Deer Demon Race

Chapter 249: Day dragon

   The deer demon said, and the holy monkey turned his head and asked: "Falling demon, how can you steal the dragon soul lamp?"

   Madam Xiwang has flown over and said: "This magic weapon is so hot, the dragon soul is really the remnant soul of the dragon king family dragon ancestor? Does it matter to the dragon palace?"

   The holy monkey nodded, and Mrs. Xiwang exhaled a little bit of joy on his face.

  , they all stared at the green dragon pinched by the empty palm of the holy ape again.

   Qing Jiao's eyes wandered, and he answered the previous question: "I...While he was not ready, I... just went in and got it!"

   Sacred Ape coldly snorted: "These treasures, neither of the Dragon Kings have been tempered for their own use, let you steal it?"

   Qing Jiao nodded fiercely: "The lamp oil is the dragon soul of his family's ancestors. The Dragon King and his wife said that they did not dare to be the master of the magic weapon. I stole it for hundreds of years and tempered it lightly!"

  虺虺 father and son were flying over, and Mrs. Xiwang asked puzzledly: "If you haven't been tempered, you should hide it tightly. How can you steal it?"

Qing Jiao whispered: "I coaxed Saburo, who was guarding the ancestral temple, that the shark girl he admired was about to die. Stole into the ancestral temple, took the lamp and escaped!"

   At this time, the sacred ape had closed his mouth, and Mrs. Xiwang asked: "Is the ancestral temple the important place? Saburo is the son of the Dragon King? What status are you, can you rest assured to be on duty for him?"

   Qing Jiao didn’t want to answer, Madam Xiwang said: “Finally, I don’t want to say, let you suffer, and then return to the Dragon Palace, I don’t want to know the inside story!”

Qing Jiao struggled a few times and found it was only in vain before crying: "Holy Ape Lord, this ancestor, you took the Dragon Soul Lantern. Anyway, I will spare my life for hundreds of years. Really I have never been disrespectful, and the filial piety of the ancestors of Pili and Zixi has continued, begging to save me! The holy monkey and the Beihai Dragon Palace had an enmity again thousands of years ago. What should I do?"

   Zixi was a little bit hesitant to speak, but was blindfolded by Xiao Yu.

   The holy ape didn't speak, Madam Xiwang sneered and didn't speak.

   The deer demon can only be silent.

  The green dragon looked around, dare not to imagine the consequences of being handed over to the Dragon Palace, so he had to tell the truth: "I am the sixth son-in-law of the Dragon King, so I can approach the ancestral temple and be on duty for Saburo temporarily!"

   Mrs. Xiwang asked strangely: "The son-in-law of the Dragon King, with his family, how can you steal the baby and escape?"

   Qing Jiao gritted his teeth and finally said angrily: "I...I don't want to just be a Japanese dragon bag!"

   "Rilong Bao? What is this?"

If you don’t want to be handed over to the Dragon Palace, the demon saint and the two demon ancestors have nothing but pity, and Qing Jiao cried: "The saint ape masters the mountain demon, who loves to say'spicy in the sun', we love to say that there is no hotness in the sea. The meaning of'Rilong' is exactly the opposite of'Ri Spicy', which means useless and counseling!"

With the exception of the female bodhisattva who is not taboo, the female is not good to answer this. Mrs. Xiwang frowned. The two identities of the holy ape and the 虺虺 were self-contained. : "The Japanese are Dragon Miles, why is it useless?"

Qing Jiao said with hatred: "The North Sea Dragon King family has been inherited for thousands of years. We must protect his family's blood and inheritance. There are not many dragon girls who have been married for many years. They are just recruiting sons-in-law. My son-in-law, how can the family be the master? Only for reproduction, the sea field and subordinates are all absent. They only rely on the dragon king and his wife to give them some self-giving life during the New Year. Arrogant, most of the son-in-laws are not as good as the small servants. For many years, they have only lived carefully and dare not speak loudly! There are also people who are often beaten up by the dragon girl. They are called the "rilong bag" by the sea monster. The joke is dying, it is rumored that “a good monster is a general, and he is the most embarrassed to go to Rilong!” Even at the Dragon King’s house, he never shy away from saying “Sun Dragon”. The Dragon King often sighs that only the incompetent sea monster is willing to join his family Rilong. Miles!"

   After hearing these words, the holy ape, horns, and deer demon all laughed, and the little monster Zixi grinned "hehe".

"My ancestor is also Rilong. I knew this pain and didn’t want to be my turn. Unfortunately, I was chosen by the clan to go to Rilong and married the Liuniang of the Dragon King’s family. That woman was the most brutal. Bao, when you go out, you will be called'Rilong Bao', how can you survive? I just want to escape more loosely!"

   was originally a sea monster who could not stand the domestic violence and escaped. If he didn't tell the truth, the following things would naturally become clear.

   Sacred Ape cursed: "Guo is useless, can't you beat her?"

   Mrs. Wang glanced at the holy ape, "haha" laughed.

   The sacred ape was shocked and shut his mouth again, and decided not to speak anymore.

Qing Jiao nodded with tears, and pleaded: "I have fled for hundreds of years, and Liulong Nv has recruited her son-in-law again. Stealing the dragon soul lamp is a serious crime. Holy Ape Lord, spare your life! Patriarch of the ancestors!"

   Madam looking westward said: "According to what you said, the Dragon King’s family chases and flees, and the focus is on the Dragon Soul Lamp. It doesn't matter your life, take you there, and see if you may intercede in time!"

   "I won't go to Beihai! I won't go to Dragon Palace!"

   After listening to Mrs. Xiwang's arrangement, Qing Jiao struggled again, but no matter what he did, it was impossible to break free from the imprisonment of the demon saint.

Deer deer is a wild goose plucking hair, look at him pitifully, and ask instead: "The dragon escaped from the dragon palace, the baby is not just a dragon soul lamp, what good things are there? If it makes us like it, I won't take you there. Make!"

   Qing Jiao can sense that the white-robed demon who led the "Dragon Soul Returning Home" song is just a demon general, so how can you believe him?

   I got a reminder from the deer demon, but the holy monkey wanted to look at his pouch, and hummed: "Let go of the consciousness!"

   Qing Jiao had no choice but to let the Holy Ape Divine Sense sweep through his pocket.

   "There are good things, Bai Luer picks up animal skins!"

   After seeing it, the holy monkey stretched out his hand to pinch the chin of the blue water bird, and after a while, the blue water bird coughed up four objects.

  The deer deer has taken the cowhide and caught it all in front of the green dragon.

   His hands sank, and the cowhide was almost broken. He hurriedly changed it and held it underneath.

   For the rest of the eyes, the holy ape didn't let the green dragon spit out.

   Mrs. Wang glanced at it and said, "Huh", picked up a piece of red coral, and asked: "What kind of spiritual root is this? It can be put in the bag?"

Except for the Dragon Soul Lantern, these young waterfowls only tempered their body's scales with a complete set of armor. The treasures in the hidden pockets will not be able to keep them when they see the light. He said sadly: "This is the unique coral root in the sea. When he is dead, he can put aura for nearly a thousand years, so he can put it in the bag, and the sea is rare and tight!"

Others plant spiritual roots to nourish the spiritual medicine, and this servant is even hidden in the bag. Even if the amount of aura released is small, it can spontaneously spill into the body and turn into a demon. all good?

Mrs. Xiwang can only absorb the aura of heaven and earth. After a few decades, the body will grow spiritual peaches and lose countless auras. This red coral is already dead, but there are hundreds of years of spiritual roots left. It can be hidden in the bag, isn't it? Should I speed up my practice?

   Holding the red coral, Xiwang is no longer willing to let go.

   There is also a night pearl, which is round and radiant. The holy ape picked it up and threw it to the little monster on the shoulder of the 虺: "It is very calm and clear. It has the effect of breaking the illusion. Reward you!"

   Zixi took another treasure, her small eyes rolled, and before he could say anything, she exclaimed with joy, "Thank you, Grandpa Sage!"

   Then take the Ye Mingzhu, there are only two things left in the cowhide, one is a big bag of fine gold, which is the material for refining the pair of gold hammers in the hands of Refining Water B, it is it that almost broke the cowhide; the other is a big velvet antler.

The deer deer pondered, this fine gold is heavy, and the others are not good enough to make, but it should be possible to take it back and make two bricks. In the future, I will ask the twenty-one ancestors to borrow the sapphire lion seal. After observing the characters' magical intentions, in the future, the big gold bricks will be thrown out to hit people with the "quick stone" magical powers, and they will have real long-distance skills!

   The white deer demon only stared at the fine gold, and the holy monkey asked strangely: "Hey, don't you want dragon horns?"

   "Dragon Horn?"

   The deer deer was taken aback, and his eyes turned to the wrinkled and soft velvet antler. It looked like the velvet antler that he had cut countless times before it had hardened into horns!

   Sweeping the divine sense on it, only to realize the extraordinary power contained in it, it seems to bring some thunder and lightning power?

   Sacred Ape explained: "Dragons are naturally good at thunder and water, and thunder comes from dragon horns. Are you raising antlers? Swallow it to make up for it, and you will benefit from antlers!"

   Qing Jiao was heartbroken. This dragon horn was originally used for tonic when he kept the horns, but it was a pity that it would take a long time for him to grow the horns.

   It turns out that dragon horns are soft. They are the same as deer antlers. Can you swallow nourishing antlers? The deer deer nodded anxiously: "Thank you, Lord Ape, for giving me dragon horns!"

   insisted that the holy ape had rewarded him with the dragon and pretended that he couldn't help it, and looked at the bag of fine gold that was left, not wanting to let it go.

   The holy monkey cursed: "You guys, you have light eyelids!"

   then asked the spirit monster: "Yuying, do you want this bag of golden powder?"

  虺虺 shook his head: "Catch this boy, I didn't work hard, and Zixi has already won the reward. Jinfen'er won't be ridiculous. If the dragon's horn does not match the refining device, I would like to grab this horn with him!"

The horned horn is originally a thunder monster. It is not surprising that he is interested in the dragon horn that contains the power of thunder and lightning. However, the dragon horn is not hard enough to make magical artifacts. Not big.

   The holy monkey nodded: "You pick up the tattered hot sun, and the golden powder belongs to you!"

   The deer deer was excited to put away the two pieces of harvest, and the little monster Zixi shouted on his father's shoulder: "Thick-skinned, enough to eat! My brother has a thicker skin than me, so how close will I be in the future?"

   was ridiculed by a mob, the deer deer was a little speechless, the son of the ghost, did not dare to offend him.

   Seeing that the pawns that he brought out when he escaped had been sorted out, Qing Jiao cried and said: "Baby you guys grab it all, please don't send me back to the Dragon Palace again!".

Madam Xiwang was a little embarrassed, but she really didn't want to get the red coral, and said, "First you are in the Ape Mountain. The old lady will beg the Dragon King, take back the Dragon Soul Lantern, and spare your life! If he just doesn't stick to it, don't blame my old lady for trading you out again!"

   Zixi Xiaoguai said to Mrs. Xiwang: "Grandma Holy Ape, we are all divided into treasures, and he has respected my family for many years, and if he can ask for love, he will ask for love with the Dragon King. Doesn't it really kill him!"

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