Deer Demon Race

Chapter 351: Sacred ape

Fighting life and death with other races, don't need to talk about fairness, Yuanyang's shot is a killer!

His magic weapon and the real fire of the Golden Crow are not simple.

The small saw blade is attached to the Danshan pole, and it keeps sawing back and forth. With the Danshan pole itself, it can't be opened!

Danshandan has been tempered with the two-stay stars for many years. It is a magic weapon that is second to none in the earth. But no matter how hard it is, it can't stand the sawing of the dragon's horn saw. There has not been a crack, and it has shown its strength, but as long as there is water milling skills, Sooner or later.

That little spark, with the help of Old Xiong, Zhongchun, and Dao Xuan, landed on the giant King Kong Iron Gibbon, and after the attachment point ignited, it spread out quickly!

This spark cannot ignite the demon energy, which is undoubtedly different from the death of Nikka from the inside out, but it also burns extremely fast, and the flames quickly cover the entire body of the huge King Kong Iron Gibbon.

The Great Sage of Jade Claw of the year, after a few breaths in the fierce battle, was cut off by Yuanyang’s dragon horn saw his first magic weapon, and his entire body was lit by the golden crow’s true fire. He threw out the second magic weapon to block the enemy. After transforming the true state and fleeing, Yuanyang was not as fast as him, so he recalled the real fire of Jin Crow and let him escape.

Compared with the battle with the Great Sage of Jade Claw, Dragon Horn Saw and Golden Crow Real Fire have improved a lot!

The magic dragon horn saw is not made of dragon horns, but named after the meaning of "dragon head saw angle". "Dragon head saw angle" and "tiger mouth extraction" agree, that small saw blade is designed to destroy other magic weapons!

The real fire of the Golden Crow, once possessed, burns the bones and the body, does not burn all combustibles, and will not go out!

Change to another demon saint, in such a situation, the treasure will be destroyed in the first place!

But the old ape is different!

Corresponding to the name of the iron sheet is the unruly temperament and the top-notch supernatural powers!

Under extreme disadvantage, he roared, and the shoulder burden disappeared in an instant. A large number of stars spewed out of the body of the demon, which was a combination of law and nature, and merged with the power of heaven and earth. Suddenly, he suppressed the burning flames of his body. It was dark, and slowly retreated.

The Danshandan was made by refining his arms with shoulder blades. The old ape retracted his body, but the magic weapon locked by the dragon horn saw retracted his body, and he had to follow him like a shadow!

Behind the right shoulder bone of the King Kong Iron Gibbon, the see-saw sound of "嚯嚯嚯嚯" still rang!

Daoxuan's seal of the collapse of the mountain was hitting the face of the holy ape, causing his huge body to sink.

Behind the old ape, a avatar appeared, stretched out his hands to pinch the saw blade, and broke it hard!

When he realized that the power of the clone was constantly breaking down, this little saw, Zhongchun's thunderball had arrived, and the light of thunder suddenly flourished again, illuminating this world!

In the series of thunderbolts, countless blood and flesh of the holy ape were killed by the explosion. At the same time, the approaching Yuanyang index finger pointed forward and shouted: "Add more soul-cleaning fire!"

Following his fingertips, there is another line of blue flames, flying at the King Kong Iron Gibbon!

Just after being blown up by Lei Zhu, the outside was scorched and the inside was tender. Seeing that there was a new kind of fire, the holy ape snorted.

After the huge burning deity teleported to the back, the avatar that had been pulling the dragon horn saw behind moved to the front, swapping positions!

Not only did the position change, even the dragon horn saw in the clone's hand was moved to the deity's hand!

Then, the holy ape burst into a drink, with infinite strength blessing his hands, so that it was on the little saw blade!



The avatar of the holy ape was ignited by the fire, and shrieked and retracted into the deity, but the dragon horn saw also broke!

This dragon horn saw in Yuanyang is unique in its own right. Even if it is broken, its spirituality will not be lost, but it will take three to five hundred years to make up for it!

The two broken saw blades that the old ape casually threw away, flew back to Yuanyang.

Yuan Yang roared, infused with divine thoughts, making the golden crow that had been so dimly suppressed on the King Kong Iron Gibbon a real fire, and the raging fire burned the sacred ape whose skin had long been scorched and necrotic!

Xinghui in the demon gas blends the power of the world, and is counteracting the burning golden crow real fire, but it is always his demon body that is burned. In the vicious fight, there is no time to get rid of it. That is the continuous damage and accumulation. Before becoming more, the holy ape roared: "Incarnate thousands of people!"

Before the follow-up attack arrived, the huge King Kong Iron Gibbon disintegrated and disintegrated into thousands of normal-sized King Kong Iron Gibbon, screaming strangely, howling, roaring, and burning everywhere. !

Every King Kong Iron Gibbon is still burning with Golden Crow Real Fire, but it is divided into so many channels, and the firepower is much diluted.

In the sky, it is like a firework show, everywhere is burning with flying charred King Kong Iron Gibbon!

Zhongchun, Daoxuan, Lao Xiong, and Yuan Yang all rushed to kill each burning clone!

Every time you kill one, you cut the holy ape by one point!

The Little King Kong Iron Gibbon killed by him did not fall or annihilate, but merged into other clones.

Then, the hundreds of avatars who gathered around Daoxuan condensed the size of the King Kong Iron Gibbon, burning the golden crow's real fire, and Danshan suddenly appeared, and hit the head again!

Daoxuan yelled strangely, not daring to resist the Bengshan Seal, his body flashed out a hundred miles away in an instant!

Dan Shandan disappeared in his hands again, and before Yuanyang, Lao Xiong, and Zhong Chun came back, the one-size King Kong Iron Gibbon collapsed again!

Just like in the silent millennium before, when the holy ape deity became a clan, thousands of clones lived everywhere in the holy ape mountain, each clone had flesh and blood, and it was his deity!

It's just that these avatars of the King Kong Iron Gibbon are fewer than they were when they were silently retreating. Of course, each of them is more capable than that at the time, at least they can fly into the air!

In such an enemy, the sacred apes are also at a loss. Although the clones that have been killed can be recovered, some of the power of the gods and the physical body will be lost, and it will take a long time to bring them back.

But at this moment, the old ape couldn't even care about breakage. In the next instant, the King Kong Iron Gibbon gathered around Yuanyang again, slamming his shoulders!

Unlike Dao Xuan, Yuan Yang did not evade, his whole body burst into flames, turning into a burning flame, and turned to this same burning King Kong Iron Gibbon!

The Danshandan crashed down, Yuanyang snorted in the two burning flames, and countless fragments shattered and scattered in the sky for dozens of miles. The rest collided with the large King Kong Iron Gibbon, and added the fire. Some ignited some small clones in the process of dispersing.

The firework show continued.

The rest of the broken and scattered flames recondensed a Yuanyang in the sky dozens of miles away, and his complexion was a bit bad.

The old ape is desperately desperate regardless of the loss, even Yuanyang can hardly fight head-on, and can't afford to lose it!

It’s just that the Golden Crow’s true fire is the source of the sun’s fire, and it is immortal. So he relied on the sect to inherit and cultivated for tens of thousands of years before he got this wisp. He couldn’t even separate himself. The **** of transformation Danyang has not yet been able to obtain, no matter how great the holy ape is, it is fine to suppress the burning fire on his body for a while, but in the presence of Yuanyang, don't think he can get rid of it!

At most one hour, the holy ape would be burned to a great extent, and another four or five hours would be dragged to burn this most tricky demon saint to ashes!

For now, it can be delayed!

Daoxuan and Yuan Yang were forced to retreat, but in a short period of time, the avatar of the holy ape had also been damaged by more than a hundred!

By Zhongchun's side, many avatars of King Kong Iron Gibbon once again gathered together, and this Lei Zhenmen dazzled with fright!

This time, the condensed large King Kong Iron Gibbon did not disperse anymore, but carried the giant palm of the old bear, and summoned the scattered clones to come together and reunited as one.

The majestic King Kong Iron Gibbon of the two-in-one law and nature reappeared in the raging fire. Before the enemy came up again, he burst into flames on his body and shouted: "Death to my old ape!"

On his demon body, a series of bones broke apart, but the power of Xinghui combined with the surrounding heaven and earth also exploded exponentially!

The real fire of the Golden Crow on his body faded all the way down, and before Yuan Yang ignited it again, he had gathered on his left leg!

Then, Yuanyang awakened his divine mind, and at the same time that the fire on his left leg was raging, the holy monkey smiled grimly: "Break!"

The voice is cold and has no ups and downs, but the flesh and blood on the thighs of the holy ape are broken, all separated from the body!

The flaming left leg was separated from the body and did not fall down. Dan Shandan had suddenly appeared next to him, hitting his left leg with a violent blow!

With this blow, the left leg, together with the burning golden crow real fire, shot out like a meteor across the sky!

That direction is south!

At the same time that Dan Shandan flew the holy ape with his left leg, Yuan Yang finally roared, and he was caught in a dilemma for a while!

If the Golden Crow's true fire is recovered, the left leg cannot be burnt, and with the power of the holy ape, the left leg will automatically become a clone and fly back, and the bones will be restored!

Without recalling the real fire of the Golden Crow, the burning left leg is still alive, and actively cooperates with the flying, and is hit by the stick of Danshanzhang, and the ghost knows how far to fly! It will take a while before it becomes clean!

At the very least, you have to fly out of Sacred Ape Mountain!

Golden Crow Real Fire is not a magic weapon for recognizing the In essence, it is just a group of fire, not spiritual, and will not recognize the Lord!

In other words, there is a possibility of being taken away by others!

The old ape deliberately struck towards the south, and in that direction, the old phoenix known as the "Great Sage Burning Flame" was flying to the greater desert, rushing to rescue him!

The old beast in the desert does not necessarily have the ability to collect fire, but the old phoenix of the volcano group adjacent to Donghua Gate can collect his golden crow real fire!

Under the attack of Danshan and the stick, the active left leg actively cooperated, and the disease of flying in the holy ape mountain, not to mention Yuanyang's clone, the deity could not catch up!

It's impossible to find a strand of clone to get it back!

The dragon horn saw has been broken, and the Golden Crow Real Fire is the capital to settle down and survive. If it is lost again, Yuanyang's strength will be reduced by half!

There are three demon saints in Lingshan Temple. If Yuanyang is more powerful than the other monk, how can Donghua Gate be the first gate of Luzhou in Beiju?

The benefits of this Sacred Ape Mountain have nothing to do with Donghua Gate, but the real fire of Golden Crow does not dare to lose. Yuanyang said angrily: "You will go back to the poor road!"

Yuanyang turned into a white light and chased south. Seeing that his family couldn't move the old ape, Daoxuan smiled and said, "Poverty Dao go to help the monk, kill the white deer demon, and then come and besieged the old ape!"

The saint ape can borrow the Xinghui before, leaving behind the godless life, and can help the poisonous monk to get out of his own, and it is also very good to be surrounded again, and there is no sound of Zhongchun, hatred, and eyebrows.

Among the demon ancestors of the Holy Ape Mountain, the end happened to be the closest to Dao Xuan. He heard that Dao Xuan was going to help the monk to kill the White Deer Demon who could gather the demon clan, and shouted: "Don't think about it!"

Tou Xin Nail no longer flies and strikes hatred, and instead shoots towards Dao Xuan, and at the same time his body shakes, and the yellow sand covering the sky and the sun is covering the old miscellaneous hair!

Ps: Sorry, the circuit will not be repaired until this afternoon, and the power will be cut until this afternoon.

There will be another update later, but it is estimated that it will take a little later, so I can’t wait to sleep first!

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