Deer Demon Race

Chapter 380: Gou Bao's coquettish

Gou Bao and Tian Xiang were promoted to demon generals in the same year.

Gou Bao was promoted on the third day of March, before the fox demon.

On this day, he went to the Tulou to explain the two little magical powers with Master Lu as usual, and returned to Futao Cave, before he hurriedly tempered the last piece of bone before breakfast, and was promoted to the demon general.

Master Lu has gone to Yuanshan to treat the ancestor of the evil wood. He was not on the mountain. At breakfast, Yu Wei only reported the matter to his grandma with joy.

The black and white tapir chewed the meat in twos and threes, and shouted, "Grandma, there is something to do with the gambling shop, I will go down the mountain first!"

Waiting for the White Deer Demon to heal Xiwang’s wounds, he did not go to the tea house to reproduce the magical artifacts. Not many elixir were harvested. The business of the gambling house did rebound slightly, but it was all in the evening. ?

When this fellow was clearly a demon, he was taught to be a demon in turn by Lord Deer, Goubao, and Yuanxiang. His memory was too deep. If he understood that Goubao was promoted, he and the dead ghost two "old demon generals" enjoyed the scenery. He will not be there, maybe he will be called to Du Feng Ping to be his opponent.

The seventeenth mother nodded, Ban Xuan smiled flatly and fisted Gou Bao: "Happy to my brother! I have to be busy today, so get close!"

Before Goubao answered, the black and white tapir rushed down the mountain.

The tapir monster was useless, and he glanced contemptuously at the flying back. The dead ghost of the animal collection shop who was really going to have trouble during the day turned his head, facing Gou Bao, his face was full of expectation.

Let me teach me how to be a demon, not to run away!

Glancing at the dead ghost, Gou Bao's face was expressionless, his gaze only swept over Yaoyao, Stone, and a few stern eyes.

The enemy's situation is still unclear, the young master is not like that crazy tiger demon, he wants to beat him, wait until he sees Goubao's ability, and don't start for a while!

Yaoyao shrank her head and pretended to be counseled first.

The demon was proficient in magical powers and manifestations, and he was also proficient in various magical powers and body tempering. It was said that the bull demon was hot in the driving range, and he often listened to him in the earth building to explain the magical powers. I think it is really not easy. For the demon general, it is not unreasonable to send him a sacrificial vessel. Stone, Limu, and Tongjing are the same as Yaoyao. They all avoid the line of sight. They want to wait and see, wait until they find out the roots and feet, even if You can't lose too ugly.

Little grandma Qing Luo used some meat, glanced at each one, took the fox demon to fly down the mountain, and went to take care of Yingsheng.

The bull demon is not very interested in meat food. Aside from the dead ghosts, the few demon generals present were not willing to invite a fight. Gou Bao stood up and said to the seventeenth mother: "Grandma, I will go to the big brother mountain field for a while. Can go back to the mountain!"

The Black Tiger Demon is purely looking for abuse. Gou Bao is not interested. Yaoyao and Shishi are still underage. If they really win, they are like bullying a child, and they are not in a hurry. He wants to be the first demon leader. Look for the demon general Big Horn who also came out of Jingping Mountain, and try the Black Bull General, who is more hotter.

The prestige of the demon generals under Doufengling must be wiped out to be worthy of the title of general that the master personally praised!

Under the introduction of Dajiao and Powanbai, they will take over the new errands as the family demon. Each will take care of the mochi and rare beasts for the deer. The mountain farm has been moved to two hundred miles southwest of Doufengling, and the two are next to each other. Now, not far away.

These two demon generals are very thick-skinned, but they still feel ashamed to vote for the Bailu demon of the same level. They are all uncomfortable in the driving range. Every day after collecting Nihua, I find out that there is no new demon general level magical power in the Tulou. , I will go back to the mountain field to be the master, and I won’t slum myself down here. Of course, what he said was that it was not easy to slack off errands, for fear that the little demons would not care about Mochizuki Rhinoceros and rare beasts.

Yaoyao, Tong Jing, and a few stern eyes, plus a small monster, rushed to eat the meat in their hands, and shouted: "Quickly, quickly! Go with you! Go with you!"

Each of the two demon generals in Doufengling has some methods. In the past, they played against the demon saints in the past. They were not much worse than the descendants of the demon saints like him.

They each called friends and friends, called mounts and bodyguards, and all had to fly to see the excitement. Not even the sturdy man who had been cultivated by the Demon King didn't hold his breath, but was persuaded by someone else to go together.

The dead ghost sighed, Goubao didn't look good, he didn't choose his family, he only blamed his poor ability, was disappointed, and didn't have the interest to join in the fun.

Lazily flew down to the grass market to look after the livelihood, but this animal collection shop may have a business every day. It is usually deserted. With long tails inside, the dead ghosts move a recliner outside the shop and lie down with the source of magical powers.

After noon, I saw a group of demons flying back from the southwest.

To hold back the restlessness in my heart, and not to ask is the limit of the dead ghost, but it is no longer able to calm down and my heart is born with magical powers.

I kept restraining my temper until Nagao was about to close the store, and saw Li Mu and Tianjiao flying down the mountain, knowing that they were going to take care of Huang Huaniang's business as usual, and the dead ghosts flew to the hive and waited.

When the brothers arrived, the dead ghost pretended to meet by chance and said hello.

He laughed sharply and asked: "My brothers are not in charge. Fang takes care of Hua Niang's livelihood. Your family is pungent, and you dare to taste game?"

I used to look at Shuanghe gentle and gentle, but after the pairing, I found out that I was fooled. I should have thought that if I waited by Longnv's grandma all the year round, how could my temper be weak? She is only a demon in cultivation, unable to beat her, but she is a little bit dissatisfied. In the evening bed, she took advantage of the unpreparedness, and used various methods of pinching, scratching, poking, and biting in turn. It was similar to a cat demon, but the pain was nothing more. It was the next day that she was wounded on her face, and she was going to lose her face, and the dead ghost had already embarrassed her very much.

Standing in front of Huanghua’s mother’s hive, whether it was pretending to go in or out, when the mother-in-law knew about it, there would be a lot of trouble, and she would make fun of it if she couldn't complain.

I feel a little guilty, but I don’t recognize it on the face. It doesn’t matter if the dead ghost has a face: "Why can you care about my business?"

With a hard word, he pretended to ask casually: "That's right! I didn't go to Dajiao Mountain with me today, who was taught to be a demon?"

Tianjiao just smiled, winked at the side, still sighed sharply, and replied, "Big Horn was pierced by a stalagmite in the anus!"

The dead ghost was stunned, I heard that the most refined earth-rock method of the big horns, will it not be able to prevent the anus?

It was unbelievable, but Tianjiao's winking eyebrows was too obvious, and they all turned behind their own home, making the dead ghosts have to turn their heads.

A little demon who followed Ding hid behind him to eavesdrop. He was very close, and the face of the dead ghost suddenly became black, and he asked, "What are you doing?"

Biyan's servant no longer embarrassed him with the black tiger demon, but the little demon under the door was not able to wake up, and he had not turned the corner yet, and he never spared no effort to frame and slander the dead ghost.

The little demon white glanced at him and ran away.

I think he learned Langlang's "sneak" supernatural powers, and he didn't notice the dead ghosts before walking behind him.

Moreover, this horrible thing is going to send a message to the Hun Family Shuanghe, saying that my black tiger demon takes care of Huanghuaniang's livelihood, so that I will be ashamed in front of all the demon tomorrow.

Strict eyes and Tianjiao face to face, faceless to stop the little demon who ran away, think about it, walk into the gambling house next door, and confess a few words with the decent jackal before slowly returning to the mountain.

When trying the bone extraction method, the dead ghost teased the mountain demon, and remembered a lot of grudges in his heart. The flying little demon cooperated with the previous little demon to spread the news to the mountain first.

It won’t be long before it spreads all over the mountain, and it is guaranteed that the double meeting will be heard several times and the content will be different.

There are too many rivals, and it's difficult!

As a dead ghost, Shuanghe has moved out of Master Lu's cave. When the dead ghost flew up the mountain, she was waiting with her hips akimbo in front of Futao Cave, and there were many little demons waiting to watch the show next to her.

The dead ghost stepped forward, and the demon clam smiled and said, "Master is working hard!"

Don’t look at the smile on the face, this is a usual trick. If you don’t deal with it well, you will turn your face in the next moment. A gambler, and the elixir borrowed from the head jackal, he said that he would come out of nine out of ten, but he didn’t want to pay it back, so he wanted to go to Huanghua’s mother’s house for prostitution! That man was a demon general, so I took the head jackal for It took a lot of talking to ask for a panacea!"

Shuanghe was a little unbelievable, so the dead ghost took out the undergraduates and said, "Hey! After the elixir is found, I would like to thank the jackal for the gift!"

Because he wanted to take care of his parents, the deer's self-defeating ghosts were not wealthy, and the bag was always clean. He took out the yellow products, and Shuanghe immediately believed it. He reached out and took it: "The slave family takes it. , Master wants to use it before taking it!"

The Huangxiapin was taken away, and the clam demon asked again, "How much is it to ask? Is the head jack only given to a Huangxiapin?"

In fact, in order to practice the method of bone extraction, the fellow Xiuye ​​asked the self in private when he sent it carefully. The dead ghost is only treated as a private house. This woman does not count if it takes it away, and she has to suspect that it is private!

The blood was dripping in his heart, and the dead ghost screamed: "Three copies of Huang Shangpin's account, to get back, and to spare some profit, the jackal only gives this plant a thank you! Believe it or not, look at my pouch at night! "

Shuanghe pinched him: "Why don't you believe it? But it's been a long time, the pouch should be looked at again, let's go back to the room!"

I am afraid that my own possessions will be hidden elsewhere, so I am anxious to look at the pouch!

The dead ghost was depressed, so she was pulled back into the cave.

In any case, at the price of paying for the private house, the head jackal was a good word, and finally passed the test, making the little monsters who watched the good show wait for nothing.

When I was picking Nikka in the morning on the second day, the dead ghost looked at the big horns secretly, and when he walked, he did straddle and straddle, and his eyes were black and blue, and he was a black and white tapir!

Look at it like this, yesterday I still said lightly!

I think it was a face sweep in front of the demons yesterday, the big horns cheeks thickened again, the demons gathered together, and they didn't know how many eyes were looking at him, but they pretended to be nonchalant, sitting down next to Powan, waiting to pick Rihua.

After the gathering of the sun was over, the dead ghost sat for a while, and the demon generals were over, before they were ready to leave, but Yu Guang saw that Dahorne's body trembled, and his head was slightly flattened. It was Goubao who walked toward Dahorn again.

This time it was not looking for the big horns. The demon kings were still picking up Japanese flowers, and it was not easy to speak loudly. Gou Bao whispered: "After talking about the magical powers today, I will sit down at the mountain field of Brother Powan!"

Powan's self-contained supernatural powers are special Can't beat the White Deer Demon, even Goubao can't beat him if he doesn't believe it, nodded in agreement.

This time the dead ghost no longer pretended to be reserved, and when he returned to Futaodong, he sent a message to Dafeng, telling him to look at the shop, and then fly to the Powan Mountain Field to watch the show.

It's a pity that the leopard demon released the magical powers of pouring stubbornness and white mist on the mountain field. There was a vast expanse of white all around, covering the line of sight. Nothing was seen, only the roaring and thumping sound inside.

After a while, Gou Bao rubbed his wrist and walked out: "It's over!"

The white mist in the pouring mountain field has not cleared that day, and no one can see the panther demon's miserable situation.

After picking Rihua again, Big Horn and Powan went to urge Master Bailu: "Goubao is so hot in the day, and he's going crazy in private. How can the master not teach him to be a demon?"

To vent his breath, even Big Horn, also called "Master" at this time.

Gou Bao is not a crazy talker, but the White Deer Demon is also a little excited, and wants to compete with his general.

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