Deer Demon Race

Chapter 299: Profiteering

   The deer demon hummed: "First hand in the forty-five stacks of elixir, and then replenish it later!"

   Big Horn laughed: "Don't join hands, just take credit!"

   The deer demon said in a bad mood: "I don’t want to take credit with anyone else. I have friendship with you, but it’s not easy to be beaten by the autumn wind and eat for nothing!"

The bull demon stared at him: "You little family, you still go to the old ancestor's festival every year. The disciple of the lady of the holy ape and the son-in-law of the dragon palace can't hold up the appearance? Nine out of thirteen, I recognize!"

If you can find him, it is better to believe that the rooster will lay eggs. The deer deer once again put down the colored stones, put the pair of horn knives away, and said: "Get it later in January. If you don’t bring the elixir, you will return the horn knives. My old deer!"

Dajiao grinned and said: "Then I will go back, take a leave of absence to the king, come to Drive Fengling to live for three to five years, and tell you that you don’t need to be an uncle. What do you eat? What do you eat? I'll be an errand boy for you!"

   Bai Lu demon rolls his eyes: "Why do Lao Lu owe you?"

   The two of them wrangled with each other, but Huang Huaniang kept silent, looked beautifully beside her, smiled and nodded again and again.

   Dajiao said dissatisfied: "I'm here to take care of my livelihood, and donating customers will always get a bit of benefit!"

After saying this, he took a few more artifacts out of his mouth: "The first piece of the heavenly copper stick is a magic weapon that the king has used for many years. It has three magical effects. He has many elixir, and you can charge the price. At that time, I will send them all, a lot of money for you; the other ones are for the poor demon generals like me, and they are full of magical functions. Noodles!"

He knew that the pair of bullhorn knives had to be used in vain. He hadn’t expected to receive the elixir. He was just arguing about it before, but he also brought a few artifacts from the poor demon generals, clamoring for discounts, to facilitate this servant. Going back to be a favor, the deer deer really became angry, and threw the horn knife that he had just received: "Get out of the way, Lord Deer won't wait!"

   Big Horn stared: "Accepting the order, it's not just talking with nothing, you still want to regret it? Do you want a fame? These brothers are at the door, need to promote it for you?"

   The deer deer came up against the crime: "When is the poor ghost determined?"

  The bull demon pointed to the happy little demon inside and outside the door: "Your little demon has already taken it!"

   Feelings. He was talking about the insufficiency that had been rewarded before, and the deer demon angrily shouted, "I will return you three times!"

   Bull demon stared: "If you don't know what to do, you have the face to go to your ancestors' homes to drink wine. Somehow my ancestors have given up a lot of blood. Can't you eat them?"

   was so speechless by him, after half a day, the Bailu Yao waved his hand, and said in an angry manner: "Only this one, get out!"

   I'm an old cow, and if things are done, I won't care about you stingy deer! Dajiao smiled and said, "Okay! Can I have my brother roll twice to see you?"

The deer deer had already sat down and ignored, Huang Huaniang turned around and held her big horns, and said in a charming voice, "Oh, big brother big horns are three thousand miles back and forth, shouldn't you rest and leave? His family has no friendship and will not leave you overnight. , How many days to rest in the Ten Thousand Flower Valley? You have a beautiful appearance, not like the ugly white man with a big needle-pointed heart that day!"

   This is seeing the white deer demon being eaten to death, and he will immediately hook up with big horns to help out!

Huang Huaniang is stuck in the tea shop every day, which affects the overlay. The White Deer Demon is really afraid that the two of them will be entangled together. If I speak, I will answer you in the evening!"

   Huang Huaniang smiled and said, "Don't lie to my old lady when you are born with a disease!"

Seeing the deer demon nodding, Huang Huaniang let go of her big horns and sighed: "It's a pity, if Niu'er can wait, she really went to the Wanhua Valley to rest. The queen will come to greet you and protect you. I want to stay a few more days!"

Big Horn wanted to agree, but he saw that Bai Lu Yao's complexion became more and more ugly. I don’t know that he had hooked up with Huang Huaniang, and could not tolerate his uncle with him. If he wanted to hook up with the Bodhisattva, he couldn't hook up with this person. benefit? He sighed and said: "I'm born to be busy, and the few poor families in the family waited eagerly to reply, and later got the chance to come back and talk with Huahou!"

  I was afraid that the bull demon could not stop back, and if he became more vigorous and beat the autumn wind, the deer demon didn't send it out, so he let him go.

  Although doing this business, in addition to earning elixir, the greater role is to practice hands, technical work does not cost much, but you can't just let it be for nothing!

   Sooner or later, let the dragon girl know that the elixir in the warehouse was mostly earned by the deer, not all of the dragon's body!

  The old man with income will have a hard waist, otherwise he will not be able to hold his head in front of Bai Fumei for the rest of his life!

   But if you think about it carefully, the demon generals and demon men who seek life in other mountain farms are really poor. The demon king's rewards are not enough for their own use, let alone the remaining wealth.

   Now the treasury is wealthy, and it’s a great profit to help someone else who is engraved with characters. On the driving range of their own family, can Goubao and other confidantes need to be more self-conscious? Avoid getting out of the door like a big horned poor!

   Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyanliyao generals have only been at most ten or twenty years old. The body has been issued, so it should be changed!

  If not, what should he do if he has been trained with great effort, after waiting for the promotion of the demon general, he will be like his own family.

   Even if you look at the friendship and kindness in the past, you can't bear to leave, it's not good for a long time!

   How many of them, can they stay or do they want to stay with them as much as possible!

   The deer deer was distracted thinking. Huang Huaniang has gone out and called the little demon outside the mountain gate: "You can fly, go up and talk to your grandma, I will ask for a bowl of tea later!"

   The deer deer awakened, and said: "Yuzhu, there will be guests coming from behind, stop it, please hurry up tomorrow!"

   After Yuzhu from the outside agreed, the deer deer exasperated and said to the demon generals in the line: "I'm sorry, I will hurry up!"

   Huang Huaniang was still outside the tea house, and the demon general at the front of the row whispered: "Brother is slower and there is nothing wrong, I would rather wait!"

Without the **** stick, with the reputation of Bailu Yao in the past few years, I have added magical tools to others. I have never missed a business trip under forty-five folds. Like this, I would use non-body objects for overlapping descriptions. I would rather more. Wait, the heart is more at ease.

   It is really Huang Hua Niang is too able to mix up, and can't afford to offend it!

   This colored stone has been warmed for decades, how can it be without feelings? If the description is broken, it will be compensated. As long as the effect is not too different, the owner will not look down upon it.

   The deer demon nodded, sat down, and began to overlay again.

Characters are superimposed on the magic weapon. The characters that Bailu Demon succeeded in practice until now, most of them can be folded to about fifty stacks, which is similar to the magical effect of the demon general’s two hundred years of warming up. After that, the risk will be greater, and more will be needed. Years of training.

   No, this is a business in the tea shop, which means earning elixir and practicing characters!

   When the risk is high in the future, it is better to use the demon temperature to raise, although it takes a long time, the victory is safe!

   The combination of Chinese and Western, wrong, the combination of the two ways of **** and demons is the right way!

Just like the horns in his own hand, before he bought it, the first magical effect "Tear" was almost 80% more characters, not to mention that there is no such magical character so far. At the last moment of the disparity, the deer demon must be raised by his own family and dare not add any more.

After drawing the colored stone in his hand, the deer demon handed it back and said: "The two magical functions of'firmness' and'annihilation' are all forty-five folds, and it is estimated that you will be warm for one hundred and eighty years. I really don’t dare to add it, because I’m afraid that the artifact will be broken, so you can take care of it first.

  The demon will pick up the Caishi, and smiled bitterly: "Brother's ability will increase in four or five years, I am afraid that I will no longer be able to produce top grades by then!"

   It’s not about my old deer that I can’t afford the elixir. The deer just smiled and changed his name to "Next one!"

Qinghong has skipped over, and whispers to the demon general holding the colored stone: "Thanks to the patronage of the distinguished guests, each item is forty-five folds, eleven pieces of yellow top grade and two pieces of yellow middle grade, and two pieces of magical effect total 22 pieces of yellow. Top grade, as the master of the mountain said, four copies of Huang Zhongpin will be forgiven. Please forgive me for any negligence!"

Most monsters can’t settle accounts, but the price is fixed. There is no need to recalculate it. I hope that the forty-five stacks of monsters will be the most. In the Doufengling Teahouse, I don’t know how many times to say every day. The monsters holding Caishi line up. Shi also listened to it several times, and it was expected that there was nothing wrong with it, so he only distressed and paid for the elixir. When he looked at the colored stone in his hand, the pain ceased, and he changed his face to liking.

   Qinghong took the elixir, took it and asked Master Lu to see that it was correct, then turned around and said, "The money and goods, please sit over there, drink a bowl of tea, and leave!"

   shouted again: "Sister Maonv, make tea for guests!"

   The rabbit monster over there responded with a sound, but did not move.

The demon general had put away the colored stone and smiled: "Your family is doing such a good business, and the elixir comes faster than the robbery. I have collected more than 20 top-grade yellow products, and I can't bear to spare another bowl of spiritual tea. I drank it. Fancha hurts in my heart, let's go!"

   Qinghong didn't argue, but smiled: "The distinguished guest, go slowly, come again next time!"

   Outside the door, Yuzhu greeted a few but she didn't care as much as a big horn for him. They were all lie, not really, just to make the demon general happy.

After the roots of the ancestral fruit in the back mountain grew into spiritual roots, the aura of the Daofengling Mountain was immediately abundant, and the deer demon could not find other ways to make a living, so he had to expand the scale of the tea garden. Tea, there are only three or four bowls of tea every day, but there are more than ten or twenty people who come to add magical tools. How can they be entertained?

   Besides, hasn't it already spared four Huang Zhongpin?

   Being entangled by Huang Huaniang these few days, time wasted and accumulated a little bit. The deer demon became busy and fast. When the evil spirit was almost exhausted, she called Mao Nu to make spiritual tea and drank a supplement.

   Those who are difficult will not be difficult, those who are meeting are not difficult, forty-five folds or less, for today's deer demon, the consumption is not too much, when the whole body is full of demon energy, it can trace four forty-five folds from the beginning.

   In a hurry today, I drank all the spiritual tea I picked last night, and the deer deer took two more plants from the account, and both bite them to replenish the evil spirit.

   As long as the demon-qi can keep up, the speed of overlaying characters is not slow. It is estimated that after seventy stacks, the demon-qi consumes more and it takes more time for each stack.

After all the guests in the line were sent away, the deer deer stretched out to see that it was not early, and it was almost time for the couple to start fighting in Dufengping. He screamed: "Yuzhu will send the elixir to the storeroom. Master, I will go back to the mountain first. go!".

   After speaking, the white deer demon walked out of the tea house and returned to the mountain first.

After finding the Dragon Girl and the Huang Hua Niang who was talking with Qing Luo, the Deer Demon said to her face-to-face: "After the flower, I tell you the truth, I can indeed plant a dozen more spiritual roots, but if you allow it, you I also have to stop taking out my old deer! No matter how big the property is, it can’t resist the delivery like this, the whole family will feel distressed!"

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