Deer Demon Race

Chapter 344: A heart-wrenching ghost

After the fight, the deer demon went to Xingtan again, preparing to borrow the Xinghui magic weapon.

The hottest piece today is the dragon scale blade of the seventeen mothers.

Including Yaoyao, Goubao and other twelve demons who were the first to pass on the "Vientiane Starlight Technique" have not yet completed their cultivation and have not yet begun to sense the stars. The only one doing this is Lord Deer.

On the edge of Xingtan, there is a demon waiting for him tonight.

It's the black tiger demon dead ghost!

Real Ambergris has moved back to the study, and Xingtan has never stopped the demon crowd anymore.

Staring at him, Master Lu asked, "What's the matter?"

After so many years, the demon Bai Lu still didn't have a good face in front of the dead ghosts, and the dead ghosts never fawned, and they didn't say a few words seriously to each other.

The dead ghost looked at the stones at his feet and whispered softly: "My last bone will be quenched tomorrow, I want to become a demon general!"

Driven by the demon in the Ridge, relying on the "steel bone" magical powers, the Jin demon will save a lot of energy. Goubao, Yuanxiang, and Biyan are not far from the demon general, but it is not far, and there are still a few years of work.

The tapir demon half-xuan and the tiger demon dead ghost should actually be earlier than Gou Bao and so on.

Before Master Suilu, they were the demon of old age.

In addition to half mystery and dead ghosts, there is a toad demon drawing snake on the mountain. However, when the disabled demon was in Jingping Mountain, he was not rich and had no sense of himself. Later, he had to create a tea garden by the deer demon. However, he lacked an arm in the battle. Not to mention a lot of evil spirits to heal his wounds, and the spirit tea no longer has his share. So far, the tempered bones have not been indisputable, golden shots, and so on.

Snake painting is like this, logically speaking, it is impossible for the tiger demon and the dead ghost to advance so early!

Except for the "steel bone" magical powers, there are almost few shortcuts to tempering bones. It has only been ten years since the Black Tiger Demon has been in the Cycling Ridge. Is it possible that he has already tempered the last piece of bone before going up the mountain?

After the dead ghost went for a ride on the ridge, Bailu Yaoqi had seen it, except for the ones that were being tempered, there were still seven or eight new bones, and they had not yet begun tempering!

Only ten years have passed, this is unreasonable!

"Why are you so fast?"

The dead ghost replied with his eyelids collapsed, and said, "In the early years of the Immortal Cave, I once made a contribution. I and the monk found a way to extract the bones of the vegetable slaves. When there was nothing wrong, I took it out and played with them. , I just have to be able to bear the pain. Now that there are demons willing to learn, I can also teach!"

How to get the bones of vegetable slaves alive? Isn't this guy ready to make tiger bones for his parents at any time?

What's the reason for taking the bones out to play? Self-harm?

The deer deer didn’t care much about why the tiger demon learned this ability, but the fact that the steel bone concealed the "steel bone" supernatural power to accelerate the bone quenching made him be wary. At this time, he was also dissatisfied with this servant and asked: " Why did you say it today?"

The tiger demon replied, "The pain is no more than the master's "scorching soul". When the bone is pulled, put back, and tempered, it always hurts. I can’t wait to die right away! I have used the master’s "scorching soul" magical powers, and I can’t help it. I don’t believe that besides the master, there are other people on the Drifting Ridge who can suffer this sin!"

Are you capable of pain?

This guy used to lie in front of Futao Cave all day, and still secretly smoked his own bones?

Think about it carefully, this fellow was not intimate with his family when he went up the mountain, and it was common for him to conceal something.

It's definitely not because the dead ghost slapped him to justify him!

In a few days, let the demons try, is it really painful to hold back!

At the beginning of the year, the black and white tapir also preached to the public that he would be promoted to the demon general in only one or two years, and he would be the first to be promoted under the master deer, earlier than Brother Goubao.

Even if he is about to be promoted to the demon general, it will not delay him to call Goubao "brother".

He said with a simple face, he was promoted, and he was still under the master deer, and the grandma in charge was a demon king, and he didn't dare to climb the same level with the master!

It was breakfast time, and most of the demons were present, and the White Deer demons were also there. I still remember Su Ji's expression of disdain, then replied, saying that my brother wanted some face, my sir, can I see him as a demonic general? How many demon kings can match?

Master Lu was amused and nodded with a smile.

It is precisely because of knowing that when the dead ghost arrives at Doufengling, there are still seven or eight bones that have not been tempered, that the tapir demon dares to speak wildly.

Never imagined that he would be preempted by the silent dead ghost!

Banxuan's guy will be laughed at, right?

It doesn't matter to the master, who is calling you?

By the side of Xingtan, the Bailu Demon only asked doubtfully: "I want to become a demon general, looking for the master, do you want to go out and stand on my own?"

The dead ghost raised his head and rolled his eyes: "I'm not the one who is the bully. There are so many benefits in Doufengling, so why don't you lose it?"

"Then live the life honestly, what do I do to find the master?"

The Black Tiger Demon had never yelled "Master" seriously before, and had never asked for anything. At this time, he was a little awkward: "I want to ask the Lord for two things!"

Master Lu nodded: "I'm not free, just say it!"

Master Lu’s tight time is really obvious to all. The dead ghost hurriedly said: "The first thing, the master once said, the steward demon will get eight top grades every year! I beg your Lord for permission, and I will reward you all in the future. Parents, maybe they both learn the magical powers of'vitality' and'steel bone'!"

The age of the dead ghost's father and mother is not much different, and their life span is only 30 years. When working as a demon slave in Xianrendong, they have never received a supply of elixir. Now they have only quenched 40 or 50 bones. Ling had just begun to temper, and his physical body was already declining. If it weren't for Joyride Ridge, it would be almost impossible to promote the demon general before the end of his life.

At the end of their demon slave life, Dashun and his wife lived comfortably in Doufengling. They just wanted to spend the rest of their life with their children and live at the Lulaoye Mountain Gate. They only learned some cooking skills in Xianren Cave. But the ghost Zixia read the recipe taken back by the master deer, and her cooking has improved a lot. Now she doesn’t hide her personally. After carefully passing it to the Shijing and other female demons, she is afraid that after her life limit expires, she won’t be able to eat it in the mountain farm. Delicious dishes.

If you want to advance to the demon general before the 30-year life limit, you will have "steel bone" magical powers, which are almost impossible to complete. You must also expect "vitality" to extend your life. How long does it live?

Want to let parents live a few more years, rush to advance, the dead ghosts can't even wait for the Huangzhong grade elixir.

It also caught up with the timing. Master Lu announced a year ago that he wanted to increase his body for his followers.

At the beginning, Master Lu said that the steward demon will have eight copies of Huang Shangpin's body, and his parents will have four copies for each person, and they can make up for each season.

It stands to reason that the body ji issued by the master deer every year belongs to the dead ghost himself, but this body ji is also the expectation of the mountain lord. The yellow top grades issued by the demon king of the Jin Dynasty are mainly used by him and transferred to the demon king. If your parents are promoted, your family will be delayed for several decades, at least you have to inform the master of the mountain.

The deer deer was a little puzzled: "Master, I haven't said that your parents are not allowed to learn supernatural powers, so why do you want to ask for it?"

When I asked, I remembered that Yuanxiang had secretly told Yuanxiang to learn magical powers when he was allowed to die. Goubao’s daily explanation of magical powers is also when the room is busy with breakfast. Dashun couples are grateful and honest, just like the rewarding artifact, Master Lu will not visit or ask for it without personal permission. want.

He had offended too much before, and being spared his life was already an open topic for Master Lu. It is estimated that this dead ghost did not dare to ask.

The Bailu Demon inadvertently delayed the Dashun couple for a few years!

After thinking about it, Master Lu hurriedly said: "Master agreed. Tomorrow Yu Wei will be called to talk to him. It is not just'steel bone' and'vitality', but both of them can learn magical powers, but they are inconvenienced before breakfast. Give it to you! Huang Shangpin, you can take out four copies. Master, I will make up four more copies for your parents to be promoted!"

The White Deer Demon is willing to get four more yellow top grades a year, leaving his own expenses, and the dead ghost knelt down and slammed his head violently, "Thank you, sir!"

He only knocked his head, but he knocked his head so honestly that a dent was smashed into the ground by his forehead.

When he stood up, the White Deer Demon asked impatiently, "Is there anything else? Master, I'm busy!"

The dead ghost said hurriedly: "I'm a demon general, it's not good to stay in the gambling shop to take care of things, please master to transfer me to the animal shop!"

Among the three monsters in the gambling house, Ban Xuan is the leader, and the realm of dead ghosts surpasses him. It is really not good for the future, but for the monsters, this is only a small problem. The deer deer guessed that the real reason, or seeing that the rare beasts were sent, there were more and more demons to make a living. In the future, they will collect high-priced waste fairy seeds, afraid that there will be no demons in the future? It seems that the two monsters of Nagao and Dafeng can't live in town, so please transfer to him?

If the first thing is not allowed, the second thing will not be mentioned?

This fellow is a mindful, hard to guess what he really thinks, Bai Lu Yao only nodded: "Yes, my lord has allowed it!"

"Then do not delay the master, I will leave!"

When the dead ghost left, the White Deer Demon sat down in Tan Bian, spreading out a magic weapon and fourteen magic artifacts, and drew the four star stars to infuse it.

After 10 years of mining in Japan, his vitality is now extremely strong. Compared with the beginning, the amount of Xinghui he attracted has increased by more than 50%!

The number of stars that maintain the traction will increase, and the consumption of demon energy will also increase, but in this year, with the aid of the demon holy mochizuki rhino horn, the number of moon essences collected every night has also been doubled and a half, and the elixir has been accumulated for many years. A large number of unrefined demon qi under the moon is quickly being filled by the moon spirit. If the holy rhino horn can be used for another two hundred years, four mysterious lower-grade elixir will be used to replenish the demon qi every year, and the demon energy can be initially tempered by the moon spirit. Full. Of course, the moon spirit tempers the demon energy, and the stronger the moon spirit it absorbs, the stronger it is. Otherwise, at the realm of the demon saint, there is almost no elixir in this world, and it can only rely on itself to swallow the heaven and earth aura, and the demon energy will grow. Slowly, if only the initial tempering is completed once, I am afraid that the holy ape will have filled it up long ago, and there is no need for Mochizuki's rhino horn anymore.

There are many stars that draw and consume more demon energy, but now the demon demon energy after tempering has also increased a lot, so in terms of time, it can still last half an At the same time, it consumes a lot of truth. Ambergris has made great progress in his spiritual consciousness. He took the elixir three times to replenish the demon energy and tempered him four times.

Before midnight, the last evil spirit was exhausted, and today's homework is finally over.

Stretching back to the door of the study, Shuanghe is still waiting to take the magic weapon of Shi Niang.

Thinking that the Sixteenth Mother has gone, there is nothing in the main room, the white deer demon's flames are getting hot again, and said to her: "Master, I personally sent it to the lady, you stop first!"

He doubled his eyes and said, "Master, behave better, leave some decent for the girl before marriage!"

You clam demon, dare to do bad things? The demon Bai Lu threatened: "The tiger demon and the dead ghost have not yet won the family, Zheng Yang, I will find miles for him! If you are not obedient, go with the iron hyena!".

I said before that the tiger demon begged for a match, but later threatened to give it to Tie Hyena, but it was the White Deer who heard Qing Luo say that this girl seemed to have something to do with the dead ghost!

ps: sorry, there is only one watch today

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