Deer Demon Race

Chapter 247: The ghost wants to make progress

   A little later, Twenty-One brought more than a dozen monsters to the vicinity of Doufengling Mountain, including the Demon King, Demon General, and Demon Ding. They were the first to find out or hear the Buddhist scriptures.

   The holy ape didn't let him take it up the mountain, but asked to find an inconspicuous mountain nearby, and he led the deer demon down.

   Hearing what the holy ape said, the deer deer deliberately called the ghost back to the sea.

   The demon king brought by the twenty-first, known to the deer demon, is one of the demon kings directly under the jurisdiction of the demon ancestor, and the king of mountain Yao, like the king of Jinyu, guards the border.

   Twenty-one secret words said that the person who preached the Buddha's sutra was a demon general, and the rest were just heard, and they brought them all, without telling what it was.

   The true form of the holy ape appeared, and put his hand on the shoulder of the deer demon, and the deer demon first irradiated the demon general who passed the Buddhist scriptures with supernatural powers.

   The ghost was born in the sea of ​​deer demon knowledge, and is already a part of the deer demon knowledge sea, but he can enter this demon general knowledge sea together as he wishes.

   Under the cold daylight, a fat monk was separated from the demon soul, and there was a lot of Buddha's heart in the sea of ​​knowledge of the demon general, which was densely packed several times more than in the sea of ​​knowledge of the pig demon.

   When illuminated by the sun, the monk composed of Buddha's thoughts looked at the cold sky in the sky, just casually glanced at the deer demon and Zixia, and looked at the holy ape and twenty-one who came in afterwards.

   The monk who was scolded by the demon saint broke into the sea of ​​knowledge, the demon general knelt down anxiously, crying for mercy, and said that he persisted for many years, but he couldn't help but hurt.

   Ignoring the spirit of the demon general, the monk Duji sighed: "Old ape, you are really extraordinary, and the old Buddha Nian'er can actually detect it!"

   Twenty-one. This is the first time that the holy ape has seen the Buddha's thoughts invading the sea of ​​knowledge of the demon.

   The saint ape first said to the deer demon: "Don't be busy, wait for this saint to ask him a few words!"

   Stopping the white deer demon, the holy monkey asked: "Monk, do you want this saint to get the curse in the end?"

   The fat monk smiled: "It's cheap to cross you into Buddhism, then cast down demons and eliminate demons, and open up overseas. It's all cheap, so I should try more!"

   If it weren’t for this Buddhist monk to break up, he would probably regenerate again, and the holy monkey would take out his shoulder and let him know about it!

   Holding back his breath, the holy ape asked again: "The old lions and old bears in the east have all been transformed by you?"

   Du Ji chuckled: "Don't say it, it's wrong to say it!"

   The holy ape snorted angrily, turned his head to twenty one: "The soul is here, and the white deer will be purified. This bald donkey also takes the opportunity to spread the Buddha's thoughts and wait for you!"

   "Buddha says, don't say it, it's wrong to say it" was originally a Buddhist verse.

   After confession, the holy ape asked Duji again: "Where is the old elephant away from the original?"

   The fat monk laughed, and stopped answering.

  The holy ape shouted angrily: "White deer!"

   The cold sun suddenly rose up, and began to purify the demon general to know everything in the sea. The divine thoughts of the holy ape, the twenty-one, the demon soul, the ghost, and the self were also not let go.

  Du Ji Buddhism finally turned his attention to the deer demon, and asked, but just as he was before, only sneered, no one answered him.

   Ruyi King Demon Pill has digested most of it, as well as the power injected by the holy ape, the purifying power of the cold daylight skyrocketed, and the seal of Duji, Muyu, and Buddha's heart all melted quickly.

The melted part is transformed into pure spirit power. If it stays, although the amount is not large, it can nourish some of the spirit of the host demon general, but Zixia was brought in, and she was unwilling to let it go at this time. After the dissolution, the invisible and colorless soul power formed in the sea of ​​knowledge gathered and was sucked by her.

It was much faster than the deer demon’s own purification of the old plague, and it didn’t take long. The demon’s knowledge of the sea has been purified, and the ghost has also absorbed all the transformed soul power, burp lightly, and withdraw from this untransformed knowledge. Ocean.

   The demon general was still on his knees begging for mercy, and King Yao Shan was called over, and the cold daylight rose again.

  垚Mountain King listened to the demon general to recite the Buddhist scriptures several times. The birth of the Buddha's thoughts did not last long, and the purification was faster. He didn't care that the ghosts sucked away the soul power, and wept bitterly to thank the holy ape and the twenties.

   After hitting the curse of crossing oneself, the sound of the wooden fish is really painful to the soul, and it is the Buddha's thoughts generated by the gods. Originally, they were just desperate.

Among the remaining monsters, there is only one monk born in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and none of the others, but every time you see one, you have to use the "Bath Day Tongyou" to be assisted by the holy ape. This magical power does not seem to need to be cooled anymore. It can be used again, and the soul can't feel tired at all.

   After all the purification is done, the holy monkey warned the monsters and monsters brought by the twenty-first that this matter is not allowed to be spread, and asked the monster where he heard the Buddhist scriptures.

   was passed to him by a sand demon who fled to Sacred Ape Mountain. This demon general didn't even know his name, but he encountered it by chance a hundred years ago, and now he does not know where he went.

The Buddha thoughts in this sea of ​​understanding have been born for a long time, but the time for spreading the Buddhist scriptures to the outside is not long. At any rate, the holy ape did not kill him for a hundred years, but later discussed life under the king of Yaoshan. .

   The holy monkey asked Twenty One to take it away, and then continue to trace the others, not to miss one.

   After confirming that the monk Buddhism had indeed invaded the Holy Ape Mountain, he opened his mouth again and called Wuyuan, Huiyu, and Mofang to see you in Fengling Mountain, preparing to investigate the entire Holy Ape Mountain, and even the demon ancestors first.

   sensed that the end game was also rushing over, the holy ape and the deer demon were waiting on the top of this hill.

The ancestors of the earth evil brought more monsters in the end, and there were indeed many Buddhas who gave birth to them. Most of them were sand monsters. The sacred apes were there, and until the end, all the monks who existed in the sea of ​​knowledge did not answer him. Asked, "Bath Day Tongyou" is not a problem at all, and I can send it again.

   This Ironhide against the Shanghua **** cultivator can still win one enemy three and return. Monk Duji would rather spend thousands of years to ferry him. It is indeed not in vain.

   After that, the three demon ancestors arrived one after another, one by one, they were seen to know the sea, and the holy ape confessed to go back to investigate and rule.

The   虺虺Zun Thunderbolt Spirit Monster is also a weird type. It is different from the Xiaofengling Mountain Spirit. He is knowledgeable about the sea. There are thousands of cumulus clouds in the knowledgeable sea. Thunder and lightning are clustered in it, forming a thunder world.

   Molar the teeth, the ancestor of the female demon's concretized sea of ​​consciousness, but it is a huge chestnut tree with chestnuts with thorny shells on the tree.

  In the sea of ​​injustice, there is a black behemoth with a sleeping head. At first glance, he thought it was a unicorn, but it had no scales on its body and had long black hairs. It had a white jade-like long unicorn on its head. After the deer demon waited for it to enter, the giant beast was awakened, opened his eyes, and there was blue light in his eyes.

   With the opportunity of purifying the monk curse, the deer demon has read the demon ancestor Zhihai of the holy monkey mountain except for Mrs. Wang Xiwang, all.

   After returning to the mountain, the holy ape still stayed secretly on the Cycling Ridge. Huang Huaniang had never noticed it, but she was a little strange, thinking that the deer demon was going in and out a little sneaky.

   Every Buddha thought that invaded the sea of ​​consciousness gave birth to the monk Duji and the Buddha's heart seal. In fact, there is not much soul power, but there are many monsters in the curse, and they add up, which is also considerable.

   The deer demon purifies each "crossing curse", and Zixia's ghost has nourished a lot, but she is inexplicably worried.

The spirit power grows rapidly, and the ghost body is gradually consolidating, but unfortunately the speed of refining the original gray robe is still very slow. This is because the quality of the spirit power has not improved, just like the monster energy that has not been tempered by the moon essence. , Made her annoyed, and finally couldn't help it one night, sneaking out of the gray robe, going to read the book.

  I was immersed in the new law, and was fascinated for a while. The deer demon didn't even notice it when he got up, and was directly smashed.

   Zixia was surprised, and threw down the book and fled into the gray robe.

   The deer demon picked up the book, but it was the "Guishui Yin Lei Fa". Look at the footnote, it was also published by Luo Xiaguan.

   Not wanting to alarm Qing Luo, the deer demon took the ghost back to the sea of ​​knowledge, and then asked her if she could practice this method.

After death, he became a ghost. The small thunder method and the "Geng Jin Jie Lei" practiced before his death have all been abolished, but not all thunder methods are insulated from this. It is even more suitable. If you can make great achievements, you can also practice the higher "Birth and Death Purple Thunder", but unfortunately there are no five schools such as the "Birth and Death Purple Thunder Method" Luoxia View.

   When asked by the deer demon, the female ghost was awkward for a while and nodded in confession.

   Ghosts don’t have a great way to practice, but they use spirit power to cultivate spells. As the spell progresses, the spirit power will naturally be refined. However, she is only interested in thunder method when re-cultivating the spell. She has the basis of previous understanding, and the thunder method is also twice the result with half the effort.

   Shegui wanted to improve her strength, that was a good thing. The deer deer stuffed the book into her gray robe, and told her to search for it. Whenever there was a spell involving the "Guishui Yin Lei", she looked at it.

In addition, the deer demon ordered that suitable recipes were also found. When nothing happened in the evening, she would read it to Dashun couples. No matter how good the pork slices are fried, they will be greasy to eat every day. The interested master deer wants to change his taste.

Days pass, the guest Huanghuaniang and Doufengling all use their own methods to win over the wild little demon, and Doufengling occupies a favorable geographical position, and the demon is harmonious. The humble gray sparrow struggled hard for decades and finally defeated the heterogeneous black-winged tiger. After opening, many wild little monsters who were worried that it would be difficult to enter the top 100 in the next year also made up their minds.

  The story of the gray sparrow, the spider demon Yuzhu has heard a lot, and she laughed at the slightest, and took the initiative to wink.


  Master Lu was taken away by the sacred ape, and the steel frame stayed in the mountain for a whole day, wandering around, making some demon friends before returning to the mountain.

When    came, there was a deer master, and he didn't dare to be lazy. The return journey was not so urgent. It was all unseen sceneries. Sometimes I saw some little monsters playing, and I went down to join in the fun.

   After traveling thousands of miles, he flew back leisurely. When he saw the towering Joyriding Ridge, a cloud of yellow mist suddenly flew in mid-air and covered his head.

   Hei Wing Peng swayed in the air for a while, spinning and falling.

   After the "bang" landed with a loud noise, Hei Wing Peng spread out on the ground, and soon curled up with pain again.

   In his sea of ​​knowledge, a monk who knocked Muyu asked: "The demon of Doufengling? Or just passing by?"

   After a while, the monk nodded and said, "Very good, very good! Do you know what the White Deer Demon is capable of?"

   After a while, the monk said: "I've seen you know the sea? Shouldn't you watch it again? Very wonderful, wonderful!"

After a while, the monk said: "The old Nian Buddhism you have heard of can only cross the outer world, and has no power to kill. Today is the clone of divine consciousness. Let me tell you. If you dare to vent Go out, believable Lao Na is trying to do not want to be a clone of Divine Sense, first squeeze your Divine Soul!".

   "It's very wonderful, it's also a person who has a relationship with the Buddha. After you pass through you to get started, you will have good results in return!"

   After a while, the Black Wing Peng fluttered his wings and took off, and soon returned to Joyride Ridge.

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