Deer Demon Race

Chapter 292: Yuxiang

Body 292. Yuxiang

"The ancestors stay!"

Twenty people were about to go down the mountain, but the Bailu Yao kept him behind, and in front of the old ape, explained: "Since I came to the Sacred Ape Mountain, I have received a lot of care from the ancestors of Kuli, and I will gather four rhino horns. Honor your ancestors!"

The old ape only teased the ape boy in his hand, and did not speak out against it. Twenty-one hummed: "Many years ago, I was awarded a rhino horn by the holy ape master. It is not useless and has no children. ....."

Mochizuki rhino horn is a good thing. I believe that the demon saints who are soaking the demon body in the rhinoceros lake have reserved some energy to listen to the conversation here. The White Deer demon carefully explained: "The holy masters are really inadequate. When I acted as my own self, I received a lot of care from my ancestors when I was on the Sacred Ape Mountain.

The four demon king rhino horns that can be picked up in front of me, the Bailu Demon has made plans. The rhino horns of the Jingshan King under the fascination have been blackmailed by the holy ape for many years, and it is still empty, and now I am finally rich. Of course, I have to stay first. Return one to avoid resentment from King Mountain.

Secondly, Yuanfu, the ape boy teased by the old ape, is Yaoyao’s half-brother, and also considered his cheap junior brother of the White Deer Demon. Although he had previously coaxed Lao Huang to say that the ape boy had nothing to do, it was because Yuanfu had not yet been transformed. The demon, always have to leave a piece of equipment first, in order to calm the heart of the holy monkey, and explain to the holy monkey that this piece of equipment is returned to Yuanfu, but first lent it to Goubao. Now, as soon as the old wound is healed from the west, Master is looking for the path of the demon saint; secondly, seeing the ape boy and the two ape demon princes reacting together, the Rhino Valley is getting less and less on weekdays, traveling to and from Rhino Lake. The big guys from all sides are in an endless stream, and there is no Holy Ape Lord who stays on the mountain. With his cultivation base of the White Demon Great Demon General, can he really be the master of the family?

Once again, knowing the ancestor is the cultivation base of the demon ancestor after all, and staring at his holy rhino horn every night of collecting moon spirits, although there is a pretend suspicion, he should indeed have one for reason and reason.

In the end, this rhino horn was left, and Bai Lu Yao was thinking about the old love before thinking about giving it to Twenty One.

Last month, the White Deer Demon also said to the Dragon King who came to Rhino Lake to temper his body. When the next batch of four demon king rhino horns are collected, he is willing to use three demon king rhino horns and help Jin to loan some magic weapons to his family. This demon sacred rhino horn has many descendants of the Longgong family. After the Dragon King returned to Beihai to discuss with Longpo, he came back through Proximity Conch and allowed it.

Because of this, I was afraid that the second batch of Mochizuki Rhinoceros horn would not be enough to obtain, so I left one for the minor Yuanfu, and temporarily borrowed it from Goubao.

The white deer demon is willing to take a mochi-mochi rhino horn as a gift to himself. A demon ancestor will have no heirs. There are always a few confidant demon kings underneath. Not hypocritical, nodded and responded: "My ancestor will accept your love!"

Now it’s just a pre-division. The rhino horns are still growing on the heads of the four demon kings. The Bailu demon is mining when preparing for the Demon Yuan Festival. Naturally there is not yet, and 21 is not in a hurry. He said again: "I take a bath and go away. !"

Twenty-one is a demon, and the body is still in Pingdingshan, but the demon's body has some benefits when it comes to the bottom of the lake to quench its body.

I don't want the White Deer Demon to ask afterwards: "Ancestor, is that sapphire lion seal a magic opportunity?"

Twenty-one could not help but a meal.

My sapphire lion seal is often thrown in the White Lion Valley. It is tempered with the help of the big horns of the bull demon with the help of the stars. Don't you big demon know it?

Knowing that you, the great demon general, is full of luck, the great powers of the great demon can link the world and the fortune, and use the power of good fortune to help the magic weapon to promote the magic treasure and great good, after promising the benefits of the rhino horn, dare to tease the original ancestor?

Back then, the sacred ape couple and the Dragon King and Long Po smashed the Jie Xuantian Sect. The magic weapon Xuan Iron Whip, which was obtained at 21 points, was indeed a little less powerful. It was slightly better and limited than the ingot that the sacred ape casually admired the child. Get a handy one.

Before obtaining the sapphire lion seal, the twenty-one books were also tempered with a good magic weapon. Unfortunately, the herbal phase of the panax notoginseng is difficult to quench and kill the magic weapon. The four magical functions of the sapphire lion seal are full, and now I have discarded the previous one and concentrated on tempering the sapphire lion seal, but now it’s only a few decades, and I have to leave my body and come to the White Lion Valley to quench the stars. It’s so easy. ?

This is a magic weapon for advancing, not picking stones on the side of the road!

I was depressed. Looking back, Twenty One looked a little ugly, and hummed angrily: "I haven't gotten it yet!"

The hateful white deer demon "hehe" smiled, and said: "The rare beast that my old deer raises has been able to multiply after decades of effort..."

The White Deer Demon speaks little and nothing. Although Lise is hateful at this time, but listening to this means, he is willing to promote the sapphire lion seal as a magic weapon for his family?

The three-seven monsters, who rely on heaven and earth fortune to advance magic weapons, are known, but they are about to compare with the monks, and every increase in combat power cannot be missed. I have never thought of my own magic weapon before.

Twenty-one has a hot heart, and is afraid of the old ape’s jokes next to him, so he has to take care of some demon ancestors to hold back, so he directly takes out the jade lion seal and throws it to the great demon general: "My ancestor will look at you for good luck!"

When the voice fell, the Sanqi Demon Ancestor paused and flew to the Rhino Lake. Ivy

The old ape only twitched the corner of his mouth, but did not make a sound of sarcasm. In fact, he got the advantage first, and he didn't face joke twenty-one.

The white deer demon held the sapphire lion seal firmly, threw it in his hand twice, and hurriedly said to the air: "Holy Lords, don’t be anxious, my old deer and the monk are going to compete soon. You need to come to the east first, and then get back. Then, I will promote the treasures for all the saints again!"

The most important thing about the world is that the white deer is the magical power of the word "Swiss". He has spent a lot of money for decades. The dead ghost leads the big 罴 and the long tail. The animal collection shop has been open to this day, Huang Hua Niang and The two families of Dajiao and Powan have also been helping to raise the beasts. Now when the flowers bloom and bear fruit, many endangered rare beasts and rare wood species have reproduced. The blessings of heaven and earth are constantly flowing, and the character "Rui" has been carved out. More Consummation, and full fortune that can be stored, relying on this, several demon king level magical powers have all been successfully originated, except for no other use, the extra is used for the promotion of magic weapons.

The Bailu Demon is only a demon general, and it is not enough to use magic weapons. However, from the first battle of Liliyuan to the present, a large number of demon pills have been supplemented, and the three dantian spirits and spirits of the upper, middle and lower dantians are all full, and there are opportunities, but only difference. It's just a kick at the door, just not being promoted to the Demon King. In order to prepare for a gambling battle with the monks, I have to prepare a magic weapon first. The choice is the Tianluo net that Xiwang gave when I was apprentice. It is still difficult to use now. The communication fits well, if the time comes to break through the realm, and your own demon pill takes shape, the Sky Luo Net can be used.

Among all the artifacts of the White Deer Demon, only the gray robe that the ghost Zixia hides has a magical effect, and the rest is the horns that have not been fully used for magical purposes, and there is no magic weapon.

In addition, the White Deer Demon also has a magic weapon, which is the holy rhino horn, which is greatly beneficial to the Moon Tempering Spirit. Three of the five magical functions are full, but this thing communicates and fits. The White Deer is afraid of accidents and can't bear it. Use like horns.

In fact, the material of the horn of the holy rhinoceros is extremely hard and hard, and the holy rhinoceros is hardened to have the magical effect of "sturdiness". How can it be so easily destroyed? Just be careful. In this world, it is estimated that the holy rhino horn is unique. Only this one is really going to be destroyed in the fight. Where is the white deer demon crying?

Moreover, the sacred rhino horns have not been tempered by the stars. Although they have five magical functions, in the eyes of the monsters with the "universal starlight technique", the use of magic weapons is not satisfactory.

Tianluowang has been newly promoted as a magic weapon, and in just a few decades, it has been enough for the White Deer Demon to fit it, and no amount of it is useful. Among the people close to him, the seventeenth mother had won the blessings of heaven and earth with the merits of multiplying the small chicks earlier. She also promoted the dragon scale blade as a magic weapon, and is also seeking a fit with the new magic weapon. In addition, there is a dowry keel for the dowry of the dragon palace. No matter how much abduction, it is inconvenient for her to add new magic weapons in no hurry.

Knowing about the ancestors, saying that it is not good to fight, own magic weapon available, no need to pay tribute to the demon.

The remaining Goubao, Yuanxiang, Tianxiang, Bandian, Dead Ghost, Yaoyao and others, as well as the two divisions of Dajiao and Powan, are all demon masters, and there is no magic weapon that can be promoted.

From Mrs. Xiwang's place, there was also a sound transmission. Her mahogany stick was better than other magic weapons.

The more distant ones, Huanghuaniang, King Shura, King Ashura, etc. have suitable magical tools, but the luck of the White Deer Demon has not yet reached that point.

He only helped the master old ape to promote the ape skin fur that had been secretly tempered outside the Danshandan into a magic weapon, and then thought of the three-seven demon ancestor.

After all, as far as the cultivation base is concerned, the demon ancestors who take advantage of the magic weapon have some resistance in front of the gods and demon saints.

All demon saints have magic weapons, and what is really lacking is the demon ancestor. The holy monkey mountain is the most important screen. It is also here to compare with the monks of the Xuantian to care about their own safety, also For the past friendship, of course, we must first look at the demon ancestor of the holy monkey mountain.

Twenty-one has flown to Rhino Lake, put away the sapphire lion seal in his hand, and the white deer demon said to the old ape: "Please also ask Master to tell us about the ancestor of the universe, and you will also come to Joyride Ridge!"

The ancestor of Qiankun was the ancestor of molars, but the demon Bailu was cautious, and only shouted his honorific name behind his back.

Calling Mofang to go for a ride at Fengling Ridge is no different from twenty-one. The White Deer Demon wants to help her quench the magic weapon as a magic weapon.

In the Liliyuan battle, the old ape won a magic weapon from the Yuan Ying that he killed, and then rewarded it to the teeth. However, the one that was not quenched by Xinghui was originally not powerful, and the squirrel demon ancestor was only called to take advantage of it.

I also blame the White Deer demon, who kept the eyes of the demon ancestors scheming.

It is of course a good thing that grinding teeth can obtain magic weapons, my old ape is so hot, how can the demon ancestors under his command be better than other families?

The old ape first transmitted the sound to the teeth, then put down his hand Zhong Yuanfu, patted the boy’s **** and let him play by himself, and then asked aloud: "Besides the teeth, the cold screen is even more useless. Then the boy didn’t unite to offend you earlier. , But regardless of staying at home to quench the law and the land obtained, the dignified demon ancestor stayed in the valley for many years, is it not enough to go down? The big demon general's mind is too narrow!"

I have been with my teacher for a long time, and they know each other's temperament. Now Bailu Yao dares to say a few words in front of him: "My heart and eyes are mostly learned from the teacher! The ancestor of Caiguang has followed the silver chain from the Xuantian school. After he came out, Master had also rewarded him with high-quality artifacts. They are finally useful, and they won’t be made after a few more years!"

The holy monkey sighed: "Don't forget the end game, a magic weapon will make him willing to die!"

After saying that the White Deer was silent for a long while, he faintly replied, "I know, I'll call him up the mountain tomorrow!"

:. : M.x

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