Deer Demon Race

Chapter 317: ambush

The sixth day of July.

The seven ancestors of No Injustice, Twenty-one, 虺, molar, end game, cold screen, and round spot, gathered in front of the door of the holy cave in Doufengling.

Xiwang, Baize, Baibao, and Yaoyao were also present. In front of them, the holy ape said: "The Seventeenth Lady of the Dragon Girl was originally a ignorant, so Yaoyao did a poor job. A female ghost, what should you do? I became angry a few days ago and turned into a quarrel. The two agreed to take away all the items agreed by the two families. The Dragon Palace couples are used to them, and they haven't given a reply so far! The Dragon Palace, take advantage of Rihua If you want to stick, it doesn't matter if your daughter is good! Tomorrow his family's happy event, Ben Sheng will ask the right words, if you want to break the marriage and ruin the alliance, please bring back the five hundred sea monsters at the foot of the mountain!"

Long Gong married the Sixteen Niangs again, and only sent Ou Xiang to exchange for Da Lang. He brought a message: "Long Gong is persuading the Seventeen Niangs to change their minds. It is too early to get married. Baibao please stay calm!"

Looking at the old woman, the sacred ape said again: "At the end of the year, my couple went to Zongmao’s house to save the child, and the old rhino dared to harass Yuanshan. This time, I can’t help but let the old woman go. If you stay behind, add him and wait. No matter how bad it is, you can stop the old rhinoceros!"

If you know the avatar of the **** of transformation in advance, a random demon ancestor should also be able to guard it, so the holy ape is too lazy to mention it at this time.

Baibao had asked Bai Ze a long time ago about the ancient monster clan’s great prosperous era, and there was also a ten thousand monster formation. He also knew how to deploy the formation. It was not worse than the Jade Void Immortal Formation, but it took a long time to deploy this formation. It is difficult, at least eighty-one alien demon kings are required, eight hundred alien demon generals, and three thousand non-alien demon kings. The more they are, the greater their power, and the least number is really difficult to gather. The White Deer is only temporarily. Absolutely this heart.

There is no demon clan, plus Bai Ze and Ouxiang, Mrs. Xiwang will take the nine demon ancestors to stay on the drive, and she should be able to block the old rhinoceros, and she will only worry about other things: "The Holy Ape Lord will go alone, if you are afraid of words, do not speculate. Once you start, you will destroy the alliance!"

The holy monkey stared at the number one confidant under his command, and looked dissatisfied: "Is it possible that he is wrong when I am not injustice? It is better to go to the Dragon Palace, it is better to go to the old lady, and go out of the gods, how can you rest assured?"

When he was scolded by the old woman, the holy ape turned into a wry smile: "His family has its own double demon saints, who have always had their eyes on the top. Old woman, go, you can't even talk about being choked. How can I be willing? I am no better now than before. Convergence a little bit, don't worry, just go ahead and get angry!"

The Holy Ape insisted on setting out and wanted to go to the Dragon Palace to talk about it, but no one could persuade him.

Xiwang was helpless, so he had to take a top-notch artifact to him: "At any rate, be patient! The Dragon Palace has a happy event. If you agree, you should just take it as a gift!"

Turning to the deer deer again: "The disciple will follow, and coax the wife back from side to side!"

The deer deer shook his head: "This gift from Zhang Yue's family has a high price every time. The meat of my old deer is cut out! The seventeenth wife spontaneously wants to break off marriage, and the old deer has the opportunity to not go. It just happens that there is no need to follow the courtesy!"

Before looking west, the teething ancestor couldn't help but sneered: "I heard that you have more than my demon ancestors by stacking the artifacts, so how can you be so petty?"

The deer demon said with a cold eye: "Old ancestor, it's better to save some tossing expenses, sisters and sisters, once a thousand and two yellow top grade miles!"

The sacred ape couple kept secrets tightly, and they grinned without knowing the details of their teeth.

The sea area of ​​the Dragon Palace is really vast, and the time required for the demon saint to go back and forth is long enough. After the agreement is reached, the holy ape sets off to the Dragon Palace alone.

Yaoyao returned to Futaodong, but couldn't hide her words. She took advantage of Bailu Yao to go to the Scanner in Shanjiao Tea House to tell the demons about it, making fun of Brother Bailu's famous Pickup.

The sheep demon opened his mouth and said, "I said to the master at night, I don't know how many sticks I would get?"

Yaoyao froze for a moment, and roared: "How can I fight if I tell the truth?"

The steel bone was there, and he took a sentence: "Little Sage, since he knows my master's temperament, how can he not fight?"

Said Yaoyao's face in tears.

At the end of the afternoon, Steel Bone wandered around in the cottages of the Chisha River. In the evening, he said to the owner of a sea-monster shop, "I want to show respect", and then flew to the back of the nearby mountain.

Before long, in the most hidden place in the holy cave, the snails that the raccoon demon Xiaoxiao had been staring at sounded, and the color changed.

On the morning of the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, tens of thousands of sea monsters had gathered around the Dragon Palace, including the demon ancestors, demon kings, and demon generals. There were also many people from the Dragon Palace’s in-laws, the Hailing Mother of the Sea Spirit and the Great Sage of the Tide.

Among all the in-laws, Sacred Ape Mountain has the least presence, only the Sacred Ape.

Amidst the joy, there was a sudden quarrel in the Dragon Palace. Over the sea, the Dragon King’s huge law appeared and roared: "Today the Dragon Palace is married, how can you old ape not know anything? !"

The Sacred Ape Dharma also appeared, and he refused to give up: "Dragon King, it is the daughter you taught well, so she has sex, and she shouldn't bring all the treasures back to her family. I wonder if the Sacred Ape Mountain is justified? Don't say she wants to break her marriage. If you don’t know the importance of this, Holy Ape Mountain will not dare to marry again. Your family values ​​a dragon girl!"

The Dragon King also said: "Don't talk about the dignified dragon girl, it will be the whole world. There is no reason to change the agreed marriage? The seventeenth mother has been close to the sixteenth mother since childhood, and the elder sister got married. If you lose your breath in a few days, you will be back to Fengling Mountain! It's too early to get married, so why should you use it in such a hurry? If you want something, take it back with you, so you don't know anything about it, only to disturb the marriage?"

The two demon sages quarreled, and on the sea level thousands of miles away, a big crab was undulating with the waves. At this moment, on the crab's head, a little yellow mist floated out, condensed into a fat monk, just like Du Ji , Squinted for a while at the huge face in the distance, and snorted softly: "If you wait for the demon clan to act, if you often have accidents with Lao Na, everything can cause trouble! But it is indeed the real body of the holy ape, you stare at it again. Old Na, go and act!"

The crab was just a demon general, and said, "Gongsend Zen Master!" 17

The fat monk shook twice, then disappeared into form.

After half the incense stick, nearly 100,000 miles southwest of the sea before, by the vast and bubbling red lake, a rhino demon king screamed: "Holy rhino master! Saint rhino master!"

The water in the middle of the lake was surging, and after a while, the black robe and red-faced holy rhinoceros flashed out and asked the few remaining demon kings of the same clan: "What is this holy?"

The rhino demon king replied: "It's the Zen master seeking the holy rhino!"

After he said this, yellow mist floated on his head, and then he became a fat monk: "Rhinoceros, the old ape is making trouble in the Beihai Dragon Palace again, and only ten demon ancestors are left to guard you at home, and the ape lady is here too!"

Hearing the news about the old ape, Sheng Xi immediately smiled "hehe" and asked with hatred: "Master Zen, I have never fought against the old ape. I only heard that the demon ancestors are very hot. Can you kill them?"

Monk Duji shook his head: "You are the only one, it is difficult to kill the ape woman, I am afraid it is also difficult to rush into the driving range. This time, the old elephant and the old bear will be sent to help you! The old ape’s life-like children and weird apprentices are there. Well, it’s not in Saruyama long ago! Buddha Nian'er will lead the way, you will find it all the way, try your best to find only these two good ones, and do some cause and effect first!"

Sheng Xi nodded, and then flew away. Only when the words came from the sky: "Don't pass the Zen master!"

Du Ji's clone looked to the east, the body formed by the yellow mist swayed in the air and disappeared.

After a little bit of incense sticks, five or six thousand miles to the east, somewhere in a hilly area, somewhere in a huge crypt, a huge giant bear is sleeping soundly in it, and the yellow mist emerges again, transforming into the appearance of Duji, and said: "Old Bear!"

When the giant bear opened his eyes, he crossed himself and said: "The old ape is in the Dragon Palace. Ten demon ancestors are left to guard against the old rhinos on the Sacred Ape Mountain. There is no need to hide Sigen feet anymore, let's go and help him!"

The giant bear was stunned for a moment, and shook his head and said: "Holy Bear Mountain has many old days. My old bear has no face to go, and the holy ape is not there. The old elephant will help him. Isn't it enough?"

Du Ji shook his head: "There are still five hundred sea monsters that gather the sun in the ridge. It is the demon king and demon general. It is best to cut off the roots and destroy them. You go along, don't let go! The name of Holy Bear Mountain has been changed to Holy Ape Mountain for seven thousand years, and you still remember it very badly?"

In the giant bear's silence, Du Ji coldly snorted again: "The Buddhism is vast, but are you still confused?"

The giant bear shook his head hurriedly: "Where does Zen Master want? I will go!"

Holy Rhinoceros Valley and Liliyuan are both adjacent to the Sacred Ape Mountain, but the Holy Rhinoceros Valley itself is small, and the sacred rhinoceros can go out of the valley in a short time. You can reach the Drifting Ridge within a 10,000-mile road. The two sacred bears and the holy elephants are just out of Lili. It was originally more than 20,000 miles, and there are still more than 10,000 miles to Doufengling!

Following the guidance of Buddha Nian'er in the Sea of ​​Knowledge, the holy rhino flew straight to Joyride Ridge!

In the Sacred Ape Mountain, Xiwang has never claimed a territory. With a long life, her spiritual sense is smaller than that of the Holy Ape. She is to use the power of the Holy Ape Mountain to temper with the Holy Ape together, and realize that the Holy Rhinoceros enters. Leading nine demon ancestors, flew thousands of miles away to enemy him.

Ten demon ancestors actually did not guard the Doufeng Ridge, facing out to fight!

Xiwang's mahogany staff is extraordinary, much hotter than ordinary magic weapons, but for the demon saint, the speed advantage is definitely not comparable to the demon ancestor!

Not guarding the driving range, going out to stop, this Ape woman is a stupid even though she is strong!

For my old rhinoceros, nothing can compare to the pain of that monkey! You won’t be able to kill you in a short period of time, so it’s the same to go around and kill your life roots!

After a flicker, Sheng Xi stepped away from the mahogany battle, left the ten demon ancestors behind, and then went for a ride in Fengling Ridge!

At this flash forward, two more powerful people of the same realm suddenly appeared in Divine Mind. UU Reading is located more than a thousand miles away to the east, and it was originally hidden hundreds of miles behind Drifting Ridge!

One of them, very familiar with the induction, should be the old Osprey, the Great Saint Osprey!

Suspiciously, Sheng Xi quickly slowed down his speed.

Ten demon ancestors chased after him, all the means were used, and they were flying in!

The two demon saints also flashed over to meet him!

It's a trap!

Flash let the demon ancestors, he hurriedly called: "Zen Master!"

He knew the sea, and the monk Duji angrily said: "Old Osprey! Long Po! You first retreat and lead them to chase after them. If you don't chase, wait until the old bear and the old elephant attack, and then kill them back!"

Therefore, I have ordered that the holy rhino relies on the thick skin and thick flesh, arbitrarily to break the twenty-one mysterious iron whip magic weapon, and flies to the holy rhinoceros valley!

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