Deer Demon Race

Chapter 362: In the array

Outside the water polo, Gou Bao waved to the sky first, then dropped his knees slightly and jumped high.

Shi Lao looked very strong, it seemed difficult to deal with it in a short time, but the demon demon who was good at wind was blocked, and it was also unable to attack the wolf demon general.

Don't worry about the musk demon, in the giant water ball, the wolf demon will raise its head and squint his eyes slightly.

In mid-air, a boulder not much smaller than a water polo is falling speedily!

The native method of that servant is indeed very fast, I think he has the magical powers, but my old wolf cousin, who specializes in water for more than two hundred years, controls this giant water ball, it is impossible to ask you to be a demon. Rockfall?

The gathered giant water ball consumes a lot of demon energy, and the wolf demon will give up unwillingly.

For a time, all his spiritual knowledge was used to strengthen the strength of the water polo!


The big stone fell down, and the giant water ball shook as a whole, and then it was firmly supported. The sound of the transfer was small, much like the sound of a small stone falling into the well water.

But the demon's attack was not over yet, and after the rock fell, there was a violent wind breaking in the air!

On the surface of the lifted stones and the stone prison separating Yuanxiang, there are two-foot-long stalagmites growing out of the water polo.

The stone prison inside became like a hedgehog, and the stone supported by the water ball looked like a giant pegboard.

But the land outside the water polo ball has been covered by a large shadow!

The wolf demon will not be able to see the midair. Gou Bao has already activated the "juhua", and then blessed the "heavy" mutant supernatural power of "juli" and pressed it down fiercely!


His "giant" body is smaller than the demon general supported by the demon formation, but the blessing of the "heavy" huge body, falling freely by gravity, is so powerful that it is almost not lost to the demon king!

The big water polo couldn't withstand this force anymore, and it broke in the first place, splashing water all over the ground.

The huge dog treasure, sitting on the stone summoned by his own spell, fell to the ground.

His stone technique has been blessed with the magical magical power "firm stone", but the stone slab still shattered after being collided with the ground by the falling force!

The stone prison guarding Yuanxiang also burst open.

By this blow, the wolf demon general was killed before it, but under the broken stone slab, there was gurgling blood flowing out.

The Black Tiger Demon Necromancer, who has claimed to be the first demon general under the seat of the deer, is also fighting against the famous enemy demon general. Yu Guang glanced at Goubao’s battle, couldn’t help swallowing, and whispered: "Gou Ri of!"

Once the hottest demon Ding Dajiao of Jingping Mountain was also in the formation, he also saw this scene, and the scolding was exactly the same as the dead ghost: "Dogday!"

Gou Bao is not far away from the Jin Demon General, and both of them have low voices, lest they be taught to be demon in the future!

Po stubbornly didn't care, he was crazy, and he was dealing with the demon king he had provoke, and he didn't have time to watch it at all.

The wolf demon will pull out the stalagmite inserted into the demon's body, and push the gravel slab at the beginning, staggeringly just getting up, and Gou Bao's body has just turned back to normal, grinning, rubbing his body and then pounces on it.

Yuan Xiang was in a hurry and rushed out of the broken stone prison, just like to grab it!

The battle continued, and the enemy Demon King, Demon General, and Demon Ding who had previously retreated to the other formations had been encircled again.

More than ten feet away from Gou Bao's side, the black and white tapir Banxuan is also prestigious, but this guy does not have the consciousness of leapfrogging challenges, only seeks to kill the demon of the same level, and then bullies the little demon by the way, and sees the demon. Will and Demon King stay far away.

The militant sparrow demon flew back and forth, and also went to single-handedly seek out the demon generals. Although the undead demon generals were killed, the opponent could not help him and could not catch him.

On the other side, the fox demon Tian Xiang just put a smile on her face. For the monsters, the demon general's life is a bit hard. Yu Wei, Yuzhu, Shuanghe, and Xiaoxiao exhausted all the magical weapons before they killed the monster general who was so fascinated by Hu Meizi and met the female army. , Especially the fox demon's talent and supernatural powers, the demon general still had a satisfied smile on his face before he died. It is a pity that the soul has not become a ghost, otherwise it will be a ghost.

The frog demon Biyan held the long spear made of frog tongue left by the Ruyi King, nothing else was eye-catching, only with indisputable and roaring together, against the famous demon generals, he did not retreat for half a step.

The tortoise demon Guiyi and Dayu and Hang Hook are both out of Beihai Dragon Palace, but the luck of Guiyi is worse than those two. The body has basaltic blood. It is the body demon of the grandmother in Doufengling, and Master Deer opens the door for convenience. To be destined to fail to learn the "Universal Starlight Technique", holding his breath at this time, relying on his own body to be hardened, he is dead against a demon general, so that there is no worries in the attack of Da Yu and Dangling.

Su Ji, Jin Shou Zi, and Hei Mian are in a group of three. They have the worst luck. They first encounter a demon king who has entered the formation. Seventeen Niangs and Xuan Yue each have their opponents. They can't stop them, and the three demon are scattered. Fleeing, the black face's buttocks were more conspicuous, and the Demon King Fei chased him down, cut off his head, and couldn't live anymore.

Su Ji and Jin Shuizi roared again and again, but unfortunately it was only the demon's cultivation base, so they had no choice but to continue to flee.

Then, Qianluo from the Asura clan flew over and confronted the demon king.

The silly bull demon Qi Niu held his mountain-opening axe, and also forcibly stopped the famous demon general, and Lei Fa hurriedly let go, with him in front of him, the two cunning men, Xiao Shi and Kai Tai, let go of their hands and feet and beat them on the side. , Won't hurt at all.

Yaoyao, Shishi, Tongjing and several juvenile groups are also targeted by the Demon King, but he and the Demon II are all powerful demon generals, and they do not lack body protection and life-saving means, but they usually face fewer enemies. , Lacking experience in fighting, and encountering the demon king blew himself up, there is no major problem in saving his life.

Baiqiao, Laoban, Dawei, Nagao, Sancai, Xiaoqu, Chiwen, etc., are also fighting hard, except for the bad luck, the more the two levels run into the dark side of the Demon King, he is also not dangerous.

The giant rolling logs, falling rocks, lightning, and ground thorns emitted by the main formation and the surrounding leader demon will continue to fall and give birth.

The formation of the little monsters was running around, and they did not dare to escape from the range of the monster formation.

When the Lord Driven Ridge Deer got the real ambergris to repair the damaged soul, the holy ape had helped him digest the new demon pill, and once again rushed into the demon formation.

Under the induction of "evil warding off", look for the most extreme evil demon king, of course, the priority is that there are few monsters around and not affect others.

"Qian Luo get out of the way and let my old deer come!"

Qian Luo dealt with the Demon King alone, also very strenuous, after hearing the call of the Bailu Mountain Master, he turned back and ran.

The Demon King didn't care about Qian Luo who was going away, and sneered at the Bai Lu Demon.

The Zen master said that the Bailu demon is cunning and treacherous, and has many supernatural powers.

Dedicating to the Buddha with one's body, although the body is dead, the soul is still in the mind of the Buddha, and one can enjoy bliss.

My Buddha is compassionate, and there must be a place in the world of bliss!


Once again the Demon King blew himself up, and the gray robe that had rested for a while moved again this time, helping the White Deer Demon block the impact on the soul.

After the next self-detonation, the newly taken Demon Pill can be digested completely, but the family will have to recover for a while before they can fight again.

He really blew himself twice in a row, and his Bailu Demon's soul was afraid that he would also be annihilated. Nowadays, there is no power hidden in the sea of ​​knowledge, and death is true death.

He didn't want to be exposed to another explosion, so he quit the battle so early, Shura opened his eyes on the forehead of the White Deer Demon, and first swept away the enemy demon generals one level lower.

At the level of demon generals and foundation building, there are too few creatures that can find the edge of the avenue. Looking at it, most demon generals do not have jade bones.

The most recent one is a demon general who is fighting against Xu Cang, with a pair of jade and bones.

Susuo, the thief, who had taken possession of the jade bone early, was a pity that he only existed at the bottom of the Shura clan, and the demon generals with jade bones were not weak. With the magic weapon in hand, his Shura can only gain the upper hand. Without a helper, it is almost impossible to kill the demon general.

The White Deer Demon flew close, and before the demon general moved away, the sky net cast out and directly covered it. Under the two magical functions of "soft tendons" and "locking the town", the other party was completely unable to move, and the white deer demon jumped up again. Both feet smashed the opponent's head to pieces.

Looking at the beard, Bai Lu said demonly: "You take the jade bone, I have one!"

Although he was going to be divided into one team, there was no White Deer Demon. This demon couldn't kill him. He had to nod his head and agree. When the Tianluo net was put away, he was excited to move forward to dismember the body.

The Lili Yuan Buddhism monsters have suffered a lot. If they hadn't been controlled by the monk's Transformation Curse, they would have collapsed, but at this time they would still be firmly supported.

After another round of inspections, there are two demon generals with jade bones, but they are all stared at by the Asura and Asura people.

Had to put it back on the Demon King, and this time Bai Lu Demon asked Shi Shi Niang to give him an opponent.

The malicious Demon King rushed over with a weird smile on his face. He didn't blew himself up for the first time, but entangled with the White Deer Demon.

After the close hand-to-hand combat, a yellow mist quickly spread from the Demon King's body, and the two ancestors, Huangxiong and Swordfish, responded to the sound of snails and must have changed almost at the same time.

The Bailu demon was dissatisfied. Before the two demon ancestors in the sky gave a warning, the yellow mist appeared, not yet condensed into the appearance of a poisonous monk.

The clone of Monk Duji appeared, and only glanced at the Bailu Demon, and the one-legged holy ape appeared in front of him again, crushing the clone, even the Demon King was killed together without self-destruction.

Knowing that the sacred ape and the white deer would be prepared, Duji still couldn't help but make an attempt. After this time, he finally died and refused to give away his clone.

The White Deer Demon has already rushed back, and the body of the demon king that the holy ape squeezed to death has just turned back to its original form, he kicked it to Suo Suo: "Hurry up, let's get rid of it! But this demon king's corpse demon Dan and Yugu belong to me, not your share!"

All the demon kings that the Holy Ape slayed can count on you, and even grab the bones of the demon general with me!

Suo Suo was full of complaints, but didn't dare to say anything.

The sacred ape appeared again and killed a demon king, and the leader shouted out anxiously.

The Bailu Demon didn't want to waste time, and stared at the demon king he had looked for before, and "flashed" past it again.

The other party simply blew himself up this!

After this blow, two demon pills have been digested within one day, and the liquefied demon energy, spirit, essence and blood are all nourishing, but at the same time, the spirit is damaged for the second time, causing severe intracranial pain. Endlessly, most of the newly added ones have been damaged.

The White Deer Demon had already realized that he was promoted to the Demon King. Before finding the opportunity, the Soul must be the last piece of hardware.

Although taking such an extreme method to digest the demon pill, it will lose a lot of its soul power, but when this battle is over, I believe that there will be no shortage of the demon pill!

The demon student in this life, Bai Lu demon did not want to let go of any chance, and was by the sacred ape, and took the third demon pill, and at the same time he took out the incense burner and skillfully lit the real ambergris.

The holy ape joined hands to help him digest the new demon pill.

At a slight tilt, the little demon was killed, fell to the ground and surrendered more, and the second demon formation was shattered again.

The current demon king and demon generals have been greatly damaged in Lili’s original demon crowd. It is time to lay the chance of victory. Seeing that the leader of the demon will be besieged and beaten to death, the white deer demon once again called: "Lady, you take the child. Let's break it for a while!"

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