Deer Demon Race

Chapter 382: Demon Age 88

In mid-May, Saruyama.

Haier Yaoyao, the apprentice Bailu Demon and his daughter-in-law Seventeen Niang lead Goubao, Yuanxiang, Biyan, Tianxiang, Big Horn, Spunky, Dead Ghost, Half-Xuan, Painted Snake, Xiaoxiao ten demons riding on Flying Little Demon Will fall in front of the mountain gate.

Among the demon in Doufengling, the first to learn the dead ghost bone quenching method was the disabled demon drawing snake, and he was the only one at present. He had to be promoted to the demon general in advance. Er couldn't bear this bitterness even more. Like other demon, he gave up this quick fix.

The ways of heaven are impermanent, and the creatures in the world have their own conditions, disasters and sorrows.

The people who killed that day passed the word, calculated the itinerary, and Xiwang, who was waiting in front of the mountain gate, sighed lightly, took Yaoyao’s hand, and said to the White Deer Demon and Seventeen Niang: "My old lady is bad, it’s a good thing to wait for you. Nothing else is called today, just you!"

This year, Xiwang's true appearance has produced spiritual peach fruit again, a middle-grade mysterious medicine.

The result is once every sixty years, and the spiritual energy she has learned over the past few decades will be consumed by more than 90%. For Xiwang, it is really annoying.

The tens of thousands of years old Tao Yao has no more monster energy in his body than ordinary monster ancestors. If it hadn’t been for the battle of Liliyuan, Ape Mountain had buried so many monster corpses, and Bailu monster would cure the old disease. Jin Yaosheng would be really far away. Indefinitely.

In any case, the spirit peach that came out was always a middle-class mysterious elixir, and Xiwang was not in the mood to take care of the other demons, so he asked the children and the apprentices and three juniors to come to Saru Mountain for use, and get together by the way.

The other demon generals who accompany are the light of Zhan Yaoyao and Bailu demon, so they have to enjoy the Xuanzhong grade once.

With Yaoyao's hand, he personally led a group of younger generations to walk up the mountain, and looked to the west to ask a few words about the child's practice.

In fact, within the coverage of the old ape's divine sense, he can spread the word every day, not even the neighbor snails, Yaoyao knows every move and look at the west, but at this time, she is still a little relieved to hear the child's answer in person.

After Bailu Yao was unreasonable and trained for a few years, Yaoyao was detained for thousands of years, and the violent aura in her body had faded a lot, and she became quite sensible.

Sometimes, Xiong Haier really needs to be treated fiercely, and blindly spoiling is only counterproductive.

Feeling gratified from the child, the feeling of boredom in the past sixty years has been much less. Xiwang looked back and said to the demon white deer: "Old Osprey’s house, there will be a demon ancestor crossing the robbery in two or three years. The Demon King of Jin, if you have this opportunity, you should also take a look at the power of the robbery!"

The demon Bailu nodded and said yes, and the seventeenth mother smiled and replied: "It's rare to see the demon ancestor crossing the catastrophe. Master, don't worry, then the slave family will go with the husband!"

"You should go see it more!"

Looking west, he nodded his head to deal with Seventeen Niang, and then asked the White Deer Demon: "After treating my old mother, and running to the North Desert for half a year, how come your luck is still not there?"

The demon Bai Lu replied with a smile: "It will take about one or two years! The magical tools of my old deer, now only the sky net given by the master and the horns I bought can barely become magic weapons, and the others are still in short supply. I hope for good luck. A few years later, it’s a pity that the creatures of the North Desert can’t wait, sooner rather than later!"

Xiwang rolled his eyes and scolded him: "When will the blessing of heaven and earth come, is it possible to follow your wishes? Seeking to be the strongest in everything, and too greedy! When the old lady's peach stick was promoted to the magic weapon, she was only the first one. The magical effect is complete, and the rest will be filled in slowly later!"

So if your mahogany stick and your teacher's shoulder load have to be tempered by the stars, they are really inferior to the top magic weapons of the human race!

In the past, the ingots of Zhenge Yuanying Hanchan were refined by his family. The characters used were not powerful enough, and they were only used for magical purposes, so the power was small! But the seal of Twenty-one from Zixia and the magical artifacts that Xiwang snatched from the Xuantian faction's storeroom. If it can be promoted to the magic weapon, it is the same as the one that exploded in the tail, the power cannot be underestimated. It is difficult for the magic weapon of the Monster Race to possess that power if it has been tempered by Xinghui.

Different opinions, but the deer demon smiled and did not argue with the master who had a bad temper.

Xiwang is also speechless. It is really weird to be able to select this white deer monster. With the body of the monster, superimposing the characters, how many human monks who do not know how to make weapons should be ashamed?

The Yaozu's ability to control weapons has never been heard of in ancient times. Listening to his tone, I want to complete a few magical effects, and then use the world's good fortune to advance the magic weapon!

Xiwang already understands the blessings of heaven and earth a little bit. It should be a blessing that can be generated by combining the gratitude of these creatures with the spirit of heaven and earth after a certain kind of creature born in the world has been restored with the true intentions. Fortune, pay and gain are not necessarily equal.

She asked the white deer demon: "How many of your characters have you reproduced right now?"

Although the real body of the old ape stays in Doufengling all year round, but there are a few wives and concubines in the Bailu Demon Cave, and it is not easy for the teacher to spy on the old disrespect. In the past, I really don't know where he has been superimposed.

Looking at the livelihood of the Shanjiao Tea House, Xiwang knew that it was only fifty-four folds outside, and just that number was already called the Demon King too much to eat and pay.

Xiwang knew that under the 21st rule, there was an Elm Wood Demon General who had sent a magical artifact to him some time ago. The White Deer Demon had an old relationship with him, and he was very careful, and spent two or three days helping him to make up to sixty-one stacks. ; There is also King Jinyu, the former master of Dajiao, a magical instrument with four magical functions, all traced to sixty stacks!

Except for this, there are more pieces of the demon in the mountain range than the ones under the mountain, but there are not many good products, and the raw materials are worse. Wasted his time.

Looking west to ask, the White Deer will not hide it, and honestly replied: "On the main body that is not afraid of being broken, the familiar characters can reach sixty-six folds, and the difference is only sixty-three folds! Non-main body, I'm afraid of damaging the raw materials, I can't describe many of them, it's a bit short!"

There are many characters, and the degree of mastery of the White Deer Demon varies, so there are more and less superimposed. But with more than sixty layers of magical effects, most of the demon kings’ warming for three to four hundred years have only achieved this effect. Xiwang calculated it secretly, and said bluntly: “You can’t avoid the battle with the monks. These demons have used the magic weapon, and the future will be advantageous to the war!"

A real demon king magic weapon, to say nothing, has four magical effects. The first one has been cultivated by the family for hundreds of years, and three more are added. The price set by Daofengling Tea House is fifty-four each. Overlapping, the three magical effects will get one hundred and fifty yellow top grades, and then stacking up is bound to be more expensive, and the demon king who is not wealthy really can't afford it.

In the previous words, except for the Seventeenth Niang, the demon generals who followed did not dare to interject, but at this point, the disabled Toad demon couldn't help but said: "Old ancestors, we have a lot of money for driving around the mountain, and it is not good to just go out for nothing! "

Smiling and looking at his own coffers, Bai Lu Yaocai said: "Master, my old deer also thinks about it, but it's not easy to give a hundred, and the price can't be lowered!"

After a short pause, he said again: "In the past two years, the disciples of Lingshan Temple have arrived at Liliyuan, and there are more lion and demon saints. There are more than a dozen Yuan Ying monks and seven or eight demon ancestors. The king is a lot more, and the old Xiong’s family is getting rare and peaceful. The Dragon Palace and the Sacred Ape Mountain have already assisted twice! I thought, the demon ancestors and demon kings who went to aid the first two times can make up their military exploits and meet again in the future. , And even more so, spread a message to each family. If you have enough power, you can come to White Lion Valley to exchange elixir or make magical instruments. What does Master think?"

In addition to monks and believers in Lingshan Temple, among the lion and demon children born in the lioness demon sanctuary, there are demon ancestors and demon kings. There are also a few demon ancestors who have crossed into the Xumishan Continent. He will move to In the past two years, Lingshan Temple's power has risen sharply. In the past two years, the low-level demon who has been able to hold the earth-shaking great sacred realm hardly has tried to counterattack twice. It was the Dragon Palace and the Holy Ape Mountain that provided timely assistance to keep the West from the realm. .

In addition, news came from the house of Our Lady of Hailing that the monks added Yunxianmen and Qingxiadong two deity sects. These two sects have moved together with their affiliated people to live separately in the original Lunyin Dasheng Old Dolphin Sea. They are all bordering the old Duluo's house.

The monk added two gods, and on the side of the demon clan, since the great sage Lunyin was killed, the news spread. Many demon sages have been holding a wait-and-see attitude. After the pirates, only a great sage of the sky was added to join him. He was a wood demon, who actually looked like a coconut tree on the island.

The sea area of ​​the Great Holy Family of Tongtian was far away, and the pressure on the house of Our Lady of Hailing began to increase beyond the west of Lao Xiong, but the two monks over there were busy setting up the people, and they had not yet started a war.

Insufficient foreign invasion, at least you must be able to protect yourself. If you reward the demon king and the demon ancestors to actively participate in the experience and warfare, each demon saint should give a panacea, but it is difficult to determine how many each family has contributed. Gu is the core of the entire Yaozu alliance, and Bailu Yao has the consciousness of doing his part!

I exchanged with the monks to get a large number of elixirs to support them, and they had to use their spiritual roots to pay for the account. Recently, the demon saints are discussing how much a spiritual root should be worth through Proxima snails. The demon saints, the asking price may be higher, but in the future, after converting the military exploits, the medicine will be made by the White Lion Valley!

Unlike the painting snake who only stares at the warehouse, the White Deer Demon will not be petty when it comes to major events!

I haven't discussed this matter with the seventeen mothers. I don't even know about painting the snake and others, so I can't help but worry. Xiwang also asked: "You must have a lot of medicinal potions or equipment. You can hold it alone?"

No matter how rich the Doufengling Mountain is, the warehouse has limited elixir. The monks Hailing and waste immortal seeds come in, and they have to support them! And the craftsmanship is better now. In a few years, after 70 stacks, it will take longer to draw more and How much can the White Deer Demon make?

The demon Bai Lu smiled and said: "In one or two years, my old deer will always be able to fly all over the northern desert and spread the word'rui'. Master's illness is no longer available to me. When the word'rui' is free, there will be more. Plant spiritual roots, and when the warehouse's elixir is exhausted, please ask the ancestor Kuli to sell the spiritual roots and the monks, change the elixir, raw materials, and magical instruments, and ask the monks to pay the blood!"

To ask the monks to dig out the raw materials and magical artifacts, only the spiritual roots have enough attraction.

It's just a little unwilling to exchange the spiritual roots for the monks, but the White Deer Demon does have the ability to do everything.

While speaking, he climbed the Saru Mountain all the way and arrived in front of the peach tree looking west.

Back then, in Lingtao Peak, outside the White Deer Demon, Big Horn, Painted Snake, Gou Bao, Blue Eyes, etc. have all seen this Spirit Peach Tree. Yuan Xiangye Little Demon also looked far away, but the fruit it produced was an elixir. No one knew that it was the original form of the demon ancestor.

Surrounding the spirit peach tree, the spirit peach peak has fought one after another in 60 years, and his memory of waiting for the demon from over there is not unprofound.

Nowadays, countless demon corpses are also buried on the mountain of monkeys, allowing the spiritual energy contained in it to blend into the soil with the rotting flesh, and then slowly draw from the rhizome of the peach to help Xiwang cultivate.

On the peach tree this year, there are 22 more spiritual peaches. The peaches are mature. The old peach demon, who has not been to Cycling Ridge, also wanted to get together with the children and apprentices for a day before recruiting them.

Today, Saruyama is holding a peach tasting party, and Xiwang has ordered a banquet to be renovated.

After all the wine and vegetables were used, the spirit peaches were picked off, except for Yaoyao, Bailu Demon, and Seventeen Niang, each of the demon generals present.

There are nine pieces left, and they are also divided between Yaoyao and Bailu Yao.

Yaoyao took five spiritual peaches and Bailu Yao got four, let them use it for their own use or use it as a favor, and I didn't care about it.

Of course, the peach pits belong to the White Deer Demon.

This year, Baibao Demon was eighty-eight years old.

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