Deer Demon Race

Chapter 308: fight

King Shanyang’s magical power "Dongtian", in fact, is called "Nothing else". If it can really originate, it is indeed extremely useful. Forty years later, the winning rate and vitality of gambling will be even greater.

"Bath Day Tongyou" is the fusion of two Demon King-level supernatural powers. From its appearance, Deer Deer knows that not all Demon King-level supernatural powers, and demon generals can’t originate, unlike the time when the little demon and the demon , It may be necessary for bones and internal organs to meet the standards, and if there are no necessary rigid conditions, the barriers between them are not completely indestructible.

"Dongtian" demon king-level supernatural powers must be obtained before the gambling battle begins, the more the better!

It was another full moon night. When the Moon Fairy began to gather, the bag that the Deer Deer was still holding had not yet dispersed. Not only was it stubborn and Yaoyao, but many demon races looked at him with a gloating look, even more so among the Sea-Monsters. The three characters "Rilong Bao" are only missing.

Big Horn is even worse, laughing unscrupulously with Huang Huaniang.

Before he could really turn over, the Deer Demon had nothing to defend, his anger was hidden in his heart, and he just sat down with the Dragon Girl and used it to rub the moon.

The look of contempt is more.

After collecting the moon spirits for a night, the deer deer ran to Bai Ze in the short time before the sun had arrived, and quickly said the eyes of the beast’s bloodline and the magical power, "There is no cave in the sky", and finally asked: "The eyes of other monsters" , Can you give each other?"

After glancing at King Shanyang over there, Bai Ze smiled and said: "You only regard that eye as a magic weapon, refining it into the body, why is it difficult?"

The deer demon asked again: "I still have a refined Shura eye, is it worth it?"

Bai Ze exclaimed, "Learning magical powers, you are hotter than your ancestor, ask how your ancestor did?"

According to the deer deer's imagination, the "Dongtian" structure that King Shanyang saw should have three eyes and it should be able to originate. Unlike special structures such as "fright" and "identification", Shura eyes can be refined. If you enter the body, you don't need to ask for it anymore.

This Shura eye was left after the death of the Great Shura, which is equivalent to the demon ancestor, and it is much more useful than the eye of the demon.

Don't worry about this, just ask Qingluo in the evening, the deer demon only asks: "My old deer is just a demon general, how can the demon king-level supernatural powers originate?"

Bai Ze waved his hand impatiently: "Nikka is approaching, so I just ask something irrelevant? You must get the Demon King-level supernatural powers in advance, and ask for your good luck, don't ask the ancestor I!"

Borrowing the fortune of heaven and earth in advance?

But the last good fortune fortune has been absorbed by the word "瑞", and now the coverage of the word "瑞" has increased greatly!

Gou Bao had begun to bark, and the sun was approaching, and the deer deer hurriedly left Bai Ze and flew back to his home to release the Youyang.

When the harvesting of Rihua was over, the foreign demons were all flying down the mountain, and the dead ghost's mother brought a basket of devil peppers and Chaotian peppers and ran over: "Master wanted the hot peppers last night!"

The punishment of dead ghosts once every three days had to stop three years ago. Nowadays, there are a lot of hot peppers in the room.

The deer demon took it and put it away.

At the full moon last night, from the demon saint to the little demon, all the demon races were tempering their bodies, delaying their livelihood, and Huang Huaniang was busy going down the mountain to take morning visitors.

Looking at Powan with a big horn standing next to him, the deer deer asked him: "Gou Bao has been waiting for a while, why don't you go to the earth building to listen to magical powers?"

Big Horn chuckled: "My brother, I know Goubao, too, come back and ask him to tell him again!"


Big Horn smiled and said, "I heard that Brother Powan said that you two need to learn from each other. How can I be absent in such an occasion? You should also see how good your Bailuer is now, and then see who teaches who to be a demon!"

These two people often go to Tulou to listen to supernatural powers.

Big Horn is going to see the excitement, and the White Deer Demon can't help but stubbornly said to Po, "Let's go!"

So the three flew to the south of the mountain together. This side was behind the mountain and far from the Chisha River. On the full moon night, there was no demon servant brought by the sea monster to the top of the moon picker.

There are many sea monsters, and many of them have to swim down the river, which shows the narrowness of the Chisha River. Before the start of the battle on the Doufengping Ping yesterday, the Seventeenth Niang had said that Xizhi had been scared away recently.

If you run too far, you may be caught and sold by the kingfisher monsters again!

How can we improve the situation of these little creatures?

I confessed to Qingluo last night. Today, Master Lu does not practice combat skills with her, he wants to change and practice with Powan.

Following them, Yaoyao also flew down slowly.

I found the very spacious top of the mountain and landed from the nearest left, glanced at Yaoyao who followed, and the deer demon shouted, "That's it!"

Dajiao smiled and greeted Yaoyao: "Come here, little saint, look farther away, I shouldn't be splattered by blood!"

Standing still outside the Bailu Demon for twenty years, Poo said solemnly, "Please teach me how to be a demon!"

After that, there were large clouds of mist floating out of his mouth, ears, and nose, gradually dispersing and turning into thick mist.

Recently, they have been abused by the Dragon Girl, and the Deer Demon wants to abuse another one too. Some can't wait, he just spit out clouds and mist, he has turned back to his original form, and ran into it with the most primitive "savage collision"!

But when he rushed to the previous position, there was no more stubbornness!

Instead, he was already in the thick fog.

The thick fog was still spreading out quickly, forcing Dajiao and Yaoyao to fly back, and it was not enough to retreat to the edge of the mountain. They got up and flew up again, standing in mid-air to watch.

The entire top of the mountain is covered by dense fog!

The mist was so dense that it could only be seen within ten feet with the naked eye, and the previous divine sense induction completely disappeared!

In addition to concealing the spiritual sense and five senses, the fog also has an illusion effect, but the "black cry" guards the heart, and the deer demon is not disturbed.

The deer deer stopped and did not move, first released the "airbag" to prevent the fog from being poisonous, and then "listened to the sound" to start it, carefully capturing the surrounding movement.

The five senses are obscured, but fortunately "listening to the sound" still works!

But it was extremely quiet. Except for the breathing of Big Horn and Yaoyao in mid-air, no sound could be heard. It seemed that Powan could be completely hidden in this thick fog!

Yaoyao complained in mid-air, "How can we still see such a thick fog?"

Dajiao just chuckled and didn't answer him.

In the dense fog, there was a constant rustling sound in all directions. It seemed to be the sound of the soil being arched and squeezed. In addition, it was the sound of the leaves stretching.

The deer deer hummed softly and jumped into the air, flying straight out of the fog-shrouded height, before giving orders when he knew the sea, and the gray robe flew out.

After flying out, the original 73-fold "Zhang Zhang" magical effect was activated, and the gray robe immediately expanded to the surrounding area!

The gray robe hadn't been fully expanded, and there was a crisp buzzing sound somewhere below, and then several bursts of air sounded at the same time, taking advantage of the gap, the white deer demon flew into the air.

Under the supernatural power of "listening to the sound", the deer demon can even tell the difference. There are five sounds in the air, which should be the flying knives refined by the claws, or the magical artifacts that you need to overlap!

Coming and not going to be indecent, the deer demon shook his hand, and the life-saving antlers shot back at the same time, and then "tiger jump", the body quickly dodges!


Five-handed flying knives shot through the air, listening to the last sound of the life-saving antlers, nailed to the tree!

Then, the gray robe has rapidly expanded, like a huge dark cloud, covering the top of this mountain!

There is no room for mutual concealed weapons for the time being!

Deer deer just understood that Puwan is proficient in wood spells, and the sound of "bobobo" on the ground once again made loud noises, and countless rattans sprang up from the ground, and quickly drew towards the huge gray robe that fell!

Covered by a gray robe, in fact, there is only a "soft tendon" magical effect that will work, and most of them can't help but play stubbornly. Tianluowang's "Zhang Zhang" is its own repetition, only forty-seven folds, the effect is not as big as a gray robe, the deer demon just wants to use it to force some movement, but it has not completely fallen down after being beaten by countless canes.

Failing to make a contribution, the ghost dearly felt sorry for the gray robe of his host, and controlled it to shrink back.

The gray robe has become smaller and has not fallen, and the thick fog has no effect on the stubbornness. Seeing an opportunity on the ground, the big spell that has been prepared for a long time is activated immediately!

On all the trees and vines newly born in the dense fog, green leaves fell, and they all danced. Thousands of them gathered into a tide and swept toward the deer demon in the air!

In the tumbling green leaf frenzy, there are many ways to cover it. There are countless rattans spreading out to wrap around the feet of the deer demon; the flying knife that flew back is also hidden in it, and it has ten handles!

It doesn't seem to be difficult to deal with, but it's annoying to not find Powan!

Only dodge the hidden flying knife, and then shoot the last life-saving antlers, the deer deer takes out the big golden brick, "locking the town", "broken bone", "gravity", and "ruyi" are activated at the same time, quite unreasonably. Smashed into the ground, it was the location where the throwing knife was launched for the second time!

Under the magical effect of "Ruyi", the golden bricks began to grow bigger when they left their hands, and eventually they were seven or eight feet long before they fell with a whistling, breaking countless vines, and then falling, breaking many trees, causing the mountains below to shake!

The vines that had to be broken were blocked, and Powan had changed positions.

In the new position, there was a distressed soft cry!

As expected, the long whip made by the stubborn leopard tail was also hidden in the vines. It was brutally smashed by the gold bricks. It must be a little damaged, enough for this guy to feel distressed!

They were all self-tempered magical tools, how could his methods fail to guess a few points?

The new voice made by that servant is not far from the big life-saving antlers left behind!

As soon as this thought flashed through, he was swallowed by the leaf frenzy that flew over!

Every leaf has been hardened by the evil spirit, but it can be cut to move other evil generals. After nine years of Nikka's body quenching, it is so strong that it is "hard skin" and "heavy fat"!

However, there are follow-up spells on these leaves, and it is difficult to be stained!

More and more leaves are flying, wrapping the deer demon into a huge leaf ball!

Every leaf has been tempered by the evil spirit, and besides cutting, there is another effect, that is, detonation!

Seeing that almost all the leaves were pasted on, Powan in the thick fog gave his right hand a strong grip, and shouted: "Blast!"

As he screamed, the sky exploded with a "boom".

But at the same time, at the place where he had avoided before four or five feet away, there was a loud roar immediately after a "pop": "Roar!"

The roaring sound wave shook the blood in the body, knowing that the White Deer Demon had reached the ground near the ground, pouring stubbornly endured the discomfort, and launched the "flash" for the first time today!

When the figure appeared thirty feet away, he quickly concealed his lower and then activated the spell to let the trees in the wooden formation regenerate new leaves.

Knowing that the Bailu demon can't use spells, it will be hot again and will not let you get close to see what you can fight!

I have seen the "flashing" of my old leopard, the time is too short, and it is not enough for you to originate!

Just thinking about it, the underground is shaking continuously again!

During the induction, many of the trees that make up the wooden array have collapsed and crumbled!

The thick fog has no effect, and Powan can see through what happened, but the "shock and trampling" of the sibling is so powerful?

Just thinking about this, the giant golden brick that had been smashed from the sky had shrunk, and it flew towards the white deer demon again! !

Then, Bailu Yao's body shook, and more than twenty phantoms appeared, and they ran across the dense fog. One of them even flew by half a dozen feet away!

It's enough to be fake, which one is real?

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