Deer Demon Race

Chapter 373: Rat Demon

As usual, it was the demon who came in and out from the outside who awakened the golden striker.

I stayed up until midnight at the gambling shop last night. I stumbled and sneaked into the room. I bowed to please him for a while before leaving, and told him to sleep late. After only squinting for two hours, he should get up and go to the top of the mountain to pick up the sun. NS.

However, golden hitters have long been accustomed to such days, and during the day there is time to take a nap.

After squinting on the bed for a while, he stretched out and walked out of the cave, and then walked out of Futao Cave.

To rush to the top of the mountain, most of the demons got up earlier than him and went up first. The golden slammer was impatient and wasted time by washing and wiping off his eye feces. The flying demon who was waiting on the side Bending said unkindly: "Go stop!"

Fuci is a cuckoo demon, and when the golden striker jumped on his back, he fluttered his wings and took off to the top of the mountain.

This cuckoo was promoted to the Queen of Demon, and she was also small. Except for the Lord Rat, she couldn't take another ride. The little demon who missed his feet and tricked up the mountain did not go up the mountain with him.

Since Master Lu bought the rare beasts, the two monsters in the animal collection shop, Dawei and Longtail, have not had much work, but the errand of the beast feeding has been several times heavier. Now the feeding farm has been changed to the foot of the mountain. For Cai Rihua, I had to get up in the middle of the night and hurry, or after listening to my grandmother, I sent a few police shandings to take turns down the mountain to help, so as to save some time.

Riding on an unkind back, seeing those little demons quickly climbing on the mountain road, but there is no Bending.

Even if I have drawn some little monsters from Bedding, the errand of feeding the beasts is really too heavy. The golden hitter has made up his mind and has to complain to the grandma in charge today. The wedding period in January is over, so I should know It's not easy for the little demons.

If not, the unkind little demon thinks that the master only gambling all day long, and is not sympathetic to his peers.

Su Ji Na Si, relying on the Hun family is an eagle demon, can ride day and night, and rushed to the top of the mountain earlier, but now there are more and more demon kings and demon generals who come to pick Rihua. , There is no place on the top of the mountain, so I can only sit on the **** below.

Jin Jizi walked over, still sitting with Su Ji.

The sick tiger's eagle demon's claws, like the female demon who stumbled, did not start picking Japanese flowers until the masters returned from the war.

In the daytime, the female demon would get together, and would not come to disturb the two masters.

Stumbled is a snake demon, and she is about to become a demon. When she turns her legs out, she won't have to secretly use other methods to help purging the fire in the future.

As for why you choose a snake demon to be a **** family, haven't you heard of "a nest of snakes and rats"? Snakes and rats roll on the bed together, nothing wrong!

My golden hitter is so courageous that he dares to pluck his fur. Are you afraid that the Hun family is a natural enemy?

The position Su Ji chose was a bit steep. The Rat Demon stepped on the crevices of the stone. After sitting firmly, he tapped the gambler with his elbow, and asked softly, "Is there any trust?"

The golden hitter came so late, Taibaixing was already shining, Su Ji shook his head and turned back: "I haven't heard of it yet, you should go to grind it by yourself. I can't only count on another one, I can't help! "

What they said was definitely a major event for the demon crowd of this mountain, and some descendants of demon saints would be jealous!

It is to choose the "Universal Starlight Technique" again!

In the inheritance of this kind of demon, the first batch of twelve demons selected by Master Lu are Yaoyao, Goubao, Yuanxiang, Biyan, Little Bit, Roar, Half Mystery, Su Ji, Indisputable, Xiao Shi, Da Yu, Black Face , There is no golden striker among them.

Want to learn! want to!

It’s the main reason to have great skills, and as one of the earliest demon of Lord Suilu, except for the four, except Goubao and Bandian, there is no one in it, so how can there be any face?

Since the illness has been passed down, the "Universal Starlight Technique", invisibly, seems to be a bit shorter than this one!

The rat demon body is indeed shorter than the tiger demon, but it is not good to be a demon and has no ambition!

I heard that with the dead ghosts and the descendants of the demon saints, Master Lu will choose the second batch of demon from this mountain to learn the "Universal Starlight Technique". "Supernatural powers, ears and eyes, and there are more ways than golden strikers.

It's just that the demon in this mountain chooses who is determined by the master deer and grandmother, and neither can talk about the others, but if you want to come, as Su Ji said, go to the master and couple more to grind, it is not easy to forget my golden hit!

In this way, the little demon feeding the beasts worked hard and hoped to add one or two more things, it's not easy to mention!

While the golden hitter was silent, the last few little demons ran down the mountain road, and the time had come.

Soon, Master Lu’s sun rose in the sky, and he was about to start picking Sunflower.

Gou Bao yelled: "Every demon is ready to pick up Rihua!"

The rat demon hurriedly regained his spirits, and said after picking up Nikka.

When the demon Ding picking the sun is over, waving his hand to indicate Su Ji, missteps, etc., go down the mountain first, and then wait for the demon generals and demon kings to finish picking, and the Youyang retracts, and the golden hammer is shy and wants to get to the side of the deer.

I don't want to get news in the past few days, like a demon who is like a golden striker, but not too much, and the face is not thick enough, and it is left behind!

By the side of Master Lu and his grandma, two shameless foreign demons with big horns and stubbornness are rubbing against each other, their faces are made to look down upon and flatter! In addition, there is a beautiful female Bodhisattva, who is called Jinzhezi drooling, and has bet with Su Ji to get close. In the end, she was beaten by the old plague and died.

Surrounded a little outside is his own mountain demon. Baiqiao, who doesn’t talk much about it, is at the forefront. There are also old spots, Xiuye, white shoulders, red lines, long tail, Kaitai, Yuzhu, etc., knowing that the deer is busy, it all matters. It's good to be able to say a few words in time to send the courtesy!

The golden hitter is smaller, and there are a lot of monsters in front, so some can't squeeze in, only anxious at the back.

I don't know who is ignorant, annoyed Master Lu, rolled his eyes and dragged grandma to fly down the mountain!

I haven't said a word yet!

Usually the master is busy, dare to bother, he must be self-defeating!

Jin Jizi sighed, turned back and walked back.

After picking Rihua, the cuckoo monster was still waiting. He walked back and asked aloud: "Master, do you want to go down the mountain?"

There are quite a few opponents, and Jin Jizi is a little drumming in his heart, and is in a bad mood, so he said to him: "You go to have breakfast by yourself, my lord will take a walk today!"

The magical powers that Goubao recently described, the Demon Ding and Little Demon levels are nothing new, and the Demon King and Demon Commander levels are still incapable of learning, so the golden hit child doesn't need to listen to it.

Let the uncivilized fly away first, and Jin Jizi slowly descended along the stone steps.

Going down the mountain and thinking about ways, but there is really no other way except for the master and grandma to remember!

There are no objects in the house, and the master and grandma can admire their skills!

Sorrowful demon!

Walking slowly all the way, I encountered the brewer Ding Xiao Yao Zhishan, and jogged up the mountain all the way, and when I met, I met with the Rat Demon Ding first.

This Zhishan was the first to win the battle with the wild little demon ten years ago. Since then, the little demon and the wild little demon will compete every year. In most cases, they can enter the top three. It is really earning for the demon with no prominent blood. The demon Jin was not far away. Seeing that he was a sparrow demon again, the demon all looked at him high, and the golden hitter didn't show up, and He Yue asked him: "Everyone is going down the mountain, you How do you go up the mountain?"

Zhishan replied, "Chome, I'm forging my body!"

Jin Jizi just saw him, his wrists and monkey legs were tied with sandbags.

This guy is the same as his own. You don't need to go to Zhushan Dingtulou to listen to the magical powers, just use a stupid way to refine your body.

For the demon race, any body tempering method in the world is inferior to the use of Rihua. Since the collection of Nikka, the ten thousand body tempering method passed down by Lord Lu has been abandoned by many demon, and only the little demon is still there. Practicing, besides the body tempering method, the stupid method has not been left behind?

This guy is also an omnivorous, so I think I can save the breakfast time at Futaodong and run the mountain every day!

My family used to ride a cuckoo monster to fly up and down, but I don't know it, but I walked slowly today and the other party has run back.

I can't blame the little monsters for the hottest days, the strong have their own reasons!

After being promoted, he might surpass his own family soon, Jin Jizi sighed again and said weakly, "You go!"

Zhishan called out, "Don't pass Chome!"

Two clicks passed by.

When he walked to Futao Cave, his breakfast had been used up, and the cave was not as lively as it used to be. The little demon on his own mount fell down, and Jin Shizi asked the cuckoo demon: "Why are there so few demon at the entrance of the cave?"

He smiled and replied: "Master, at the Tulou today, Little Master Stone and Little Lady Tongjing are talking about their generations, saying that Master Tide and Lady Fenyan have become a family. He is the grandson of Master Tidal and little Lady Tongjing. It’s the great-grandson of Empress Fenyan. It’s reasonable to ask Miss Tongjing to call him uncle. She said that she took a punch in her eyes. After breakfast, the two went to Dufengping to fight again. The people from this mountain were all watching the excitement. Miles!"

Jin Jizi is a lively man, and he shouted: "Why don't you say it earlier, wait for the master to gamble with Su Ji!"

He hurried to Du Feng Ping, but the frame was over. The little stone master lay on the ground, burned to the ground, and was stomped on his face by the little girl: "Call you an uncle! Call you an uncle." !"

There was no one to pull it apart. The Golden Strike took a closer look. Little Master Stone’s eyes were dark, but it was not from the fire, but from the fist and foot hits. It was already a match with the semi-principal nature. I don’t know how long it will take to disperse. Go to bruises.

I think it was because of the end of the Zixi mobs and Xiaoshanjing were the closest, so they squatted aside, commenting on the black eyes of the stone, they were all cool words.

Seeing the golden hitter, Su Ji also sighed: "Do you not come here earlier, miss a bet!"

Jin Haozi sneered, embarrassed to say that because of his depression, he walked down the mountain road.

Over there, Tong Jing vented his breath and slapped comfortably, before stomping his eyes, stepping on the stone chest and asking: "Little stone, do you want to be my uncle?"

The stone did not match the name, so I saw the opportunity very quickly, humming to see: "From now on, you are my aunt's grandmother, don't dare to go!"

Tong Jing withdrew his legs when the other party was soft, and left proudly.

The demon watching the excitement laughed, the stone climbed silently, and wailed and asked: "Which kindly help, help me go back?"

It was Lulu flew over and took him away.

The excitement was over, and the scene was about to end, but I didn't want Half Xuan to jump onto the court, and then shouted: "Big brother dead ghost, come and do it again!"

The dead ghost hummed softly, and slowly walked onto the court: "Just ask my brother to teach me to be a demon!"

Hearing the words, the little girl Tong Jing turned back and jumped on the side of the red tattoo. This time it was her turn to watch another scene.

Su Ji asked the golden hitter: "They both fight, do you want to bet?"

For more than a month after Master Lu's wedding, he was too mysterious to tell the dead ghost to fight him. The Black Tiger Demon really couldn't do him, but no matter how badly he was beaten, he would be fine. He would go to war and never stage fright.

If he couldn't bear this pain, how could he find a convenient way to harden his bones?

The dead ghost is not a black-and-white tapir opponent. He lost miserably every time, and Jin Ji snorted: "If he fights two, I bet that General Ban Xuan will win!"

That black-and-white tapir is sinister. At this equidistant distance, if he is heard calling his name without the word "General", he may turn his head and point out that he needs to wear small shoes. Don't be careful!

The golden hitter is not stupid, Su Ji chuckles, and he won't bet against the dead, and the game won't start.

(End of this chapter)

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