Deer Demon Race

Chapter 360: Full-scale war

When retreating, the demon sages of the old ape voice transmission: "The big demon general said, my old ape’s pole cannot be fought, and the war will be truce tomorrow!"

So, in Duji's resentment, after this dark night, eight demon saints appeared together.

Until the second night came and left.

Zui Youshen finally arrived before dawn, and Monk Duji also made up his mind to gather the Buddha Nian'er among the Lili original monsters first, and go out with a backhand. He has been pressed near the elephant nest to fight, which is too passive. , From now on, the outside demon crowd can only be harvested.

Starting today, the outside demon crowd will suffer death and injury. Buddha Nian'er is attached to the demon crowd's soul, and will be destroyed with him. When the demon crowd starts a war, there will be damage, so you should close it first.

It's a pity that it's only a year since the last war against the original. At that time, in order to resist the holy ape and others, the clone had already received the Buddha's Nian'er once, and now the monsters have not grown too much in the new Buddha's Nian'er in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Sacred Ape Mountain and Dragon Palace monsters finally gathered before dawn to the various defense points that were formed by the original Buddhism monsters.

From top to bottom, a full-scale war is about to break out!

The White Deer Demon didn't know that there was a drunk **** who rushed to it, and another **** of transformation was added on the opposite side.

However, the battle is like the following chess. Every move must be unexpected by the opponent to have the possibility of winning. His calculations have not yet stopped. Before dawn, the White Deer demon finished his spiritual consciousness training and walked out from the center of the Dragon Palace. The demon saint’s secret talk: “The demon saint’s flesh body is hotter than the transfiguration day, and there is no life worry about taking two or three blows. My old deer courageously, please let the saints replace their lives today!”

In addition to the sacred ape, here are the dragon po, the old osprey, the old phoenix, and the old eagle. They looked at each other. After a long time, the dragon po asked indefinitely: "In exchange for the life of the god, you can exchange yourself. It's great, but..."

She was a little unbelievable. Bailu Demon explained: "Today we will fight again. The sages will enlarge the battle circle. When the master goes up, they will all abandon their opponents and surround one. Yuanyang and Duji will be harder to kill. The rest is optional! When the master draws a pole to destroy the besieged image, and then join forces to kill them, each will go forward desperately, or earn one!"

Compared with the realm, the biggest advantage of the monster race is the physical resistance. The great sage and the old elephant's injuries, if they really change their positions, most of them have fallen.

How can you not make good use of your own advantages when you are really shopping?

When the fire is also set, there is an old ape on one's side, a blow from the star, and eight demon saints are added to the death. You can definitely kill the Minghua God, but it is difficult for the other party to kill a demon saint!

I haven't fought a group fight for many years, and I didn't even think of it. The old Osprey "tsk" twice, and his eyes lit up first: "It's a good deal to change a **** to fall! It's a good deal! Any one of us is seriously injured. The luck is not good, I will raise it for hundreds of years since I left, my brothers are grateful for him!"

The demon white deer nodded and said, "My old deer is also grateful for the severely injured saint, and the'universal starry technique' added two demon crowds of his family!"

The top power is almost evenly matched in a melee. If a monk wants to severely injure a certain demon saint, he must also focus on one. At the time of the battle, who is selected and severely injured by the opponent depends only on luck.

A demon saint, in the long years of the past, more of them are solitary. This kind of large-scale battle has almost never been experienced, and he holds his own identity. Such a style of play is a bit rascal. It really is the big demon will think of .

Whoever is set on fire by the opposite side is only to blame for bad luck. It is a big profit to change one or two opponents seriously!

Being severely injured, you can also learn from the old elephant or the old ape, fight with you or become a mobile force again, not to completely withdraw from the battlefield.

The eyes of the two banshee saints, Long Po and Lao Huang, lit up.

The first time he killed a Yuanying, the second time he hit the old bear with a heavy hand, and the battle began, and the white demon's three-handed axe had to make a heavy hand this time to completely establish his own advantage!

Planning to kill the **** of transformation, the action is a bit risky, the Bailu demon does not dare to pick up the corpse anymore, no matter what, the monk has more methods than the demon clan, even if there is an old yellow croaker who chants to prevent self-destruction, he can't guarantee that he will be foolproof. If you force a certain Hua Shen to explode, the old ape can't protect him.

Moreover, the old elephant, the old bear, and the poisonous monk are all leaving the original at a fast speed. The demon saints only work together to kill someone, and there is nothing to stop it. If one or two fly over, the demon ancestor may not be able to stop it and dare not pick it Not to mention the corpse, but also to ask the holy ape to leave a clone to protect his life. Seeing that the situation is not good, he was taken and fled to the holy ape mountain.

Starting today, the demon ancestors will lead the demon crowds, and the deer demon will have no skills in himself.

After Proximity and Dragon King communicated well, in the morning light, Long Po, Lao Huang, Lao Diao, and Lao Osprey flew towards the center of Liliyuan.

In front of the Liliyuan Buddhism demon crowd, under the care of the holy ape, the wild bear ancestor of the wild mountain, and the swordfish ancestor under the Jade Claw Sect, the White Deer demon flew high and rushed to the opposite demon array and roared: "Liliyuan demon crowd, May those who descend from falling to the ground will be able to purify the Buddha's mind after the war!"

It is a pity that this Liliyuan has been run by a monk for many years. It is different from the original Holy Rhinoceros Valley. There are people willing to come down. They are surrounded by Buddhist monsters. At this time, those who listen to his words and fall to the ground are all dead.

None of the demon in Liliyuan moved.

The black mist melted by the demon qi on the opposite side shrouded into a piece, and there was no movement in the demon formation. The White Deer demon sighed and turned back and shouted, "Kill!"

The mountain monsters and sea monsters who invaded Liliyuan, the lowest level of the participants are the monsters, and they have an absolute advantage in number. But compared to waiting for him, there are still a huge number of little monsters in the Buddhist monks fighting in the local area. With the help of the little monsters, they can form a monster formation to support the monster's big body, and the strength reaches the level of the monster king!

It is the existence of the demon formation that makes Liliyuan demon crowd have the confidence to fight the invaders.

On the Western Front, Liliyuan Demon Crowd gathered seven strongholds on the Western Front, and the White Deer Demon gathered all the friendly forces from the Sacred Ape Mountain. At this point, there were only more than 30 enemy Demon Kings. , But the demon formation has 80 seats, and the same number of demon generals and demon bodies are supported, and every demon general that can support a huge demon general can be used by the demon king.

The Sacred Ape Mountain Demon King and Demon Generals have almost come out of their nests, but after the White Deer Demon and the friendly army led by King Ding Jia gathered together, the Seventeenths of the White Lion Valley, Su Luo, Defu, and Xianyue were added. , The number of demon kings is only over fifty, and there are nearly seven hundred demon kings.

Among them, the Shura and Asura tribes are demon generals when they grow up!

The biggest shortcoming of one's own side is that there is no demon formation, and it suffers at the level of the demon king.

The opponent's Demon King and Demon General were afraid of being killed by the Wild Bear and Swordfish Ancestor. At this time, they were all hidden in the Demon Formation, and none of them flew into the air.

This gathering point was picked up by the White Deer Demon and others, and it was also a great misfortune. Because there was still an old ape standing in the line, it was said that the battle power of the Demon Sage of Honzhou was the first!

It can be imagined that the sacred ape assists in the battle and really enters the demon formation. No matter the body of the demon king or the demon generals supported by the demon formation, all are carried by a pole, and they can't avoid it!

Lili’s original monsters still don’t know that the old ape has thousands of supernatural powers, and he is afraid to provoke a murderer and dare not attack the monster below. He really wants to kill more than 30 monster kings in front of him. In fact, he doesn’t waste much energy. .

It’s just that this battle has to train troops. The Bailu Yao has already agreed with the holy ape. Unless he, Shichiniang, Yaoyao, Shishi, Tongjing, etc. are critically in crisis, they don’t have to take action. An ancestor, only guarded against the Demon King's escape, and occasionally helped him.

The opposite Demon King and Demon Generals did not dare to lift into the air. There were too many large formations, and one's own side did not dare to fly over.

After the White Deer Demon gave the order, the four leaders, Shi Niang, King Ding Jia, Zufu, and Su Luo, fought hard with all kinds of spells and magic weapons, each smashing into a big formation from one side!

The Buddhism monsters after the training of Monk Duji can no longer be regarded as pure monsters!

The demon crowds such as Crescent Moon, Ganyue, Yaoyao, Big Horn, Powan, Dead Ghost, Goubao, etc., relying on their physical strength, followed behind Seventeen Niang and Master Lu, and broke into the current demon formation, and the host yelled behind them. : "Riding a deer, plantain, cloth bag, and crossing the river to retreat, the rest are in front of you!"

There are too many large formations, covering a wide area, and the demon formations behind cannot beat the enemy, so they have to surround themselves.

Driving into this demon formation was named after the deer-riding Arhat formation. For Master Deer, the mouth color is not good.

The four demon formations on the first line that were intruded by the invaders were all well-trained. Upon hearing the command, they brought the opponents into the formation, and the whole group slowly retreated, while other demon formations encircled from the surrounding area.

As seen in the Lingtao Peak battle more than 50 years ago, this demon formation is also dominated by little demon. Demon generals and demon are not too many. Dead ghosts, Yaoyao, Goubao, etc. are all killed everywhere. The situation is the most First, it fell face to face, harvesting the enemy's many monsters, and the lion demon supported by the demon spirit quickly shrank the demon body.

But when the other demon formations around him encircled, the black mist filled with the demon king and demon generals hidden in the other formations flew to encircle.

The first few demon kings rushed in, with their own resistance such as Seventeen Niangs and Crescent Moon, the white deer demon opened his eyes on his forehead, looked around, and saw that there was jade on the horse demon king who was fighting with the Mochizuki Rhinoceros. Bone, UU read and rushed over it wretchedly.

Not wanting to find him coming, the Horse Demon King first smiled grimly: "Erlangs spread out!"

How can his family now compare to the power of a Demon King, come to help, he is so rampant and self-confident, he is also called to disperse allies?

The White Deer Demon was puzzled, and the antlers in his hand smashed down with Shura combat skills. The Horse Demon King didn’t force it to stop flashing. He still carried the ice method of driving the moon, and squeezed his big antlers with his backhand, and said: "My Buddha is merciful. ,burst!"

The frontal breakthrough was helpless to the White Deer Demon, and Monk Duji also responded. After knowing through the clone that the gathering point was the driving force, it was the seven or eight demon kings who were the most devout to the Buddha here who dealt with the White Deer. Like the ancestor, the horse monster king delivered the most deadly blow when meeting: self-destruction!


In the red light splashing with flesh and blood, the high-pressure indented demon energy suddenly expanded outward!

To the poison monk Duji, being able to kill the White Deer Demon is more valuable than a big victory on the entire front!

The demon general level blew up, and there was almost no power to the outside world, but the level of the demon king was completely different. With the demon pill in his body, he really couldn't underestimate it!

The horse demon king blew himself up instantly, and the gray robe controlled by Zixia appeared on the white deer demon in the first time. The two magical functions of "blocking evil" and "dissolving" were activated to block most of the damage for him.

Baipao'er blocked the rest for him again, without any injuries.

However, it took hard work to grow up. The three magical functions of the big antlers that have been tempered so far have all been destroyed. Was blown to pieces!

The dog day is so cruel!

Ps: This is the update today, and the regular update will be resumed tomorrow.

If there are two shifts, it will be updated at 12:00 noon, and the second shift will be punctual at ten o’clock in the evening; if there is only one shift, the morning cancellation will only be updated at ten o’clock in the evening. In addition, if it is affected by force majeure, it will be notified in advance.

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