Deer Demon Race

Chapter 320: War Liliyuan

More than one hundred thousand Buddha's light shot from Liliyuan, wisps into the Duji clone under the cover of Great Sage's Great Sage!

Every time a ray of yellow light is inhaled, the strength of the Duji clone formed by the yellow mist will be stronger!

After countless yellow lights, the holy bear finally turned around and flew back, he didn't dare to really violate the monk's order.

As for Great Sage Great Sage, he hasn't taken a step away from the original for many years, and it will be disadvantageous if he doesn't want to go out. The situation is already precarious, and he is almost about to fall on the Sacred Ape Mountain!

After the last ray of Buddha's thoughts merged into the body, Duji clone opened his eyes, flew out of the shelter of the holy elephant, and shouted in the air: "The boundless curse is boundless, so that everything is unobstructed and free, and the Bodhisattva is in the sky!"

After these words, golden light shrouded the holy elephant, the numerous injuries on Great Sage’s body began to heal, and most of the poison in his body was relieved, and the monk himself, covered with golden light, showed the eight-armed bodhisattva's image, and the bodhisattva's image appeared. Opened his forehead again!

Tens of thousands of Buddha's thoughts were incorporated into this clone, and the eight-armed three-eyed Bodhisattva's dhamma form is more powerful than the dhamma form formed by combining with the bodhi tree transformed from the golden mane on that day!

It is not much weaker than Huashen!

On the eight arms of the Dhamma, only one hand is empty, and the rest are holding seven kinds of Buddha artifacts: round treasure, rosary, white lotus, bodhi branch, ivory, flame beads, and vajra. The word "swastika" coming from the children is condensed. Although it is not a real thing, it is not less powerful than a magic weapon!

In the void, another pole has been smashed down, the eye of the Bodhisattva's forehead opened, and the golden light directed at the holy ape, making him unable to open his eyes, and the body of the demon holy, also a little dizzy!

Then, the round treasure, the white lotus, the ivory, the flame beads, and the vajra all faced the smashed Danshan pole, and only the Bodhi branch and the Buddha rosary helped the old elephant to block the venomous whip of the Virgin Mary!


In the clash, the wheel treasure, ivory, flame bead, and vajra were knocked off one by one, but the blooming power of the white lotus still blocked the falling Dan Shandan in the end!

This is the fake magic weapon of the condensing of the Buddha's thoughts. Soon, the eight-armed Bodhisattva reproduced seven new Buddha treasures in his hand.

This monk clone has gathered too many Buddha's thoughts, and after breaking up, it will be able to make Du Ji's flesh hurt. The holy ape roared: "Dragon King, wait for you to kill the old elephant, and the monk will pay me!"

After the four demon saints locked on the old elephant and beat them wildly, the old ape raised his head to the sky, and then burst out: "Borrow the stars from the sky!"

As he shouted out, in the originally cloudy day, stars all over the sky appeared strangely!

Then, as the stars flickered, the huge facial features of the holy ape seemed to be solidified, and Dan Shandan responded with a little light.

When Xinghui responded, Tinhide "Jie Jie" laughed out: "My old ape can't understand Buddhism's fart, just let you see the power of moving mountains!"

After that, Danshan took a huge phantom, and unreasonably dropped another pole!

This time the power is obviously different from the past. The eight-armed Bodhisattva looked serious, and the Buddha did not dare to be distracted to help the old elephant.


In the sound of another sky-shaking bombardment, the heavens and the earth shook, and the four wild grasses bent their waists!

The Danshan Dan shining with a little bit of starlight smashed down, and every piece of Buddha treasure that he bumped into was completely turned into powder for a time, and the newly condensed white lotus was no exception!

The remaining power that fell was still a blow on the head of the eight-armed three-eye Bodhisattva!

The Buddha treasure can be recondensed, but the eight-armed Bodhisattva's arm broke one earlier, and the shoulders of the mountain fell on the head, and cracks appeared in the bodhisattva's dhamma!

Du Ji finally knows how the Dao Xuan Master died!

Fortunately, with the old ape's ability, such a mighty force can only be borrowed once a day at most, and no matter how much, the demon saint will suffer severe damage!

The old bear finally rushed to help the old elephant withstand the combined attack of the four demon saints!

The eight-armed Bodhisattva's dharma is on, and the yellow light melted by the thoughts of Taoism and Buddhism gushes out, quickly filling up the cracks.

In the battle at the Sacred Ape Mountain, the old ape still has the power of heaven and earth, and when the old bear comes to rendezvous, he finally breaks through a hole and breaks through towards Liliyuan together.

Two or three thousand miles away, at the speed of demon saint and transforming god, it will take a short while.

The five demon saints, the old ape, the dragon king, the dragon po, the old poisonous fish, and the old yellow croaker, are still not forgiving, and they are all chasing and killing them.

The old ape was chasing and yelling: "Old Xiong, when he refused to harm me, how can I return to the monk’s humiliation and harm the old elephant? If I want to look back, the old lady’s disciple, the White Deer Demon, can help cleanse. Soul, I can save you!"

On the land boundary of the Peacock Demon Ancestor's cold screen, the holy ape was left with a clone, watching the battle from afar, at any time to communicate with the west of Doufengling, and to prevent the holy rhino from entering the holy ape mountain.

If the old bear is willing, he will tell the old lady to abandon Doufengling Mountain, and only bring Yaoyao and Bailu Demon to Liliyuan to help him get rid of the curse of Lao Shizi Buddhism!

It is a pity that the realm of the White Deer Demon is really low, and the possibility of using the power of the demon general to invade the sea of ​​demon sage knowledge is too low.

Unless the old bear volunteers, the holy ape will not help, after all, the supernatural powers belong to the Bailu Demon, and no amount of external force can reach the point where the demon's holy knowledge sea can be moved!

Amidst the roar of the holy ape, Lao Xiong wanted to answer. Du Ji's avatar first spoke: "Deal! Lao Na's real body will be able to enter Luzhou in Beiju in five or six days. How can you get a chance? But you see signs of it. , Take the curse!"

After these words, the old Xiong went silent, gritted his teeth and fought deathly with the other side.

Fly into the center of Liliyuan, the five demon saints surrounded the old bear, the old elephant, and Duji clone again, and they all thrashed!

The situation is critical, and many demon ancestors and demon kings in Liliyuan have been transferred to help.

This battle lasted three days and two nights!

On the second day, the sacred ape could borrow the power of the stars to smash the eight-armed three-eyed bodhisattva's image in one fell swoop, and annihilate the avatar of Duji!

When one was wiped out, a new clone appeared on the old elephant, and new Buddha thoughts were gathered again, but the strength was already much weaker than the previous day.

On the third day, the sacred ape once again borrowed the power of Xinghui, this time a pole smashed the spine of the icon, and the eight-armed three-eyed Bodhisattva transformed by the new clone of Du Jixin was broken first, and the clone was annihilated!

In this fight, the sky was dim, the sun and the moon were dark, and the sacred ape had the upper hand. The old bear and the old elephant only relied on the demon sage to hold on!

The rest of Lili's original demon ancestor was killed by five in the melee, and the demon king fell by dozens!

It wasn't until the situation was not good that Duji clone finally spoke and told Old Elephant and Old Xiong to flee south. The three transfigures, Daoxuan, Zhongchun, and Yimei Taoist who had been fighting for a long time, flew into Liliyuan to help in the fight.

Although the old bear and the old elephant are at the end of the battle, but for three days of fierce battle, when the other party joins three new gods, the situation is hard to say. The Virgin of the Sea Spirit and the Great Sage of the tides immediately stopped fighting and shouted to retreat. .

I haven't had such a fun battle for many years, and the holy ape is still not full of fun, but in the holy ape mountain, looking west to transmit the voice to the clone, and then the clone will speak, it is also called retreat first.

Other monks' sects intervene and attract more to turn good things into bad things, which is not worthwhile.

The tens of thousands of monsters gathered on the coast from the original coast also retreated into the sea without completing their efforts.

The five demon saints retreated. Although they knew that the three Daoxuan were uneasy and kind, they did not come to the rescue until the last moment of the battle. Duji clone still had to thank them.

The old ape waited to retreat back to the holy ape mountain, afraid that he would turn around and kill the holy rhinoceros. The old rhinoceros was also stupid. He didn't dare to rush to meet, and was unwilling to abandon the holy rhinoceros valley and flee elsewhere. !

If there is no rescue, there is really only a battle before death.

But no matter how stupid it is, it is a demon sage. Du Ji was willing to give up. After thanking him, he said again: "With three fellow daoists for help, it is better to break into the Sacred Ape Mountain and smash the Joyride Ridge and the Ape Mountain in one fell swoop!"

Daoxuan chuckled and replied: “It’s so that the monk knows that every family in Luzhou in Beiju has discussed that they will allow you to move to the Lingshan Temple. Afterwards, it will be difficult for you to leave the original place. I can wait for all eight Taoist schools to come to help; but it’s right. The Alliance of Heaven and Dao swears that if any faction dares to help you expand outside the Lingshan Temple, so that the gods will not be able to overcome the catastrophe, and the door will be the enemy of all families!"

Du Ji was stunned.

The opponent's abacus is no worse than his own!

This is to hear that the six demon saints have joined forces and only used the strength of Lingshan Temple to stand in front, but Wai Tuo refused to help!

The demon clan has already guarded against the demon sage, and has restrained measures, now it is difficult to cross the demon saint again!

Lingshan Temple has broken a demon saint, I'm afraid that Bajiadaomen will be more happy to see!

Du Ji's clone gritted his teeth and asked, "It's really a good calculation! But Yuanyang and Danyang are the two Taoists?"

Yimei and Zhongchun didn’t say anything, but Daoxuan clapped his hands and laughed and replied, “Isn’t it the Donghuamen’s proposal! If it’s a poor Dao, how can there be such a calculation? Nine years ago, there was a big ugly thing at the door. The monk laughed!"

The Taoist Yibrow also nodded, indicating that he also obeyed and would no longer help Lingshan Temple!

It's done!

The eight schools of Taoism reached an agreement, and they didn't help Lingshan Temple to expand. Is it possible that I can't fight by relying on my own calculations and regrouping?

The Karma Bailu Demon, although only a demon general, has all kinds of obstacles, we must remove it first, and he is not only the enemy of my Lingshan Temple family!

After thinking for a while, Du Ji cloned and asked: "The White Deer Demon can be picked up by the sun in the Sacred Ape Mountain, have the three fellow Taoists heard of it?"

This time it was Lei Zhenmen's Zhongchun who replied: "I have heard a little bit!"

Du Ji then explained all the knowledge about the White Deer Demon in a perfect and finally said, "Although the realm of this demon is low, just relying on the sun to gather the demon people, it is our enemy of the human race. If everyone can get rid of it, don't let it down!"

Hearing his advice, Daoxuan sighed and said, "Oh! Forty-one years, there will be a deadly battle between our door and him when we build a foundation. How can I know that it is so good? Listening to the monk, it is not sending Go down the door to die?"

Blinking an eye, the old Dao said again: "Now that I want to come, it is not safe. The monk family has a good baby, and I will send two pieces to save my life, or there is a good weapon to kill the white deer? Nine years ago, The poor family has been robbed miserably, and there is no more money left!"

This shameless old way, first time to deal with face to face, looking for opportunities to seek benefits?

But if you ask which one hates the White Deer Demon the most, it is of course the first in Lingshan Temple!

If it is really useful, just help a little bit, how can it not be given!

Duji avatar said: "If you borrow it, you don't give it away!"

Daoxuan smiled and replied: "Don't worry, I will definitely pay you back! Is the poor Dao still greedy for this cheap?"

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