Deer Demon Race

Chapter 411: Worthy of nothing

At the old site of Xuandan Gate, more than 20 disciples were all hiding in the underground secret room.

The price of the Luzhou Night Pearl in Beiju is low, and even the head is willing to buy some. Now there is one in the secret room.攫攝攫

The underground secret room of the original Highness was almost completely spent when it was built. Several mature disciples complained about the boss for a long time, saying that the cost was too much, but when the crisis came, they waited for it to be close to the coastline. Yes, do you really have to rely on it to save the lives of all factions?

The Human Race has been watching and helping each other since ancient times, and if the strength of the Monster Race is not too great, it is the Human Race taking the initiative!

The Kraken came ashore and wreaked havoc on its territory. In Xumi Mountain Island, almost none of the monks below Yuan Ying had heard of such a thing.

You get what you pay for, and the cost is high, but the effect is really good. The stone slab blocking the exit does not have the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power. The appearance is exactly the same as other ordinary stone slabs on the floor. The gaps in the joints are also enough to be fake. In addition, It also cuts off the smell and senses, so that the demon race with sensitive smell can't smell it, and blocks the demon king's spiritual sense.

Of all the expenses, the most wonderful function is sound insulation. Because it is one-way sound insulation, any sound from the underground chamber will not be transmitted, but it can be heard clearly outside.

According to the movement on the head last night, those immature impervious and yellow lower-grade spiritual plants were destined to be unable to keep alive. The Patriarch's Palace and the side rooms that were built were also destroyed.

The mature elixir and the Patriarch's tablet are already in the bag, and other foreign objects are lost. It is always good to save the lives of the whole faction.

It's a pity that it's only temporarily avoided, and no one dares to really feel at ease now!

Yesterday, an order from the old Zen Master, the Lord of Dongli, came from all quarters, asking all factions to bless the believers and people; not long after, there was another order saying that the Buddha Kingdom is suffering, and there is no need to participate in the war in the Golden Core Realm, and the disciples should be gathered to seek refuge in the south. The Taiyi Sect and the Xuantian Sect also told the believers to flee and ask for their lives!

These words can be heard clearly in the secret room.

When hiding in, thinking that the sea monsters would retreat after the harassment, with the strength of the human race, it is impossible for them to wait for a long time to occupy the east.

After the old Zen master passed the orders twice, who told him not to be flustered?

The meaning in the words is clearly that the monks are not worthy of the problem, and they can't afford to protect the mountain!

The top strength of the Monster Race Alliance is more dominant. Without the help of a big formation, don't think about holding Liliyuan anymore!

This piece of land will belong to the Yaozu!

After the monks returned from the counterattack, their families and ordinary people would still be saved?

Why did all the monks hiding in the underground secret room intend to go to the beginning of Dongli and use the elixir given by the Lingshan Temple to appease the vassal and successfully break through to build the foundation. The rest of the Qi refining and nourishing disciples cannot fasten the valley and must satisfy their hunger It won’t last long to quench your thirst.

Now the outside world is full of monsters. Once Xingzang is exposed, the head of the foundation building will not even want to escape. At best, it is just a dish that tastes better.

When they moved to Beiju Luzhou, the group was happily, just like yesterday, how could they face the disaster of extermination?

The head was promoted to build the foundation, and he was deeply impressed by the great virtues of Lingshan Temple, thinking that the sect is expected to rejuvenate, and as long as he works hard, there will be a second foundation and the first golden pill. 厺厽 笔下文学 厺厽

Now, it is the scourge of annihilating the door, who is not discouraged from top to bottom of the door?

Under the light of the milky white night pearl, Ma Dongyang's small face has been wrinkled, and he is also worried about his age.

He is only nine years old, a Taoist boy who was just selected from the dependent herdsmen last year.

The quiet time is too long, pretending not to notice the panic of the disciples, why did you intentionally say: "Dongyang, come here!"

I've been told a long time ago that the sound in the secret room will not be heard outside, but Ma Dongyang still subconsciously gently moved over, and suppressed the sound to the lowest level: "Master!"

He deliberately stretched out his hand, rubbed his head, and asked softly: "Still worrying about your parents?"

Dao Tong nodded, his eyes moist.

Compared with ordinary people, the monks are looking for longevity by themselves, and waiting for the fetters is less, it seems that the road is ruthless, but this can't be used to solve a small Taoist boy who is only nine years old and has just started for a year.

Since ancient times, the two races of humans and monsters have been fighting together for many years. For any party, the defeat from the top level is a disaster. The monsters with outstanding bloodline and magical powers may also be surrendered to be slaves. The fate of the defeat of the human monks. But it's even worse. Youkai only loves noodles and basically don't leave prisoners.巘戅BxWx&#戅

For monks, the flesh of the demon clan is a panacea, refining material, and delicious food; for the demon clan, ordinary people are rations, and the flesh of a monk is a good meal.

After the defeat of the Xiniu Hezhou human race, the monks and hundreds of millions of ordinary people who did not escape were eaten clean!

Ever since I first became aware, what my parents used to scare their children was "monsters cannibalism"!

Some are eaten raw or cooked, depending on which flavor the king is greedy for.

Although young, Ma Dongyang understands the horror of monsters.

He deliberately tried to soften his voice as much as possible, try to comfort him, and also to comfort other disciples: "What you heard last night, there was an order from the little demon to tell the demon kings to be in good control of their families, and not to eat ordinary people, otherwise Ding Hai Dasheng He was going to lose face in front of the Deer King. Later, some generals came to supervise the army and ordered this group of monsters to eat. There are only about thirty people. Your parents are still safe and at ease!"

"The Deer Deer does not allow other monsters to eat human flesh. Is it for him to keep it for himself?"

In the past few years in Beiju Luzhou, why did you intend to find out clearly? The only one among the demon saints in this continent who is still called the king is the Dragon King. Then the Deer Demon King is the first time I heard about it, but I don’t know where it came from. Maybe he showed his timidity in front of the nine-year-old Taoist: "I think he only has one, how many people can he eat?"

Someone who has always owed his mouth interjected: "Since ancient times, those with the word ‘devil’ in their names are all vicious. I think they have to be raised first, prepared in all seasons, and called the "Gunguo" only on the New Year’s Day!"

Hearing what he said, it was not just a small Taoist boy, but a few of the other disciples also shuddered.

Ma Dongyang couldn't help it. Now, regardless of the monsters outside, he cried out "Wow".

When the mouth was owed, he glared at him, and then lowered his head to comfort Ma Dongyang.

This child has only been in the school for a year, and he doesn't have much respect for the master master. He thinks that his parents will be eaten by the monsters.

Although they were not afraid of the voice spreading out, the other disciples became more upset. Some glared at the troublemaker, and some pacified with the headmaster, but it didn't help.


The one who caused the accident had a guilty conscience, suddenly felt something, booed, and said, "Listen!"

There was a roar outside, and it was spread all over the country.

"The poisonous monk does not care about the face of the gods, use magic weapons to fish for the little demon, and the riders be careful!"

Ma Dongyang finally stopped the howling, twitching and listening together.

But the voice transmission from the top power only had one or two sentences, and then there was no more. The monsters stationed in the ruins of the Xuandan Gate started talking.


"Brother, but I heard it wrong?"

"Poison monk uses magic weapon to fish for little demon?"

"God, shameless?"

"Could it be fake?"

"I don't know which holy master came, dare you say it's fake?"

"I said it was a little demon, none of us participated in the battle, and the demon wouldn't be eye-catching. I'm afraid it's not going to catch the general and the king?"

"How many demons came out of the White Lion Valley in this battle?"

Amidst his babblings, another voice asked: "Who is here? I thought it was a bird before. Was it scared out of a human form by the voice of the Holy Lord?"

"Isn't it the Little Demon? I just came to that last night!"

The matter of the demon saint and the **** transformation is really beyond the guesswork of the low-level creatures. The demon crowds stationed here instantly forgot the message and changed their attention to the flying little demon.

"You bird, don't you know the way? We have got the ancestor's order, so why are you here again?"

Another voice asked from far to near, "Can you hear me? Can you scare me to death!"

"The poisonous monk will catch the little demon, and it will not be your turn. Don't give you a lot of face."

"Master Chome is right!"

After the vassal uttered, the little demon passed down his own purpose: "I am working hard to pass the ancestor's order!"

"Really order? Which of us has a memory, can you remember so much?"

"Then it's nothing to do with me! Chome, can you take care of the White Shark King of your team?"

The monster replied, "My lord can guard this poor place? Lead the brigade forward this morning, you have to find him, and then fly south! This place is now under the control of General Qiang!"

"The ancestors ordered it to be spread from all over the place. Can General Yu be here?"

"Accompany the general of the supervising army on inspections, and see, there are monsters who dare to eat ordinary people, and they will return after a while, just wait!"

"I can't wait, so just ask a few chome to tell you something!"

But the demon wanted to pinch him: "You are so courageous, if you want to say the wrong thing, is it your fault, or the master's fault?"

The little demon was annoyed: "Bah! It's up to you a few messy stories to annoy the Lord of the Mountain Range. When the ancestor asks the crime, he will explain it, and I will not be punished!"

"Pianmao has no hard mouth, don't rely on your ancestors to support you, believable grandpa..."


"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Several other monsters in the surroundings suddenly coughed up and quarreled with the little demon. The demon stopped for a few breaths for some reason, and then said very flatteringly: "If there is no sound, how can the general come back? With the generals?"

"Humph!" The voice that rang behind was obviously unpleasant: "Flat Mao has a big mouth and a hard shell, why?"

The demon smiled and said, "The general is forgiven! I can't follow the king to find supplements. It is really boring to stay here, so I just play! I have a few courages and dare not talk about the general!"

The demon will then ask Chuanling Little Demon: "Your ancestor is also called Chuan Jinling?"

The little demon couldn't wait before, so he picked up Joe at this moment: "I don't recognize you, I must let General Mao listen!"

Seven or eight voices, including the previous demon, yelled together: "How courageous!"

"Do you die?"

"I don't know the general at all?"

"Master of the Mountain Range, the ancestor should treat each other with courtesy. Do you dare to die, and you are not afraid that the ancestor will skin you?"

It has been more than 30 years since he moved to Liliyuan. Of course, the monk who intends to wait for a cultivator knows the status of Doufengling in the monster race, and does not want to be scolded by a few monsters. The rumor made the little monster not afraid of it, and it is not empty. It's not my turn to wait for the little demon, and the masters of Chome will not be able to see it. They have sent as many as possible, and are still polite with him? Which one has the rules, and the order can tell the foreign demon?"

After the demon, the little demon was not afraid of death and taunted the demon general: "The saint tells the story that the poisonous monk is shameless and uses magic weapons to fish the little demon, but it is not my turn. The general is on the guard. Don't play with my little demon! "

Not to mention the well-known Joyride Ridge, only the realm, the little demon and the demon general are also far apart. This rumor is that the little demon is really courageous, and it seems that there is a backlog of grievances.

The grievance should be concentrated in the sentence "I can't wait for the little demon to go to the left or right."

"If the demon general said this, I would play sideways with him, are you like this? Quan should be a loud fart, with a slight smell, how can I care?"

The demon race is as rude and savage as possible, but to the surprise of the eavesdropping cultivators of the Xuandan sect, the supervising army demon commander said this sentence, and he did not happen: "Wait for Brother Yao to come, and he is coming soon! "

After a while, there was a loud noise from the outside, and another demon shouted: "My brother is so good, he can only fly, and the mount demon can't catch up with his broken wings!"

The Daofengling Supervisor Army Demon General ignored the flattery, and only responded: "Your ancestor has passed the order again, my brother will come and listen to the order!"

"Oh? What's the order?"

In front of this, the little demon said honestly: "The ancestors called the ancestors, and then catch the monks, and those who are willing to drop will no longer hold the meeting. The Drifting Ridge is willing to produce magical items, elixir, and collect Japanese flowers. Bit, change the monk!"

"In addition to making a mat noodles, how useful is a monk? Deer Demon King can do it instead?"

The little demon didn't say a word, and the general supervising army replied: "My master is acting, it's difficult for ghosts and gods, how can I know?"

The eavesdropping monks knew that Deer Demon King was the king of the evil deer Bailu Demon in Joyriding Ridge.

He Yiyi's heart "boom" quickly jumped up.

The voice of the monster mackerel sounded again: "The name of the Deer Deer King, which one does the monster of the mountain and sea do not know? Xu Huan's benefit will not be called Orimoto, but the king called to clean up the rear. Where are the living monks who are left behind to catch? Hey! You guy, why don't you go looking for the order of the great king of my family?"

厺厽 九饼中文 厺厽

Chuanling Little Demon replied angrily: "It's rare to see the Spicy Demon General in Joyriding Ridge, I just take a look and leave!"

In the secret room, the head of Zhuji was hesitant in his heart, and it was really difficult to make a decision. The disciple suddenly raised his hand and went to lift the sealing slab without wanting to export!

The three souls of He Youyi frightened the two souls away: "Hold on!"

Hearing that the demons had a way to survive, he wanted to go out and surrender!

攫欝攫. I don't know whether the monsters are true or not, and the monks may counterattack back. The leader has not thought about it, and his colleagues will have time to discuss with each other in the future.

Maybe it is going to kill everyone, and it is normal everyday. How can you not see that it is a scourge?

The disciples around the scourge also reacted, and two rushed to press him.

However, the body was successfully turned over, but the stone slab that sealed the exit was lifted up a little bit, and then fell again!

The sound and taste are all leaked!

Inside and outside the secret room, it became silent at the same time.

Then, regardless of scolding and punishing the scourge disciple, before the monsters rushed forward, He Yi deliberately opened the sealing stone slab and snarled: "Wish to drop!"

What you can see is that among the rubble, there are actually only two demon generals and a dozen demon soldiers.

But unless you can kill all these monsters on the spot, don't want to get rid of one of the exposed Xuandan gates!

Kill these monsters in front of you?

Since the beginning of He Yi, the head of foundation building, the Xuandan Gate has been used to living a comfortable life in Xumishan Island, and it will only be repaired! Moving away from the original, Lingshan Temple can't appreciate this strength. The martial art site is also located in the relatively stable north, and has not fought against other creatures once. How can there be the confidence to fight against a brutal monster?

The little demon came to pass the order, and the Deer Deer didn’t know why he spared the monks who surrendered from death.

I can only follow the meaning of the scourge, and seek surrender as soon as possible. With the presence of the Supervisory Army in the Du Fengling Ridge, the chance of life-saving is always greater!

After two more breaths, the demon shark who had only reacted then grinned and shouted, "Get out of here!"

He deliberately had to fly out, and the frustrated doormen also crawled out one by one.

The incident was really caught off guard. Everyone was itchy with hatred for the evil. When the evil crawled out, there were a few more footprints on the robes and the hair was loose.

But don't wait for the monsters to pounce on and rebirth.

There was another voice in the air.

"I don't want to meet you, it's time to sigh for my black-winged demon!"

It's not the kind of loud noise that rolls over from the sky and thunderous in all fields. The sudden sound is not so loud, so that I have heard it before, and He Yi has not reacted to it in the first time. This sound is the local Lord Duji Great Zen Master.

Before Ma Dongyang crawled out of the secret room, a fish hook flew out of the void, and he hooked it impartially on the mouth of the military superintendent demon general in Dufengling!

In an instant, gravity appeared on the fishing line, lifting the demon general to fly!

The demon general also reacted in the original air, transforming into a huge reality. It was indeed a flat-hair bird, with a fish hook in its beak, two wings flapping vigorously, and two claws pushing down vigorously.

I don't know what magical powers he has cast, and his body at a height of two or three feet has grown a lot again.

厺厽 追哟文学 厺厽。 This bird is huge It was stunned, the squally wind brought by the flapping of the wings blew sand and rocks on the ground, and the grass clippings and branches were mixed with dust all over, but it looked like a sparrow!

Can the little sparrow demon transform into such a big picture?

The giant sparrow had a huge skeletal body and an extremely heavy body. With the flapping of the two wings, it actually resisted the gravity on the hook and fell back to the ground with its two claws.

The sparrow demon flapped its wings, and a pair of mandarin ducks flew out, fighting on the fishing line in the air, but it was a pity that it couldn't hurt the fishing line.

The giant sparrow fell to the ground, and the hook was pulled again, but its two big claws had already caught the ground, and it resisted the pull of the hook again!

The mackerel demon will close its frightened mouth, then roar, transforming into the true appearance of a big blue fish, and biting the leg of the giant sparrow to help it resist.

Not only the demon generals, but the surrounding demon members also joined in one by one, or transformed into their original form, or just took the form of human beings to help them all.

The Little Demon, who has not left, was very dissatisfied with the Sparrow Demon when he eavesdropped before, but at this time he also rushed forward and fell to the end!

The fishing line was stretched and straightened several times, and the sparrow's beak opened up half of it, and then it was lifted but sank again, and its claws went into the ground again!

Hold it up!

In front of the Xuandanmen cultivators, all the monsters were strung together.

Help the local landlord and let him fish away the Demon General of the Winding Ridge, can Lingshan Temple come to rescue the Xuandan Gate?

Since the Great Zen Master pays attention to this, has he ever heard his previous "willing to drop"?

He deliberately shook his head quickly, gritted his teeth and shouted with tears: "I may have to live if I wait for help?"

The sparrow demon swallowed his mouth with a fish hook, and all his strength was used to fight. If he couldn't answer, the mackerel demon roared back to him: "Sure to live!"

"Speaking counts!"

Then, He Youyi, the head of Zhuji, took the lead, and a series of spells and "heavy" characters fell on the monsters.

The youngest Ma Dongyang was not very capable, and his small body leaped on the flying demon, dragging the opponent's leg to to add a trace of pitiful weight.

Tao Tong closed his eyes and cried: "There are my parents, and...these folks!"

Stuck in a weird and chaotic stalemate for a while, this series of demon leaders was not even mentioned!

The mandarin ducks and yue fought again and again, looking at the same position, but the fishing line actually contracted freely and changed places to receive force.

Then, a **** scissor flew over and cut it fiercely from the beak of the giant sparrow.

巘戅 chase yo literaturem戅. Can't catch the giant sparrow, and the hook can't take off the mouth. Close the scissors and cut the fishing line with a "click".

The giant sparrow, the mackerel demon, more than a dozen demon, the little demon, and the Taoist Ma Dongyang, all fell into a ball.

Wearing a black dress, the dragon girl with a faint beauty mole on her forehead appeared: "It's a little bit, you are really hot, and all the gods have escaped!"

The mouth-opening giant sparrow gasped and spoke and leaked: "I... our mountain monsters are only hot in the day, and they are not worthless. Rilong is my master's extra skill!"

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