Deer Demon Race

Chapter 271: Big wedding

If it weren't for special care, the ancestors avoided the White Lion Valley when they were transporting the clouds. This place is almost the same as the Sacred Ape Mountain, and there will be no sunny days for half a year.

After the Great Sage of Jade Claw moved, first it was Beihai, and then there were clouds that were transported remotely to the northern part of the desert to spread rain in the Xihai, all the way in an endless stream.

The clouds from the West Sea can directly enter the desert, while most of the clouds from the North Sea pass through the Sacred Ape Mountain and the Great Barren Mountain, blocking the clear sky of thousands of miles.

This time it’s not to fill up a huge lake. The sudden heavy rain is not conducive to the growth of plants. What is needed is slow moisturization. The clouds transported by the demon ancestors will no longer be densely compressed. This incident caused the Sacred Ape Mountain to be gloomy for half a year without seeing the clear sky, and the demons at the bottom were unable to collect the moon spirits, and they complained a lot for a while.

Except for a few large trees, shrubs, cacti or succulents, many species of plants in the desert grow when exposed to water. They are usually hibernating and dormant like animals. They grow rapidly when they have the opportunity, but they also bloom, sow, and wither quickly. The herbaceous plants that have lived in the desert for a long time are not suitable for fixing the sandy soil.

In order to completely change the appearance of the North Desert, the Great Sage of Jade Claw asked Great Wild Mountain and Sacred Ape Mountain to provide many tree species, and asked the White Lion Valley for a thousand pieces of waste immortal plum cores. In the future, he will also be invited to show off the supernatural powers of the word "Rui". The old eagle specifically explained that he had given him all the hundreds of root feathers he had accumulated over tens of thousands of years. This was not only a gift for the White Deer Demon’s wedding, but also Remuneration for thousands of spiritual roots.

If you save it once and give it away, no one will say that you are stingy.

The demon saint-level old eagle tail feathers are absolutely precious and rare to the white deer demon.

The demon races in Doufengling have returned to the White Lion Valley first. When the jade carving master settles down in Beimo, the wedding date between the Lord Bailu and the seventeenth woman is also set. On September 22, there is only more than one month left. .

On the first day of returning to the mountain, after half a minute, a few demons invited him to catch up with Xiuye. First he sent him a hot day, and then asked Master Deer to burn his soul.

More than half a year outside has allowed him to escape too much, and more than 3,000 bones are waiting to be tempered.

Don't just laugh when you return to the mountain, but howl when you return to the mountain.

After returning from the North Desert, the Dragon King and his wife took the Seventeen Niangs back to the Dragon Palace. They had to leave their daughter for one month before sending them back to the wedding day. From then on, they became the wife of the mountain demon, and Doufengling was her decent home.

After this battle, the demon sages called the Old Carving Land Boundary as North Desert, and the Old Bear Land Boundary as Xili.

Mrs. Xiwang is the parent of the Great Demon General. She went to the Drifting Ridge before the engagement period. Regardless of whether it was delivered in advance or until the wedding date, she must strictly control her. The two belonged to the white deer demon couple.

There was no way, because the old Tao Yao was bleeding too much for the Dragon Palace marriage, this time the iron heart wanted to bring back the profits at once, and the White Deer couldn't fight it at all.

It was not known how long it had been until Yaoyao had a happy event, and his own child was not as big as his apprentice, so Xiwang hoped to collect enough this time, and then send gifts out from the inside.

The Bailu Demon was unable to resist, and the ancestor Bai Ze was even less qualified to intervene, so he had to let the old Tao Demon go wild.

She was the first bridegroom official, but now it’s the first to get on the bus and then make up for the ticket. The wedding night has already been spent in advance. Usually in the driving range, the seventeen women’s temples have been put into buns. For the marriage, the white deer demon The sense of expectation is not very strong.

I don't know how many guests to entertain, Xiwang sent a message to Twenty-one, Wuyi, etc., asking Shanzhen to eat and drink to Guangli, and Twenty-one also sent more demon cooks.

There is no need to look to the west to speak, the old poisonous fish, old squid, old yellow croaker, etc. will make the demon ancestor who sent the cloud to the desert to bring the seafood on the way.

The local products of the Laohuang Family Volcano Group are even rarer elsewhere, and their taste is also unique, and they are also sent by the demon ancestors.

Xiwang, Baize, Huanghuaniang, Qingluo, Yuwei, Painted Snake, Dashun and others worry about the marriage.

The fourteen demon kings have lived to the present, and they can be called "sun" in full. The jade buddhas that will transform into their own avatars have all been confiscated and destroyed, but there is still Buddha's mind in the divine consciousness, and that in the sea of ​​knowledge. The chanting monk has the memory of transcending oneself, and occasionally pointing a sentence or two can cause trouble and threat to the white deer demon.

Therefore, every life and death fight, or there is danger in the moment, you have to dare to fight under the eyes of the holy ape.

With the body of the demon general, taking the remaining ten or more demon kings is completely helpless, if the other party does not take the initiative, they will not be forced to explode, nor will they be killed.

In order to make the battle more real, these magic weapons of the Demon King have not been confiscated. When the "boiling" and "vitality" are not used, Fo Nian'er teaches to avoid the "scorching soul". Under the circumstances, they often encountered danger, and the White Deer Demon dealt with it cautiously.

The fourteen lower prisoners demon king detained in front of the holy cave are hot, and there is Buddha Nian'er in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Of course, it hasn't fallen to death yet, that's coquettish!

The White Deer Demon consciously dealt with the difficulties, and took the last fourteen demon kings helplessly, but did not know how many monsters' eyes had been shocked!

The little mountain spirit, which had not yet digested the first drop of the essence of water, cried in front of the Zixi mobs, complaining about the difficulty of the strange things.

One time, when Master Lu returned to rest, Biyan told him that the demon was already thinking about challenging the demon general.

Jin Jizi and Su Ji set a new bet to see which one of them defeats the demon leader first. The loser accompanies the training for half a year, and every time it is hot, he will say "I will come here because it is not hot enough."

Master Lu is no longer regarded as a demon general, but there is a suitable player on the driving range, that is, the dead ghost. To put it mildly, first defeat the dead ghost, and then consider writing to Dajiao, Powan and so on.

Since I learned that the dead ghost had sent the deer to death, he was carried by the holy monkey master, and extradited his monk in the holy monkey mountain. Biyan has changed a lot about the black tiger demon. Although he still ignored the black tiger demon, he at least no longer hated him. He spoke in a normal tone.

The slightest, roaring, indisputable, etc. are still thinking about the tactics, the first demon to challenge the dead ghost has appeared, the bull demon dog treasure.

"The technique of the Wanxiang Xinghui", the Bailu Demon spent six years to achieve perfection before trying to lead the Xinghui. Goubao, Yaoyao and other dead ghosts are still far behind, and they are pulling for the first time. The more vitality the better, the demon's level is lower, Master Deer is called to press first.

Now in the competition, the magical tools have not been used much, and they are fighting magical powers, spells, and physique.

However, just like Master Lu's battle, in a battle, Goubao couldn't be injured by the dead and ghosts, and the Bull Demon also had nothing to do with the Black Tiger Demon for the time being.

The always wretched black and white tapir, when he returned to the mountain, he let the head jackal stare at the gambling shop. He was busy hardening his bones first, and it was boring to leapfrog the challenge.

The four rhino demon kings, including Xuanyue and Ganyue, passed the test of the Liliyuan war and initially gained the trust of the Bailu Mountain lord. They no longer act as guards at the gate of the Dafengling Mountain. Because the rhino horns were cut away, they each got a piece of the white deer demon. The pro-made artifacts were compensated, and they were given a place to pick Rihua. Xu occupied the mountain as the king in the White Lion Valley. The only condition was that all the rhino horns in the future belonged to the owner of the White Deer Mountain.

Four new demon king mountain fields were established in the White Lion Valley, and the alien demon generals and demon soldiers who previously lent Wangji, Diyin, and Jiugao each took some back to supply these four.

It is temporarily impossible to take the remaining Demon King, but after the life and death battles, the Bailu Demon has made considerable progress.

After the superimposed characters, some of the raw materials of the warehouse were destroyed, but the ability was actually moving forward steadily, and the jade carving became more and more stable. After the white deer was about to get married, he began to try to carve out four magical jade articles.

The grandmother, the seventeenth wife, returned to her natal home to be married. During this time, after using the stars to quench the magical artifacts every night, she had various absurdities with the daughters of Shura and the ghosts.

After a full month, the Dragon King’s two sage relatives brought their daughters to marry. The accompanying royal driver, joy, flowers, and Cailuan were all available. The marryers were even more numerous, with thousands of them, most of them belonged to dragons and dragons. .

When Xiwang and the holy ape greeted them, they laughed from ear to ear, the Dragon Palace family members, there were more and more congratulations!

Lung Po, who looked at her mother's anger, rolled her eyes a few times, but was overjoyed today and didn't tell the bad atmosphere.

The Dragon Palace is not simply for marrying a daughter. The White Deer Demon's marriage is a major event in the Nine Demon Holy Land.

On the driving range, ten demon relatives arrived, and most of the demon ancestors also came!

What a big wedding banquet!

In front of the ten demon saints, in addition to seasonal fruits and vegetables and delicacies sent from the four seas and territories, the most important dish was cooked with a drunken body. The name of this **** has the word "drunk" in it, and the fleshy taste really radiates With wine.

When Zuiyoushen was killed, the body was collected by the old pirate. The items in the treasure bag had been divided among the various houses, and the body was left till now.

But this time, Bailu Demon was very modest. As the groom's official, he invited the holy ape couple to accompany the guests. He only took the seventeenth mother to toast, and did not go to the rhinoceros to melt the gods.

On the face of the demon ancestor's mat, the holy ape knocked to death the body of the Yuan Ying.

The demon king seat further down is also not short of good meat. Don't worry about it, the White Deer Demon killed several demon kings who took jade bones, demon pills, and drank essence and blood, all of which were physically preserved.

The White Deer Mountain Master got married. In order to find a chance, too many demon generals came, and they couldn’t sit down on the driving flat. Fortunately, looking westward was prepared. After going up the mountain to give gifts and saying goodbyes, the demon generals all went down the mountain to participate in the running water table next to the grass market. .

Banxuan hurriedly hurried, and finally was promoted to the demon general before Master Lu's wedding. He had to work with the dead ghosts to take charge of the seats at the foot of the mountain, and he also made a splash.

In the 21st Ancestral Realm of Sacred Ape Mountain, around the original Wanhua Valley, many single demon generals who had played the autumn wind in the past are also here this time. For example, the sand demon fire fox relies on the friendship of the black winged peng, and also mixes a few words with the white deer demon. Then he went down the mountain and flattered the black and white tapir in every possible way.

At the foot of the mountain, Dajiao, Powan, Jiugao, etc., all serve as landlords to greet guests from all directions. Among all the demon generals, the old elm of Tashi Mountain is the most distinguished. You have to stay on the mountain to sit with the demon ~ The uproar of the wedding all day, but once again proves the status of the White Deer Mountain Lord of the White Lion Valley in the Yaozu.

The hustle and bustle was finally gone. That night, in the bridal chamber, the evidence was nothing more than an old thing, so I had to sit down in the name of the husband and wife.

The demons also understand that it is inevitable that there will be more play sessions on the wedding day. The picking of Rihua will be cancelled on the second day. When the sun is three poles, the couple will be invited to the warehouse by the snake to count the gift income.

Most of the top good things have been taken away by Xiwang, but some have been left for him. After a marriage, both the master and the apprentice made a lot of money, and the warehouse not long after the expansion of Driven Ridge saw it was full again.

Most of the demon saint gifts were taken away, but the demon ancestor gifts were not light. At the level of the demon king, the heaviest gift was Sixteen Niang. She was not married, and the rhino horn could not be returned. This time it was considered heavy bleeding.

Having been a warehouse demon for most of his life, Toad Demon was the first time to worry about the small warehouse. At the same time, he finally realized that no matter how good his brain was, he would never remember a large number of objects.

Ps: For work needs, there will be no holidays this weekend. It is estimated that only one shift can be guaranteed. Only when the situation is good can double shifts.

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