Deer Demon Race

Chapter 337: Lack of luck

The luck of heaven and earth is related to good fortune. For today's White Deer Demon, the more the better!

It will take at least a few years to achieve results by expanding the population of Mochizuki Rhinoceros, and the King Kong Iron Gibbon can't even count on it. The female ape Huang Huaniang hasn't turned a demon yet!

Even if the fortunes of the two races are finally improved, there will be blessings in return, which is not enough.

It would be nice to be able to save the triumphant tribe of Sanqianli once again!

It's a pity that the truth of heaven cannot be concealed, and that kind of thing is unattainable. At present, the only way to think about it is from other aspects!

After thinking about it for a while, he asked the dragon girl next to him: "Sister Sixteen, I heard the lady say, Sister Nineteen is in the Dragon Palace, what is the most afraid of you, Sister?"

Liu Niang was a little puzzled: "Why would you ask like this?"

Bai Lu Yao changed to secret words to spread the word: "My old Lu thought, to find two other species of Manatee Demon Fairy for the nineteenth brother-in-law, and save his clan of creatures, it's just these things, you must first say that the nineteenth sisters are willing!"

Want to ask your own help with this matter? Sixteen Niang coldly hummed the secret words back: "She has a bad temper, but the most difficult thing to deal with. She can be convinced about other things and ask her husband to accept a concubine. How can she say it? Find other ways to go. Count on me!"

Yes, I can't count on Sixteen Niang!

That old father-in-law and mother-in-law are really the descendants of the old manatee who are about to become extinct.

But having said that, in this case, which dragon girl is good tempered?

All the waste fairy seeds have been planted. Throw away the nineteen mothers in advance, soak the mothers in their own house softly and hard, and then the white deer demon cried: "You will go back first. It will be a long time in the future. wander!"

This guy is thick-skinned, and now he lives in the main room. He is inconvenienced. He comes too few. He is blatantly looking for opportunities outside. The useless girl blushes, but can't say "No." "The word, it is obvious that I was really coaxed by sweet words, and I can't hold it anymore! Sixteen Niang rolled her eyes and left immediately.

The other monsters were also acquainted with each other, and Zhuzixi all ran back to look for the hill spirits.

When everything was gone, the Bailu Demon took one hand and walked slowly in Li Lin.

Now Li leaves are starting to turn yellow, some are falling, and the autumn scenery can be seen a little bit, but Qingluo has no intention of admiring the scenery, so she only acts as a shame-shielding role. After walking a few steps, she opens her mouth to the Bailu demon's condition: "Master promised. , If you don’t call a female ghost at night, the slave family will leave first, not here to be an eyesore!"

The female ghost Zixia just swallowed the third nether black durian seed. If she told her grandmother, the rules were delayed, and she had to concentrate on refining the dull seed. At this time, she was not in the sea of ​​knowledge of the deer, so Qingluo took the opportunity to make a request. It's just that I'm too open now, and I dare to say anything in person, without shame.

The Seventeenth Niang blushed to the root of her ears, not knowing whether it was because of the words of the Shura woman or the Shura woman was going to leave, and then groaned: "Don't go!"

Qing Luo smiled back to her: "It's not that the slaves don't listen to grandma, now the master is in charge!"

After this female monster figured out her temperament, her courage gradually became fat. Seventeen mothers were so confused that she had nothing to say. She looked at Master Lu again: "Master is acceptable?"

The demon white deer nodded lightly before she cast a wink, twisted her waist and flew up into the air, before leaving with a grin, and dropped a sentence: "Master, too, the female ghost can't be free, and the slave's family also goes to the grass market. , To pick up the fire at home, there will be no one to extinguish the fire before dark!"

Listening to her rhetoric, the Seventeenth Mother stomped her feet, but was pulled by her hands and couldn't escape.

To this husband, outside of Du Feng Ping, 17 Niang seldom used violence.

Nowadays, Seventeen Niang doesn't know if she is really reluctant to use violence, or just like the sixteen sister laughs in private, she also has some expectation to make affection with him.

As a result, Qingluo flew away and was dragged into the dense plum forest again. She was so frivolous that she was killed for so long.

The master said that she had learned the spoken language of her master, but she didn't feel embarrassed to scream.

Waiting for it to be difficult to break away, tidy up the skirt, flee into the air first, while blowing the wind and Ren's face to dissipate the heat, while waiting for the white deer demon.

Now that she has learned to be clever, she flies back first, she must be seen and teased by Sixteen Niang and Tian Xiang, she still has to wait for her husband to be with her, and pretend to be calm when encountering other demons, without showing any guilty conscience. flaw.

When the white deer demon suppressed his anger, he also flew up, and the couple turned back to the mountain together.

A visitor was waiting in front of the main room today.

Seeing the visitor, the Seventeenth Mother first said in surprise: "Brother Twenty, but something?"

Long Twenty Lang chuckled and responded, "I've been to Doufengling for almost one month, and I'm free today. Come and sit with my brother-in-law!"

Although she is just a concubine, the Seventeenth Mother will not neglect, and shouted in unison with the deer demon: "Why are you waiting outside? Please come in!"

But it was Sixteen Niang who waited for Qingluo to arrive, pulled up Hu Meizi, and the three went to the grass market together. Only Duohe was left in the house. He was invited to take a seat in the house before. Twenty Lang didn’t agree and stood outside. Wait.

Inviting Twenty Langs to enter, and seeing that he seems to have something to say, Shichi Niang took the Shuanghe to Zhang Luo to make tea, leaving his uncle Lianghe to speak in the main hall.

When there were no other demon around, Twenty Lang got up and bowed to salute the deer demon.

The demon Bailu jumped up and stopped: "Oh, don't you dare to be it!"

Twenty Lang had already finished the ceremony and straightened up: "My biological mother is a side room, and somehow she has disliked her father and king. She was coldly treated for many years. Before death, she was still depressed and unhappy. I was sent to the frontier to serve as a general! I didn’t know how long it would take to take the place of Nihwa. I don’t want my brother-in-law to leave the eighth brother and take care of me. There is still no need to rotate his name. Strong! I have only met once before, and I haven't thanked him since I came to Doufengling because of such great affection!"

The demon Bai Lu smiled bitterly: "Based on the family theory, the twenty brothers are the elder brothers; based on the realm theory, they are the demon king! How dare I be an old deer?"

"Thank you for the benefit, I always should! Take it for granted, not to be a son of a man!"

Waiting to be seated again, chatting a few words, the seventeenth mother has already made the tea, brought it personally, and smiled: "This is the spiritual tea that the husband robbed from the monk's house. Have a taste!"

Twenty Lang smiled and took it: "The tea from the monk's house is really not blessed to be tasted. There are Seventeen Sister Lao!"

Seventeen Niang returned to sit down next to the deer demon, and Twenty Lang took a couple of tea bowls before she said: "A few days ago at the gambling shop, I ran into my brother-in-law’s little demon to win the panacea. I was still frightened. I thought the little demon was courageous, carrying the seventeenth sister, the brother-in-law, and the outer demon on his back. He waited for a few more days and watched with cold eyes, only to realize that it was the trick of the brother-in-law who wanted to learn magical powers by himself!"

He was exposed to the stigma of the gambling shop. The Seventeenth Mother didn't know about the incident. She looked over strangely, and the old face of Bai Lu Yao couldn't help being a little red, and she reluctantly said: "Brother Twenty laugh!"

Twenty Lang smiled and groaned: "I'm here to pay back for my brother, not a grudge! My brother-in-law wants to learn more magical powers, but I also have a demon king level. He was taught by my biological mother, and I am willing to give it a look! With this magical power, my You can win more than the elixir!"

It turns out that in the gambling house you also use magical powers to make a thousand, so don't laugh at anyone! The Bailu Demon felt more comfortable before asking aloud, "What magical power is it?"

Twenty Lang replied: "My supernatural power is called warding off evil spirits. With it, the aura is slightly stronger. Any creatures with unfavorable desires in the surrounding area can give birth to some inductions. Another one, you can expect to be better in battle. machine!"

It sounds really useful, Bai Lu demon hurriedly shouted: "My old deer can't learn spells, so he can only rely on magical powers when he turns himself into a demon! Thank you twenty brothers, and ask me!"

Twenty Lang shook his head: "I'm here to teach you, but you have to promise you!"

"Brother Twenty wants me to promise?"

"This magical power was passed on by my brother and his mother. I only owe you, not anything else! So you only learn by yourself, you must respond to me, and you are not allowed to spread it out! Don't blame the Seventeenth Sister, you are not allowed to learn it!"

The seventeenth mother nodded hurriedly: "Twenty brothers don't worry, the younger sister will never ask!"

These twenty lords looked polite, didn't want to be temperamental, and a bit left-handed. It was a pity that he couldn't pass it on to Gou Bao, etc., but he didn't receive a panacea. He didn't want to owe favors. It was a blessing to show him.

The Bailu Demon is a person who can keep promises, and he will keep it when he speaks out. He doesn't want Twenty Lang to shake his head again: "I can't believe it, you swear to heaven!"

The deer deer had no choice but to swear according to his words, before he could see the extremely useful "exorcism" magical powers.

"Sister seventeen, brother-in-law, then I will leave first!"

When Twenty Lang left easily, Bai Lu Yao asked: "Miss, what is the foot of Twenty Brother's birth mother? How can this supernatural power be possible?"

The seventeenth mother replied: "It's a seal demon of Pai Yao bloodline, Demon King Realm!"

Unexpectedly, Twenty Lang had the bloodline of Pai Yao, who could make fortune and treasure. The gambling shop couldn't make a thousand, so it's weird to be able to win his elixir!

As for his biological mother, why the evil Dragon King was left out in the cold? It was the old father-in-law's private affairs, Bai Lu Yao dare not ask.

Until now, before the gambling battle with the Xuantian faction, at least the two magical powers of King Shanyang's "Dongtian" and Twenty Lang, the "evil warding off", the White Deer Demon wanted to originate in advance.

It's really distressed that the world is not enough fortune!

The seventeenth mother said to him: "Brother Twenty is walking away, your husband is not busy with homework?"

In order to connect more demon races, Bai Lu demon usually seizes the time to polish his spiritual consciousness, but at this time, he is in pain, and said cruelly: "I will find the nineteenth sister first!"

Earlier in Houshan, Bailu Yao talked with Sixteen Niang in a secret language. Seventeen Niang could not hear her, and the gambling house had not been held accountable. At this time, she felt strange and asked, "What did she do? "

Bailu Yao explained She smiled bitterly and said: "It's difficult, it's better to inquire and find another life that is about to die out!"

Bai Lu said demonly: "I have asked the ancestors who know well, even if I want to save them, there are several kinds of them, but I don’t have any seeds right now. I'm asking Lord Sheng'e and Lord Sheng Yuan to order them to help me find them! It’s not easy to retreat on this road like my old deer!"

Niu Niang and her manatee husband named Wu Xie, when they are not visiting the grass market, they all have fun in the camp set up in the Dragon Palace.

The deer deer flew in due to the incident, said the matter, did not wait for the innocent answer, the nineteenth mother turned his face and said: "I care about you! My brother-in-law is very good at having a concubine. The seventeenth sister can't control it, neither are my sisters. Talking too much! It’s just not counting the prestige and prestige in the driving range. Now even the little aunt’s bed affairs, you have to take care of it? If Long Bao dares to nod and accept a concubine this day, don’t blame my nineteenth mother for also looking for a face and entering the house first, give it to him first. Put some grass on your head!"

Ps: Sorry, the oolong was caused in the last chapter. The tiger had a wrong memory. Among the phoenixes, the phoenix is ​​the male and the phoenix is ​​the female.

The old Phoenix was originally designed to be a male demon, but I kept making a mistake. The last chapter changed it, changing "he" to "she". From now on, the Great Sacred Phoenix will become a female demon, sorry!

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