Deer Demon Race

Chapter 245: 1 kind of fine and poor

   Sacred Ape is impatient, asking him to pretend not to know, but also to deal with it in a perfunctory manner. It is against his will. The deer demon talks for a long time, and finally asks him to ask the ancestor of Xiwang before reluctantly agree.

   When children are not involved, I believe Mrs. Xiwang has this kind of patience.

   I've seen Goubao, Yu Wei's place of the Banshee King, and the Demon General, the deer demon exhales.

   It was getting late, and in response to the little demon who saluted him, the deer demon walked slowly back to the cave.

   There was a little demon waiting outside the study door.

   was seriously injured several times in a row.

   Seeing the deer demon from far away, he trot over and knelt and cried: "Master..."

   He cried so sad, but the deer demon hardened his heart today, and sighed: "Xiuye, the master heard that, you have to choose these many games, then you have to finish it with tears!"

   Xiuye's body shook: "There are also many hot days..."

   The White Deer Demon nodded: "All the monsters are like this. Biyan estimates that there will be eleven games. In the future, he asks the master to let it go, maybe he will save you?"

   Self-inflicted, can't live, Xiuye's grief came from the heart, and went away crying.

  Walking into the study, two more demon are flattering the Shura girl, but the tail is not there.

   Deer demon cried: "Half Xuan, didn't you tell me not to enter my study? What's the matter?"

   Black and White turned his head and replied: "Master, you told the little demon not to enter the study. I am a demon, so I did not dare to come in!"

  Is your order not careful? Seeing that the book has not been touched, the deer deer breathed a sigh of relief: "What's the matter with you?"

Looking at the slightest moment of speechlessness, Yao Yao said: "Yes, I'm here to ask for a reward, so I just leave! I inquired, Jiu Gao and Shouling generals were pulling wild demon everywhere. It is said that from the year afterwards, the top 100 little monsters have only two stubborn bodies, so they feel that they are inadequate and cannot go to the Wanhua Valley to seek life in the top 100!"

   Huang Huaniang, is this trying to take away the weaker wild demon?

   Yuanxiang and Langlang brought back more than one hundred and seventy wild little demons, but the Banshee King really took away some weak ones, but it didn't hurt, but the number could not be too much.

When he glanced at the sparrow demon over there, the deer deer had thoughts, and said to the half profound way: "From tomorrow, you will find a little demon who has nothing to do, and you will pass it to the wild little demon. How can I learn the ability to defeat that alien black winged peng!"

   You pull the wild demon in the tail of the crane and go into life. My old deer will tell the inspirational story of the gray sparrow. Each shows his magical powers. In the end, if you can't keep it, I will send you Wanhuagu.

   The demon nodded when he heard it, and asked honestly: "I report and spread the word, should I be rewarded by the lord?"

   glanced at him, and the deer demon nodded: "Reward! No one inflow!"

   Black-and-white cockroach turned into a bitter face: "Master was so majestic!"

   Deer demon sighed: "Master, I used to be rich, but now I am poor. If you don't want to be too small, I tell you to stop!"

   Yao Yao stared at him for a while, Lord Lu didn’t change his words, he sighed: “It’s good to ask for trouble. It’s good to give it to the dirty family. How can someone else do it?”

   After finishing speaking, he got up slowly and said halfway: "Brother go first, so that you don't feel uncomfortable!"

   said goodbye to the Shura girl again: "Little grandma, I've gone away!"

  Since he accidentally memorized the black pot of the monk curse, Black-and-white Qiang liked to flatter Qingluo. After he left, the deer demon asked, "What's the matter with you?"

   Hearing the black and white footsteps go far, he was a little more comfortable, and whispered: "I'm begging for the master, I will give the jade pearl to me as a lunatic family!"

   "Which is the jade pearl?"

   Seeing that the master deer didn’t know her, the Shura girl said: "The new wild demon, the spider demon, said that the master spared her life many years ago!"

  The deer deer thinks about it, she has some impressions, and said to the sparrow demon: "She is not bought by the master, and it is not easy to be the master. Isn't she happy?"

   shook his head halfway: "She laughed at me for a long time yesterday, so she didn't dare to ask..."

   The deer demon smiled and asked, "Why isn't your ambition to fight steel bones?"

It's a bit awkward to look at the slightest bit, like the first brother in love, the deer deer thinks about it, and said: "You talk to Ban Xuan, blow your steel bones, let the spider demon hear more, and then call Qing in a few days. Luo will help you ask!"

   The Shura woman laughed: "Sure, half a minute, grandma will help you say it!"

   Yao Yao poked his head out of the door: "I just want to draft, why didn't you talk to your brother?"

   The Deer Demon and the Asura Girl both knew that he had come back quietly and hid outside the door to eavesdrop, but they didn't even know it, and they blushed.

   Banxuan is still laughing "hehe", the sparrow demon is already embarrassed into anger: "Dare to laugh at me, believable to teach you to be a demon every day!"

  貊妖 "Ouch" said, holding his heart: "I'm so timid, now I'm scared, I won't be able to blow the cow tomorrow, and the gray sparrow won't be able to raise the grass!"

   Deer demon yelled: "Go and coax him a little bit. If the coax is not good, teach him to be a demon later!"

   chased the demon out at the slightest bit, and only after walking far did he hear him faintly calling "brother".

  The deer demon glanced at the Shura girl: "Female Bodhisattva, take a rest!"

   Qingluo blushed slightly, ran into the hole, lifted the bamboo pole with the gray robe, and stood by the door.

   The White Deer Demon knows, recruits the ghost, and waits for her to attach to the gray robe, and then he embraces the Shura girl in and shares the joy.

   Good night is short, especially for busy creatures.

   There is still an hour before dawn, the deer demon broke free from the Asura female's lotus arm, lightly got up and wore a white robe.

   Washing his face in front of the wooden basin, he took the wooden frame and packed it with fine dry sand, and began to practice writing characters on the sand.

   has not had time to practice other characters, Lu Yao only took out the "yin" of the thirty-three practical characters, and practiced it over and over again.

again and again.

  Practicing characters is extremely boring, and it tests patience.

After all the    characters have been classified, the deer deer will postpone the others and practice this "yin" character first, which is really short-sighted. There are also many monsters who love sound attack. After the wonderful sound bamboo is planted, there will be the most inferior yellow bamboo next year. He wants to make some flutes and flute instruments to sell with this character.

   Monster magical weapons are rare. Even if the yellow bamboo has only one magical effect, it should be sought after. In the past years on Pingdingshan, the deer monster saw several monsters and monsters vying for a magic flute.

   No algorithm, only two musical instruments, flute and flute. The demon half-xuan nai is good at it. He claims that everything related to bamboo is omnipotent.

Having said this at the time, Black and White took a piece of bamboo, spent half a day making a flute, and showing it to Master Lu for a reward, but it seemed like it was played by him, and the tone was completely fine. , He played quite sweetly.

Except for "low hissing" and "roaring", the deer demon doesn't even know how to use spells, and there is no sound attack method. However, it should not be difficult for the deer to create a shape. The flute and hole flute instruments made with a "yin" character based on the wonderful sound bamboo are best-selling among the monks.

After    "yin" characters are overlaid nine times, the effect of "miaoyin" can be produced, which expands or compresses the range of sonic attack; Miaoyinzhu is naturally suitable for this purpose, which greatly increases the "miaoyin".

   The deer demon has a foundation in learning to describe the characters, stick to the practice, and it is estimated that in two or three days, you will be able to get a first glimpse of its magical meaning.

   He was focusing on tracing, and there was a voice in the sea of ​​knowledge: "Hey, are you really learning how to make a monk?"

I was shocked by this sound. Although my hands were not shaking, my spiritual thoughts were a little looser, and the characters in the description were messed up. The deer demon sighed and asked in the sea of ​​knowledge: "The holy monkey has returned, the ancestor...what did the madam say? "

   The holy ape snorted coldly, then turned to the subject and asked: "This talisman can only be used by a monk. You great demon general spends time learning to describe, can you really get the way?"

   The deer demon sighed, smoothed the fine sand, moved his hand again, and sketched a few strokes at will. On the fine sand, there was a "broken" character that was not similar in shape but possessed by God's will.

   The sacred ape can be seen out of the ordinary. In the sound of "Huh", the deer said: "The white robe on my old deer, hasn't the sacred ape master carefully looked at it?"

   The holy monkey snorted: "The tattered robe, there are still some characters, so ugly, why do you look at it?"

   depressed the deer for a while before repliing in the sea of ​​knowledge: "There are nineteen layers of'solid' characters on the robe, all of which are drawn by my old deer!"

   This white robe used to be thought to be the result of the slow tempering of the deer demon. Hearing what he said, the holy ape had a sense of spirit and said: "Bai deer, you are really different from other demon!"

   The deer demon didn’t answer, and the holy ape was silent for a while, and asked, “Why don’t this saint catch the servant come and ask?”

The word "du" tells the attitude of Mrs. Wang Xiwang, the deer demon replied: "If his divine consciousness is really a bodhi tree, most of it belongs to the monk's family, what does it have to do with the Xuantian School? The two are doing their own things. Or is it a joint plan? We agreed to find a helper to save the little sage. Did you tell the Xuantian faction? If you have been told, you need to think about it. Can you use him to spread false letters to the Xuantian faction in the future?"

After being repeatedly asked by the deer demon, the holy ape remained silent for a while before sighing lightly: "That servant has been free from the original, and he has been in this saint for more than five thousand years. It is also the ancestor of the Jin Yao ancestor in the mountain field~www. Ben Sheng Xiang thinks he is a confidant, if you don’t see through it, you don’t know how long you will be concealed and how much harm! You have merit, and the old lady asks Ben Sheng to do rewards!"

Seeing the deer soul's eyes gleaming, the holy ape hummed: "I persuade you to give up, this saint will never give this Mochizuki rhino horn! Help this saint to rescue the child, and when the servant is killed, his one will reward you! "

   Deer said: "Holy Ape, Mochizuki Rhinoceros horns are not given, then give a three or two thousand yellow high-grade elixir, or a spiritual plant above the middle grade of Xuanzhong?"

The holy ape gritted his teeth for a while and said: "The ape mountain is broken, and this saint is integrated, how can there be so many benefits for you? You might as well ask the old lady to help the ling apricot to comb, speed up the absorption of spirituality, and advance to the rank as soon as possible! "

   Deer demon sighed: "Yes, Holy Ape Lord can't ask for a reward, my old deer asks Madam to go another day!"

   Sacred Ape swept over coldly and asked: "You guy, but forgot the Leopard Demon King who was nailed for a hundred days?"

   In front of the stingy holy ape, she really can't make waves, the deer demon hurriedly said: "The little demon is not a miracle, it's not a good idea to chew your tongue, holy ape master forgive me!"

Seeing him begging for mercy, the holy ape hummed: "This sage is poor, and there is no other benefit to you, but the auntie who is sleeping inside, her ex-husband Ruyi Wang was killed by this sage? Except for the physical body, the other benefits are all In your hands?"

   Want to use the old Wishful King as a reward? This is also ok? ?

The Deer Demon Soul widened his eyes, and the Holy Ape said again: "The Ruyi King Demon Pill has been swallowed by you, but you have refined it, so I don’t know how old it is; just now I took a closer look at the three eagle feathers on your white robe. How far is it. If you want to stay in Doufengling for a few days, this saint’s reward will help you do the same. Is it worth it?"

   The deer deer nodded hurriedly: "It's worth it, Holy Ape Lord is magnificent!"

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