Deer Demon Race

Chapter 400: King

The new Bailu Yaoyao Dan also released a huge traction force, and the aura of heaven and earth that flocked to He Yilei around was disturbed.

At the beginning of the demon pill, he must absorb the aura of heaven and earth for his own use. At this time, he has no choice but to **** the aura with the golden pill that He Yilei first became!

The two forces involved are equal, and they will never win or lose. Soon, with the white deer demon and the black coal head as the center, the two spiritual vortexes are revealed!

The surrounding heaven and earth auras have been divided into two, half of them converged to the aura vortex surrounding the black coal head, and the remaining half flocked to the white deer demon.

The golden core and the demon core are formed, their functions are almost the same, and they can absorb a huge amount of spiritual energy. Years and months, they can slowly make up for it, but at this moment of inception, they are the most greedy and thirsty!

Both sides are advancing, Bailu Demon and He Yilei temporarily gave up offensive, first concentrate on snatching heaven and earth aura.

Without divine consciousness insight, Bailu Demon can sense that the newly formed demon pill is only the size of a thumb. It possesses divine consciousness, demon energy, and essence and blood. Enhance your body's consciousness, essence and blood, and store more effects of liquefied evil spirits!

If you want to go one step further and become the demon ancestor, it depends on whether this demon pill can finally achieve the Dhamma!

The demon pill has many extraordinary features. After being separated from the body, it can release some magical spells in place of the main body, and the power of self-detonation is not under the body. Some demon kings who lack means will spit out the demon pill to defend against the enemy at a crisis, but it will be both prosperous and damaged if it is damaged. If the demon pill is injured, the body will be severely injured. The spirit will also be greatly damaged or even wiped out, which is actually very risky when used against the enemy!

After returning from the first battle from Liliyuan, the Bailu Demon devoured a large number of refined demon pills. The blood, demon energy, and spiritual consciousness contained in the upper, middle and lower three dantians had already exceeded the promotion standards. If the amount is sufficient, the pill will be stronger. , And He Yilei's golden core competes for aura to not lose the wind.

He Yilei is in the battle to re-enter the Golden Core, and the White Deer Demon is the new Demon King. You vie for me, and the aura around Hongfeng Mountain for dozens of miles has been drawn over!


This sound was made from the nasal cavity of the holy ape, expressing his dissatisfaction.

The white deer demon was down, the black coal head formed a pill here, and the aura that it sucked all belonged to the holy ape mountain, and the little-eyed holy ape was unhappy.

And among the demon crowd, because the two sides stopped fighting to grab aura, Powan asked the big horn in a serious manner: "The mountain lord has become the demon king, and Niu'er should be called the lord in the future? Is my heart still unhappy?"

Dajiao asked him back: "Don't say I am an old cow, what about you?"

Splashing stubborn face and not changing his face: "My old leopard is the same as before! Let's call your brother a few more times. When you are a pity, there will be no chance in the future!"

Hearing this, the Bull Demon General suddenly widened his eyes: "You are also going to be promoted to the Demon King?"

"Yeah!" Even when he was talking and laughing, Powan looked serious: "If you don't want to be half a year, Niu'er will be more disrespectful. When I become the demon king, I can be trusted to teach you how to make black and white fish, please be hot!"

Not far away from each other, Yao Yao Jiang Banxuan heard it naturally, but he didn't dare to quarrel with the two Sun Spicy Monsters, he only rolled his eyes secretly, thinking that Lao Tzu would suffer if he was not in good shape for no reason.

Big Horn twitched the corners of his mouth: "Does the demon king bully the demon general, so you have a face? You are no longer a division after you become a demon king? The fresh chili from the little demon's Dao Dao is fuller and more spicy, and you feel angry. It’s not going well, let’s go to the Deer Hunter, let’s see which day is hot!"

Before provoking the four demon kings such as the Ruyi King and the King Da Ni, Huang Hua Niang, etc., Powan had already found the opportunity of the demon king. If it had not been severely injured by the Guangmang king, the demon spirit would be damaged too much. After more than fifty years of delay, he fell behind the White Deer Demon.

Being able to be promoted to the Demon King is a great happy event, but unfortunately it can’t be compared with the current owner of the White Deer Demon. In addition to the magical powers and tyrannical flesh, the Demon Demon also has a magic weapon that makes the monsters jealous to death. There are still magic treasures hidden unused, which makes Powan a headache!

The deer demon king can kill the demon king in time, and can force the demon king to explode. How can it compare?

I really want to ask the Lord of the Mountain to be hot, but unfortunately, there can only be imagination, and I don't have the courage to fight again.

After being choked by the big horns, poking stubbornly did not say anything, but Yaoyao heard the words clearly and first shouted: "Congratulations, brother Jin Demon King!"

After the little saint's voice, all the monsters watching the battle in the four fields naturally followed.

"Congratulations, Master Jin Demon King!"

"Congratulations, Lord Bailu, Jin Demon King!"

"Congratulations to the Lord Jin Demon King of Doufengling Mountain!"

After the congratulations stopped, Yaoyao screamed again: "Today is the first day of April, and thereafter is the Day of the King's Day! The big horn of the bull demon will send the deer king, the deer, brother thinks it is appropriate?"

First please please the White Deer Demon, and then rely on the origin of the title of "Deer Demon King" on the Bull Demon General!

The name and king title should have been given by a big monster with a higher realm, or else it would be taken by oneself. The demon of the division family will take the king title. Is it glamorous on the outside?

Not to mention the White Deer Demon who has been promoted to the Demon King, now even Goubao can’t beat him, Yaoyao suddenly threw a **** pot over, and Dajiao suddenly became nervous and argued: "Guri’s, Doufengling has long been called like this. My old cow is not the one who loves to back the pot, each one...every one wronged me!"

Speaking of the last, I remembered that there are many little saints on the driving range. The "dogs" can't swear indiscriminately, and hurriedly shrank their heads, eagerly taking a peek at the demon saints.

The holy monkey's eyes turned, and he did glance over.

Dog days, why did you forget to leave the White Lion Valley?

In a panic, the bull demon will harden his scalp and say: "Why do my old cow take the deer demon king? Grandma listens to it properly!"

Shengsheng took the black pot back, and asked the grandmother of the dragon girl in charge, and she needed Seventeen to nod before she would break her head.

In the past, Dajiao had always avoided the occasions where he wanted to call the two of the mountain masters. It was too late to hide, so he called "sister-in-law" and changed his name with the other demon who claimed to be killed. Today, he changed his name to the same thing.

Seventeen Niang did not pay attention to Dajiao. She was pulling Sixteen Niang, gritting her teeth and uttering: "Sister, the demon king, the evil dragon will be useless in the future!"

Sixteen Niang naturally understood that Bai Lu Yao suddenly had an "outer room", so she was so good before the couple. With a dragon girl's temperament, Seventeen Niang will definitely smash a few bags on her brother-in-law's head. Only to relieve his anger, but the brother-in-law is an outlier among the sons-in-law of the Dragon Palace. As he grows in his skills, if he fights with force, the Seventeenth Mother will be difficult to defeat before, and now he will be promoted to the Demon King, and there will be no chance.

If the Bailuyao fights back cruelly, I don't know who beats who, and the dragon clan's prostitute is no exception!

There are many permanent and temporary Dragon Palace children in the White Lion Valley. They were originally assisted by the sixteen mothers’ family, but since the Bailu demon cleaned up the Balang and sent him back, he was never allowed to come again to pick the Japanese flower. Nao Teng, how many dared to help, capture the seventeen brother-in-law, the deer king and tiger's whiskers?

"Sister, don't be anxious, wait to go back to Fengling Ridge, sister will fight for you!"

Don't dare to help, but I'm not afraid of it. Anyway, the dragon girl's face can't be lost. The sisters are united and beat him for a day!

Compared with the seventeenth wife in the main room, the vinegar girl of Shura is even more vigorous. She glared at the majestic female monk in the distance and cheered: "The slave family will help grandma!"

Seventeen Niang nodded in agreement.

Only Hu Meizi smiled like a flower, not caring at all.

Huang Huaniang, who was a little further away, interrupted in: "I will say hello at that time, and my sister will also come to send two bags of Wensheng!"

When this plague student defected to my mother, he was only a demon with a cultivation base. In less than a hundred years, he was at the same level as my mother!

What is especially annoying is that the disease, oil and salt do not enter, so I can't look down on my old mother like this!

In the past, I only liked to get close to handsome male monsters, but in the past ten years, I have probably experienced a lot. I have no appetite for those soft and handsome monsters. Dare to think, besides, the one who is the most greedy must not be touched!

I can't get close to my own family, but apart from the Demon Girl in the Main Room, I have even the outer room!

The horror of the horror, the hatred of not being drafted if it is difficult to fight!

The banshees are busy with the alliance, and the big horn's questioning does not care, but the holy ape said: "The Deer King is very good, with the demon spirit of ours! Just call it this name!"

The mouths of Old Osprey, Old Yellow Fish, Twenty One, Bai Ze, etc. are slightly raised, knowing that this Demon King was picked up by Yaoyao, and it has been secretly spread all over the Drifting Ridge. The old ape took the initiative to take over. The White Deer Demon knew the truth, and then treated Yaoyao as if it were a ruin.

Only below the demon king in the White Lion Valley can they be called the king of the white deer demon. The demon saints and demon ancestors rely on their realm advantages and are completely arbitrary in terms of addressing. How about calling that servant "deer skinning"? Which one cares about the king number?

The teacher of the Deer Demon King, the old ancestor of the evil wood, nodded lightly, and the Demon King was set accordingly. No demon can change it.

In the previous few fights, the White Deer Demon did not lose the slightest disadvantage, and the Demon Pill and the Golden Pill did not suffer from the aura. The demon races were a little relaxed, but the Black Tantou over there knew that the chance of victory was coming!

My own promotion to can not only mobilize more aura and use more powerful minecraft, but the greater advantage is still in the magic weapon!

The two races of humans and monsters have been fighting for tens of thousands of years. The magic weapons of the monsters have always been short, but the monks already know that the white deer actually learns the character self-refining tool, which is completely different from other monsters.

However, no matter how great this fellow monster is, no matter how great he is, he can cut good luck and promote the magic weapon like Zhang Yifu. After all, the time is still short, and the character overlay is difficult to be eighty-one, not to mention, the spiritual sense is far less than Yuan. When the infant fell to the self who built the foundation, there was a demon clan who was willing to borrow a magic weapon to him, and it took time to fit. Nowadays, the White Deer demon has a magic weapon that can be used as good luck!

Although the two magical artifacts used by the White Deer Demon are too powerful and far exceed the category of "dharma artifacts", in the sense of the gods, each magical effect is still flawed and incomplete, it is a proof of life!

With He Yilei's vision, the top magical artifacts full of magical use inside the door can't be looked down upon. Except for the vestments, the other one is not worn. However, Daoxuan has a thick face, and he has two magic weapons from Lingshan Temple for him, plus the original one, and there are three magic weapons!

It was unnecessary to return the Taoist Master back then, and now I know how necessary it is!

Fifty years of preparations were enough for him to refine and fit the two borrowed magic weapons to the former Yen Ying!

The body of the Yuan Ying, the thunder method is great, and there are three magic weapons in the body to deal with a weird new demon king. Isn't this a sledgehammer?

The surging spiritual aura came to an end, and the follow-up was much rarer. The golden core in the belly was more than twice as large as when it was first formed, and the magical effect was full. He Yilei would not wait for the white deer demon demon pill to be close to completion. A long thunder light rose again.

Heitantou disappeared in place again.

"Lei Dun"!

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