Deer Demon Race

Chapter 260: Ridicule

  Before the New Year Pass, you can’t leak the news of the Dragon Palace. The real ambergris deer is not used for the time being. He only puts the echo snails, indispensable, in the study room, and said to Qingluo that it was a gift from Master Xiwang, which has some magical effects.

   The three night pearls didn't show up either. At night, I still live by night vision in the dim light.

   After returning from Beihai Dragon Palace, everything is the same on the deer demon's face, but his heart is a little irritable.

   On the surface, everything is as usual, practicing characters, tempering spiritual consciousness, tempering white robes and horns, practicing Shura combat skills, tempering the body, and flies fast.

   Before starting the repair of the "Universal Starlight Technique", on the bright night of the stars, you must first ask the sacred ape clone to teach you the location of each lodging. There is nothing wrong with it, and the repair is temporarily impossible.

   In fact, if you can borrow the Nikka body tempering method, the Wanzhong body tempering method no longer needs to be practiced.

   As far as the effect is concerned, of course, the sooner you borrow from Nikka for tempering, the better!

   But the reason for his irritability is that he uses the sun to quench his body with the help of Japan.

   In fact, deep down in my heart, it is fear. If you get the help of real ambergris to speed up the manifestation of divine consciousness, after the sun is manifested, wouldn’t you start borrowing from Nikka?

   Subconsciously, there is already some resistance!

   Rihua is fire, and demon gas is oil. I use Nikka to refine it. At the beginning of cultivation, it is to send sparks into the oil depot!

   How dangerous is this?

   Even if Youyang can neutralize Nikka and make Mars less violent, at best, open flames turn into dark flames?

   Da Neng Fuxi said, Ying Zhen is false, it will be fatal!

   But the sky demon Fuxi spent countless efforts and all he did was to regard the reappearing sun as the last hope of the demon clan!

   If it weren’t for this round of Youyang, Dragon Palace would disregard the rules of recruiting a son-in-law and would marry the Dragon Girl. Is it just a little demon general?

   Will you avenge your vengeance with the great sage who has killed the four demon ancestors and dozens of demon kings in the Dragon Palace?

   Mrs. Xiwang clearly hoped that she would treat her illness. After knowing that "Ying Zhen" was false, she did not say that she was not allowed to quench Rihua. She must be treated first. Why?

   Holy Ape also didn't mention a word!

   It is not a holy ape, Xiwang understands the righteousness, it is true that the words of the monk Miaode are fulfilled, the forty-nine **** of Xumishanzhou is about to come out, too heavy!

The same goes for    Dragon Palace!

   Within a few thousand years, the situation will be as severe as the most sinister!

   For these big monsters, thousands of years are not long! What cause, what hatred, is comparable to the crisis under the nest?

   But it will be fatal!

   My own demon student, just feel more and more tasteful, so he has to take his life to risk, and put a hope for the demon clan?

   If you don't spell it, you can't justify it, but if you spell it, I feel so wronged!

   This is different from being forced to fight on the battlefield!

   I used to complain about the awkward people in the past life, but before I even thought, I charged forward and worked my life to be a hero model of the world!

   will be fatal!

   was always upset, and didn't even go to see it when it started.

   After the expiration of the month of the   Wild Little Demon as a guest in Doufengling, Wanhuagu eventually took away only fifty or so.

   Deer Deer and Jiugao confessed their crimes, and asked Gou Bao to send him down the mountain on his behalf. As soon as he returned to his study, Lao Wen found goodbye again: "General, we are going back to the valley!"

   The deer demon nodded and said, "I know, when there is nothing wrong, come to my mountain field more to play!"

  Looking at the pig demon scratching his belly, a little bit hesitant to say something, the deer deer asked, "What else can I say?"

After thinking about it again, Lao Wen said truthfully: "My old pig has no ambitions. I just wanted to live a happy life. I was forced to go by the general before, and then forced to go by the monk. Now I want to talk to the general and want to fight. It's a mile!"

   The deer demon is a little puzzled, I don't know what this guy is going to say.

Scratching his belly, Lao Wen slowly said again: "Since I turned around and got close after the flower, I just thought about it. It's really a fascinating fairy, and the monk curse can't help but I want her! Becoming a monster, always must There was a thought that the general solved the monk's curse, and I swore that this female bodhisattva would only be my old pig’s female bodhisattva, and that she was not allowed to touch her any more, but to dominate her, stop thinking about it. It must be hotter!"

   The deer deer took a deep breath, what a big ambition!

   was taken aback for a while, thinking of the past, the deer deer suddenly realized: "Last time I was sleeping in the back room, you two acted outside the door, did you deliberately do it to me?"

The pig demon bit his lip and nodded lightly: "Don't fight, I will fight hard, I will fight slowly! Only brother... General, even the curse of the monk of Huashen can be broken, I am old How can the pig have any hope? Looking at the general after the flower is different, I guessed that you were about to wake up, and then forced her to act, thinking that even if she was killed by her, she had to work hard and cut off the general first. , She's...not unhappy!"

   The deer deer couldn't laugh or cry for a while, sighed for a while, and then said: "Yes, my old deer didn't even think about Huahou. You should be more mindful of your own life, so you can dominate her as soon as possible!"

   Old Wen said: "The general does not blame me, the old pig will go back!"

   After the pig demon left, the ghost couldn't help but say in his knowledge of the sea: "You look beautiful, in fact, it's not as good as this one!"

  The deer demon squinted her eyes and asked her, "What did you say?"

   The ghost hummed: "Thanks to Nikka to temper your body, are you afraid of death? Don't you dare to try?"

   Following the journey of the Dragon Palace, the ghost can hear all the effects of the Youyang clearly, plus the time spent with the deer demon has been long, and he also saw that the deer demon was upset recently, and guessed the reason, so he couldn't help but express his sarcasm.

   In fact, this Zixia was a venomous mocker during his lifetime!

   The soul of the deer snorted: "You know a fart!"

   sneered and said, "The mouth is not hearty! If not, with such a strong temperament as you, would you not be prepared for Nikka's ability to temper your body when you come back? I am cowardly and I just want to live!"

   The soul of the deer was silent for a while, and asked her: "If it were you, you would risk your death to improve your ability?"

When asked about herself, Zi Xia gritted her teeth and said: "Luo Xia Guan is to watch the door for others, and is in a dangerous place. If I am still alive, I have such a great opportunity to add myself to me. I will practice as soon as I get it, and desperately find a way to survive! If you want to ask the seven masters of the Xuantian School to look down on them, you can't look down on the little people!"

   "Seven masters of Xuantian School?"

   Zixia nodded: "It's the leader of the Zhuji disciple, all eyes are in the sky!"

   Deer Soul asked: "Aren't your eyes long in the sky? And if the master is dead, you must accompany the annihilation to urge the master to borrow the Japanese, is it good for you?"

   Zixia replied: "I just treat it as a dead end, and avenged my death!"

   Soul Deer rolled his eyes: "If you want to be annihilated, when Monk Duji comes as a clone, what do you do to save me?"

   I don’t know what Fuxi is hiding, but the ghost really thought he was rescued by himself, and replied with a sneer: "It’s not because of my death, it counts as revenge?"

   is still busy tempering the white robe, not wanting to entangle with her any more, the deer demon simply summoned the ghost out: "Get out and refine your Taoist robe!"

   I was speaking in the divine consciousness before. With this utterance, the Shura woman heard it and jumped out happily: "Master, what's the matter?"

   The ghost looked at her and sneered again.

   Qingluo put away her smiling face and stared back, "What are you doing?"

   The ghost said: "Little grandma, I don't know the dragon...Woo!"

   was interrupted by the deer deer Dongnian, unable to speak anymore.

   The deer demon asked coldly: "I want to be uncomfortable recently?"

The last word of    was accented. Under the bright threat, the ghost shook his head to express that he did not dare to disclose it, and Master Lu withdrew his thoughts.

   can speak again, the ghost said to the Shura woman: "I'm trying to persuade the little grandma to be more diligent. Mo just want to please your master all day, and if you are not ashamed or embarrassed, you can't be a real room!"

   Qing Luo said angrily: "What's your business? Think grandma really can't cure you?"

   The ghost snorted coldly, turning the black mist into the gray robe.

   Staring at the gray robe, Qing Luo gritted her teeth and said: "Yin and yang, short-lived ghost, or ask you to beg for mercy, grandma can't blame Shura!"

  The Dragon Palace has not yet talked to the Shura girl, and the ghost said that he was inexplicably guilty. The deer demon coughed a few times and hurriedly said: "Qingluo, go find Yuwei and play, my lord, I quench my robe!"

   Qing Luo nodded, and said: "Gou Bao asked yesterday that the wild demon is going to be divided, what is your command?"

   The deer demon waved his hand: "I have lived for a month, and the wild little demon is also familiar with him. He told him to wait for his own master, but he is not allowed to go to the police!"

   There are a few of these wild monsters who can fly, and they are not good at speed. If they go to Jingshanding, don’t they play around?

   Qing Luo grinned: "That's a little bit but I'm going to cry again!"

   It is impossible to let Yuzhu go to Jingshanding, and the sparrow demon is going to cry again? Deer Demon said annoyed: "Where did his ambition to fight against Peng Peng Yao go? He still clamored for the slightest bit of truth, isn't it even as old as the old plague?"

   Having said this, he remembered that the ghosts mocked him in this way, and the deer deer said angrily: "Did you hear what the old plague said? Just listen to it!"

   If I hadn't heard the old plague inside, would grandma be in such a good mood? The corners of Qingluo's mouth curled up, and she replied, "Master's order!"

   jumped out, watching Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan sending Jiugao and his party down the mountain, while the other monsters surrounded the remaining wild little monsters, waiting to be divided.

   Qingluo is not in a hurry. Just a few steps down to Futaodong, first think about how to clean up the yin and yang weird female ghost before beckoning to call down the little bit of the treetop.

The words of Lord Deer and Old Pig Demon were all told to the Sparrow Demon, and at the end he said: "Don't be eager to win, don't just wipe your tears! That spider demon is now a little demon, you can't take care of her, wait until she becomes a demon. Ding, fight and beat her, telling her to be your gangster!"

   looked at her for a while, and then asked for a while: "Little grandma, are you also the master of ours?"

   Qingluo's face blushed, and she said, "Sura will take it hard, how? Get out of here!"

   cheered up a little bit, and flew back to the treetops to wait.

When Gou Bao came back, the Asura girl passed a message, and the wild little demon chose to enter the Ding, but the Jing Shan Ding had no share. The Diao Yao Baijian, Peng Demon Xiaoqu, and Yu Feng flew away first when disappointed. Staring for a while, see which one Yuzhu chooses.

   Langlang and Sancai both chose the pros and cons, while Yuzhu chose the indisputable Leopard and Demon.

  , he flew in front of Buzheng, and said to him: "Don't fight to know something, you can also look at it, don't want me to teach you to be a demon!"

   chuckled and chuckled, and shouted to Xiao Shi over there, "Xiao Shi, my brother was so bored recently that he said he would beat me two miles!"

  Xiaoshi is busy talking to the newly recruited Dawei and several wild little monsters. After hearing them, they only waved their hands far away: "Don't involve me, you know something!"

   The two-tailed red leopard demon turned his head and said: "Brother think about my name, how can I fight with you?".

   hummed and flew away.

Behind    blue eyes, Lang Lang sighed: "The wonderful monk of the dog day has delayed me for more than forty years. Now on the driving range, a little demon is hotter than my day, let alone the demon behind me!"

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