Deer Demon Race

Chapter 281: New Year (7)

Xiwang said again: "It's not that my old lady has tight hands. I didn't want to give you the magic weapon before, but the magic weapon is only to be tempered from the beginning, so it is hot! You are the demon general, what use Does it have to be so good? I'll take it first, if you don't have anything suitable for the Demon King, let you two more!"

In addition to retrieving the child, Xiwang was determined to fill the storeroom of Yuanshan Mountain. There was a face in front of Long Po's in-laws. The treasures in the secret storehouse were reluctant to give it to the deer demon. At this time, he pointed to the goods in the storehouse and said: " This large library is full of first-class materials, but you may be allowed to take it back to your own practice!"

   and other characters are filled with eighty-one stacks, which is so easy?

   But the strong master didn't give it, and the deer demon couldn't, so she said bitterly: "Master, I'm practicing characters. There are many important characters on those magical instruments that I haven't seen before. I want to see and understand!"

The deer demon's character training is still small and effective. Mrs. Xiwang knows it, so she said to him: "Just point out what you want to learn. I won't take those few things as a favor, keep it in your hands. You have time, From Saruyama School!"

The deer deer had to nod his head, and thought about being fed up with her own wicked lady in the future. When he wanted to go out for a stroll, going to the Saruyama Viewer was a ready-made excuse. It would be cheaper to stay for two or three months without going back to the mountain. !

   Xiwang only poured out the two magic weapons, the top magic weapons, and let the deer demon look at it, and she went to collect the crafting materials in this large library.

   Each artifact has a rare magical effect that has not been seen before, but many of them are duplicates of each other, and there are also "town" characters, so there is no need to ask twenty-one ancestors in the future.

   The deer demon looked at it roughly, determined the eleven irreplaceable pieces, divided them into two piles, pointed them to Xiwang, and then ran to compete for the materials.

The Xuantian School’s high-quality materials have produced many jade of various colors. Xiwang said to him: "The jade is the best material. If it is carved well, it can be used for four magical purposes. My mother doesn't care for you, No!"

Jade-like materials absorb the essence of heaven and earth. It contains spiritual lines. To make finished products, the carving craftsmanship is also very particular. When carving, the less spiritual lines are destroyed, the better. It is an extremely delicate work. Unfortunately, the monsters are only known for their arrogance. No matter how clever the hand is, it is inferior to human beings.

   It's okay to play rough work, finely carved, not that demon talent!

  The spiritual lines of Xuanyu are not seen by ordinary craftsmen who have not practiced before!

   There are also a lot of other fine gold, profound iron, sky bronze, kang silver, and wonderful wood materials, and I have not seen Master as generous!

Such a delicate work, it is difficult to find a transparent craftsman among the monsters. The jade type Mrs. Xiwang is more generous, and handed this piece by hand. It is a fist-sized azure jade piece with an unusual luster. There seems to be a cloud moving.

   looked west and said, "This piece of mysterious jade is a gem, extremely rare. According to its spiritual texture, it can be carved out by hand, or it can have five magical effects!"

   The deer deer smiled bitterly and asked, "Where is there a demon with a handy hand, Master points to one?"

   Xiwang retracted his hand: "Don't forget it!"

   "I want miles! I want miles!"

   It's really not good, wait until my old deer has time, I will practice hand carving by myself!

   After getting this exquisite mysterious jade, the deer deer took out a treasure bag and said, "I will put more jade and practice using it!"

   There are many kinds of jade materials, and Xuanyu is just one of them. Those jade that can only produce two or three magical uses, the materials are inferior, and the characters are unbearable to stack up to eighty-one stacks, Xiwang didn't care at all, the deer demon gathered all, almost filled with a treasure bag, he said again: "Master is more magnificent, and Xuan Yu will give it some more!"

   Madam Xiwang nodded. She was really indifferent to Xuanyu, and the deer demon shy her face and pretended all the rest, about a hundred dollars.

   Looking west over there, he threw another small bag: "Don't say the old lady is not generous, I will reward you!"

The deer deer opened it and saw it, but he knew it. It was the purple cocoon that he had seen in Jingping Mountain at the beginning of the demon transformation, but the number is small. There are only sixty or seventy cocoons in this small bag. When a handkerchief came, Xiwang was generous with charity.

   The deer demon accepted. Master was busy harvesting. He wandered around to find it by himself. He saw a big dusty bag in the corner. When he opened it, it was full of fruit cores, fearing it would weigh more than twenty catties.

   There is no fruit pit for identification. After watching for a long time, he was not sure and asked: "This is a plum pit? The pit of Daozuguo?"

   Madam Xiwang came over and glanced: "Yes!"

   The deer demon suddenly became excited: "Is it also a waste fairy seed?"

   Dao ancestors survived cuttings from the heavens, and donated to each family Dao Sect, should they be regarded as immortal species? Then, the pit that it bears, isn't it the same as Xiwang's true appearance, and it is also a waste of immortal seed?

   Mrs. Xiwang also thought of his "Rui" supernatural powers, picked up one, gently crushed it, looked at it for a while, and slowly nodded: "Yes!"

   How can this be a bag of fruit core, it is clearly the root of the mountain!

   The deer deer couldn't help but ecstatic, and then aggrieved: "Master, don't crush it, what you pinched is a spiritual root!"

This cloth bag weighs more than 20 catties. I am afraid that it began to accumulate in the Xumi Mountain Continent when the Xuantian Sect obtained the Taoist ancestor tree. Although it is useless, it is connected to the Taoist ancestor. His family has not been littered. After saving it, he only crushed one, so Bai Lu'er was so unwilling to give up?

   was too lazy to take care of this shallow eyelid, and looked straight away: "This bag of fruit cores belong to you, and his family's spiritual roots are not yours!"

This white deer demon can change the abolition of the immortal seed into the spiritual root, but the mountain is lacking. He robbed the Taoist ancestor tree and returned. Put them in the disciple’s house and make him happy for a few years. In the future, they will find him again if they are missing, or they will dig out the plum trees that have been planted. Anyway, they will also be looking for him for planting. All the peach pits are simply given.

   The deer deer was excited to put away a bag of fruit cores. This was the biggest harvest of his trip, and the mountain behind the driving range was still empty!

  Peaches from the front mountain, plums from the back mountain, full of fragrant peaches and plums, eh! Huh?

   Is it possible that my old deer is to be a teacher?

   When Xiwang finished collecting all the fine products that he looked at, the deer deer called: "Master, do the rest go to me?"

The remaining materials are all inferior products, similar to those of the previous jade, only two or three magical functions can be used at most, and each magical function is difficult to quench to the top. There are too many things to move, and there is always a limit to the pouch. , Just look down on it.

   Waiting for the White Deer Demon to be filled with three treasure bags, the two masters and apprentices are going to the next warehouse to clean up.

   came out of Kumen, only to find that there was an extra burly man covered in gold armor in the sky, standing with a Taoist man with an eyebrow, he should be in divine communication.

The **** of    Yuxiaomen finally arrived!

   And the storeroom of the Xuantian School has sixteen rows of wing rooms!

   Looking west with the deer demon, he hurriedly speeded up.

   The next storeroom is still a finished artifact, but there is no good one in the secret storehouse. The best is only one or two magical items. It was taken away by Xiwang, and the rest was picked up for the better ones, so that they can be rewarded later.

The remaining magical items such as catching monster nets, mountain axe, etc. are too many. What is not mentioned is also considered to be a deer demon. He has to take it back for rewards. Only grandma, don't take your own master as the owner of the mountain!

   Change to the next warehouse, it's all panacea and elixirs!

  The various medicinal herbs made by the monks with elixir have some effects similar to the thin wine on the ancestor festival. They have improved the grade, but the medicinal power is not enough.

   There are only a few that use low-level elixir to synthesize high-level effects.

   The stored elixir species are not available to the Xuan high grade, but the Xuantian School has a large family business, tens of thousands of disciples, and the remaining amount is not that much.

   Now that the monkey mountain is poor, he still has to reward the little demon. As the master of the holy monkey mountain, the **** person must not lose face, and Mrs. Liu Xiwang is not going to leave it to the deer demon, and all have to be collected.

  The deer demon is busy fighting for reasons: "Master, I still owe a large debt to the ancestor Kuli, and he will not forgive it. My Drifting Ridge is about to open the pot!"

   Madam Xiwang hummed, "How much is the debt of twenty-one? I will help you pay it back. Look at my noodles this morning. Several demon ancestors have allowed you to eat and drink. You are not allowed to ask for this elixir!"

   The deer deer was crying, and watched as Master had collected all the elixir, and the elixir was wiped out.

  The next one is full of wine, and the master and disciple divide the spoils again, and the deer demon only has two hundred bags of inferiority.

  The spirit tea that can be fried and dried can be found in the next storeroom. Unlike Yunyan Eighteen Bud Tea, the master and apprentice are graded again.

  The warehouses in the future are just some standard robes and vestments. Xiwang is no longer interested, so the deer demon can collect them.

   The next level and the next level are all prepared for the bottom disciples with the largest number. Don't say Mrs. Xiwang, even the Deer Demon can't look down on it.

  The deer demon asked, "Master, in the Dadao Palace, there is only one middle-grade Dao ancestor tree? I don’t know how long it will take for the Ling Xing Tree to be promoted on the Drifting Ridge!"

He collected many waste immortal seeds, but it was a little swollen, and he hummed and said, "To save spiritual energy for the ancestor tree, he and the monks have a cultivation method, and each inhalation of spiritual energy is hot, how can there be many kinds of spiritual fruit trees? Come to fight? There will be more, and it will be changed elsewhere, not at home!"

   The deer deer gave up, thinking about looking for it later.

   There is no more spiritual fruit tree, and the deer deer still misses the Buddhist scripture pavilion of the Xuantian Sect: "Then I beg Master to take me to the Buddhist scripture pavilion!"

   The Buddhist Scripture Pavilion of the Xuantian There are many restrictions. With the deer demon's own house, it is estimated that he can only move around at the bottom!

   This disciple likes to fiddle with some weird things, and Xiwang wouldn't help him, so he just picked him up and left and flew straight to the Buddhist scripture pavilion.

   has not yet arrived, there is a rolling sound from the east: "The Antarctic Palace is drunk and godly, is it late?"

   The third God of Transformation arrived in a blink of an eye, Yuan Yishou was overjoyed, but his voice did not spread far, and the Taoist Yimei replied: "Brother Drunk, it's not too late!"

   Yuan Yishou himself yelled: "Old Ape, Ape-in-law, you can change your quality when you quit the battle!"

Really want to fight to the death, in fact, the three gods are not safe, the holy ape can resist, but oneself still has a big formation, every time the ape woman enters a large treasury, his heart will be cut like a knife, and he has been cut. Many times, I watched and rushed to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Although I don’t understand what the monster is doing in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, it is the foundation of the sect. How can I hold it back?

Mrs. Xiwang ignored her, kicked open the door of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, carried the deer demon and forced her way up, breaking through the barriers, and rushing to the top floor. Then she said: "The disciple picks it up, it will always make his family feel bad. , The old lady is relieved!"

   There are also transformation gods rushing to it, other transformation gods are hard to guess, what if someone disregards Dao Xuan's physical body and wants to rob the demon boy to threaten the holy ape family? It is really not good to delay any longer, knowing that the time is running out, the deer demon is anxious to collect the books from top to bottom, no matter what it is, take it and leave, and take it all the way downstairs.

   Xiwang stayed on the top floor, took out the peach sticks, knocked on the roof with one stick, the sound of the rubble beams flying away from the sky, the holy monkey whispered. .

   Seeing the old ape nodded, Yuan Yishou's heart sank straight down!

  Ps: The book has finally opened the starting point, and I added a bit of excitement, just laugh.

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