Deer Demon Race

Chapter 374: Separation

The dead ghost was on the ride, and was beaten again by the black and white tapir.

After watching the excitement, Su Ji will also go to order Little Demon Mao Bending, but he is walking down the mountain road, and Jin Jizi can't wait, wave goodbye to him.

The cuckoo demon is not merciful, and the rat demon flies down the mountain first.

Now the animal feeders are no longer on duty in the mountains. The farms under the bamboo forest in Futaodong have been abandoned. The little monsters are all in the southwest of the foot of the mountain, but they have been divided into several pieces. Things are tight, not to be taken lightly, and they are forced to travel long distances. The foreign demon who came to make a living changed their way to detour along the east bank of Rhino Lake, which would take two hundred miles longer than the west bank.

The place where the unkind landed is also the first point that the golden slammer should check. It is the bamboo rat, wild boar, bison, and rock sheep that were originally raised. Supplement the ration with the animal.

The levying of food was originally the two things in charge of Baiqiao and Xiaoshi. Later, the grandmother of the dragon girl went up to the mountain, and the policeman was not enough. These two flat hairs were sent to the policeman. The master of the mountain is actually related. The Heshan Demon in the Doufengling Mountains dare not eat deer, moose, muntjac and other species. This is a big category among the beasts, and the available food is not wide. In the past ten years, they have eaten with the mountain field. However, the number of monsters increased sharply, the levy was insufficient, and the most basic errands of feeding the beasts became heavier, and the scale of feeding the beasts increased several times.

The beasts that raise rations are all herbivores, and there are a lot of them. In addition to being driven out to eat the grass every day, there must be food in the trough, but the little demon is not enough. The golden hammer only leaves four little demon to take care of here. , Every day from morning to afternoon, the rotation can not be done.

Hei Mian died, Jin Hao Zi thought that he would withdraw a resident in Shanding and bring the little demon Hei Mian Ding over. He didn’t want grandma to change to the newly promoted demon Ding San to serve as the steward. He only drew two little demon to help. .

When the golden hitter arrived on the scene, the beasts had been driven out to feed themselves, and two little monsters were left to clear the dung in the animal pen.

The dung of ordinary beasts is not required for picking up dung, so the little demon can only carry it to the Rhino Lake to feed fish and shrimps.

Seeing the Jinzhezi, Dawei, who was busy cleaning the dung, asked out aloud: "Master, can you beg with the master of the mountain?"

This pig demon was transferred from the roaring Shanmen Ding to help him, and Jin Shuzi shook his head and replied: "Before I can speak in my turn, the master is gone!"

Da Yu was speechless.

I am busy removing dung or animal husbandry in the morning and mowing grass in the afternoon. This is still the season of prosperous vegetation. How can I survive the late autumn?

Why did Shanmen Ding draw assistance to feed the beasts, so my old pig draws the lottery?

The golden hit child is also helpless. The little demon feeding the beast is not enough. It was mentioned last year. Master Lu also said that after the war, the demon will be renewed for the use of the little demon.

Da Yu waited for the little demon full of complaints, wanting to grind the master and grandma for the "universal starlight technique" is destined not to grind the master and grandmother on this matter, the golden hitter was a little bit guilty, the two little demon cleared the dung and did not slacken, he hurriedly told the cuckoo demon to fly out to see In a circle, the animal herder was indeed grazing, so he turned and left.

In fact, the master is also busy, not just waiting for the little demon to work hard, staying up until the middle of the night last night, you haven't found a place to doze!

The second place I looked at was also grazing in groups. They were all the cubs of Mochizuki Rhinoceros. The number was not large, but it was far from the Rhino Lake. The idea of ​​giving birth to the mother beast, after weaning, was snatched by Jing Shanding and handed over to the animal feeder for management. It must be maintained until it reaches adulthood before it is allowed to wait to go out and live on its own. For these cubs, other tasks are not important. It’s just that I was born to love water, so I have to take it to take a shower, and it’s indispensable to comfort the mother animal.

There are two little demon guards here, and there is a beast with a spirit of wisdom. It is the biological father of many rhino cubs. The head is covered with scars. The Mochizuki Rhinoceros, who was the first breeder, lasted more than half a year from the original war. It was bred and looked better when it came back, but it was a pity that it only took a few months to wilt again.

Then there is an animal pen and bird cage, which are the rare beasts collected by the animal collection shop. Quagga, clouded leopard, ibis, passenger pigeon, and thylacine have everything. There are cubs and adults, some have been bred, and there are tangible singles. There are many kinds of miscellaneous items. They can only be bought at the animal collection shop, but the animal feeders need to be carefully looked after. This is the most energy-consuming place. There are more than 50 little monsters as errands. , Which accounts for the absolute majority.

All of them were able to help, but they were still too few.

This is also the most careful part of the Golden Strike’s tour, which is related to the main road of the deer. It is usually careless, and the elixir is spent like flowing water to get these. It is not because the rat demon is not careful, for fear of something wrong.

Listening to the wolf demon in the casino said that Lord Lu and the ancestors speculated that the fortune of heaven and earth should be related to their own thoughts.

Unlike the time when the master grandmother introduced Xizhi, although the little demon feeding the beast takes care of it day by day, but it is not out of his own heart, when the rare beasts multiply, the fortune of heaven and earth will not fall on them.

Coolies have only the life of coolies!

After seeing the most important point, he was also going to Rhino Lake to see the little manatee born by the big Jiao.

At present, there is only one small beast manatee in Rhino Lake, and it has become wise. Dajiao can take care of it by herself. There is no need to feed the beasts and divide them into small monsters, but the small manatees will eventually grow up and it takes great effort to get them out. Yes, before turning the demon, Lord Deer will also find a female manatee to breed him.

The errands of feeding beasts will only get more and more onerous!

If you want to plan the "Universal Starlight Technique", when you see Master Deer and Grandma, you will probably use it as a credit, and you can't say anything to ask for mercy.

In front of the little demon Bending, Jin Shuizi only had a sullen face, but he was actually a little guilty.

It's really hard to do bad things. After watching the little manatee, I'd better find a place to take a nap!

Before riding on Buci and flying to the lake, a big black-winged Peng flew towards the direction of Drifting Ridge. First, he saw the cuckoo bird and the rat monster in the sky, and said from a distance: "Little waste, the lord calls you!"

Jin Jizi was a little bit unbelievable. This fellow had already learned the "Universal Starlight Technique", so he replied, "Mother days of the dog will do me amusement!"

Peng Yao sneered, "Where can I tell you about things? It's really the master who called to see you, I just came to find you!"

The rat demon was confused: "Master is so busy, how can I be free? Grandma's call is not far away!"

Xiaoshi glared at him: "I just spread the word, you don't want to go to your own home, it's no wonder that you're called Risi!"

Seeing Heiqipeng really turned and flew away, unlike cheating himself, the golden striker was puzzled: "When I came down from the mountain, I didn't listen to any instructions. How can the master call me? Is it possible that it is set." Starlight technique'?"

Thinking of this, I got excited and began to urge the cuckoo demon: "Hurry up! Go back to the mountain!"

He hurried back to Cycling Ridge, looking for the little demon to inquire, Master Lu and grandma were in front of the old ancestor cave, and he hurried away again.

Today, the ancestor Dong knows the ancestors, the masters, and the grandma. There are five demon kings including Huang Huaniang and Ganyue. The two demon generals, Powan and Dajiao, are also there, but the faces of these two are a little red.

Only one of his own demon from the mountain was called, not like it was the "Universal Starlight Technique"!

Everyone at the scene seemed to be waiting for him. I guess they couldn't wait. Master Lu was still carving a jade in his hand, and he hadn't put it down.

Master Lu focused on the jade, his grandmother Seventeen said to him: "Golden hit child, you will raise those rare beasts. From tomorrow, Feiqitong will be handed over to Huaniang sister, and the beasts will be taken care of by General Powan, while Mochizuki will wait. The Dajiao family moved to take over, so you can feed the mountain rations in the future, and everyone will help the little demon and return it!

After the delay, seeing that Bending's errands have become more and more onerous and cannot be solved by adding little monsters, the master and grandma will separate the most onerous? Don't worry about the remaining giant manatees in the Rhino Lake. Both Dajiao and Dajiao are still in pain.

It is a great thing for the beast feeder, and the rat demon doesn't need to be guilty anymore. He just asks in doubt: "General Big Horn is going to move back to the mountain field?"

Big Horn's face turned redder.

Master Lu didn’t seem to hear it, and Grandma Long’s face smiled, but she didn’t say anything. Pai Ze’s ancestor broke through: “It’s not just his family. The demon general of the division, the mountain field will also be moved closer!"

The ancestor used the word "also" to make Jin Jizi understand instantly!

In the face of the stubborn, polite, big horns of the demon crowds in the Daofengling Mountains, they look like cooked Rhino Lake White Shrimp at this time, and the rat demon wants to laugh!

My master is only a demon general, and there are two demon generals in the division!

I told you to always have your eyes on the top. Now, like dead ghosts and half-xuan, you must be called masters of the same rank!

Especially the Bull Demon General Big Horn, I heard that it was the same as the crippled toad demon before. When the master was still in the little demon, he was the demon, and he was still the hottest demon in the original mountain farm!

For the "all-phase star technique", Dajiao and Powan have put away their faces, where is Huang Huaniang?

This Huanghuaniang has a bee waist and wide buttocks. It's fun to look at, but I don't know what to do in exchange for the master's promise?

Being stared fiercely by the Rat Demon Ding, the Banshee King turned his head and cast a wink at him.

Jin Jizi's mouth was dry, and he hurriedly looked away.

The Rat Demon really couldn't guess, Huang Huaniang's consistent "skin and flesh repayment", Master Lu kept a distance, and was the original master demon king, and did not dare to ask for it.

After the ancestors broke through, the Dragon Girl grandmother said again: "Go back to patrol the Rhino Lake and look after the creatures, and Guiyi will be in charge; Dajiao originally issued the southern road signs, and then Ganyue will do it for you; The moon does the work; the new moon goes to the north to help the demon king to hide; the magic moon goes to the west to help the gull demon king forget his chance, and keep the Quartet!"

These four demon kings are actually no different from the separation of Doufengling!

Diyin and Wangji used to only serve as generals in Beihai. Without the title of king, the upper and lower levels of the White Lion Valley are worthy of the original.

The mountain field is sure that the two rhino monster kings, Luoyue and Huayue, are more excited than the chasing moon and the crescent moon. Shuyue smiled and said: "I go to the north, please be with the Jiao Demon King as a companion!"

Jinzhezi watched, that Huanyue should also mean that, so he had to get out of freedom, and he started to beat the Banshee King, not a very good bird.

Master Lu was busy with things. He didn't say a word today. After each order was completed, his grandmother called: "That's it, you can do it yourself!"

The golden hitter first shouted: "Farewell to master and grandma!"

Although he was anxious to tell the good news to the little demon, ready to hand over the errand, and return to the little demon, but he yelled loudly, but he still didn't move under his feet, just staring at the big horns and stubbornly watching.

It depends on how the demon generals of the New Baishan Gate will behave when they leave. You can blow for three days in Futaodong when you look back!

Compared with the two Japanese hot demon generals, the four rhino demon kings who had just escaped their status as prisoners were more free and easy, each yelling: "Farewell to the ancestors, mountain masters, and grandma!"

The rhino monster kings flew away first, and Huang Huaniang akimbo her hips as a blessing: "Thank you, Sister Longnv, and Xie Wensheng nodding! Patriarch, please leave!"

One more walked away, but he couldn't escape left or right. Powancai shouted: "Old ancestor, mountain owner, grandma, I will go back to Qianshanchang!"

Sure enough, the big horns were rubbed to the end, and the face was flushed transparently, before finally letting go: "Brother Baibao, sister-in-law, I'm leaving!"

But still did not call out such titles as "Mountain Lord", "Master" or "Grandma".

Jin Jizi hummed and left the ancestor cave.

When I walked in front of the cuckoo demon, I remembered that in front of the master and grandma, I forgot to mention the fact that I asked for the "all-phase star technique"!

Busy and rushed back to the ancestor cave, the master and grandma had already flown away, and even the ancestor Bai Ze hadn't seen them.

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