Deer Demon Race

Chapter 356: Before the war

After the end, the deer deer first went to the old ancestor cave, and talked about the content of the discussion with Langlang and Baize.

When she returned to her home room, Seventeen Niang was taken away by Long Po to speak, and went to the foot of the mountain to purify some demons. It was not until the evening after finishing the magical artifact with the starlight that she could see her again in the cave.

The demon Bai Lu breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought Lao Lu thought that Lao Tai Shui would take you away and you won't be allowed to come back to sleep again!"

It was said that Seventeen Niang was hot again, buried her face on his chest, and said in the urn: "I was harmed by my husband, so embarrassing!"

The demon Bai Lu smiled "hehe", groping with her hands, and wanted to tease her a few more words, the seventeenth mother said again: "The slave family also wants to leave the original place!"

The deer deer objected: "You are in charge of the house, why do you go there?"

Seventeen Niang shook her head in his arms: "Even though the slave family is a demon king, they haven't experienced many fights. It is a rare occasion to help her husband kill the King of Filling Water!"

In addition, she, the twin saints of the true dragon body, only learned the "Dragon Soul Homecoming Song" because of her fine tone attack, and she went out a long distance with Ao Xiangxiang, but she was not taught enough by Mrs. Xiwang. Said, I was worried about by Master Deer, and finally got started.

For more fights, I am still practising with the Bailu Demon in Doufengping.

Seventeen Niang held the White Deer Demon with her hands on her back and wanted to go. The White Deer hadn't persuaded her yet, and there was another knock on the door outside Shimen: "Grandma, are you resting?"

Listening to the voice is the female monster Qingluo.

The grandmother Seventeen has a tender face, so far she is not allowed to behave like the Shura girl and the ghost girl. The two of them have never slept in her room.

"It's okay!"

Hearing the cry, Shiqi Niang quickly released her hand and got up to organize her clothes. When she felt that there were no flaws, she opened the door.

The Asura girl walked into the door, pouting her mouth: "Master, grandma, I also want to leave Liyuan!"

The gambling workshop and the tea workshop are nothing more. The two kinds of raw materials and animal collection cannot be stopped. The family must keep the main thing. Although Qingluo is Shura, it is not the material for fighting. Bailu demon leaned on the bedside and sighed: "If you go any more, don't you do not do business at the foot of the mountain?"

Qing Luo red eyes: "The slave family doesn't want the female ghost to be proud in front of you!"

Zixia was carried by the White Deer Demon, so she naturally wanted to go with her. She was arguing with her, and her belly was sour.

I want to keep a demon at home, and I was just begging Master Deer. You go, you female monster, can grandma still go there?

The seventeenth mother hurriedly shook the female Xiuluo's hand and exclaimed: "Sister, please take care of it. Can you leave the host's house? It's just to help the slave's family! Master Shura's eyes have been refined, and the bones can be fetched for you! "

The grandma at the house begged softly, making Qing Luo bit her lip to make trouble, and the dragon girl leaned in her ear again: "Sister, don't worry, the girl ghost will go away, and the slave family will also tell her to behave!"

Master Lu was also emphasizing the importance of raw material shops and animal collection shops, and after being persuaded for a few more words, she complained about returning to the room.

Qingluo agreed to stay, and the seventeenth mother was proud and stretched her legs to kick the deer deer: "Sister Qingluo is not happy, and her husband will accompany her. You are not allowed to be called Zixia tonight!"

On the second day after picking up Rihua, the mountain demon was called to the mountain again, telling him to go out to fight.

Among the demon, the deer only asked Huashe and Dashun to stay. If you have anything to do, please know the ancestor and the little grandmother Qingluo. The rest are all going to Liliyuan to participate in the war. Guiyi and Shuanghe are no exceptions.

The beast feeder is now in charge of a lot of rare beasts, and it is also important. This matter has become familiar with the ancestor, and asked him to take care of it. Let Lang Lang and the waning moon little demon take care of it. The golden striker is still called to participate in the war.

The animal collection shop was filled with snakes, and Nagao and Dawei were called away.

No one can object to what Mr. Lu and grandma decided.

At this time, I counted the magical instruments and elixir, and said goodbye to the Hun family, and all became busy.

Langlang, Zhishan, Diaozuan, etc. are all jealous, but it is a pity that he has not yet become a demon, and it is not like the little demon, such as robbery, grievance, and plucking, have wings and can fly, and cannot participate in the battle.

After the driving on the ridge, the police called Shanding and then spread the word to tell Master Lu that he was going out to fight, and each family guarded the boundary.

Among the demon kings in the White Lion Valley, I heard that they want to fight together. Huang Huaniang, Wang Ji, Di Yin, and Dani King do not like to go. There is nothing to say. Only Su Luo and Ruifu are required. Go to the war to get some jade bones back.

Dajiao and Powan are not peaceful, but they have used their stalker skills, begging the white deer demon, and want to learn more together.

After they listened carefully, they felt that the situation was very good, and they wanted to make a fortune in the war and grab some objects and elixir. Bailu Yao agreed.

The Dajiao Mountain Field is to guard the south of the White Lion Valley alone, and still bears the responsibility of sending out the road signs for the demon from the South Road. He leaves the mountain field, fearing that there will be trouble, and asks the Demon King of the Wild Mountain adjacent outside the valley to do it for him.

There were four rhino monster kings including Xuanyue on the drive down the ridge. After they understood, they all came to ask for orders. They wanted to go to the battlefield and return with some merits, so that they would not be detained to watch the mountain gate again.

The White Deer demon only raises his four chickens that lay eggs. The monk's family is going to fight now. What if there is still a disagreement, and if he runs away in battle, can the eggs be laid at home again? Where can you agree?

It is a rare opportunity to show your heartfelt heart. When Xuan Yue waited to see that the big demon would live and die, they disagreed, and they all changed their minds. I would like to ask which ancestor or holy master to plant the soul cord. If there is any disagreement, please curse and kill!

For the great demon general to guard this mountain gate, to gather Japanese flowers, to listen to magical powers, but also to receive countless ridicules. When the four of them talked about the latter, each was sad, and it was enough to make those who heard it shed tears.

But staying at the gate of the mountain, it was like being abused by his own family. The White Deer couldn't, so he had to ask the holy ape to separate the soul cord. The four demon kings each rewarded one and took the road together.

There was also a ridiculous thing on the driving range.

The demon ancestors who do not live on land must replace with the sea-monster houses, not to mention the descendants who were rescued from the Great Sage of Lunyin. When the old eagle asked him where he would like to live, the demon-level little dolphin replied : "My demon's house lives in Shutan, I'm going to Dragon Palace!"

He was willing to go to the Dragon Palace. The Great Sage of Jade Claw didn't care about it. He didn't want to go to see Long Po in another two days. He said bluntly: "It was my little brother who was married to the Dragon Palace. The only thing left in the family is my bloodline to escape. Brothers inherited their ambitions, and the marriage to Longgong is not easy to be broken. I beg Longmu to give me the permission of Sixteen Niang!"

This wishful thinking made Long Po annoyed, and asked, "I am not a son of man, and what he said? Your family is suffering, and the young brother of the set marriage is dead. How can Long Girl be rationed to you?"

The little dolphin said demonly: "The Great Sage Chaos was killed, his descendant, Dragon Palace hired his son-in-law? I would also like to make a sun-dragon bag according to his family's custom, and ask the dragon mother to take it in!"

Before the old manatee was killed, there were more than ten demon ancestors who escaped from the door, most of them are in the Hailing Madonna and Dragon Palace. The Dragon Palace has a concubine who recruits the descendants of the old manatee to be sons-in-law. It is one of the dozen ancestors who escaped for Ann. Xin, there are only five old dolphins, and it is not the turn of the Dragon Palace to come, so there is no need for that?

Moreover, his young brother is a demon king anyway, but his life span is not long, he is only a demon general, and he has not found an opportunity for promotion, and betrothed to him, is it to harm the sixteenth daughter?

So Long Po was angry and blasted him away.

I don't want this little dolphin relied on being a descendant of the demon saint, and has always been courageous and fat. After being bombed away, he went to the grass market to promote it, saying that the Dragon Palace was snobbish, and when his family fell, he would regret the marriage!

Long Dalang took him and didn't know what to do for a while.

The swordfish demon ancestor who rescued him was so frightened that he hurried to rescue him and persuaded him, but was scolded by the little dolphin who broke the jar: "Your slave, seeing that my house is ruined, he has changed his job. Other masters, what face do you have to persuade me?"

The swordfish ancestor scolded him dumbfounded and walked away, and he went to the grass market to promote it.

No matter what he talked about, Long Gong’s face was completely dull. After all, he was the only bloodline left by his old in-laws and old dolphin. Although Long Po was extremely angry, when Long Dalang came to ask him, he was cruel and screamed for two days. Look again.

Among the sisters, the grandmother of Doufengling and the Sixteenth Mother had the best relationship. After learning about it, she was equally angry and asked her wishful husband what to do.

Bai Lu said demonly: "He is taking his life to ruin the Dragon Palace. He only dislikes disgusting. Where does it matter? Catch up the mountain to clean up and make him not dare to speak again!"

He told the dead ghost to go to the grass market and catch the little dolphin up the mountain.

To share the worries for the Yue family, Master Lu Feng came off the court in person. A meal of peach sticks made the little dolphin cry and cry, and he tried Japanese spicy, finally he was docile and promised not to talk nonsense.

The next day, the swordfish ancestor came to tell, the little dolphin was crying and making trouble, and he wanted to take the five demon ancestors to cast the sea kun, the big sage, and the old the white deer, please jade claw great sacred move The five demon ancestors speak.

Investing in the big alliance of monster races around the White Lion Valley, descendants can gather Japanese flowers, learn magical powers, and learn the "universal star art". Marry an enchantress after giving birth, who would like to go with him to the old whale's house that doesn't like to go out?

Asking the thoughts of several demon ancestors, Bai Lu demon said: "There are still a lot of dolphins. Killing him will not make this creature extinct. It is not a stable one. I am afraid that there will be trouble in the old whale's house. There is no need to live for nearly a hundred years of life! The five ancestors thought, such an unbearable descendant, if you keep it, you will lose the face of the great sage of Lun Yin!"

The big demon general said murderously, the swordfish demon ancestor was silent for a while, although his heart was sad, after all, like the other four, he didn't say a word.

Therefore, the White Deer Demon ordered the Black Tiger Demon to kill the little dolphins at the foot of the ridge for a ride, and the corpse was sent to Yuanshan as fertilizer.

He used his fate to blame it, and it was considered fulfilled.

After more than ten days of fighting in Yazhong, the two black-winged Peng monsters, Xiaoshi and Xiaoqu, turned into huge realities, the deer demon Baibao, Shiqiniang, Yaoyao, Shishi, Limu, Tongjing, Goubao, Yuanxiang , Yuwei, Tianxiang, Shuanghe, etc. flew in front, followed by Dragon Twenty Lang, Lulu, Shanyang King, Wanyue and other demon kings, followed by group or pack demon general demon or air flying little demon, hula Pull together on the road, first go to the Peacock Demon Lengping ancestor's site to concentrate.

At the foot of the Drifting Ridge, almost all the demon gathering the sun in the Dragon Palace and the Sacred Ape Mountain flew away, and the Asuras who patrolled daily were gone, and the tea shops and gambling shops were closed and most of them were deserted.

The other demons who came to pick Nihua didn't have to go out. It was heard that the rotation time could be postponed, only when this period was a holiday, and many of them went home first. .

Looking at the deserted grass market, Huang Huaniang sighed and couldn't make a living.

ps: There is one more update, but it will be late, so I can’t wait to sleep first after watching.

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