Deer Demon Race

Chapter 297: Forked road

   Before dawn, the top of Doufengling Mountain was crowded. There was a crowd of monsters, except for the little monsters who were on duty at the mountain gate, stationed in the mountain, and police mountain. Almost all came.

   Two iron hyenas and Langlang, who had been collecting Japanese flowers with the prisoners before, were free to sit on the scorched earth cushioned by animal skins at this time without any pressure.

   The demon who decided to accompany the deer on the adventure, stand out one by one, cushion the scorched earth with animal skins, and then sit down.

   Goubao, Yuanxiang, blue eyes, a little bit, steel bones, roar, these demon Ding said in front of the deer demon yesterday.

   Among the onlookers, the bat demon Yuwei came out first, glared at Goubao, and sat quietly beside him.

   Goubao grinned happily, and didn't object.

   Then, Qi Niu walked out of the crowd of onlookers again, and said in a simple manner: "My **** family called me, too!"

   Then, Banxuan yawned and went out of the queue, turning around and cursing: "Silly lady, I don't want to go, how can I just pinch on my body!"

   cursed a few more words about the **** before he walked over. He didn’t use animal skin cushions and didn’t dislike the scorched earth and black. He sat down beside the assassin and sighed, "I want to be killed by the asshole!"

  The half-xuan **** family is a squirrel demon named Yingcang. Among the onlookers, he has been glaring at him, wishing to cut off a piece of meat. After all, he could not hold back: "Take the old lady as a raft, come back and make you look good!"

   Afterwards, the painted snake with few arms also came out. Master Lu saw it and shouted, "Jin Chan'er, the master doesn't expect you to fight, so what do you do?"

   Painted Snake glanced at him diagonally, sniffed in his nose, found a slope, pulled the animal skin cushion, and didn't partner with anyone else.

  The fox demon Tian Xiang ran out: "Oh, crippled brother, we have to live together, and the slave family sits with you!"

   Yuan Yaohei stood out with a face, and sat down under the roar without saying a word.

   Tiger Demon Su came out cursingly, and sat beside Ban Xuan: "Beast Mother, you are afraid of the gangster, I bet against the golden hitter, and I lost!"

  Mouse demon golden hitter then chased it out: "It's a dog, obviously I lost the bet, and I didn't see you fight in the past?"

  The eagle monster Dayu, who was born as a sea monster, ran out, looked around, and ran to the halfway point: "Brother, the bird monsters in the world are a family, let's have a company with you!"

  The idle demon Ding Zhong, the crane demon red pattern and the leopard demon long tail came out on each other's shoulders, arrogantly said: "My ancestor said personally, my brothers are different in blood, Cairihua can not die, not similar to you, etc.!"

   Waiting for the two of them to sit down, the Black Tiger Demon Necromancer also ran, and wanted to join them.

   Nagao said: "You guys, don't burn up and startle me, sit down with the black face, you two colors match!"

   The dead ghost is not to be outdone: "He just has a dark face, it's not as good as my heart and liver, I don't bother to take care of it, just sit with you two, see which one burns first!"

  The black face roared: "The long tail of the dog day, the dead ghost, have a ride on the wind flat tonight!"

   Nagao turned his head and glanced at him: "Wait until you don’t burn into a torch!"

   A few words of kung fu, knowing things, indisputable, small tunes, Yufeng, old spots, white shoulders, Baiqiao, one by one, are more and more popular.

  After the monsters had finished picking a good position, among the little monsters, Xiuye ​​smiled and went out: "I was born with a double handle, and it may be two torches when it burns. The masters of Dingmu are not surprised!"

Then came a large number of wild little monsters such as Sancai, Dawei, Yuzhu, Shougong, and Zhonghua, and then, clamoring for "I'm not worthless" sincerely, knowing the mountains, reporting sorrow, plucking hair, galloping away, and Daxu. Waiting for this mountain demon, and finally, Jie Dao waited for a few seabird demon.

   The little female demon is tricky and hides behind Yuzhu sneakily, only hiding from the eyes of the green eyes.

   Looking at the seventeenth woman who was sitting halfway up the hillside and holding the hands of the Shura woman, she asked, "Guiyi, Shuanghe, why don't you two go?"

   replied: "Girl, I have to keep it and listen to you!"

   Looking at Shuanghe and nodded, the seventeenth mother smiled and said: "Then you two are really burned, and the queen mother and master will be sent again. It's really impossible. Can't you find it in your own family? Just need it?"

   Shuanghe wailed his face: "Girl, it's not good to curse me like this!"

   Guiyi is eager to try: "Then I went?"

   Regardless of them, Seventeen Niang turned to Qingluo and said, "Sister, just look at it yourself, this day, the slave family will also pick it up. Sooner or later, you will always end, think about it, it should be sooner rather than later!"

   After speaking, he let go and flew on the body first, blushing, and sat next to Master Deer.

   Guiyi, Shuanghe anxiously called: "Girl, at least wait until later and be safe, so you can try!"

   It's just that the demon king-level grandma in charge also followed, causing a sensation, and their voices were instantly overwhelmed by countless noises.

   "Grandma is mighty!"

   "Master has to ask grandma to serve it well!"

   "I don't want grandma to be a bit worthwhile, but also a courage!"

   "Grandma also quenches Rihua, how can the master turn over? Haha!"

   There are shouts and laughter, which dilutes the solemn atmosphere a lot. They can no longer persuade them to return. They are reunited and reluctant, so they have to run forward and sit next to Painter and Tianxiang.

  The onlookers have become sparser, and the mountain demon loves to clamor, "I'm worthy of nothing." Some fearful of being laughed at afterwards, they are also anxious to join in.

   On the first day, there were more than 30 demon escorts who accompanied the deer master to gather Japanese flowers, and there were nearly 300 little demon, among which the wild little demon was the most.

   Fortunately, the gentle sun of Lord Deer rises high, and there is no problem sitting one or two thousand people loosely under the covered land.

Holding Shi Niang's hand and holding on, the deer deer feels comfortable, and has to say a few more words: "Don't panic. If you don't feel calm, you'd better not try and come back another day; if you feel that your body can't help it, you need to get up. ; If the surrounding area ignites..."

   At this time, there was someone who didn't give him face. The courageous golden striker cried out strangely: "Master, don't be wordy, you know, the more you talk, the more panic I get!"

This rat demon Ding is the master who even dared to pull the fur of the holy ape master. He couldn't complain, but in a certain corner, Kaitai also called out for the first time: "I'm not afraid of Japan. Ren hurts!"

   Amidst the laughter, the sparrow demon who has been staring at the east screamed: "Too Bai Xingliang, Nikka is approaching!"

  , including the choked lord deer, all stopped now, ready to relax and enjoy the sun.

   Seventeen Niangshou made a hand, thinking that one burn would burn two, the deer demon let go of his hand.

   I remembered the story of Jinzhezi and Kaitai's dismantling today. When the deer deer thought, there was an extra round of cold and radiant sun in the sky, throwing its faint brilliance.

   Bai Ze, who watched from a long distance, moved his mouth lightly, as if muttering to himself.

   Asura Nv Qingluo, holding each other with her hands, her fingers turned white.

   Next to Qingluo, Dashun's couple, Duo Duo, Mao Nu, Shi Jing, Ying Cang, etc., all stared with concern.

   In midair to the west of Doufengling, looking towards La Yaoyao to the west, he hides himself with the holy ape and is also watching.

   The holy monkey complimented: "Old lady, Bailuer, here at the driving range, there are so many demons willing to accompany him to try out Nikka!"

Zan Tuer praised Master in a disguised form. Looking to the west was very helpful, and she rarely smiled: "I heard that I am a disciple who is a mountain master and rarely hides himself. As long as she is willing to learn, she will temper her body and be willing to teach foreigners in every way. , The body has also given enough! The monsters under his sect are usually noisy, but they rarely suffer outside, and their spirits are high! Don't you know that the one who accompanied him the previous day, the spirits were high, the flustered less, I am afraid that it is not easy to die, behind Those who pick Nikka again, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult!"

   The old lady secretly inquired about this senior brother and there was a lot of news, and Yaoyao pouted and said: "If you have tried more than 300 lives, how can you die easily?"

   West Wang touched his head: "My heart is the most sad, I have already tried thousands of them before, how much does it have to do with my family? Only when things come, I really know!"

   The holy monkey sighed: "Unfortunately, it's just some monsters and little monsters, it's not worth it!"

   Yaoyao nodded, thinking that he was right. Those monsters, even he can't beat them, are worthless!

   The holy monkey asked: "That disciple-in-law, don't you care?"

   looked west and shook his head: "If the demon ancestor's benefits should not be great, and the old lady wants to follow her, how can I care about her? So she burned to death. To tell the truth, I am afraid of it?"

   Sage Ape nodded and said: "Be more safe, and ask Bai Ze to try it first. The demon ancestor is really useless!"

   Looking west has hissed: "Japanese China is here!"

   The east turned white, the first turning day came!

   The top of the Drifting Ridge ignited the first bright fire of life, followed by a few clumps, and then dozens of clumps ignited.

   After a good rest, seeing that there were no new additions, Xiwang breathed a sigh of relief and counted it silently: "Burn one demon, thirty-eight little demon!"

   "Let's go!" The old woman was relieved, and the holy ape also stretched her brows: "After the heart is over, it will not be easy to die in the future!"


   When Zhang Meigu walked out of the gate of the Queen Mother Temple, she was a little puzzled.

   I was in the temple, and I was often assigned to do chores, but going to the city to buy was always the work of other seniors, how could it fall on my own?

   and it was ordered by the head of Jindan himself, so strange!

   Is it possible that I am diligent and fall into the eyes of the head?

   The older sister who bought it before made a mistake, so let me be the fatter?

   It's not bad to be stuck in the mountains, and to get the air of the world in the city!

   Stepping down the stone steps down the mountain, Mei Gu couldn't help feeling a little proud of this, and her feet were lighter.

   turned around, and on the stone steps in front, there was a man lying face down, wearing a tattered robe.

   Aunt Mei was taken aback, and ran over, first sniffed the surrounding area, there was no smell of alcohol, not drunk.

   put his hand on his pulse, beating and warm.

   Aunt Mei turned him over, saw an old man with a small face and small eyes, and shook and whispered: "Dao Master! Dao Master!"


  The old Taoist priest opened his eyes and looked at Aunt Zhang Mei first before asking, "Where is this?"

   Gu Mei reported the name of the place and asked him: "Where is the Taoist leader?"

   The old Taoist priest hummed and shook his head: "Pan Dao is a monk, and he has been robbed by a strongman a few times, and unfortunately, he lives here!"

  Xuantian Sect Earth Boundary, how many times will a monk be robbed by a strongman? Where's the frustrated madness?

When he talked about each other Gu sullenly said: "The temple forbids male guests. If there is no injury, the Taoist chief will leave early. Don’t get in the way. The female guests come up to the mountain to see. I thought it had something to do with the temple!"

   "Just go! Just go!"

  The Taoist priest got up, rolled his small eyes, and shouted: "You baby has a clear bones and a good heart. It's a good way to cultivate my family's Taoism, and the poor will accept you as a disciple!"

  A mad Taoist who didn't know where he came from, Gu Zhang Mei gave him a blank look and said: "I am a female cultivator in the Queen Mother Temple, and I am ready to build a foundation. I can worship Jindan as a teacher. The Taoist will know something, Mo Hun said!"

   Seeing that he really didn't look like an injured person, Mei Gu walked around and continued down the mountain.

Aunt Mei walked fast, and the old Taoist trot to keep up: "I really don't lie to you. I have received dozens of apprentices in my life, and only 12 of them are successful. The others are dead, so I will accept you as a small thirteen. , The brothers will definitely love you, and you have to be respected by many juniors, which is of great benefit! Being a teacher is not messy, you only need to do one thing, if your two brothers fail in the future, go help out and ask for some books. The book is ready when it comes back!"

   Aunt Mei's feet speeded up again, and the old Taoist shouted from behind: "Ouch! You bully the old man with a slow pace, you have to make a big move if you are poor!"

   Aunt Mei turned a deaf ear to her ears and almost started trotting.

   A figure floated in front of him, scared Mei Gu to stop. When he fixed his eyes, it was not the head of the golden core of his own Wangmu Temple?

   In doubt, the head of the golden core said: "Aunt Mei, since you have a great opportunity, you go with this old god!".

Behind, the panting old Dao rushed down: "Ouch! Worship the poor Dao as a teacher, Hemingguan’s breath will help you out. The head of his family told him to kneel and dare not stand, and he slapped his mouth and dare not stop. !"

   (end of this volume)

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