Deer Demon Race

Chapter 273: Tread snow

A small piece of ice reflected his face.


  Well, it is indeed beautiful and beautiful, the sixteenth sister is right, she will be greedy to death!


   Seventeen Niang pursed her lips and smiled.


   looked around, the mountains in the distance were all snow-covered, and the surrounding bamboo forests, wild peach trees, and tea trees were all covered with rime, and the whole mountain field seemed to be decorated with pink jade.


   This is the coldest severe cold this year to the present, and the icy edges of the bamboo tube used to divert water from Futao Cave have hung directly to the ground.


  The queen mother is a dragon, who is very good at ice method, so the seventeenth mother likes ice and snow since she was a child, and her favorite season is winter.


  When I was in Beihai, tens of thousands of miles were covered in ice every winter, which was extremely spectacular. She once wandered tens of thousands of miles under the ice with Liu Niang, all the way back and forth, very happy.


   There are not many mountain views in the ice and snow before. It is completely different from the majestic sea and has a special flavor.


   It is very possible to settle down in Doufengling for a lifetime. After the initial strangeness has faded, Seventeen Niang has gradually adapted to the new home environment.


   The monsters below are noisy all day long, unlike in the Dragon Palace, all the monsters at orders have their temperament, so they are quiet.


   But this kind of noise can be tolerated.


   What is really unbearable is the Chisha River at the foot of the mountain. The water volume is too small. Every day when I get up with **** crowing and secretly go to swim in the river, I always feel that the turning is not smooth and the river channel is a bit narrow.


   There are some small "dragon beasts" in the river, named Xizhi. Every time they swim in the river, they have to chase behind, but at their speed, how can they catch up with the real dragon?


  Occasionally in a good mood, only tease them for a while.


Most of these chicks were bought by Nafujun and let them live in the river. When he explained in front of his own home, he said that it might be related to his supernatural powers of nurturing spiritual roots. "Dragon Beast" can barely be a playmate.


   Her seventeen mothers are not a entangled temperament.


   Hearing the "creak" of stepping on the snow behind her, the face of Seventeen Niang blushed a little.


   But when I turned around, it was back to normal.


   Qingluo came forward to hold her and called: "Sister, let's go!"


   Seventeen Niang nodded slightly, and didn't glance at the demon white deer who was beside her with a smile.


   In the cave room in the center, the fox demon added incense and rushed out, stomping and saying: "You go out to play, don't bring me!"


   The seventeenth mother didn’t reply, the Shura girl turned back and called: "Don’t go with the little hoof to make trouble, just stay at home!"


   The three of them walked a few dozen steps away, and Hu Meizi stomped behind and shouted: "Young grandma, be steady, Mo Zhen was picked up by brother Wensheng!"


   Seventeen Niang's face, make it red!


   looked at from the corner of his eye, Master Lu turned around and didn't know what threatening gesture he made to the fox demon. The fox demon "chuckled" and smiled: "I know it, it's not bad for you. I'll teach me to read again tomorrow!"


   The seventeenth mother forced her composure, only pretending not to hear.


   finally got off his tail, and the three started climbing.


   After the deer demon husband stayed in Doufengling, there was not much dissatisfaction with Seventeen Niang.


Except for the Shura girl, there is no other demon girl, who is much better than most demon king demon generals. Especially as the deer and dragon who like the most in the harem, it is even more rare. Of course, he may also be self-reliant. It’s not long before the portal, and I haven’t found any satisfactory reasons. At this point, I’m grateful to listen to the arrangements of the mother and queen, and come early; as a deer demon with no strong blood, he is not bad at all, but he is willing to move forward and has a stubborn temper. Until now, I haven't won, but it is the fierceness in the temper that makes Dragon Girl a little happy. Is it possible that Jackie Chan and Dragon Girl love the useless Rilong package? It's just that among the Sea-Monsters, most people who are willing to enter the Supplementary Dragon Palace are incapable. The dragon girls of the past can't find what they want.


   To talk about the shortcomings, the biggest headache is the thick skin!


   Tomorrow, I will be beaten up all over my head, but I can still come from home every day, using soft words, according to the words of the fox Meizi, it is to tease...


  If you think about it carefully, you have already decided to kiss me, and you are not allowed to tease, who else can you tease?


Just before going out, the mother and queen made a clear statement, and the boss must make him afraid; after that, he worked steadily and slowly made him respect; after a long time, he was allowed to show some charming tenderness and make him...loved .


   How could it be so early, let me pick up?


Let him be scared, just like sending Dajiao to the Jinyu King’s house a month ago, and he only dared to delay his return for two days. Although it was an excuse when he beat him that day; Shuangshuang has been slowly implemented. Is it true that you must be your own home?


   The first two things went well, but this last thing was a bit shameful and too difficult to grasp!


   If it hadn’t been for yesterday’s noon, there was a gleam of sunshine in Xingtan, and I would like to ask him something. Today is a rare snow scene, so I wouldn’t nod and agree to go to the top of the mountain by snowing!


   That's it, it's too shameful, and then he brought Qingluo to accompany it again!


   Thinking like this, the shameless suddenly changed directions and walked to his side.


   Looking at the mountain road ahead, the heart of Seventeen’s mother jumped straight, Yu Guang kept on guard.


   That girl, pretending that the mountain road is narrow, getting closer and closer, the corner of your eye seems to be staring at your own sleeve?


  What does he want to do?


   This problem just popped up in his mind, and the boy kicked on the edge of the mountain road, leaped forward, waving his hand wildly, but grabbed it at the palm of his sleeve!


   Seventeen mothers hurriedly raised her hand to let go, let the girl catch her!




   can feel hot on the face!


   Take a sneak peek again, there is no face and no skin, it seems to be a little blushing?


   It just so happened that there was a bird’s nest on the peach tree next to it. There was a bird in the nest whispering, and the Shura woman next to it screamed: "Ice and snow, what's the call? It’s useless for you to be anxious, can you still have food?"


   Dragon Girl secretly pinched, Qing Luo smiled and closed her voice.


   There has been such an embarrassing thing, the boy stopped, and the road behind was quiet.


   All the way up the mountain road opened by Zhuo Ding, only Qingluo and Longnv whispered a few words, but they ignored the white deer demon.


   The surrounding mountain scenery is just like watching it for a while, but the thickness of the snow on the mountain path can mask a standing small mountain spirit. In quiet, listening to the sound of "creaking and creaking" feet on it is a bit interesting.


   listened to the sound of stepping on the snow, climbing all the way to the top of the mountain.


   I don’t feel like flying up and down, but it took more than half an hour to get up!


   Under a row of newly erected promenades on the top of the mountain, the resting flying little monsters knelt down and shouted, "Grandma! Master of the mountain! Little grandma!"


  Among them, the monster eagle, the monster eagle, the monster eagle, and the monster Yan were all sent from Beihai Dragon Palace, and several of them were alien species.


   When the capital was changed, the white deer demon recognized it, saying that the eagle demon is an albatross, the pelican in the sea is a small frigate bird, and the osprey demon is an osprey.


  Looking at these little monsters, the Seventeenth Mother couldn't help but want to laugh again. The White Deer demon pulled Tai away to collect food, changed Baiqiao and Xiaoshi to Jingshan. Isn't it the original proposal of her own?


Add the two demon owls from Beihai, the big fool of the owl demon, and the demon on the hook, and one hundred and forty flying demon. Now there are eight Ding Jingshan, which is enough to patrol the surrounding hundred miles. In other words, errands are easier.


   The monsters who were arrested a month ago were only told to stay in the teahouse in front of the mountain gate, and so far no one has escaped.


   asked the little demons to get up, and the three went to the promenade to enjoy the snow scene.


  The surrounding hills are lower than Doufengling, with a wide view and a good mood.


   The scorched earth on the south side of the Drifting Ridge was covered by ice and snow, and it was more pleasing to the eye. I just don’t know when the white deer demon asked the little demon to plant trees on the southern slope?


   The White Deer demon looked at it for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Thousands of mountains and birds will fly away, and the demon will be destroyed!"


   What is this babbling?


   Qingluo clapped her hands and said, "Master made a house of books, and he really learned some knowledge!"


   The Seventeen Mother glanced at the female monster who wanted to help, and hummed: "Human race's acid text, I don't know where to read the memorial, but I want to show it off?"


   Then, the Bailu Yao was quiet again.


   Looking at the snow scene for a while, I felt very happy, and the seventeenth mother said to the Shura girl: "Go back!"


   So, three turned around, preparing to return along the same path.


   Among the new little demon, there is a courageous pelican who called: "Master of the mountain will be better at night. Today, I suppressed you two sticks of incense before being knocked over by my grandmother!"


   The White Deer Demon hadn't spoken yet, and the Seventeenth Mother glared at him, and sternly asked, "Are you going to die?"


  The dragon-like demon king was pressured to release, so that the pelican fell to the ground, and the other little demon knelt down in fright. The seventeenth mother asked, "What's your name? Which one is it?"


   There are many little monsters in the mountain field, and now many deer monsters are not well-known.


   The pelican only knew that he was in trouble, and shouted: "Grandma, my name is Jie Dao, I'm a big fool!"


   Seventeen mother said: "When you wait for greedy, you will play with the master of the mountain behind you. Grandma can still pretend to be invisible, and dare to confront her face to face. If you come from your grandma's mother's house, you will be brave?"


   The pelican kowtows and said: "The little demon is a momentary languish, insincere and arrogant, grandma is forgiving! Master, forgiveness!"


The Seventeenth Mother Zhengrong said: "Grandma is still here today. You dare to do this. If you are not, I am afraid that you will go to heaven? Change the job and find Yuanxiang and ask him to skin you. It will take ten days. Xu Jizhi! Those who were on the scene sent a message to the grandmother's family. It was the first time this boy was hit and punished like this. If there is a second one, I will kill you!"


  All the little demon present should be busy, and the cheap-mouthed robbery said, "Thank you grandma for your life!"


   Then he turned around again, and the three of them walked off together, and the white deer demon said: "Why use him as a raft? Just call it a few days ago!"


The seventeenth mother hummed: "The slave family came to these many bird monsters, UU reading left the Dragon Palace, thinking that they would get rid of their control, and they will take advantage of the Dragon Palace and the slave family. For fear that the husband will not be able to deal with it, the slaves will speak out, and such things must be punished severely, and will not be forgiven lightly!"


   Qingluo has nothing to do with her, and she doesn't say anything.


  It’s a long way down the mountain. Based on what happened before, the seventeenth mother asked: "My husband, did my divine consciousness show up yesterday?"


   The deer demon nodded, and she asked again: "Do you want to use Nikka to temper your body?"


   Qingluo's worried gaze, Lu Yao shook his head: "A carelessness is death. You have to be more careful before you dare to try!"


The seventeenth mother nodded: "The husband wants to temper his body so that he can beat the slave family and give up grievances, but it is not easy for the demon general to defeat the demon king, let alone the body of the dragon clan. If you don't believe that Hua Xinghui will be like this on that day. No, just wait and see!"


   After walking for a while, the seventeenth mother said in a low voice: "Be careful left and right, Mo Zhen lost his life... and caused the slave's family to return to the sea and laugh!"


   The deer deer's heart was just a little hot, and the seventeenth mother said again: "The husband is still unwilling to be soft. After sunset, see you on the windmill! Do your best today, and the slave family will go first!"


   said to Qingluo again: "My sister will accompany him down the mountain!"


   then let go of Qing Luo's hand, got up and flew down.


   (End of this chapter)



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