Deer Demon Race

Chapter 341: Shura

After passing the Wangjia Mountain Field in Dani, he went upstream again along the Chisha River.

On the whole, the terrain is slowly getting higher, but the surrounding mountains are getting smaller and smaller. In the end, only flat land is left, which should be the valley of the White Lion Valley.

Coming from the house of the King of Dani, the last section of the mountain road along the Chisha River was nine hundred li, and it took another four days. However, all the old years who went to the camp, including the Dazang, had obviously relaxed a lot. Speaking loudly.

When he saw the vast Rhino Lake, the donkey demon Jianju even thought he was at the beach.

However, where the lake flows out of the Chisha River, there is another mountain field.

After approaching, with the exception of a few monsters, the monsters coming in and out of handsome men and women.

Da Xian explained in advance this time that this place is the realm of the King of Asura, the monsters are stained with the word "weird", they have strange temperaments, and they don't like to play games. Everyone should restrain themselves so as not to get into trouble.

Arriving at the gate of the mountain camp, the team stopped again to accept interrogation.

The battle here is not as big as the Wang family, there is only a team of Shura, looking at his waist cards, and looking at the monsters in the team from beginning to end.

Da Xian chased behind the monster who led the team and helped introduce: "General Qian Luo, this partner is named Jian Ju. He is a donkey demon, and he is a newcomer. He was originally a demon from the old ancestral world of Caiguang, but the king's house is hidden. It's been tested, and it's as innocent!"

Shuluo named Qianluo looked at the donkey demon for a while, and said: "Your little demon, call out!"

The donkey demon hurriedly summoned his little demon, and asked this Shura to take a look.

Qianluo read it all carefully before saying to the demon donkey: "Although the king's family has been checked, and there are badges, you should be more careful when you come from the ancestors of Caiguang! I will ask a clansman to take you there and wait. Drive around at the foot of the mountain and wait until the Bailu Mountain Lord is free, and I have seen you and waited, so I can rest assured!"

How could a trip to the White Lion Valley be as troublesome as being a master in your own mountain farm?

With the demon under the eaves, Jian Ju only dared to mutter in his heart, but only agreed.

Qianluo was about to turn his head to call for his companions, and several Shura had already gathered around: "I will lead the way! I will lead the way!"

Is it a fat man to lead the way? Da Xian never said that he would also receive elixir here!

Na Qian Luosau looked around and cried out: "Recently, he has to be diligent, he is going!"

One of Shura cheered, and the others who didn't get it were scattered in frustration.

Qianluo waited to withdraw to the camp, and Shura, who was named Susu, called the running camp and set off along the east bank of Rhino Lake.

Looking at the direction, the bull demon asked Na Shura: "General, I used to walk from the West Bank, saving two hundred miles. How can I go east today?"

As he walked, he replied: "There are a lot of young rhinoceros in the west now, and the order is coming from the driving range. Don't let you wait to be scared. You have to be aggrieved. Please change to the east bank!"

Wanli traveled all the way, and the old years in the team felt exhausted. Not to mention that the newcomers like Jianju had to walk two hundred more miles, and everyone was dissatisfied. It is a pity that the leader of the team is only the demon. As an adult, Shura is quite a demon general. Shura is not too hard to walk around this rhino lake for hundreds of miles. Who dares to speak out against it?

Secretly complaining, walked along the huge rhino lake for another five days.

On the second day, Suoxu's face was a bit impatient, but he knew that there were many beasts in the team, not to mention whether he was walking fast, and he stopped to feed from time to time without urging him.

On the fourth day, I saw the majestic driving ridge in the distance, but it took another day to wait until I got closer.

Finally arrived at the ground, in front of the grass market, Da Xuan waited for the old years to cheer, waited for the fierce-looking Asura to re-examine and see the waist card, and dropped the sentence "Jianju, wait for General Suosu to see Master Deer" and ignored him. In the evening, he rushed into the grass market with his waiting goods.

Although they were running in groups, their own goods were not easy to sell, and the nine rare beasts of the donkey demon were left in place.

The donkey demon and the few little demon under the door all looked at the ropes.

This Shura tilted his head to look, the sun was still high, he estimated the time, and suddenly said, "Agaila!"

One of the ugly Asuras standing outside the Caoshi gate on duty, answered, "What's the matter?"

Suoxu said: "Help look at these beasts, while the mountain owner is not up the mountain, I will lead him to see you!"

How much is the cost of nine rare beasts when transported to the ground? How much effort did it take?

They are not familiar with each other. How can the donkey demon dare to let the goods out of his line of sight, hurriedly shouting: "General! I will take it with you!"

Suoxu stomped his feet and said: "You are not too troublesome, but it is miles away! Bailu Mountain Master is busy, and if there is a little delay, he will have to take a break and go up the mountain. You can't do it tomorrow. Stop me! Look at Aguilar, you are indispensable!"

Regarding his own capital, Jian Ju also came with a donkey temper: "No, I must bring my goods!"

Agaila laughed over there, obviously wanting to booze: "I don't want to help watch, let him bring it with him!"

"Bah! You wait for Asura, relying on the convenient location, and knowing that the Bailu Mountain Lord is afraid of the Hun family, and each took the female clan to beg, but you have to make up for it, just look at my Shura joke?"

He scolded Agairo, and waited for the other person to reply, then turned around and said to the donkey demon: "Asura and Asura, who is greedy for these goods? If you lose the goods, I will pay you!"

Jian Ju wanted to distinguish two more sentences, but he was dragged away by the beard: "Go faster, I will be too late! The little demon behind dare not come with you, the master will teach you to wait for the day!"

The little demons of the donkey demon were fairly loyal. They only shouted "Master" anxiously on the side of the goods behind them, and did not keep up.

Provoking Suoxu's anger, he threw the donkey demon to the ground, and asked him coldly, "Is my temper with the lord?"

Shura's tone changed. Somehow, Jian Ju felt a chill in his heart, and it seemed that if he didn't cooperate, this monster would draw a knife and slash it!

I haven't seen any anger along the way. I thought I had a good temper. At this moment, he was frightened by his coldness. Jian Ju's donkey's temper disappeared immediately. He turned his head and rushed to the little demons and shouted, "Go! Lost the search beard. The general pays!"

Only then did he get on the road again.

Suoxu flew in the air, urging in a hurry, Jian Ju led the little monsters galloping all the way. When they reached the foot of Doufengling, the teahouse had not closed yet, but there were no monsters waiting in front of the door.

Hearing the movement, a pretty lady walked out of the tea shop and asked in surprise: "Ah yo! What's the matter with Master Shura, why is there such a big noise?"

Suo Xu knew her, and asked urgently, "Spider Demon, is the White Lu Mountain Lord still inside?"

The pretty lady replied: "I'm replenishing spiritual energy, so I'm coming out!"

Suosu sighed and said with a smile: "These few people who run for a living have their roots and feet in the land of Caiguang ancestors. Qian Luo wants me to bring them. Please take a look at the mountain lord!"

With just a few words of effort, the white robe with words demon came out in the tea shop.

This great demon general’s name has already reverberated through the holy monkey mountain. The donkey demon participated in the monkey mountain competition last year to get into the driving range and enjoy the glory of this one. I don’t know how this strange costume is. ?

Seeing that the appearance was ordinary and tight, but seeing him in person, Jian Ju couldn't help holding his breath, and the little demon behind him didn't dare to show up.

It's really too famous!

Several demon sacred territories are ranked the leader of the big demon will stand, look at Shura first, it seems a bit familiar: "You are the one..."

Before he could think of it, Suo Xu had disregarded Shura's decentness, and he smiled flatly and connected: "Mountain Lord, I am Suo Xu Li!"

The Great White Deer General nodded at him, without saying anything, then turned to Jian Ju: "The demon of the old ancestor of Caiguang?"

The donkey nodded hurriedly!

The Great Demon General raised his head and shouted: "I know the ancestor, can I get it?"

Soon there was a handsome demon in white robe, and he looked no worse than Shura, and he didn't know where he was better than the great demon general!

The big demon will say to the handsome demon who later: "For several miles, I have to ask my ancestors to help me!"

The handsome monster replied in an annoyed manner: "I am an ancestor at any rate. It's not good to only be a coolie, and everything is called!"

Jian Ju has been taken aback, the demon ancestor is so handsome, looking young?

Busily led the little demons to kneel down, saying: "I have seen the ancestor! I have seen the Bailu master!"

In the short life of the donkey demon, the demon ancestors I saw before were only on the ancestors festival. I didn't know how far apart, and I only took a glance or two. How could there be a face-to-face opportunity?

He was still kowtow, listening to the big demon general saying to the ancestor again: "My master is back to Yuanshan, but the master is still there, and he has a new concubine in the neighborhood. He is very happy. When he is willing to help, the ancestor is annoying. Will I invite Master to come?"

When the great demon general resisted, the demon ancestor was not annoyed, and sighed: "How can you dare to fight the saint ape master? It is time to ask the ancestor to do its work!"

"Look up!"

Hearing this voice, it was estimated that it was called his own, and the donkey demon raised his head.

He looked up and saw that the big demon will have a round of secluded sun rising in his eyes.

I only felt dazed, the Great Demon General had already entered his own spiritual consciousness, and the sky was sprinkled with brilliance, shining for a while, before he withdrew.

Then, the handsome ancestor put his hand on the shoulder of the great demon general, and he looked at the little demon under the donkey demon one by one.

"Just call my ancestor if something happens!"

After the last little demon finished reading, the handsome ancestor left a word and disappeared again.

The beard, who disregarded Shura's decentness, immediately smiled and said: "Lord Bailu Mountain, can UU read help me make the artifact?"

The big demon will answer him: "You can't be idle near you, come back in a few days!"

Suoxu seemed a little anxious and exclaimed: "The mountain master crafts a piece of equipment, half a stick of incense adds a magical effect, how long does it take? Squeezing is always empty. Like Qianluo, I used to be in Mengluo Mountain and cared about Qingluo. Many miles!"

The Great Demon General still shook his head, but changed his tone: "I really can't be free today, I will be busy in the evening, so tomorrow morning!"

Suoxu was overjoyed and said: "Then I will be a guest on your mountain and wait to go!"

The White Deer Mountain Master, who is more famous than most Demon Kings, nodded helplessly, and Suo Xu remembered the donkey demon he had brought, and said back, "You wait until you go back to Cao Shi, and you don't have to follow me!"

Seeing that he was about to go to the gate of the mountain, Jian Ju was anxious, ignoring the difference in cultivation level, and stepped forward to hold it back: "If the general does not follow, if my goods are really lost, who can I pay for it?"

The beard was forced to be helpless, so he had to accompany him to the front of the grass market, looking for Alan Luo to get back the nine rare beasts, also called the donkey demon, and he was correct. There was not one feather missing, and the tail of the hand was closed twice. With a sigh of relief, he glanced at the donkey demon contemptuously, and turned away.

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