Deer Demon Race

Chapter 283: New Year (9)

   has been hiding and hiding in a ravine not far away. He thought it was a Yuan Ying, how could he come and ask Bai Lu Yao to save him? And also claiming to be "I"?

  Dragon King, Long Po, Holy Ape, West Looking, all frowned!

   Bai Lu Yao doubted: "It seems to be a monk of Miao De!"

Mrs.    looked west and said, "It's him! Go and see it, goddamn!"

Sacred Ape and Xiwang heard the deer deer's words about the great power of Fuxi. They knew that this monk did not know what a demon pretending to be, but he had the ability to cover the monster's spirit. The demon protects him from being killed by the holy ape and Xiwang.

   In addition to passing on the monk curse, the holy ape was also very curious about this fake monk who had no impression of feuding at all, so he flashed over.

   In the palace, Zhang Yifu squinted his eyes and asked Bailu Yao to save him? Is the enemy of the avenue replaced with a pair of skins?

   The true body of the holy monkey flashed back again, with Monk Miaode in his hand, but he was curled up into a ball, his eyes closed, his limbs twitching like a swing, his face was flushed red again, resembling a steamed shrimp.

   Fuxi Da Neng said that he was a demon. At this time, he ran out to ask for help, and he looked like this again, thinking that the monk curse in the sea of ​​knowledge was attacking.

   "The monk opens his eyes, I will help you clear the curse!"

   Master was right there, the deer demon approached, trying to help the monk demon with magical powers, but Miao De's eyes were still closed. "Bath Day Tongyou" invaded the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness by looking at each other, so there is no way to save it!

   The deer deer yelled a few times, and the monk Miao De hummed angrily, gasping for a thick white breath in his nose, as if he had exhausted all his strength, his eyes finally opened a thin line.


   Screaming, the holy ape helped out, and the sun finally appeared in the eyes of the deer demon!

   After entering the opponent's sea of ​​consciousness, under the dark sun, it is a dazzling gold!

   From what I saw in the sea of ​​knowledge of the Peacock Demon Ancestor Lengping, the holy ape and the deer demon thought that they were the most imprints of the Buddha's heart, but after entering this wonderful virtue monk to know the sea, they knew what it meant to be too early!

  Miaode’s entire sea of ​​consciousness is already a golden country. The sky is golden, the clouds are golden, and the ground is golden. Even the giant lion-like beast with long double horns and bearded jaws lying on the ground is full of golden light!

   Only the monk Watuji who knocked the wooden fish beside the strange behemoth is still normal.

   The avatar of Buddhism is obviously different from the peacock demon. It is aware of external affairs and is not curious about the incoming sacred ape and deer demon. He keeps holding the wooden fish and the Buddhist scriptures in his mouth!

   The giant beast is rolling over and over, wailing and screaming! Monk Duji is still chanting, and the golden light is prosperous. He also wants to pass the Duhua curse to the holy ape and the white deer demon!

   Such a serious crossing curse, even with the help of the holy ape, I don’t know how long it will take to be completely purified!

   The dark sun is blazing, but this time the soul-protecting effect has lost its effect. The strange giant beasts embodied in divine consciousness are still rolling on the ground, and there is no peace.

   "How come you are a monster lion?"

  After taking a look at the holy monkey, he exited the Monk’s Sea of ​​Knowledge, then lifted the deer demon's body, and looked to the west and waited: "Let’s go first, he takes a long time!"

Three powerful demon saints, one's own side is not dominant, and the master's Xuantian faction is not strong enough to protect his family. There are three cultivators who hate and don't want to shoot. The same is true for the drunken gods. , They just watched the opponent leave without intercepting.

From Xuantian Taoist Temple back to Sacred Ape Mountain, it is more than 20,000 miles. The speed of the demon ancestor is far less than that of the demon saint. He is afraid that the cultivator of the **** will chase after he gets together. Qi speed up.

   Sacred Ape grasped Miao De in one hand, and White Deer Demon in the other, followed by his clone army, each carrying two or three spiritual roots.

   The holy ape continued to help each other. In the sea of ​​wonderful virtue and knowledge, the deer demon Youyang worked hard to purify it, but it was a pity that the gold was too thick and strong and could only be consumed a little bit.

   No wonder Fuxi Da Neng said that he had helped Miao De. If not, it would be so serious that he would have been transformed into a true monk long ago. Maybe it is the same as the golden mane who would rather blew up!

Being punished severely by crossing oneself, the giant beasts in the sea of ​​knowledge have been rolling and wailing, and the shortcomings of non-transitional curse have also been exposed-perhaps it is fundamentally contrary to this way, it is the most extreme torture to the monsters and ghosts with gods and other races. Even the demon saint standing at the top of the realm can have an effect, but it is not lethal, and cannot be cursed to death directly!

   At this point, it's not as good as a thought curse that only works to the level of the Demon King!

   The speed of purification is still slow with the help of the holy ape, but after all, the thick gold is slowly dissolving, and the speed of the newly formed Buddha's heart seal is not as fast as the ablation speed.

   The ghost has already followed, and he **** his soul!

Outside, passing through the human realm, and just after entering the people to evacuate, the three thousand miles between the Xuantian Sect and the Sacred Ape Mountain, because it is already a range of his own spiritual knowledge, the great sage moved to the mountain and immediately felt that he gritted his teeth to the west. Sternly: "Old rhinoceros!"

   This sound did not spread far, just vented!

   Hearing him yelling, he looked around and asked, "Old rhinoceros is here again? Why don't the gods chase him?"

   The holy monkey hately said: "This boy has almost escaped back to Rhino Valley, can't catch it!"

   Looking west, frowned, and then asked after a long time: "No injustice, twenty-one of them?"

   The holy monkey shook his head: "It's all right, it's still around Saruyama!"

   Beforehand, when the sacred ape couple discussed with the deer demon, the white deer demon suggested that before the Xuantian school, the golden mane should be captured first, or the news should be considered leaking, and by the way the monk’s killer should be brought out to take a look.

The Bailu Demon's supernatural powers can eliminate the curse. Monk Duji can't wait for him to die. Last time he sent a clone to blew himself up. The unknown is always the most terrible. It is better to seize the opportunity to seduce, and the monk will appear again. , And in what way does it appear.

   The more detailed the investigation, the better the defense, and the better the life can be saved.

   Then, he would force Fushan to change into his own appearance, guarded by four demon ancestors, and stay in Saruyama.

   The White Deer Demon is just a demon general. If relying on reasoning, the holy ape and Xiwang will not take them out to do big things. They are consistent with the appearance they see, so they should stay in the monkey mountain.

   Even if there are flaws in Fushan's changes, it doesn't matter.

   The deer demon wants to see, the holy ape is not at home, and under the protection of several demon ancestors, the monk has the ability to kill his own family!

   At this time, neither the sacred monkey nor Xiwang expected that the white deer demon's wary of peace had not yet appeared, and the dead feud, the old rhinoceros came into the monkey mountain again!

  The tens of thousands of miles wide Sacred Ape Mountain is in front, can the monk curse reach the Sacred Rhinoceros Valley?

   If only the old rhinoceros came to avenge and make trouble again, his ears and eyes would be so lucid, knowing that the holy ape was out, and accurately predicting when to turn around and escape first?

   The old rhinoceros has such a skill, but Saruyama has left her inside?

   The white deer demon is still busy purifying in the sea of ​​wonderful virtue and knowledge, and the holy monkey and Xiwang are full of doubts, so they have to wait to return to the Saru Mountain to understand the situation and then care about it.

   Looking west in her arms, Yaoyao cried out, "Daddy is so useless. I haven't killed that old rhino in a thousand years?"

   In front of the Dragon King and his wife, the son didn't show his face, and the holy ape gave him a bit helplessly.

   Could it be that you said to this kid, your father is very regretful, almost crazy, hiding in the holy ape mountain for a thousand years, and has not done anything?

   Yaoyao didn't show any weakness, so he stared at him.

   The sacred ape still couldn't stand it, so he looked away first.

   Flying over three thousand miles, it is the undulating mountains and the majestic and stretching Sacred Ape Mountain Range.

   Ao and eight Dragon Palace demon ancestors are waiting on the boundary of the sacred apes.

   I heard that there was another accident in the Sacred Ape Mountain. The Dragon King and Long Po didn’t want to bother, so they handed over a few sentences and went directly back to Beihai. Unexpectedly, Xiwang asked, "My relatives, please come to Ape Mountain to sit down!"

Looking at the appearance of the ape woman, there should be something to say, his family is willing to make it public, and the dragon king and his wife also want to know more about the current situation of the monkey mountain, so that they can plan for the dragon palace. Go to Saruyama first.

   There are eight more demon ancestors, and if it is not good to borrow the power of the demon saint, the speed will drop.

The sacred ape’s continuous divine thought and demon energy entered the deer demon's body, and the crossing curse was still unable to withstand it. It slowly melted down layer by layer. The golden light faded first on the screaming behemoth and gradually appeared. Real white hair.

   The giant beast’s tumbling howls diminished and gradually became peaceful. After all white appeared, he was finally able to run to the deer demon, panting weakly, “Good deer, I know that one day, I can save you!”

   looked at the ghost who was absorbing the soul power next to him: "The female ghost can make up more, and fill up the entity as soon as possible, so that you can serve your master!"

   He didn't even grab the soul power with Zixia, and compared with the petty Peacock Demon, he immediately got a good impression of the Deer Demon.

   Zixia glared at the giant beast, then glanced at the deer demon, suspecting that she had misunderstood the meaning, and asked vigilantly: "How much do you serve?"

The white lion said impatiently: "Your lord’s stubborn family is fierce. In the future, I guess he will not dare to steal the mouth. When you, the female ghost entity, go out and go out, it’s the best way to get rid of the lack? After UU read and went home, he couldn't even notice it in the Hun family!"

   suddenly said that Zixia's heart was hairy, and she didn't know that the remaining soul power should be used to make up for the ghost.

   The deer demon said with a stern face: "Master Ji, what about when I risked my death to borrow Nikka? Don't you say that as long as you can be diligent, you are not afraid of death?"

   Zixia's temperament was the most irritable, she immediately "poached", she gritted her teeth, and then sucked her soul power.

   How many years of cultivation time can be saved with such a strong soul power?

   If I really can’t hide, my aunt will find the Dragon Girl to file a complaint and beat you for a day!

   With double horns like ram's horns and a beard, the deer deer suspects that this white behemoth that embodies the consciousness is a combination of a sheep and a lion!

   At this time, the giant beast has turned his head, and the monk staring at Duji "hehe" laughed out: "Any bald donkey is cunning, and you are also told to eat Grandpa's anger!"

Yaqi is the gas discharged from the anus. It is a fart in layman's terms. Monk Buddha Nian'er sees that the situation is over. It is a foregone conclusion that the divine beast will get away. He finally stopped chanting and asked angrily: "The stubborn Bai Ze'er doesn't love Buddhism. Wonderful way, do you want to go back to the mountains and be with the birds and beasts? You planned this evil deer demon ability?"

   The deer demon hadn't reacted much yet, but the ghost Zixia looked at the behemoth that scared her by mistake.

White Pond? According to the rumors, knowing the future, and knowing the monsters, demons, ghosts, and beasts of the world, Bai Ze, who is one thousand five hundred and twenty in the world?

   The monk's body is already fading, and the big white lion with two horns said: "I told you to listen to you as a bald donkey, and if you can't bring it back to the real body, why should I give up my tongue?".

   Ahead, Saruyama is already looking out.

  Ps: There is a chapter in ten minutes, please take a look~

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