Deer Demon Race

Chapter 369: Road of the Demon King

Liliyuan, tens of thousands of demon crowds from Sacred Ape Mountain and Dragon Palace marched side by side from the west and north lines, marching towards the elephant nest, chasing and fleeing along the way.

The white deer demon did not go, and the old elephant flew out of the original night. Instead, he asked the demon saints to detain the undesired demon king and withdraw to the ancestral boundary of the sacred ape mountain round spot, and then leave the sacred ape clone, the wild bear, and the swordfish. The two demon ancestors also helped the shaking scene.

Self-knowledge still has to be there. Such hatred is really a matter of life and death. He ran to the elephant’s nest to participate in the war, causing Du Ji to throw away the Buddha’s treasure to fight. Yes, don't die too fast!

Hurrying to the Elephant Nest to participate in the war, it feels unsafe to leave a demon saint for protection, but it will make the demon saints fearful, so it's better not to add to the chaos.

The gods do not dare to kill evil, they will not attack the ordinary monsters and monsters, but the Bailu monster is not among them. In addition, Yaoyao, Lulu, Tongjing, etc. are not insured, just in case, wait for the killing. Thousands of miles away from the elephant nest, the descendants of the demon saint and the demon crowd in the Drifting Ridge will be called back, and will no longer participate in the war.

He waited to participate in the war, even if it was over thousands of miles away from the elephant nest, he really wanted to fight freely, and there would be no shortage after two thousand years.

Following the old bear to escape from the two demon ancestors, they were familiar with the land. The next day they bypassed the elephant’s nest and went west. As expected, seven good spirit plants were returned. When discussing matters in the evening, the white deer demon spoke first, saying that Joyride Ridge is not greedy, only points. That purple wolfberry is just fine.

The Great Demon General is truly "modest", and the remaining six of the Lingzhi that the two demon ancestors robbed back are all of the middle grade, and the top grade of the black wolfberry is only the purple wolfberry, which he ordered.

For the demon saints, with the exception of the demon saints, gods, and weird bodies, there are almost no earth-level and world-level elixir that can replenish the monster's energy in the realm. Except for occasional bullying, look at the meat of the demon general. In addition to the painful expression, he usually doesn't care if he eats and takes up more. Until now, the demon ancestors have not shown great effort in this battle, and there are few embarrassed points. Lao Huang made the decision: "It's all for you. However, it is an exclusive advantage. When You Yang advances, each family should increase their quota!"

I don't know what You Yang looks like after being promoted, and how many demon pickers can be added. Bai Lu demon does not dare to let all the places go out.

The demon saints are not like him, he just wants to fight for purple wolfberry, but the other six Profound Middle Grades are also successful.

They were all rare elixir of middle grade and above. For fear of the time delay, they wouldn't be able to survive. The White Deer also asked the sacred ape clone to help.

Last year, the Sixteen Niangs waited and planted hundreds of waste immortal plum cores in the back mountain of Doufengling, and they would become spiritual roots in a few years, without fear that the aura would be insufficient in a short time.

There is still a big bag of the waste immortal seed Li He robbed back by the Xuantian Sect. After this battle is over, just go back and replant some more.

In the following days, there was a mess around the elephant’s nest, from small monsters and monsters to large monsters and transforming gods. They were all fighting to the death, fighting day and night every day, and little monsters were flying hard every day. Half of the monster corpses were sent to Saruyama to make fertilizer.

As the days passed, Liliyuan Buddhism demon crowds suffered tremendous damage, and the transformation of gods also worked extremely hard, and the demon clan alliance had the upper hand.

However, the Bailu demon did not rush, and returned to Fengling Mountain after planting Lingzhi. He temporarily stayed in the round spot old ancestor mountain field, harvesting the sun early, tempering the stars late, discussing the battle with the demon sages, and practicing carving in his spare time. , Overlapped characters, Bai Rili is against the demon king who has caught it but is unwilling to drop it.

The demon king blew himself up, causing all aspects of physical and spiritual damage. The essence of the demon pill was conflicting with each other.

However, not all of the Liliyuan Demon Kings were willing to blew themselves up. Most of them just follow the trend. They prefer to ask the octopus demon to purify the Buddha's mind. After surrendering, they will change to the Jade Claw Great Sacred Gate, restore the monster's identity, and no longer be the Lingshan Temple. Protector.

Of the nearly two hundred demon kings captured, in the end only more than 70 were left to fight the Bailu Demon to death.

The remaining more than 70 Demon Kings blew themselves up without even playing.

Compared with the one-tier demon generals, he has never picked Nikka, and the demon king’s body is not weak. The first demon king has fought vigorously for four hours. If it had not been for a year to take advantage of the demon saint-level rhino horn to gather the moon spirit, the demon spirit would have been exhausted by the opponent!

After sweating hard, he looked into a gap, and the Sky Luo net shot to cover the opponent. The Sky Luo net had the magical function of "soft tendons". The Demon King wanted to blew himself up again. , Demon Pill, Essence and Blood.

The opponent of the Demon King, this was the first time that the Bailu Demon had won in the true sense.

Willing to surrender to the purified demon king, there may be a monk’s spy, who will be lurking under the old carving door in the future. The remaining demon kings who did not surrender, some were inspired by monks, some were pious to the Buddha, all were loyal to Lingshan Temple, and they were willing to fight the Bailu Demon to death, but they were not stupid. At the scene, the White Deer Demon didn't have any trouble under the blew, and each changed his method, so that he would not be forced into a desperate situation and would no longer blew himself up.

He divided equally from the gathering points of the Western and Northern Lines. Only then did he know how hot the White Deer Demon was, and he was not afraid of the Demon King's self-destruction.

Although for high-level creatures, self-detonation is the most powerful killer move to pull the enemy at the bottom, but the demon general of White Deer is too abnormal, so he can only try other methods first, such as critical strikes, spiritual strikes, and partial magical powers. , Always have to try, what if you see a gap?

Fighting life and death with the demon kings one by one, it is not guaranteed to win every game. Fortunately, when the sacred ape clones and the demon ancestors are present, they will save the white deer demon when they detect danger, and let the demon king win more. Live for a while, move to the back, wait for the white deer demon to grow in, and then look for him to fight.

Already in the Sacred Ape Mountain, you cannot escape. If you can kill the White Deer before dying, it will be a great harm to the Lingshan Temple. The demon kings who are loyal to the Lingshan Temple will ponder how to cause the White Deer every day. In death, he must be able to react to the demon saint clone and demon ancestor, and it is too late to save.

You don’t have to have many opportunities, just find it once.

Fighting life and death one after another, helpless each other, exhausted the demon energy, and failed to fight directly in distress, but there are also many demon kings who have been forced to explode.

In the fierce battle, the consumption rate of real ambergris was terrifying. Now the white deer demon can not use the incense burner sent by the seventeen mothers anymore. After the incense is burned, his nose twitches, and the smoke is like a whale. Suck, and draw it all into his nasal cavity, almost without spilling.

Just in a blink of an eye, the little finger-big incense was used up. If it weren't for the "management fee" of the Daofengling, it was this incense, and the property was really not enough for him to lose.

The real ambergris was consumed quickly, repairing his wounded consciousness again and again, but in the process of repeated wounds and repairs, the consciousness was also well tempered.

The demon pill was digested quickly, and the northern demon crowd of the Bailu Demon Yue family had already exchanged other materials for the trophy demon pill, and sent six or seven more.

Fighting desperately with different demon kings is really worrying about your life, and the effect is more obvious compared with the soft discussions with the seventeen mothers on the Doufengping. "Evil warding off" has the effect of anticipating the enemy's first opportunity, but the initial response speed can not keep up with the induction, until the progress is improved, and the strain becomes an instinct of the body in extreme situations.

The one that has made the most progress is the Shura combat technique, which is very quick to penetrate. The first three styles are fully mastered, and the latter combat techniques have been tried.

Every day there is a battle of life and death, and the demon kings facing them are becoming more and more cunning and forbearing. Sometimes one of his own carelessness, the sacred ape clone and the demon ancestors are not able to rescue them, and the energy and mind are all on the most hottest demon kings. These were two unrelated things, but before you knew it, the bottleneck of the overlay disappeared, and you can trace it after fifty-five overlays.

Progressing every day, and then forced the famous Demon King to explode, and digested the demon pill, the secluded sunshine in the sea of ​​knowledge was more prosperous than before, and finally he was promoted.

Coincidentally, on this day, Shiqiniang, Dead Ghost, Yaoyao, Goubao and others just took the lead from Liliyuan to round the ancestor’s mountain field.

Up to now, even if the battle between the descendants of the demon saint and the demon crowds of Doufengling Mountain is over, Yaoyao and the dead ghosts are not enough to fight, but the white deer demon, who is not too cautious, has to come back.

The place where the Bailu Demon is located can be picked up from Japan, but there is no need to go back to Fengling Mountain now, all living in the house of the ancestor of the round spot.

Normally the spiritual consciousness has progressed, and there is no change in the nether sun. Until now, the quantitative change has caused a qualitative change. After the release, the Huaguang has exactly doubled, enough for about 4,000 demon crowds to come to gather the Japanese Hua.

When the demon saints retreated from the armistice, they learned that they were all overjoyed, and they withdrew back to the Sacred Ape Mountain that night to compete for the number of Japanese and Chinese collectors on the round spot mountain.

During the dispute, the Bailu Demon was also happy, obviously aware that You Yang's progress this time was caused by his hard conditions for becoming the Demon King.

Eat the demon pill as fried chestnut, the real ambergris fragrant is consumed massively, the upper, middle and lower three pubic fields, the spiritual consciousness, the demon qi, and the essence and blood are all progressing rapidly, and the amount required for promotion to the demon king has barely reached the standard. !

Digesting the demon pill quickly is a shortcut, which will save the White Deer Demon a hundred years of time at least.

As a result, if you really want to advance, it will be shorter than the time it will take for the demon Ding to become the demon!

From today on, as long as you use the water to grind the kung fu, the spirit of the upper and lower dantians, the spirit of the essence and blood will flow into the middle dantian, and after the blending is complete, you will be able to give birth to the demon pill and become the demon king!

It’s not difficult to blend the spirit, spirit, spirit and blood in the three dantians. As long as the water mills the skill, for other monsters, the difficulty lies in the necessary opportunities for good luck. The life of countless monsters is finally here, and no deposit is allowed. . At that time, the general of Jingping Mountain, Hei Niu, was overjoyed when he got the opportunity, and couldn't help but tell Filling B that he could not survive the battle.

It is difficult for other demons to get the opportunity, but for the Bailu demons, this is not a problem.

The good luck opportunity also carries the word "good luck". For the white deer demon who has had many blessings from the world, is it possible that he still doesn't understand it?

Fortune in heaven and earth is the best way to achieve good luck, the youngest Zhang of the Xuantian School, it must have been easy to advance to the Golden Core that year!

After another ten or twenty years of polishing, the blending of spirit, energy and spirit will be If you have good luck, you can produce a demon pill and become a demon king!

It is a good thing to be able to advance in advance, but Bailu Yao will never do it!

For Zhang Meigu’s human woman, she promised to fight against the disciples of the Xuantian faction. She had not sworn an oath under the heavenly way. With the urinary **** of the old miscellaneous hair, she was promoted to the Demon King. He would suffer such a big loss. war?

There are the top students in this continent among the Zhuji disciples, as well as among the Jindan cultivators!

My old deer doesn't suffer from that loss. In order to win the victory, I would rather play as a demon general. The big deal is to make a pill on the spot and break through to the demon king. It is not too easy to kill the foundation-building monk backhand, haha!

To make the old miscellaneous hair lose even his underwear!

Besides, the three major hardwares of JingQiShen barely meet the standards, but they are far from the upper limit and the limit, and there is still a lot of room for improvement! !

It will take another twenty years to further improve the spirit, energy, and spirit before considering blending together with water milling kung fu!

Promoting to the Demon King, when in the gambling battle after forty years, or after the gambling battle!

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