Deer Demon Race

Chapter 339: Hold on

(The name of King Asura is Difu, it was written earlier, Tiger himself forgot, there was a bug, and the previous chapter has been changed back)

Qingluo’s maiden demon came, and the grandmother Shichiniang came forward. They were not easy to get along with each other, so they only accompany the Bailu Demon to wait under Xingtan, greet them into the main hall, serve tea, and bring some more for Shuanghe. Nuts, she used an excuse to arrange board and lodging, and Lian Shuanghe pulled away.

When only Qingluo and Bailu demon were left, Su Luo did not say a word, but the vicious-faced King Asura said: "For my brothers, I heard from the demon kings that my brother-in-law is good at refining Dharma tools, which can save many years of hard work. Only then did he embarrassedly get involved with Su Luo and ask for a price from a relative!"

The demon Bai Lu smiled and said, "How dare my old deer collect the magic weapon of the two brothers? Just play in the mountains for a few days, and then take it away!"

The deer deer speaks loudly, but he shook his head slightly, and then involved in something else: "I have been to Mengluo Mountain this time, and I have heard Surokwa say that my brother-in-law is very capable, and the best jade bones are also willing to send each other away today. See you, the arrogance is not lost to Shura and Asura!"

I just said casually at home, how can I praise the white deer demon in the mouth?

Su Luo's face was a little burnt.

Although Su Luo was willing to say good things secretly, making Qingluo happy, but being praised by King Asura like this, Bailu Demon had a bad feeling, and hurriedly said: "Jade bones are rare, last time I Lao Lu It also happened to have won two dollars, and Qing Luo was thinking about Mengluo Mountain again, so she asked her to send it away, so she didn't dare to be a boast of King Asura!"

Defu stared: "Call me brother!"

The demon Bai Lu immediately said: "Yes, I dare not be a boast of being a brother!"

Nodded: "Don't worry, I also know that the superior jade bones are extremely rare. The body of the demon ancestor comes out, and will not speak to you! Just listen, in your valley, several demon sages often come and go, and Enmity with monks, battles sooner or later, the chances of getting bones are always better. Unlike our two races, we both swore to our ancestors not to arrogantly kill demons and get bones. It's a rare encounter in a hundred years!"

If it was Su Luo, he would not go around like this, this Asura King is not sincere!

The deer demon had to say: "What is your brother's order? Please explain clearly. If I can help, I am willing to help!"

Destroyed the talent: "The Asura and Asura tribes never fear the battle of life and death. They live from death to death! The body of a monster has some abilities, and the eyes are the best to recognize falsehood! Asura clan, if you can get from the barrier mountain Moving in, it should be convenient to watch the mountains for my brother-in-law, but the monsters can't pick up the Japanese and can't learn supernatural powers. Although some foreign Asuras are monsters, they won't ask for this benefit for him!"

Shura uses bones to identify creatures. It is really difficult to pretend to be in front of monsters. Bailu Yao has experienced it personally. It is of course excellent to have these two races to help him guard the White Lion Valley, but he does not understand each other. To ask for any benefit, the deer demon had to nod his head along with him: "Yes, Shura and Asura can't take advantage of Japan!"

He nodded, and continued: "Brother-in-law learned the human method, using characters to overlay the magical instruments, which is very hot, just asking about the price, it is too high!"

The demon Bai Lu hurriedly said, "I said earlier that the two elder brothers want to refining weapons, and my old deer dare not collect the elixir!"

Zuifu shook his head: "It's not just for the two of us. There are more than one hundred and seventy adult people on the mountain, and more than two hundred self-made bones!"

The Bailu Demon took a deep breath, and then he came to realize that he wanted to give the Asura clan a weapon from his own family!

Qingluo said that as long as the people of the Asura and Asura tribes are adults, they are equivalent to demon generals! All the bones, I'm afraid they are not under Qingluo's black-bone lancet!

There are more than two hundred demon general bone weapons, all of which need to be refined to add some magical effects. How many elixir do you need to collect?

No wonder he was hesitating before, because it turned out to be a big deal!

The female monster also looked shocked and looked at her brother Suro.

The Asura clan is like this, what about their own Asura clan?

Su Luo snorted angrily: "Don't look at me, the Shura clan doesn't ask him! It's the brother who is begging to help him, and I will bring him!"

Big temper, little benefit! Su Luo smiled, no matter what Su Luo was pretending to be hard, then he said to Bai Lu demon: "Although he is his own brother-in-law, but there are so many bones in the whole clan, so I talked about half price, and the Ashura clan can't afford this elixir. I have no face to take advantage of my brother-in-law, and I just want to discuss one or two. If I wait for the family, I may ask for the law to be too respected. From then on, I moved to the White Lion Valley to patrol the mountains and guard the border for my brother-in-law and fight the enemy! The benefits are only! There are two things to discuss, one is the bones of the clan, and I ask my brother-in-law to help overlay it; the second is when we fight against the enemy, if we and the other clan kill and kill the jade bones, I will be my own!"

Asura smelled the crisis and opportunity, made a decision, and would like the leader to join him?

The ugly King Asura has a lot of courage!

Bai refining more than two hundred magical implements, is it worthwhile to replace the Asura clan?

The Asura and Asura tribes are talented in recognizing falsehoods. Just at the foot of the mountain, they called Nagao and Dawei to make a living. They were afraid of spies coming in.

Doze comes and meets a pillow?

These two tribes are thin-mouthed. If they multiply, will there be blessings from heaven and earth?

My old deer is short of luck!

The Bailu Demon is not sure, after all, the four sub-tribes of monsters and demons are all counted in the devil class that is boring!

This main hall, as the seventeenth mother said, can really prevent the eavesdropping of the ancestors? Why didn't he tell by voice?

Or did Bai Ze overheard it, but didn't know the answer?

Qing Luo looked at Master Lu with a worried look. After all, she was selling goods in the grass shop, with more than two hundred artifacts, and she knew how valuable it should be.

If you have kissed you twice, how can you say that you will not hurt your peace if you refuse?

She didn't know that Master Lu had already decided that the elixir could earn more, but the monsters missed it and there was nothing, so the ancestor Bai Ze was not sure, so he should come in, try again!

How many more than two hundred bones? It’s not about delivery right away. Mr. Lu is busy. Even if he only helps to make 20 pieces in a year, he will finish the description in ten years. Given the life of monsters, what’s that time? It doesn't cost much if it comes from the craftsmanship!

Thinking like this, the demon Bai Lu glanced down at his unnamed eldest brother Su Luo.

He has great courage to help, and he is willing to put down his face and pull Su Luo to make a relationship. King Shura refuses to go down the stairs. Do you think he is unwilling to live in this cheap brother-in-law mountain field?

One tribe is to save, and two tribes are also to be saved. In case there is a world of good fortune, two servings are of course better than one serving!

It's just that some are not sorry for the twenty-one ancestors, Huang Huaniang, King Dani and other five demon kings, they have to pry at the corner of his house again!

After making up his mind, the demon Bailu said to Rui: "Brother is willing to bring the Asura clan to move here. My old deer is too happy, so how can I push it out? But by coincidence, I also said to my brother today that my old deer is in good shape. A "rui" character and "decree" magical powers, which was promoted a few days ago, can slightly help the birth and childbirth of the same race. I tried several times with Qingluo, but the different races did not have this effect, and they failed to get offspring! The people of the tribe come, apart from helping me to stack up the magical instruments and get the bones of jade in every battle, I also want to use this magical power to help the asuras of the same tribe in marriage!"

Hearing Master Lu said to his elder brother even when he was not ashamed or ashamed, the female monster Xia Fei had her cheeks, her head almost drooping to the ground!

If there is no elder brother and Zhifu, she wants to rush forward and bite the master deer!

King Shura, who was sitting still, didn't care about the embarrassment of the girl at all. He just rolled down his throat and swallowed!

For a time, my heart and mind were only on the four words "to add a patch"!

If it weren't for the sparseness, why did the Shura clan have been taught since childhood that the monk who lured his fellow clan to be a protector of the Vajra is the most detestable creature in the world?

The hateful Bailu Demon talked to Zifu, but he didn't even look at him anymore. I don't know who is Qingluo's elder brother?

For the first half of the day, the White Deer Demon had been chatting with Defu, saying that the Drifting Ridge was too respectful to spread letters and codes. After the Asuras moved to the mountain field, he thought, not in the deep mountains, but in the seas. Opposite the demon camp, it is close to Doufengling, and it is also convenient to help breed Dingkou, but Asura will organize tribal people to patrol the grass market every day, and two grass shops can be given to Asura. The operation is free and no rent is charged...

Ruifu all nodded and got all the benefits. They couldn’t help but say: "Brother-in-law doesn’t think I was born unsatisfactorily. Asuras are like this. The men are fierce, but the women are beautiful. If there is still a shortage of concubines in the room. , It’s rare for you to be such a heroic demon, with hard roots and feet, and there should be a woman in your clan willing to serve!"

Looking at the ugly appearance of Destroyer, it is unbelievable that the Ashura girl can be beautiful, and then think about the evil dragon and pestle in the hands of the Seventeenth Girl. Don’t worry about my brother, so I won’t accept Ashura women, my own relatives, and I will definitely give you enough!"


There was a heavy sound on the case, and Zhifu, Bailu Demon, and Qing Luo all looked over.

Being stared at by the three of them, Su Luo said lightly: "This fruit has a hard skin, so you can't break it without much effort!"

Removed the palm of the hand that was patted on the table, and sure enough, there was a nut that was patted into powdered powder underneath.

After listening to the white deer demon's answer, Qing Luo asked, "Brother wants to eat nuts? I'll pinch it for you!"

The demon Bailu ordered: "Qingluo, the chestnut flavor of the king's family is good. Call a little demon to go down the mountain and buy it. Brother, please taste it!"

Silly girl Qingluo nodded, and she went out as expected.

The deer deer chuckled, and wanted to turn his head back to talk to Defu!

This fellow is obviously deliberately manipulated to get his own intentions, and never invite them!

Su Luo hated him, but he didn't speak any more, and the benefits would be taken up by the Asuras. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said every word: "The Asuras will also move, sister...husband!"

Just wait for him!

I can’t help but I can’t help but laugh, but the Bailu demon has a serious face, and immediately nodded in response: “Brother’s intention, how dare my old deer violate? The Xiuruo camp is on the east bank of Rhino Lake, at the mouth of the Chisha River. side!"

As soon as King Shura breathed a sigh of relief, the Bailu Demon asked him aloud: "The Shura eyes borrowed by my elder brother before can be refined into the body, don't you need to pay it back?"

Su Luo nodded depressed, and then the deer deer followed up: "There are still Shura combat skills, I haven't learned all of them yet, I still have to ask my brother to teach!"

If you are a dog, you can teach it even if you destroy it. Why do you want me to pass it?

Seeing his face flushed, the demon Bai Lu smiled and said, "I have taken Qingluo, and I have been in the same family with my elder brother, but I have never gotten close to him. Old Lu thinks that if my relatives are not good at doing this, I always have to be with my elder brother. More contact is!"

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