Deer Demon Race

Chapter 309: Who is hot

Quietly, the second wave of verdant green leaves that had just grown out once again all fell, and in the entire dense fog array, there were green leaves flying, chasing every illusion.

If you are really chased by those green leaves until you cut it, the illusion will burst, and you can know the true and false immediately!

Of course there are not as many illusions as there are leaves!

But it wasn't until the last phantom figure shattered that Powan knew that the real body of the White Deer Demon hadn't stayed in the thick fog!

There is no in the sky. Did you take the opportunity to hide in the earth?

He had just realized that the White Deer Demon had emerged from a tree summoned by spells and stomped down with his feet!

At the same time, he opened his mouth again: "Roar!"

"Concussion trampling" and the "roar" that followed were all range attacks. Powan believed that the White Deer Demon hadn't noticed his hidden home, but inferred that he was nearby, and sent a range attack to interfere, wanting to stun the snake.

Pouring stubbornly, still suppressing the turbulent blood in the body, continue to hold his breath!

Then, the demon white deer opened his mouth again: "Hiss!"

After this sound, he was already shocked by the "roar" and his blood was stubborn, and his head became dizzy again, and his stomach was so nauseous!

I couldn't hold my breath anymore, and finally snorted!

After humming, Po stubbornly knew what was wrong. Under his command, the green leaves swept towards the White Deer Demon. At the same time, the second "flash" was launched today and disappeared in place.

After changing to a new position, he was anxious to recite the "Clean Heart Mantra" to relieve the disordered heart palpitations!

There are too many green leaves flying in all directions, the white deer demon sank his knees, "leapfrogging" and flew away!

Just after landing, Yang Tian made another "roar"!

In the midair out of the thick fog, Big Horn smiled bitterly and said to Yaoyao: "Little Sage, I stand back a little bit, it's uncomfortable to be shaken by this guy!"

Yaoyao's complexion is also a little ugly, and she is so busy with kindness that she flies away from Dajiao again!

The roar of the deer demon has a wider range of influence than thick fog, and it is nothing more than getting more damage nearby!

The direction he jumped this time was opposite to the direction Powan hid after "flashing", and the Leopard Demon would barely hold it back.

But soon, the deer deer jumped in the opposite direction with another "tiger leap", letting the swept sky full of leaves chase behind them, flying about sixty feet away, and opened his mouth again: "hiss!"

This time the "low hissing" sound wave was sweeping to Powan, and after groaning again, although the "Heart-Clearing Mantra" that had just been recited silently was then relieved of the discomfort, the position was exposed again!

Now, the cooling time of "Roar" and "Low Hiss" is faster than the completion of "Clean Heart Mantra"!

This time, Powan didn't dare to take any chances anymore, first raised his hand to welcome the deer demon and shot his sharpest magic weapon, fang awl, and then "golden cicada out of its shell" sneaked away, at least flying farther than "Flash".

During the effective time of the "Clear Heart Curse", I am not afraid of "low hissing", but "roaring" cannot be prevented!

The stubborn toothed cone, the first magical effect of self-warming is the "spiral", and the last two magical functions are the superimposed characters of the deer demon. The "spiral" is activated, the spin speed is extremely fast, and it spins and shoots at a high speed. Those who go out fly much faster than ordinary hidden weapons. If they are hit, the damage will be huge!

The deer deer has traversed this long-toothed cone for him, knowing that the "Arrow in the Mouth" shoots the horns out to block, maybe the two magical weapons will suffer some damage, and the stubborn long-toothed cone will suffer more.

This magic weapon is rare, and his own horns don't want to be damaged. He is merciful. Seeing him raising his hand, Bai Lu Yao didn't even think about using the "arrow in the mouth", but only once again "Tiger Jump" to get away in advance.

After the Tooth Cone turned a corner in the air and then chased it, the "Spiral" had lost most of its magical effect, and the gray robe on the Deer Demon moved, and "Dang Er" flew the magic weapon for him!

"Tiger Leap" landed, and the leaves all over the sky changed direction and chased them again!

The white robe with words on the deer deer flew out, erected and turned into a wall of leather shields, blocking the flying leaves behind!

"Boom boom boom"!

Inspired by the stubborn spirit, the leaves exploded continuously, but the two magical functions of "firming" and "melting" on the white robe were sufficient to block the continuous explosion of leaves!

The characters drawn for his own magical instruments are absolutely over fifty stacks!

The long-tooth cone fell as expected, and was afraid that it would be drawn back to the spot where the deer demon would detect it. It was simply the same as the ten flying knives that flew out, so it would not be recalled first!

After the stubborn curse lying on the tree trunk, no matter the tooth cone and ten flying knives, no matter there are many leaves behind that have not exploded, if you are afraid of being "roared", start "Wooden Dun" first, the body is like water and the trunk Melt until it is fully entered!

This is the best risk-avoidance magical power for stubbornness. The body blends perfectly with the trees and there is no thick fog. As long as you don't move, the demon king's divine consciousness can't detect it. It is also the ambush of the white deer demon before!

Melting into the tree trunk, although he has completely lost the sense of control from the outside, he needs to calm the blood turbulent in his body first, the blood in his body rolls, and then he can't stand being yelled at by that guy!

In the thick fog, the vines no longer grew, and the leaves fell to the ground.

It's like Powan has left!

Wearing back the white robe with words, the deer demon "roared" three more times. It felt a little uncomfortable at home. After sensing the surroundings, there was no sound, then he wiped out the gold bricks and started smashing again!

Relying on memory, the big gold nugget flew out, interrupted many tree trunks from landing, flew back to the deer demon's hand, and then smashed in another direction!

He couldn't find the trail of stubbornness, so he used stupid strength to smash all the trees summoned by the surrounding spells again and again!

After finally hitting his hand in a certain direction again, Powan couldn't hide anymore and flew out of the tree trunk!

Before the big gold nugget flew over, there was the sound of fleeing into the air. The deer deer was joyful, and after the gold nugget, his legs sank, "leapfrogging" and rushing!


As we got closer, another "roar" sounded!

Only a little bit of the stubborn body was calmed down, and the blood began to turbulent again, making him unable to hold back anymore, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

Powan has always been weird, and he is very content with it. He thought it was really hard to touch his own fur. He didn't want this guy to rely on recklessness, so he didn't have a temper at all!

Fighting against such a white deer demon is really a dog biting a hedgehog with nowhere to go!

I really underestimated the white deer who was always beaten up by the Hun family!

Hearing the sound of the wind behind him, knowing that he has been chased again, and complaining endlessly, Powan made the last "flash", turned thirty feet away, and then held his breath again!

Damn it, "Roar" can't be released?

The White Deer demon stood still for a while, waited for the skill to cool down, and then slowly opened his mouth, shouting loudly: "Roar!"

Nikka has been tempering its body for nine years, how many "roars" can the deer deer himself endure?

I don’t know, I don’t have time to try the upper limit!


After another gulp of blood, Poo stubbornly yelled: "Brother is really hot, I take it!"

At the last word, the White Deer Demon had already swooped in front of him, hehe with a smile, and the immortal rope tied on his left hand flew out, twisting the stubbornly into a zongzi.

Powan laughed and said, "My elder brother has supernatural powers. I don't receive any elixir!"

The deer demon nodded: "I knew you would laugh too!"

Then, the big fist of the sandbag magnified in Powan's eyes and hit his left eye with a "bang".

Powan was knocked over by a punch, and the deer demon raised it up again, and said slowly: "My eyes are not good enough, my old deer will teach you how to do black and white leopard demon today!"

Another violent punch hit Powan's right eye circle.

Listening to different voices, Da Jiao asked loudly outside: "But after finishing the mile, he put away the fog, let Xiao Shengye and I take a look!"

How can you let the outside see your own embarrassment? Powan whispered: "Brother! Be a demon and stay on the sidelines, so we will meet each other in the future!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the deer deer hit his left eye again with a punch.

Not only did the supernatural powers that add strength were useless, but he also kept back his strength, otherwise he would be beaten to death by two or three punches!

Punch again, right eye!

After being hit with a few punches, the stubborn temper came up: "There is a kind of killing I am here today!"

Lu Yao snorted and sneered: "I really kill you here, how can King Da An? Fight half-handed and drag it to him. I believe that the big salamander would like to thank my subordinates for mercy!"

He also had a temper, punching him from the left and the right, not only the two eyes were so black, but the corners of his eyes were also bleeding out, before he went down again and punched him on the bridge of the nose.

The bridge of the nose is collapsed!

Next, the deer demon was ready to hit the mouth.

Playing backer, ability, means, and financial resources are not the opponents of Bailu Demon, stubbornness is not really clumsy, begging for mercy is useless, and threats are useless. Seeing the deer demon confiscating his hands, he can't worry about embarrassment and **** deeply. With a tone of breath, the dense fog in the surroundings quickly compressed, drilled back into the mouth, ears, and nose, and then let go of the voice and shouted: "Brother Big Horn, come here for help! The White Deer Demon wants to kill me!"

Then, he hit another punch in the mouth and dropped two front teeth!

Powan began to withdraw his magical powers. The fog on the top of the mountain became thinner for a while. The visibility first increased. Big Horn smiled, and flew over with Yaoyao. Halfway through, he called out: It's good to vent your anger, Mo Zhen killed him, and the face of King Da Ni is not good!"

Lu Yao didn't answer, but pulled his hand down, and pulled off his naughty robe, leaving his lower body naked.

Powan's hairs stood up in an instant, and the wind hurriedly asked: "What are you going to do?"

The deer demon hummed: "The customs of My Drifting Ridge also make you feel uncomfortable!"

Dajiao finally ran to him and cursed: "It's shameless, it's the custom of Lingtao Peak. When did you become your rider?"

The deer deer had taken out the bamboo basket with peppers that the dead ghost mother had given earlier, and looked at the bull demon: "If you don't agree with me, do it too?"

Big Horn drew back, and suddenly smiled: "My old man listens to my brother the most, don't find me bad luck! My brother is a disciple of the ancestor of the west, and the custom of Lingtao Peak, isn't it yours?"

Yaoyao glanced at him with contempt.

This servant has always seen the wind make the rudder, and the deer deer handed the bamboo basket to Big Horn: "Pinch the oil, serve him hot!"

Bai Lu'er really acted as an uncle in front of her home and started to call. Big Horn jumped at the corner of her eyes, took the bamboo basket, and sighed to Powan: "Brother bear with me. My Big Horn is forced by him. If you want to bear hatred, you will hate Bailu. Demon!"

Turning back to the White Deer Demon: "It's still soft, not easy!"

The deer deer sneered and said, "I told you to wait to learn the word ‘cool’!"

Another text ghost flew over his body, and UU Reading made the Leopard Monster quickly raise its flag.

Dajiao "tsk tsk" sighed: "It's not like you can't!"

Seeing that it's going to be true, I'll be stubborn and stubborn: "Brother Baibao, it's my fault. Forgive me anyway, I can't stand this!"

Seeing that the deer deer ignored him, he said again: "Your family is not in dispute or I was transferred from the mountain field. Look at some affections. From now on, I will listen to Brother Baibao for everything, and I won't dare to stand up to the bull!"

The deer deer snorted coldly: "The friendship should return to friendship, the hot day is still hot, otherwise I am afraid that I can't remember! Miss today, whatever you want, my old deer will only accompany you! Big horns hurry up!".

Big Horn stuck out his tongue, really crushed the chili and smeared it all over.

Then, Baibao, Dajiao, and Yaoyao enjoyed the stubborn howling ghosts and howling!

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