Deer Demon Race

Chapter 234: Ghost

   Among the five factions, the Red Maple Mountain Luoxia View, with the least dead monks.

   Of the three Golden Core cultivators, the head Qingyuan also asked to arrange his disciples to live and die before he died. After all the demon slaves scattered around returned to the mountain and the arrangement was completed, they were crushed by the holy ape.

There are two demon generals in Luoxiaguan as demon slaves. You can ask for two to build the foundation. Before the head of Jindan died, he originally wanted to change the way for Zixia. The avatar of the holy ape was not allowed, so she only asked her to choose another one. .

   Is it because he killed too much before and refused to let her go, Zixia?

The Luoxia Temples are all female cultivators. After the monster kings brought the monsters, many monster generals and monsters called "Female Bodhisattva", they had to drag the female disciples with good looks out, and they blew themselves up and died on the spot. , The demon kings stopped interfering before they stopped.

   When the demon slaves returned, the golden core was arranged, and the female disciples who did not get the chance to change their lives were dragged away. Among them, some were unwilling to be humiliated and blew themselves to death, and some who wanted to live alive were personally favored by the demon king and the demon general.

   But in any case, plus the demon slaves who had to live for their lives, Luo Xiaguan was indeed the one with the lightest casualties among the five factions by virtue of the advantages of the all-round female cultivator.

The experience of other female disciples did not fall on Zixia's head. She was only looked at by the Banshee King for a long time. She exclaimed a few words of "tsk tsk", and then took it out separately, calling herself to take the vestments, all the magical artifacts, and the treasure bag. Coming down, knelt beside him wearing only a small coat.

After    Zixia got rid of the Miscellaneous Luan Bird Big Flower Thought Curse, the Luan demon, who hadn't been in a human form for nearly a hundred years, finally turned back into a human form. Regardless of the demon's drinking, she ran up and kicked her viciously in the belly.

   Then, the monsters glared at her at most for their previous notoriety, but turned a blind eye to her. Zixia didn't get a chance to change her life, and no monsters rushed to violently attack her.

   The avatar of the sacred ape and the four demon kings are present, and there is no restriction to restrict her.

   After a while, she heard from the monster's whispering. It was originally from home and was reserved for the White Deer.

   That girl, are you coming to commit violence and accept yourself as your own pet?

  Think about the process of the two contacts, and Zixia is furious with the foul language!

  I, Zixia, the master sister of dignified Luoxiaguan, the top foundation-building monk, is it possible that you will be insulted by you like those who are not useful?

   Even if the building base explodes and hardly hurts the enemy, my old lady has to wait and explode with blood on your face!

   The first day passed, and in the bustling Luoxia view, apart from her master sister, there was no more female disciple.

   The White Deer Demon didn't come.

   then continued to wait.

   The next day, the sacred ape clone evacuated, but the four demon kings were still there, and no one paid any attention to her.

   There is no miscellaneous bird or deer demon. It is impossible to get out of the eyes of the demon king.

  Wait until the sun was west again, the boy rushed to ride on the bird.

   sensed the arrival of the Bailu Demon, the four demon kings all flew over to watch the show, and all the monsters and monsters below also gathered here!

   All such wicked animals have to see the fate of her Zixia?

   Zixia no longer knelt down, she got up and stared round, in mid-air, Bai Lu Yao was the only one in her eyes!

   Zixia has a ferocious face, and the same is true of the Bailu Demon!

Jumping off the back of the bird, the demon Bai Lu laughed twice, and in front of the monsters and monsters onlookers, he said to the angry her: "I came to Hongfeng Mountain to tell you that I have left your teacher. That magic weapon, you are conceited! You are vicious!"

In Zixia's anger, the White Deer Demon took out a long black horn and said, "Have you seen it? The one horn left by the old demon king after his life is bought, but it is going to be killed and stripped. You don’t need it!"

Retracting the long horns, stretched out his hand, and the white robe on the White Deer Demon slowly flew out as he wanted, and fell to the side stone slab: "My old deer refines the robe for fifty years, you wait for the monks' character methods , The word'solid' has been refined for nineteen stacks. If you want to kill you today, you don't need it!"

   The deer deer doesn’t even care about shame, takes off his white robe, there is nothing underneath!

   is just the monsters in this view, all the little monsters are like this, and some of the monsters are like this.

   He was originally a monster!

   The deer deer took off his robe, and the surrounding crowd were cheering and booing. The Banshee King was "chuckling"!

   Then, the demon Bai Lu yelled, "Come on! Grandpa will look at you with his hands and feet empty, so if you lose the magic weapon, is it so vicious?"

   I didn't fight him last time, but this white deer demon is too rampant!

   Zixia screamed: "Come on, come and try!"

   Bai Lu Yao stopped talking nonsense, immediately roared, his legs bent slightly, "leapfrog"!

   Zixia screamed sternly, and thunder burst on her ten fingers, and a large-scale thunder technique was arranged for a whole day. The "Gengjin Tribulation Thunder Array" appeared in an instant!

   The scope of this thunder formation is so wide that many monsters who are close by are forced to retreat quickly!

   The deer demon has flew to the sky, and the thunder in the sky has fallen!

  The thunderbolt fell in the sky, and it was too dense to avoid it. Every time it was hit, the deer demon would stiffen up a bit, and Dao Gengjin got into the body to cut the meat, but as long as he got rid of the stiffness, he could immediately move forward!

   The real pain is only in the bottom of my heart, and I will release it all today! Physically, these are really nothing!

Without the gray robe to resist, the thunder formation was also splitting Zixia at the same time, but she knew that it would be the best ending to die together today. She completely disregarded the physical disintegration of the thunder and the gold and cut the bones. Strive to put ten fingers on the thunder mansions, put one hand in your chest, and run your belly with the other!

   Come on, come for a change!

   After the last time of stiffening, the thunder fell completely, and the distance was already very close. The charred deer demon raised his fists, smashed ten thunder lights, and then sank his shoulders and leaned forward!


   Ten thunder mans smashed away, and the deer demon fists on the bones!

   After a while, the deer demon's shoulder hit the shoulder of Zixia's charred fleshy body, her shoulder blades shattered, and she tried to open her arms again, trying to hug the deer demon.

   With both hands in the air, the deer demon has left suddenly, and then, is the second leaning back!

   Broken vertebrae!

   Third lean, front chest!

  Fourth by continuing!

   Fifth, sixth, seventh!

   The physique of the monk was far inferior to that of the monster. Without the protective body of the Taoist robe, he hits again and again, and his power is heavier and heavier.

   hit her body to shattered bones and broken internal organs!

   With the help of "linking" supernatural powers, it was not until the last impact was over that the deer demon pinched her dark neck with both hands and said, "I'm sorry!"

There was one last breath, Zixia was about to explode. Hearing what he said, she was a little confused, and then her neck was torn off, and her head was still open. He listened to the deer demon saying: "I'm sorry, no In terms of family theory, only good and evil are divided. You are the first person my old deer has killed!"

The headless corpse of the monk fell softly during the foundation period. After a while, a soul appeared on his head and screamed: "It's just a dead end, White Deer Demon, Lord, I can turn to be a ghost, can you? What about me?"

   There is no end to the path of heaven. Even if the soul is turned into a ghost here, even if it is broken up here, one day later, she will gather again somewhere. Before the ghost is truly transformed, she has no fear at all!

   As soon as her Zixia soul emerges, she is already transforming ghosts, and she can survive in this world in another form!

  White deer demon, what can you do to me?

  The White Deer demon glanced at her soul, "Hey" smiled and said: "Sorry, your soul is not gone, and my old deer will not be able to spare you when you turn into a ghost!"

   In his sea of ​​consciousness, the "Yang Yu" supernatural power was activated immediately, and a cloud of black mist gushed out, covering Zixia's soul.

   Grand Sister Luo Xiaguan screamed in the dark mist, her soul rushing from left to right, and she couldn't escape.

The ghost can deceive people to feed the tiger, because it can completely transform between the virtual and the reality, and the entity can have the appearance of life; to let the ghost follow all orders, the host's commands must all invade and control her spiritual consciousness, Zixia's The soul is stubborn and unwilling to give in, the black mist can only slowly swallow, but the time required to transform the ghost is not short.

   The deer demon didn't wait for her, recalled the white robe to put on, and then used the demon energy to expel the golden light that was still cutting the flesh in the body.

Yao Shan Wang and the others expelled the little monsters, all gathered around to congratulate, the deer deer took a long time to deal with all of them, and his mountain lord Huang Huaniang stayed behind. The Banshee King smiled and said: "Under your white robe, it turns out that there is a lot of meat. Can't blame the Asura girl for not being afraid of monk curse!"

   Deer Demon smiled bitterly: "After the flower, Qing Luo is not afraid, now my old deer is afraid of the monk's curse!"

   Huang Huaniang asked: "Oh! Why do you play tricks again?"

   Everyone can't believe it now. The deer deer is helpless with her. Unfortunately, "Mu Ri Tong You" is only available once a day. She can't speak to her spiritual sense, so she turns to the subject and asks: "Which female vestment do I want?"

Huang Huaniang said: "This Luoxiaguan exclusive vestment is only sold, and there are not many good ones left. There are only two upper-class female vestments that can refine the four magic methods. There are only two pieces left in Curry, three golden cores and There are still four pieces of second-hand goods picked off by this master sister!"

   Deer said: "Can you keep one or two with me?"

Huang Huaniang hummed: "There are only six in total, and there are five Banshee Kings in the ancestral realm. I don’t know if I want to give favors to the ancestors! The ancestors ordered that the demon kings who have worked hard are only allowed. Take one magic weapon by yourself, and hand over the rest to Pingdingshan, and ask the demon kings to exchange elixir for them, not for nothing!"

Buying the wild horns of King Fu, the deer deer is now empty in his bag, owes a debt, and offends the twenty-one ancestor. It is hopeless to ask the ancestor to ask for it. Mo Yu I! The five Banshee Kings are mostly self-hardening skins and clothing. The teething ancestors even have a good fur. Where can I get this? The ancestors want to sell, I am really poor, the queen of flowers Anyway, I bought one or two for me, there will be a return!"

Huang Huaniang covered her mouth and smiled: "This is strange. UU read and I still yelled all about it. Why don't you see the arrogance when you buy the top grade of a thousand and two yellow yellow? Come, what's the return?"

   Bai Lu Yao chuckled twice, whispering to her: "In return for 16 more spiritual roots!"

   Between the sixteen spiritual roots and a few vestments, if it can be measured by value, I am afraid that the gap is not several tens of times. Huang Huaniang was sluggish, and she asked for a long time: "Good brother, is it a bride price?"

The deer deer smiled bitterly: "After the flower, don’t talk about it. I used to be afraid of things and didn’t dare to tell the truth, so I concealed it from the flower queen! Now thinking about it, I have to take care of a lot after the flower. Helping the flower to become the demon ancestor! After a while to help my old deer, plus a few female vestments, it is worth sixteen spiritual roots, but it must be planted a few years later. Ling has been abused by Ruyi Wang!"

   Huang Hua Niang looked at him for a while, and she cursed: "The white deer demon of the dog day, my old lady thought you were going to marry! There have been so many years, but I didn't think there are so many people who have never been in bed!"

   She glanced again and twisted her waist.

In the black mist, Zhenghua ghost’s ghost is still clenching his teeth, resisting the black mist’s erosion and controlling the soul, the white deer demon coldly snorted, and said to the black mist group: “To tell you the truth, now my old deer has supernatural powers to deal with ghosts. not too much!"

   is a new "bath day through the quiet", which is also a big killer for ghosts.

   There was no response in the fog, and he only resisted with all his strength, angering the deer demon, and a text phantom flew out of his left shoulder and added to the black fog. .


   First, a panic scream sounded, and then it didn't take long for Zixia to withstand the erosion of the black mist.

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