Deer Demon Race

Chapter 314: Control

Mrs. Xiwang returned to Doufengling, instead of beating and scolding Yaoyao, she fell directly outside the study and shouted: "Babao, come out!"

When the deer demon stepped out of the study, she sneered: "Leave the thousands of mountain monsters and sea monsters in the air, your big demon will be happy enough!"

The deer deer bowed and saluted: "Master, I moved to Beihai to live. When the word'Rui' is successful, I will come back to heal Master!"

Xiwang said "Bah": "You don't need to show your filial piety. You die early! It's too bad if the meat is rotten in the pot. How can the old lady allow you to get rid of it?"

Seeing the unconcealed look of disappointment on the deer demon's face, she said again: "After all, do you want to take a break?"

She has already explained that she will not let her go. The deer demon no longer reluctantly takes a deep breath: "Master, my old deer is greedy, and I want a lot of benefits!"

I'm afraid you don't speak, Xiwang said impatiently, "Let's talk about it!"

My heart has made up his mind. If the real lion opens his mouth, he will be allowed to coax first, and then he will find the opportunity to clean up a few times!

The deer deer didn't know her belly twisted and said bluntly: "The first thing, the master and the holy ape are reluctant to control Yaoyao, and I will let me take care of you in the future! King Shanyang must also be punished severely!"

Xiwang grinned and said, "If you killed him that day, you wouldn't call it'Master'? In the Dragon Palace, you can accept him as a gift!"

The deer deer sneered: "I can't afford to climb high, it's better to be called the Holy Ape Lord! The word'Yue', please take the Holy Ape Lord back!"

West looked back at him and rolled his eyes: "The disciple doesn't have a child, and he always tells the truth. How can you make a mistake? If you say you have a small belly, is it possible to make a mistake?"

The deer demon fell his hand without saying a word.

It was really a bad temper, and he sighed and said, "It's not easy to talk here, let's go!"

With the deer deer, she flew to the entrance of the holy cave, and she yelled inwardly: "God damned, Yaoyao, come out!"

Yaoyao jumped out of the cave first, holding her hand looking west and shouting, "When did my old lady come back? I want to die!"

Xiwang ignored him, and said to the holy ape who came out of the cave afterwards: "God damn, we are used to children anymore, we are really going to be tempted!"

Yaoyao looked astonished: "How much does my old lady say? I have always known things, but the most well-behaved, where is my temper?"

Really want to compromise with the White Deer Demon? The face of the holy monkey is also ugly: "My monster children, it's common to be stubborn! And as the little saint, in the holy monkey mountain, how can you take care of it?"

The words of the deer deer and the old woman in front of the study, the holy monkey has been paying attention.

The Bailu Yao looked up at the sky without making a sound.

Looking at Yaoyao with pity, and then at the holy ape, looking at the peach stick with the thickness of a thumb, he sighed and handed it to the deer demon: "I have lost a thousand years. I want my old lady to take care of this child. I really feel bad about it. Hand! This peach stick comes from the real mother of my old lady. If you hit him, you will be disciplined by the contemporary mother. No one has to talk about it!"

Sacred Ape was shocked, Yaoyao was shocked, and screamed: "My mother, I was still born to you? I can't bear to fight, how can I let someone else do it presumptuously?"

The deer deer took it. Although it was considered to be a poor crafting material, he looked at the sturdiness, but he waved it twice. It was too light and it was not enough. He asked: "Master, my old deer's supernatural powers may help practice. On to this stick?"

This servant is really going to play a black hand, West Wang took a cold breath, knowingly asked: "Which word?"

The deer deer smiled and said, "The words "same sympathy" on my body are slightly decent, "pain" and "spicy". Where can I say the other words?"

Xiwang knew that Bailu Yao’s "pain" refers to the painful experience of Duhua curse. It is too heavy to beat Yaoyao on a peach stick?

But thinking about it the other way round, how many demons couldn't bear the pain of crossing the curse, and finally resigned to Buddhism. It would be good to be able to borrow this pain and twist Yaoyao's temperament back!

My child is already half-year-old, not far from adulthood. It is true that severe illness must be treated with drastic medicine to reverse the possibility!

After trying to get through, Xiwang took back the peach stick and waved: "Release your magical powers, hold on to it, and don't let it go away!"

When the deer demon's "pain" phantom flew out, Yaoyao threw away from the west and flew down the mountain!

Looking west without looking back, he concentrated on practicing the word "pain" of "sympathy" and settled on the wooden stick.

The demon White Deer took off only after the master made the calligraphy, the words "Flying" flashed on the white robe, and there were three demon king tail feathers bonus, chasing the kid!

After looking west, I spent some time and really kept the word "pain" on the peach stick. The demon Bai Lu had dragged Yaoyao back with the immortal rope, and the little saint's left eye was black.

The demon Bai Lu shouted: "Master, the disciple missed his hand earlier. Before using your peach stick, he would bump into the little sage if he didn't agree, he won't do it again!"

The two sacred monkeys, looking west, couldn't help but twitch at the corners of their eyes.

In the divine consciousness induction, it was clear that after catching Yaoyao, the servant couldn't wait, and directly gave him a ruthless eye!

Yaoyao is so clever, and caught by him, he is a hero who doesn't suffer from immediate losses, and he didn't say a word at the time!

The white deer demon with small belly and chicken intestines loves to hit the eyes!

In front of the two big guys, they still opened their eyes and talked nonsense, without changing their faces!

Having decided to hand it over to the White Deer Demon, he hardened his heart as he looked west, and stared at the black eyes, "Is there a word for'spicy'?"

When the word "spicy" flew out of the deer demon's body, he looked west and took it. While tempering, he said: "White deer demon, Yaoyao is always an old lady and child, so you can keep it. You should always call him'junior brother'. , He was young and didn't know anything, so you just want to live?"

The deer demon scratched his head and said, "Oh! Master, this is not a disciple. He always doesn't call him Senior Brother, and I have forgotten it too!"

Yaoyao lay down on the ground and hurriedly called out, "Brother! It was me before, I was just playing with you!"

The demon Bailu lowered his head and said to him: "Brother! Senior brother teaches you to be a demon, you should know the first thing. It is not good to play with everyone, and not all of them are your parents!"

Unable to say that the White Deer Demon, Yaoyao called again: "Father, I have been cleaned up, why don't you just stare at you? Are you just a Rilong bag?"

Sheng Yuan glanced at the expressionless old lady, but did not dare to answer.

When Xiwang finished the peach stick, he handed it over: "No! You have been tempering for a few years, and when the peach stick has some induction, you can use these two words repeatedly!"

"Master, don't worry, I will describe the magical effect of'Ruyi'. How can it take a few years? Hurry up, and I will be able to fill up my younger brother in a few days!"

Try to feel that his own "sympathetic" text can be tempered on the peach stick, and he can move on the white robe and the peach stick at any time, so there is no need to worry about missing two skills.

After getting the peach stick, there is a feeling of holding the Shangfang swords of the upper hand and the lower hand!

Or maybe it was the pagoda that ruled Nezha in the hands of King Tota Lee?

My old deer doesn't want your little saint to call him father, just be able to treat dissatisfaction!

After trying, waved down the stick and hit Yaoyao's shoulder hard.



The word "pain" was activated, and the pain that went deep into the soul made Yaoyao bow and howl, and she was incontinent when she urinated!

The saint ape mentioned him and said angrily: "Then the old lady allows you to discipline, and you should avoid us and beat him face to face!"

The deer deer just sneered: "Holy Ape, my junior, just want to be the face of the two of them and teach him to be a demon. From then on, I will know how to repent if I cut off the idea of ​​protecting him from his parents!"

Seeing Yaoyao suffering in person, looking west couldn’t bear it either, tears were already in his eyes, but he only hardened his heart and said to the holy ape: “Finally! Let him take care of him, as long as you don’t kill and maimed, **** it. From then on, no more questions! The same goes for my old lady!"

The face of the holy monkey is ugly, but after his comeback, he has been deeply rooted in his wife's words. Although he is a child of his own life, the old woman is willing to do it. He is not hard to be a dad.

After the saint ape looked ugly and put him down, Lu Yao said again: "Master, don't worry, my teacher and brother Lao Lu for a hundred years, Bao Bao has turned his temper back!"

With these few words, the effect of the word "pain" disappeared a bit, and Yaoyao was relieved. Because of the pain before, she didn't hear his mother's words, and only screamed: "Father, help!"

The saint ape was heartbroken when he heard it, and started anxiously, no longer paying attention.

The wooden stick was swung, and the sound of breaking through the air sounded, again with heavy sticks.


"My old lady, it's spicy..."

The peach stick has not been tempered, and the magical effect of "ruyi" has not been added. The cooling time of the magical power of the word "pain" is long. Yao trembling, tears and nose came out together.

Although it's not really spicy, it's the same to be able to enjoy the taste of it.

The desolate cry of Yaohaier made Xiwang's tears flow out.

She wiped her tears and exclaimed: "Bailu Demon, King Shanyang will be punished by you too! The first thing is allowed, is there anything else?"

Bai Lu said demonly: "Farring Master, please invite Pai Ze to come over, I would like to confess a few words!"

Xiwang called out Bai Ze, the next moment, the white lion demon flashed in front of the holy cave gate: "Holy Ape Lord, Madam, do I have something to do?"

The deer demon replied: "Old ancestor, this junior will be in charge of me from now on! It's not good to live in the holy cave, and then stay in the blessing peach cave! I'm afraid that he will sneak out or bully the little demon indiscriminately, please You usually bother to take care of it, and when something is inappropriate, just come to tell me, and tell him to howl in front of his father!"

Bai Ze rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Don't worry, what you confessed, my ancestor stares at this little saintly master, he is more concerned than staring at the gambling house!"

"There is also the king of the mountain, I also ask the ancestors to catch it. After picking the sun every day, he hangs in front of the mountain gate, and the sun is 30 times hot before letting it go! When I am free, I will go with the law. Too respectable to apologize!"

Xiwang interrupted and said: "Whoever has no I will divide it for you! What do you want for the second thing? My mother is not happy, don't stop talking nonsense!"

Please ask Bai Ze to mention Yaoyao to Futao Cave first, and the deer demon slowly said: "The second thing, I ask Master and several ancestors in charge to talk about the Taoist ancestor tree planted by Yuanshan, and it will be able to produce local-level middle-grade spirits in the future. Medicine, the Holy Ape Lord does not need medicine. After the fruit is born, he will be distributed to him and so on. If it is not enough, he will buy it later, and then plant it again, and they will all be planted in Saru Mountain! Zumo took the spiritual root as a gift, and broke the road to advancement below!"

It is true that every ancestor wanted to plant middle grades and spread them out to accumulate spiritual roots. How could it be so easy? On the contrary, the Sacred Ape Mountain Demon General Jin Demon King is less, and the same is true of Demon King Jin Demon Ancestor! !

The sacred ape and Xiwang can’t fail to see this harm. It’s just that the sacred apes have transformed into a clan. During the thousand years of retreating from the world, the demon ancestors of their respective heads have developed a custom. Although the demon's demand for aura around no one is as large as that of a monk, there are more generals. It's good, this matter has been shown to offend the demon ancestors, so it has never been mentioned.

Bailu Yao has tasted what he wanted, and wants to start looking for a long-term plan for Sacred Ape Mountain? This disciple is a big conspirator. It happened to use his name to offend the demon ancestors, and he nodded his head, "Yes! Anything else?"

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