Deer Demon Race

Chapter 332: Fortune comes again

Ryuba Lang was sent back to the Dragon Palace by Ouxiang himself. When Ouxiang came back, he passed the words of the Dragon King and Longpo, saying that his mind was not awake, and he was forbidden to go ashore in the North Sea. In addition, according to the Bailu Demon's will, the quota of picking Japanese flowers allocated to the Balang family was exchanged for Twenty Lang, and the Twenty Lang will soon be coming.

After the fight, he will be sent back to the Dragon Palace. Hachiro’s chances of collecting Japanese and supernatural powers are all lost, and there is no wave, let alone, the demon sage demon ancestors are all protecting the white deer demon as treasures. It is an extravagant wish for Hachiro to come to the White Lion Valley to seek revenge!

When the Bailu demon who picks Nikka, crafts artifacts, draws stars, and learns magical powers is promoted to the demon king, will Hachiro still be able to beat him?

After hearing the word of the gull, I was sure that there was no support, the dragons, the dragons and the grandchildren all stopped, and the foreigners on the ridge went for a ride, seeing the deer demon like a mouse and a cat.

Among the descendants of Longgong, the importance of Seventeen Niangs has also risen sharply.

The nineteenth mother held back sour words, but did not dare to confide in front of the seventeenth mother.

On the night that Ba Lang was taken away by Ouxiang, while taking a trip on the ground, Shichi Niang knocked out three more packets on the head of Bailu Demon, feeling a little regretful afterwards.

It's just that, recently, as long as there is an opportunity to be alone, the White Deer Demon has become more and more presumptuous, so he should be beaten for this, and it should be considered!

Unable to face the white deer demon who is getting more and more precise, Shichi Niang also wants to go out and hide for two days!

Just do it if you think about it. Please ask Qingluo to greet the sixteenth sister. She and the female ghost said that the rhino lake is clear, and fish and shrimps are gradually swimming back. She will go out to attract the chick, and she doesn't need to make rules these days.

Just talk to Zixia, and then fly out of the White Lion Valley like a flee.

Flying over the Daniwang Family Mountain Field, it is the Holy Ape Mountain Boundary.

The seventeenth mother first went to the Molar Old Ancestor Mountain Field and officially asked to see him, explaining that he wanted to attract the Chisha River in the Chisha River.

This ancestor of the universe had teeth and once had a husband, but unfortunately he failed to advance to the ancestor, and eventually he could not live for a few days.

Now, this female squirrel demon, a demon king child, and two grandchildren are in the driving range, gathering Japanese flowers and learning supernatural powers. Just like the horns, she is very concerned about the boundary of the White Lion Valley, and is even more defensive than before. The once-in-a-hundred-year demon will invade a bit.

Seventeen Niang paid a few weeks to visit. After speaking, the ancestor of Teeth had not refused, and asked the flying little demon to go and order the demon king by the Chisha River.

This trip, like the last time the White Deer Demon went to Jinyuwang’s house for a drink, it was justified and well-founded. How could he hide for two or three days!

Fearful of being entangled by the White Deer Demon, she didn't want to go home early, so she stayed for one night at the old ancestor's house, then turned her face into reality the next day, and flew into the nearby Chisha River.

I just don't want to swim nearly a thousand miles, attracted by her dragon spirit, there are really few chichi chasing after her.

No wonder the husband said he wanted to save Xi Chi, and asked Master to order a hundred years of hunting ban! It turns out that this little creature with the dragon clan is really rare!

I used to play in the original Cycling Lingjiao River, and I have seen so many things. Unexpectedly, the situation is already terrible!

I have to bring some small chicks to the Rhino Lake, but I can't clear all of this section of the river, let alone leave half of it, so that it can thrive naturally.

Although the blood is too thin to mention, Xi Chi can also be regarded as a creature with the dragon clan, and the seventeenth mother can tell the shape, at least the ones that have not grown will not be taken away.

The small chicks were scarce, and she was afraid that her husband would not be able to use them enough, so the seventeenth mother decided to fly farther, and then lead back against the current.

This is a dragon creature, and the husband tried to save it. It was really extinct. As a dragon girl, how could you not feel heartache?

Fly into the land boundary of the ancestors in the end, the same goes to the Chongtu Mountain first, to meet and inform the ancestors of the Disha, and then fly forward to Pingdingshan to meet the ancestors of Kuli.

After that, she turned back against the current.

The sacred ape has been ordered to ban hunting, and most of the previous small chicks are still in the river section at the foot of the original Doufengling, which is indeed the place with the most number!

The whole journey was nearly ten thousand miles, and the endurance of these little creatures was not comparable to that of real dragons. They roamed and stopped, and it was more than ten days later when they returned to the White Lion Valley.

The Seventeen Niangs are still not enough on the driving flat, but the Dragon Girl will run away on another battlefield. The White Deer Demon is very depressed. Is it possible that she is really overdoing it?

Otherwise, how could you be willing to leave behind the two major events of picking Rihua and letting your own Xinghui magic weapon for more than ten days?

Secretly introspecting, until when he was tempering his spiritual consciousness, the ancestors of Bai Ze told him that the seventeenth mother had swam through the river section under the jurisdiction of King Dani and entered the country immediately.

In the past ten or so days, the trip has been suspended for a while, and the time squeezed out has been used to draw more magical artifacts. If you delay some homework today, you can reduce the time for overlapping traces and make up for it tomorrow.

The White Deer Demon is ready to greet her, and by the way accompany the lady!

When I was about to go out, I woke up and asked in surprise: "The ancestor is so hot in the air? In less than two months, the divine consciousness can blend with the heaven and the earth, and feel the demon king enters?"

"My ancestor is a tens of thousands of years old demon, or the blood of Bai Ze, how can this be praised? My ancestor is not like that useless Rilong bag!"

The words that came again were full of teasing.

The hotter Baize became, the happier he was at home, and he hurried to pick up the seventeen mothers. Bailu demon admitted: "Yes! Lao Lu is a useless sun-dragon bag, not as hot as the old ancestor!"

At the gate of the gambling shop at the foot of the mountain, Bai Ze turned his head and said to the wolf demon: "The white deer demon of the dog day has made my ancestor a hot day, and Shang also took his mouth!"

The wolf demon looked dumb.

In the study room at Drifting Ridge, leaving the previous sentence, the demon Bai Lu was already yelling: "Anything!"

When the news came, he said, "Master Carry, I will pick up your grandma!"

Zixia, who was also cultivating in the study with the real ambergris burning in the incense burner, did not open her eyes, but opened her mouth and said: "Grandma's skin is thin, so the slave family won't be an eyesore!"

Who wants to take you this light bulb?

The Bailu Yao nodded and jumped onto the steel back.

The steel bone has been opened, and the flesh has entered the belly of the little monsters. Nowadays, the White Deer is going out, and they like to call Xiaoshi to carry him.

The bloodline of the Bi Fang of the Crane Demon Crimson Pattern is getting stronger, and the speed is not slow now, but in terms of the body size and the wider back, the Black Wing Peng is still easy to use.

It didn't seem to be too urgent, the demon Bailu called Xiaoshi to carry him, and only flew to the mouth of the Chisha River diverging from the Rhino Lake, and stopped and waited.

If it were not for teasing the little creatures behind, the dragon girl could actually fly to the lake faster than Xiaoshi.

At this time, she sensed that the White Deer Demon came to pick her up, and she did not speed up.

It wasn't until the small chis were introduced into the Rhino Lake that the Seventeen Niangs flew out in a human form, and asked with a smile, "Husband, bring me back!"

The demon white deer held the shelf: "Yeah!"

Looking around, there is no more shadow of a demon, Xiao Shi cried out: "Grandma, Master, I will go for a ride back to the mountain first!"

When Bai Lu's demon's nose made another "um", Xiao Shi's Xiao Shi turned around and flew away.

The demon who enters the valley from Daniwang Mountain to be a livelihood have to walk through here, fearing that this guy will be thick-skinned and entangled, and be hit by an occasional demon. Seventeenth mother said anxiously: "Look at the slave house first. Chichi, then...change the place to talk!"

The White Deer Demon who was about to make amends was a little puzzled. Doesn't she seem to be annoyed?

Seeing the deer demon nodded, the seventeenth mother fell to the surface of the lake steadily, and a silver dragon's tail turned out behind her, gently stirring in the lake, and the surrounding quickly thumped, and a large number of small chicks gathered.

Bai Lu Yao was surprised: "Why are there so many?"

Seventeen Niang smiled and revealed the white silver teeth in her mouth: "The Chisha River in the section of the Sacred Ape Mountain River has been attracted by half of the slaves!"

There were so many small chicks around, and if they were picked up, they would not weigh a few tens of catties, but if it was half of the thousand miles in the Chisha River on the entire Sacred Ape Mountain, it would be considered too small.

These little creatures are willing to get close to the seventeenth woman who is the body of the real dragon, but will not buy their own account. The deer deer wiped out a clay pot and handed it to the dragon girl: "Lady, scoop some up!"

Seventeen Niang Yiyan took it, bent down and immersed half of the earthen pot into the lake, beckoning lightly, and suddenly a lot of small chicks got in.

When she lifted the clay pot, the White Deer Demon took it and looked at it. There were hundreds of them, which was much easier than when she was trapping them before.

Fortunately, the dragons will not compete with the kingfisher demon!

After looking carefully for a while, he asked: "The lady thinks, can this slender can withstand Longlinke essential oil?"

The seventeenth mother was startled for a while before she understood what he meant, and replied hesitantly: "It should be possible!"

Xi Chi is really small, no wonder her husband is worried that he can't stand the medicine.

Although the Longlinke essential oil is not serious, it is also very precious. Seventeen Niang did not expect that in addition to the extremely useful Mochizuki Rhinoceros, the White Deer Demon would still be willing to use it on these little creatures.

It’s just a yellow middle-grade elixir, how useful can it be? What a strange husband!

She was not sure, but she couldn't kill nearly half of the sacred monkeys, and the white deer demon wiped out the essential oil: "Try the one in this jar first!"

The dragon bloodline should not be troubled by a specific fertile period, and can mate in all seasons. Seventeen mothers endured their shyness, and said, "The pot is too small, I'm afraid I can't bear a drop!"

The dignified demon king is here. This problem is not difficult to solve. The dragon girl went to the lake, first made a dam with the earth method, opened a gap in the lake, and teased a lot of small worms in, so that the earth dam was raised and surrounded. The water is completely disconnected from the lake.

Then, she raised her face to the deer demon and said, "Just drop one drop in!"

The White Deer Demon was cautious and poured a drop of Longlinke essential oil into the lake surrounded by the earth dam.

Soon, the water of the lake in the dam began to flutter!

Both of them saw that some of the thin chicks in the dam had climbed onto the back of the other one!

Zakon could not find a partner of the opposite sex, bouncing anxiously in the lake!

The White Deer Demon couldn't distinguish between the male and the female, but the Dragon Girl could, and asked the Deer Demon to lend her the peach stick that beat the demon to help pick it up together.

After a lot of tossing, the regained female chick jumped out of the dam and flew out with the male worm on his back.

Seventeen Niang chuckled: "I don't want us to know the spawning place!"

The deer deer sighed softly: "It can be done like"

Seventeen Niang nodded: "But in the lake, you are only allowed to drop one drop. The effect of the medicine is lighter and the better is to avoid bad things."

After she finished speaking, she turned her face into reality, swam around here, and then attracted most of the thin chick who had just dispersed.

Bailu Yao dripped another drop of essential oil, and after tossing in the nearby lake, finally calmed down.

Effective and invalid, everything that can be done for these creatures has been done.

The White Deer Demon then took the Dragon Girl, looking for a quiet place nearby, so that she could talk to her.

Then, the blushing Seventeen Niang flew in front, the deer demon chased behind, and went back to Joyride Ridge.

Just back to the mountain, the blessing of heaven and earth arrived.

The White Deer Demon was very happy, ready to once again meet the falling world fortune.

It's just that this time the fortune fell, and most of it belonged to Seventeen Niang, and the rest belonged to him.

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