Deer Demon Race

Chapter 384: Deer skinning

How many top-grade elixir of Huangshan is there for the enemy of the three elder brothers?

The Xuantian Sect Yuan Ying Lao Liu Qian Yilu, who was in charge of the transaction with the demon clan, didn’t understand. He shot several batches in a row, totaling seven to eighty thousand waste immortal seeds. !

In addition to the magic of currency, the greater effect of elixir is to enhance cultivation. As a consumable, it can truly reflect its value when used. No matter how it is counted, it is not as important as the cultivation base of the disciple. .

The Bailu Demon is just a famous demon general, and all schools of all sizes in this continent have searched quickly, and have not yet tested the depth of his warehouse!

Qian Yilu was a little undecided about whether to open up the collection of waste immortal seeds in Xumi Shanzhou?

Regarding the waste immortal species, the monks have not known how many times they have tried it for tens of thousands of years. They all know that it focuses on the word “scrap” and has no meaning of “immortality”. Lingzhi!

The Bailu Demon opened up and closed, what exactly did it do? Is it possible that, like the rare beast, it is related to the fortune of heaven and earth?

During the transaction, he tried many times, but he didn't know any clues from the Sanqi Demon Ancestor.

After asking Zhang Lao San, he didn't understand it either!

Even if it is really good for the world and consumes so many elixir, is it worth it?

Can the White Deer Demon be able to hold more waste fairy seeds?

If the force of the faction is collected from Mount Xumi, the number is too large, how many elixirs will be pressed into the hundreds of thousands of waste immortal seeds? If the Yaozu’s prescription tells me that the elixir is insufficient, or if something happens, I don’t need it anymore, and it’s all in my own hands. Wouldn’t it be a joke in the world?

Master is not at home and holds a treasury in his hand. Don't be careful!


By the Rhino Lake in the White Lion Valley, many alien monsters are playing around.

There are a few dark shadows faintly underwater by the lake. It is the big Jiao child and his partner grazing in the shallow water.

The children of Dajiaosheng all have their true qualities. They are now giant manatees with a new spirit, and they will not be transformed into demons until they are mated enough to breed.

It's just that this giant manatee, regardless of whether it is male or female, has a temperamental personality. Even the breeding is not anxious. They call the White Deer Demon anxious. Their parents are not in a hurry. They look and laugh every day.

The demon clan frolicking on the shore was requested by the Bailu Demon. They were sent by the demon saint’s family. The purpose was to form a large array of ten thousand demon. It only depends on whether it is a different species, and does not care about the cultivation level. There are more than 3,000 people, and they are usually idle, playing crazy everywhere in the White Lion Valley.

The demon sages agreed that it is not allowed to add Rihua-picking demon in Doufengling. After Tongtian Great Sage Old Coconut joins the alliance, now Rihua-picking has no vacancies. This kind of alien demon can only be raised first, by Bai Ze The ancestors taught to strengthen the blood and return to the ancestors.

If Bailu Demon Youyang advances again, he will have hope only when he waits.

Avoiding the alien monsters frolicking on the shore, the White Deer said to the Dragon King concubine: "I don't want this method of boiling the skin in the Rhino Lake, but I will find it out for the twenty brothers!"

Long Twenty Lang smiled and said: "Although our dragons have inherited a long-lasting body and are strong, but they can't quench the star, they can't learn other sky demon skills, and they are inherently weak! It's hard to know this method of tempering the body again. How can I just let it go? I'm more concerned than others!"

In the past, the holy rhinoceros was at the bottom of the lake, using this boiling water to really "cook the skin". You must not be afraid of being scalded, and boil the skin patiently, and then quench it with spiritual consciousness to cool it to strengthen the hardness.

This is a very stupid method, but it also has to be hard-boiled. It is similar to the dead ghost's bone-removing tempering method. It is only hard to harden the body.

Among the demon crowds in the White Lion Valley, Twenty Lang was the first to figure out this method.

It can benefit all the demons, the holy rhinoceros really died unjustly, and he should have given up this valley long ago. He did not pass the crescent moon and the same clan back then!

Twenty Lang said: "Brother-in-law, I found this method, but I didn't want to spread it out because of my original intention!"

Twenty Lang is a very clever demon, but his personality is paranoid, and he doesn't want to spread any good things. Bailu demon persuaded: "I hear the bird demon often say that there will be no more eggs left under the nest! Twenty brother, the demon Sooner or later, there will be a big battle. If the monster clan loses, how can we still have physiology?"

Twenty Lang nodded: "I thought so, so I changed my mind and said to my brother-in-law that the lake belongs to your family again. I need to be recharged for good!"

This method is passed on to the demon sages and demon ancestors, what benefits can not be received? If you don’t want to go to the front, just say clearly, you don’t have to use my old deer as a raft!

The Bailu Yao sighed, "Brother Twenty should be very good?"

Long Shi Lang asked him: "Since this year, my brother-in-law will not go to the North Desert. I think it's over there, and the world has gained a lot of luck?"

When the blessings of heaven and earth came, only the demon ancestors and demon sages were aware of it.

Once a day, it took more than four years to finally spread the magical powers of the word "rui" throughout the northern desert. Since two years ago, the blessings of heaven and earth have indeed been pouring in. There is no need to hide from the dragon, the demon white deer nodded lightly. .

Twenty Lang said: "Xinghui has refined a hundred-year-old magic weapon position, I want two, and I also want my brother-in-law to help promote the magic weapon!"

Tempering magic weapons with stars is not a matter of overnight. It will take thousands of years to persevere in order to achieve the power of peach sticks and danshandans, but the demon sages and demon ancestors who cannot learn the "all-phase star radiance technique", As well as the dragon and phoenix, Xuanwu and other races, it is fortunate to be able to obtain a magic weapon that is more powerful than before.

The number of Quenching Stars on the Joyride Ridge is limited, and the White Deer Mountain Master has laid down rules to help the outer demon quench the magic weapon. The cycle is a hundred years, and it will stop after a hundred years.

A person who borrows stars can quench fifteen magic weapons at the same time. The demon saint can count on his descendants to learn the "Universal Stars Art". still have a chance.

Only the monster races such as Dragon and Phoenix and Xuanwu with abnormal bloodlines, like Twenty Lang, could not learn the "Universal Star Radiance Technique", and belonged to the marginal role in the Dragon Palace. There was really no way except to ask for the Doufengling.

For the world’s cultivating creatures, in addition to the magical tools, the promotion of magic weapons is also a first-class event. In the past, they could only wait for good fortune in the long years. The sapphire lion seal was promoted as a magic weapon, and the demon ancestors and demon kings all boiled.

Nowadays, in addition to working with monks to make a living, each family is also helping the White Deer Monster to find and save rare beasts. It is not only land-born in the White Lion Valley, and the two seas of the Great Sage of the Tide and the Beihai Dragon Palace. Although the White Deer is a year It's rare to go there once in a while, but it also builds an endangered sea animal farm to call on the little monsters to help drive out natural enemies around the sea animal farm. This is always a change in the status quo. Over time, heaven and earth will surely come.

But no matter how much you help, the fortune of heaven and earth is limited. No matter how great the white deer demon is, it is impossible to open the mountain gate and promise to help advance the magic weapon. In addition to 21, in the past few years, there are one for each of the worms and the teeth. , Only one demon ancestor of the Great Desolate Mountain won, and the great demon general's own magic weapon has not yet been his turn.

How rare is the good fortune of the magic weapon? How much does the magic ancestor want?

Among the demon ancestors of the Dragon Palace, the annual turn to the White Lion Valley to take care of the sea monster has now become a sweet pastry, just to be close to the driving range, so as to find the opportunity to get close to the white deer monster!

There is a magic weapon, and no one is too much!

There is also the un-peacock demon ancestor. Recently, regardless of the mountain field, he moved directly to the Caoshili to settle down. Every day, he shyly went to the tea house to drink the tea, but he couldn't leave.

Everyone has to fight, and they are all looking for the way to Doufengling. It is a pity that it is getting harder and harder to see the big demon. The ape was on the mountain again, and he didn't dare to have a big temper.

Under this circumstance, Twenty Lang opened his mouth to ask for two magic weapon quotas, and he had to go to Fengling Ridge to help temper for a hundred years, which was a big open mouth.

But if you think about it carefully, it can help the demon ancestor and the demon saint to temper the body. The magic weapon is originally Twenty Lang's own, and it is not a big deal to help the magic weapon!

In fact, the White Deer Demon is not short of good fortune!

The ecology of the North Desert has been greatly improved. A small wave of good fortune arrives every day. Although it is rarer than the amount of saving the schizophrenia, the total amount of sand gathered into a tower is actually quite considerable.

The magic weapon to be promoted to the magic weapon is based on good luck. The seventeenth mother had only the little fortune because of the scorpion, and she was promoted to a magic weapon. It was accidental. You can't use it as a standard. You really need to rely on fortune to promote the magic weapon. There are more or less consumption, and the odds are not fixed and can never be quantified.

After curing the old disease of Xiwang, the supernatural power of the word "Rui" does not need to be strengthened. The blessings of heaven and earth can be used to promote magic weapons. The demon ancestors are not in a hurry, and most of the fortunes that come in are still used to quench the "rui" character, and only four magic weapons have been promoted to the outside world.

But the real situation is that Bai Lu demon thinks that his own magic weapon is not yet complete, and none of the magic weapons has been promoted, but he has helped promote two of his own lady's magic weapons!

In addition, after finally letting go of his restraint, King Shura, who had been in love with Qingluo, got a sword; the sister Sixteen, who had the best relationship with his grandmother, also got one; and Huang Huaniang and the ancestor of Bai Ze also got one.

It's just that the demon ancestors are still watching, and the anger is hard to commit. These six magic weapons are kept secret, and they are not known to the outside world.

Twenty Lang's contribution this time is also great, Bai Lu Yao thinks about it, really doesn't want to treat him badly, what if it will be useful again in the future?

Asking to be more generous, the demon will nod and agree: "Brother Benyi!"

Asking for two magic weapons, I thought that the White Deer Demon would counter-offer, but it would be acceptable to get one, but I didn't want it to be true!

Twenty Lang was pleasantly surprised, and hurriedly pulled out two magical artifacts: "Then there will be brother-in-law Lao!"

He can't wait for Xinghui to become a magic weapon for a hundred years!

What if the White Deer Demon is not favored by the world fortune?

These two artifacts were all brought to the tea house, and the last magical effect was reproduced by the house, and only half the price was charged. The White Deer didn’t need to look at it. A dragon scale armor and a pair of keel mace, both are two. The magical effect is full, and the third magical object is being warmed up.

What I have added is only the fourth magical effect, which is only close to sixty stacks, which is far less powerful than the first three magical effects.

After receiving the magic weapon, the demon Bai Lu smiled and said, "Although Brother Twenty is a concubine, he has not been favored by the old Taishan, and his wealth is not cheap. It can be said that a thin camel is bigger than a horse and does not lose the identity of a dragon!"

The white deer demon's horns are also inferior. How can the average demon king afford such a magic weapon?

Still two pieces!

Twenty Lang did have a grievance towards Dragon Palace, and it was usually not obvious. Hearing this, he gave him a blank look and flew away.

Twenty Lang flew away, Bai Lu Yao just wanted to go into the water and try the method he said before. Bai Ze had already flown out of the lake, ignoring his red body which was almost Haha laughed: "Sure enough! Sure enough!"

The appearance of the ancestor Bai Ze who likes to turn it over, there is no need to try again, what Twenty Lang said is legally valid!

I have to go to the tea house to stack up the magical artifacts, think about where to make time again. At this time, I don’t need to dive into the boiling water to confirm. If you come to cultivate in this lake, the demon you want to learn each produce one piece of raw material!"

If you want to use boiling water to quench your body, if you want to be useful, the higher your cultivation level, the more you have to dive deeper. Soaking in boiling water for a long time is very uncomfortable, so the cultivation base of the ancestors of Bai Ze and the holy ape, staying underneath for a long time are all Suffer. But compared to the low-level little demon who doesn't know anything, the demon saints and demon ancestors who suffer from this bitterness can eat and live, and can cultivate!

The Twenty Lang Chuanfazi reaped the benefits, and the White Deer Demon also needed to make up for it. The Demon King and the Demon General paid it back, but the demon sage and the demon ancestor produced the raw materials for the magical artifacts. I think it is mostly four or five magical functions. There are also those who ask for the big demon generals, who must match their respective identities, and no one will fool them.

In the sacred cave of Joyriding Ridge, the corner of the sacred monkey's mouth was slightly raised.

Up and down the mountain, in addition to the nickname "Deer Demon King", "Deer Skinning" has just emerged. Is this going to spread again?

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