Deer Demon Race

Chapter 258: Bad guy

   Xiaoshan Jing was so moved that he was about to cry. It was not easy for my brother, and he finally did not forget me!

   ran down, knelt down and shouted: "Grandpa Dragon King, Grandma Dragon Mother, if you have a chance to appreciate it, you might be able to make Xiaoshan a superb!"

  This time, the Dragon King and Dragon Po did not speak. The Da Lang who had been in the audience couldn't help it anymore. He finally gave a "poach" and shouted angrily: "You three-inch little monster, you also want Sun Dragon?"

   Xiaoshan Jing stalked his neck and said: "Uncle brother, it is said in the world that dragons can appear and hide, and can be big and small. Why can't the dragon girl become smaller, and I will be the Xiaoshan Jing?"

   Seeing that Da Lang became more angry, the Dragon King drank and said: "Da Lang, you have worshipped the face, he is just a mob, and he has been entangled with him, but he still needs his identity?"

   turned to the little monster again: "You monster, there is another saying that you are disrespectful to the Dragon Palace, you will kill it here!"

  Looking at this little monster, after another bit of endurance, the Dragon King asked, "What do you want to ask for?"

   I only heard Monk Miao De talking about it, I searched in the sea for a chance, so I rushed to search for it. How do I know what I want to ask for?

   The little mountain spirit was in a dilemma, or the deer demon did it for him to answer: "He was born in a mountain and failed to advance in three hundred years. It is very accurate... demon, said he was in the sea by chance?"

  The Dragon King frowned: "Why is the mountain monster chance in the sea? I'm afraid it's not a false report?"

   Deer demon smiled bitterly and said: "Tell the demon about this, if you say nothing else, nothing is wrong!"

  The Dragon King vaguely felt bad, and looked at the small mountain spirit: "Mountain monster, what's wrong with you?"

   Xiaoshan Jing hurriedly replied: "I can absorb the spirit of my body and turn urine into use!"

  The Dragon King looked ugly, and anxiously released the demon saint's coercion to this little monster!

   The little mountain spirit still looks as usual, this demon saint's coercion can overwhelm the white deer demon, but this little monster doesn't move at all.

  The Dragon King asked: "But there is no soul, only flesh?"

   Koyama nodded and admitted.

   Long Po exclaimed: "Is it really a transfer monster?"

  The sacred monkey, the deer demon, the dragon palace dalang and others looked at a loss, and Mrs. Xiwang was talking to herself again: "My old mother is getting older? This memory is really bad, as if I have heard it again?"

   In all the confusion, the Dragon King changed to the Deer Demon and asked, "Bai Lu'er, Dragon Palace has granted him a chance, can you control it in the future?"

  While the deer demon was puzzled, the Dragon King continued: "He is this weird, and he is not afraid of any sense of consciousness. If he will harm you in the future, it will be difficult to find any traces, so you need to be careful!"

   Xiaoshan yelled urgently: "My friendship with brother Baibao, how can it hurt him?"

   Listening to the Dragon King's question, the deer demon couldn't help being cautious. He had known each other for more than seventy years, and his brothers were commensurate. In fact, they only used each other from the beginning, but now they don’t dare to say that they have been in love.

The elder brother is the son-in-law of the Dragon King and should be discouraged. The demon saints are all treated differently. The Bailu demon is already hesitating. You should be a demon, how can I harm you?"

   Before Fuxi passed the word, it probably worked. Now, hehe.

   Seeing the deer demon, he still said nothing, the small mountain spirit said again: "I want to advance, my life is not good for my brother, my small mountain spirit swears to the heavens, if the heart of the deer brother is born, I will not grow up!"

   Dragon King said: "Unless you are promoted to the gods, you won't grow up anymore. Except for absorbing spiritual energy and turning urine, all your skills are only to escape and hide!"

   Listening to what the Dragon King said, Mrs. Xiwang finally found the relevant in her memory again, and looked at Xiaoshan Jing in surprise.

   The deer demon scratched his head, and said to the hill, "If not, you will swear to the way of heaven, if there is a heart that hurts me, so that you can't find a hunk in your life, and there will be no female Bodhisattva to take care of you?"

   Xiaoshan Jing looked at him: "Brother, I am, it's hard to find the hunger family, but you still have to make such a vow?"

   The deer demon nodded, the small mountain spirit gritted his teeth, and he said as expected.

   Dragon King said: "You have a chance, and you will not be allowed to enter the waters of the Dragon Palace in the future! Also swear to the Dao of Heaven in this way!"

  Is already a villain in the Dragon Palace? What is the transfer monster?

   Is so good to Rilong’s brother, but discriminates against me a lot?

   It's a pity that the opportunity was in the hands of others, but Xiaoshan Jing was helpless, so he had to swear to the Dao of Heaven again according to what the Dragon King had said.

   After the small mountain spirit finished swearing, the Dragon King said: "There is also a transfer monster in the heavens. The body of the heaven monster is regarded as a **** of decline!"

   "Bad God?"

In the deer monster's surprise, the Dragon King said: "This strange promotion, if there is no other ability, the surrounding aura will be more and more, and it will be turned into spiritual urine. Even if the urine returns to the original place, he will have to be amputated by his body. It is used to nourish life roots and make up for incompleteness. He is also very good at hiding and running away. In someone's house, if he has absorbed the spiritual energy, he will leave and change his urine elsewhere. Isn't it even more a scourge? He comes!"

   The gods who are afraid of avoiding the gods in the heavens?

   The Seventeenth Mother looked at Xiaoshan Jing, the heart of Daofu’s house, it was really hard to stay!

   Hearing what it means to be a bad god, the deer demon immediately said to the small mountain: "In the future, you will go out and play more. Only come back to Fengling Ridge when you pee, and the fat and water will not fall outside the demon field!"

   The corners of the holy ape’s eyes twitched. Such a bad guy must raise him for promotion. Is it really good to stay in the holy ape mountain?

   Do you think I want to be detained in Joyride Ridge? Xiaoshan Jing nodded and asked to the main seat: "Grandpa Dragon King, what is my chance?"

  The Dragon King replied: "The Dragon Palace has a legacy. The transfer monster is born from the mountain, and the root is the root of the mountain. The life is the most lack of water. You need to take the essence of the water and get the landscape to be promoted!"

   Xiaoshan Jing asked: "Every time I advance, do I need the essence of water?"

   Seeing Dragon King nodded, he said: "Grandpa Dragon King forbids me to visit again, so be more generous and reward me with a few hundred catties!"

The Dragon King hummed: "The essence of water is the most spiritual in water. It is the treasure of water repairing. This king's Beihai Dragon Palace is only available in three places. It takes two to three thousand years before there is a drop. Only once is the guardian of the crab demon! If you don't want to forge a bad relationship with you, this king won't give up a drop!"

   The Dragon King turned to Long Po: "Lao Qing went to open the treasure house, and see how many drops of the essence of water? If there are too many, take three drops and this transfer monster!"

   Xiaoshan hurriedly exclaimed: "Which three drops are enough? Don't get a bad relationship, but a good relationship, give me everything?"

Long Po has got up and sneered: "How many monsters are used to cultivate water in the waters of the Dragon Palace? The essence of Lishui is often produced and is taken away. I don't remember how many drops are left in the inventory. !"

   Xiaoshanjing cried and said with a mournful face: "Brother married with your family, and you have all the benefits. Long mother and grandma, it's not good for me to search too much!"

   Mother Dragon snorted again, ignored him, turned her head and said to Seventeen Niang: "Daughter will go as a mother!"

   looked west and called: "Mother-in-law, don't forget to take three pairs of dragon horns first!"

   The White Deer Demon also called: "Lady, your house has many pearls at night, take some to give me!"

   Long Po glared back at the shameless master and apprentice, and took Shi Niang out of the back door.

The Dragon King said to Xiaoshan again: "You don't know what is good or bad, the essence of leaving water, it will take decades for you to accept one drop, the first drop is enough for you to be promoted to the spirit, and the last two drops will be eliminated again. It's weird enough for you!"

Guai is only equivalent to a demon general. The Dragon King told his family to swear not to come to his waters again. Later, he hopes that it will still be on the deer brother. Xiaoshan thought about it, and tentatively asked: "In the future, Baibao brother will tell me to go east. If I don’t go west, tell me to get the spiritual energy of the monk’s house, and I will steal the pee and go for a ride. When Grandpa Dragon is in a good mood, how many drops of the essence of the hills will be rewarded?"

The Dragon King shook his head and said: "The essence of the water, the sea monsters are not enough, and the Dragon Palace has to save a few drops for emergency. I really can't allow it in the future! You should not go around causing trouble by hiding your ability. You must know that there will be something that will defeat you. This king knows that there are too many troubles, and there are only two transfer monsters killed!"

   The deer deer calmed down and said, "Be relieved, it can be weird anyway, look back, maybe you can ask other seas!"

   Xiaoshanjing nodded helplessly before putting away his greed, obediently kowtow, jumped back to the chair and sat down.

When Long Po and Shi Seven Niang came back, the big plate of things was held in Shi Niang's hands. Long Po ordered the three pairs of dragon horns, echo snails, and heart-shaped "Indispensable" to Xiwang to see, and then looked to Xiwang. "Ms. Ape, after all, the two families are married, not for revenge. The latter piece of real ambergris weighs only four catties, but it is an extra body for the daughter of this queen. First help this son-in-law to temper his spiritual consciousness. It’s so early; and this censer is for her own use in her room. Although it has no other effect, it can bundle the real ambergris within a radius of ten feet, and it will not be scattered without inhaling it. It will also be given to him. Go back and tell me a little bit, don’t learn from his son-in-law, it’s still early to get married, and Mo can’t help it, even cats and dogs are only accepted as concubines in the house!"

The sacred ape couldn’t help laughing, while the dragon king’s face was Not that she was the mother of the sixteen mothers. She was taken into the house by herself when the viper was a snake. She is awkward, as for the face of the king in front of her in-laws?

   Looking west and accepting it with a smile, Long Po threw another jade bottle onto the arm of the chair where Xiaoshan Jing was sitting.

   The small mountain spirit hugged him. The jade bottle was only half shorter than him, which was also a good thing.

   Pulled the cork off, put it at an angle, and looked inside. The bean-sized water droplets were a bit sticky and did not blend with each other, except that there were only three drops, not many.

   He immediately poured out a drop, swallowed it with his mouth open, then closed his eyes and felt joy, his little face gradually glowing.

   The echo snail is disc-shaped, light yellow, and about four inches in diameter. The indispensable heart of the demon ancestor-level shark is no longer in the shape of a heart, but is egg-shaped, rather smaller, fist-sized, and milky white. These two treasures that have been made in the Dragon Palace, like the dragon horns, can be stored in the pocket.

  The Dragon Girl gave away her body again, and Mrs. Xiwang handed all the things to the deer demon, reminding: "Stay, you will only be silly? If you have a good thing with you, I will also give you a piece of it!"

   Bai Lu demon touched her body, how could it be handed out to give it away?

I can’t help but think about it carefully. Now I have worshipped Mrs. Xiwang as my teacher, and I have a great backer in the holy monkey mountain, so there is also the new Tianluonet and "Yue" decree available. In addition, short-term There should be no fighting inside.

   gritted his teeth, touched out the horns worth 1,200, which had not yet been paid, and handed them over: "This is for you!".

   looked west and stared, and he was a prodigal man again!

  Long Po is looking, good thing! I know that your masters and disciples deliberately pretended to be poor.

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