to the gods and souls!

   With the help of the power of good fortune, the sun, moon and stars merged, and the manifested consciousness and spirituality suddenly emerged!

   Even though the sun is still controlled by the deer demon, it has its own spirit and can revolve on its own. Just as at this time, the deer demon is not thinking about it, but it is actively absorbing the silk blessings that flow into the sea of ​​consciousness afterwards.

   Deer-shaped soul forehead, a monk's head popped up, and then he raised his body and feet!

   He holds a wooden fish in both hands, with thick eyebrows and a plump face, and his face is somewhat similar to that of that wonderful virtue!

   "Hahaha! Miao De's servant didn't dare to bully Lao Na, even though it has been suppressed for more than forty years, this Zen singing still resounds!"

   He raised his head to look at the sea and sky, frowning: "With the power of good luck and good fortune, why do you keep the sun? Why not keep the moon? You are a demon!"

  Looking at the fat monk who grew out of the deer soul inexplicably and appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge, the deer demon was unspeakably flustered, and I did not know why it was so.

  The wonderful virtue of the dog day, deceive my old deer!

   "The master is...who is it? Why is it in my soul?"

   "Keeping the big day is enough, what Miao Virtue reads to you is the big day Tathagata mantra. I don't follow the demon clan, but it meets my Buddhist school!"

   Then he said something to himself before the monk turned his head to the deer soul.

   Turning his head, the deer deer only felt that his head was covered with the big sun in the sea of ​​consciousness, bathed in golden light, like a Buddha.

   The monk finally returned to the words of the deer demon: "Lao Ning is the monk of Lingshan Temple, who is a monk in Lingshan Temple, who has turned into a god!"

  Hua Shen?

   The deer monster was completely panicked, the monk tapped a wooden fish and said: "You monster..."


   This wooden fish made a soft sound, falling in the Baibao Divine Sense, but it was like it was sounded by oneself, and then, the body and soul were suffering from painful pain!

The dead ghost father and mother was asked for a conversation. The White Deer General was in a daze from the beginning. The Tiger Demon couple did not dare to disturb him, but waited silently. They didn't want to wait until this time. She curled up and shivered again.

   I don’t know what happened, the tiger demon couple was taken aback and asked: "General Deer! What's the matter with General Deer?"

   The deer deer can't hear or answer. The tiger demon and his wife look at each other, thinking about their children, but they don't know whether they should be happy or worried.

   The White Deer Demon had a strange appearance, and the Leopard Demon King whose tongue was nailed over there turned around.

In the sea of ​​deer demon knowledge, the fat monk sat down cross-legged and continued: "You demon, although you are only a demon general, your body and soul are strong, and your supernatural powers are also impressive. Returning the waste of the immortal seed to the spiritual root, and entering the eyes of the demon sage and demon ancestor, is of great use. Now it is possible to enter my Buddhism and be a vajra protector!"

   The fat monk continued to ring the wooden fish while talking, the second and the third!

In the eyes of the tiger demon couple and the leopard demon king, the white deer will only curl up and twitch.

   Bailu Demon is in her own home, but she feels her body and soul have been hurt again and again, and her heart is deeply distressed, and she is shaking her soul!

   The spirit of the deer in his body was curled up, moaning and wailing.

   The monk tapped nine straight, and a "卍" was formed under the wooden fish, glowing with golden light, flew to the head of the deer soul and shook it, and then flew to the sky of the sea of ​​knowledge.

   This Buddha heart seal also emits golden light, which is completely different from the sun's rays in the sea of ​​consciousness. The golden light hits the deer soul to relieve the pain of the whole body.

   The monk didn't seem to stop, Muyu continued to knock, the soul of the deer flew up to the sea and sky, staying next to the golden "卍", the pain only stopped slightly.

The monk smiled slightly, knocked on the wooden fish, and then said: "Peach demon said that you should be a prophet, and Miao De Na Si doesn't know what to see from you. Ming has planted Buddha's thoughts, so I will postpone it for many years. I miss Lao Na’s name for you, but I don’t know how bad he is? But he is not stupid. Lao Na’s thoughts of Buddha can show itself, so you are not afraid that you have the ability to fly! To tell you the truth, this method It's called'Duhua Mantra', which is completely different from the thought mantra. It is also passed down by the Bodhisattva for 30 days. It is designed for the untamed and untamed external teachings of Duhua Jie. It is not less than what the old ape and the peach demon learned! Son, you must enter my Buddhism! The magic of Buddhism, the thoughts of the Buddha and the soul are one, the demon sage is unbreakable, and those who are truly destined with the Buddha, let alone you a demon general, the demon sage can not get off! You are less stubborn and less stubborn. Take some bitterness! You have also heard that Tao Yao talked about that thirty thousand years ago, the mountain guardian beast in Lingshan Temple died in the robbery. Lao Na Fang had penetrated this curse and went to Beiju Luzhou to cross the first mother first. When the lion went back to the temple, the lioness left a strand of Buddha's thoughts in the old place. After waiting for the demon saint who was destined to the Buddha, a bear demon finally came. After flying away, the Xuantian faction took over the place, but the bear demon was only temporarily difficult to tame. In the end, didn't he worship my Buddha religiously?"

   Following his words, Muyu kept beating "Boom! Boom!" every time he struck nine notes, a golden "卍" was newly formed, and he flew into the sky to know the sea.

  Knowing the deer soul in the sea, hiding among these few Buddha's heart seals, you can't feel all kinds of pain!

   The deer deer only recovered slightly, got up and sat up.

   The Tiger Demon couple looked at him, exhaled for a long time, not daring to ask the reason.

In the sea of ​​knowledge, the monk who claimed to be Du Ji knocked on the wooden fish, and continued: "You have received Buddha recitation for more than forty years. Lao Na knows all the things you have experienced. In the future, you can also help you to claim the king and the ancestor. Listen, and cross you into Buddhism! After you have been transformed into Buddhism, you will read a few Buddhist scriptures to him when you meet destined foreign roads later on!"

   In the sea of ​​knowledge, the soul of the deer finally asked: "After he listened to the Buddhist scriptures, will you pass on the Buddha's thoughts to him again?"

The monk smiled and said, "The Buddhist monk is vast, and only fate is there. He listens to the Buddhist scriptures, and if he turns his head, he forgets, which is the Buddha's heart? I don't want to accept it in my door! I need to remember it in my mind and think about it occasionally. A new Buddha's thoughts will grow out, cross him into my door!"

  What should I do with such a difficult spell?

The monk glanced at him again and stopped talking. He knocked on the wooden fish and started chanting. Every time the wooden fish hits nine a new golden Buddha heart prints fly out and spread into the sea of ​​knowledge. .

Knowing that the closer to these Buddha's heart seals, the more the heart and soul will be rendered by the golden aura above. I'm afraid that over time, I will slowly convert to Buddhism piously, but if you are a little further away, the sound of the wooden fish will have a deep pain in your heart. Any trauma in the past was so hot that the soul couldn't bear it at all!

   Hanging up that round of tomorrow in the sea of ​​knowledge, exuding a warm light, still doing its own way, continue to swallow the air of good fortune, and the heart of the Buddha gathers together without interfering with each other.

   Deer soul scolded: "No wonder Qing Luo scolds the monk is hateful, it's really not a good thing!"

   He started cursing, and the already formed Buddha's heart mark swayed, some disappeared, some flew away, and the deer soul quickly disappeared.

   The sound of the wooden fish percussing in the back came to my ears again, making the deer soul painful and desperately chasing the Buddha's heart mark.

   The wooden fish kept sounding, and the monk stopped chanting and smiled: "You recite the Buddha's verses to the female devil. In the future, the two will learn the magic of Buddhism together. She will know her mistakes and stop scolding the monk!"

  The soul of the deer chased after a Buddha's heart mark, turned his head and asked angrily: "You are an old man, and I am looking for pleasure in the old deer cave. Did you also peek at it?"

   The monk sighed: "How fun can a fight between two fairies be? Lao Na doesn't participate in the joy of joy. You still have trouble with your eyes and ears!".

The deer deer was a little more relieved, just listening to the sound of the wooden fish percussively, thinking that as he said, the demon saint can't escape, and there is no exception in his own ability. Later, he will be detained to the temple and do the work. The mountain beast is just a burst of upset.

   In the overseas sky, a black-winged Peng pierced the sky and flew quickly. On that Peng's back, there was a tiger demon with a swollen skin and a swollen face.

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