Deer Demon Race

Chapter 416: 1 thought

The Bailu demon is weird, and Bai Ze looked at him suspiciously for a while before he said: "There are often six-colored moths in deserts and volcanic areas. Before the beardworm has not turned the moth, it encounters the sapphire fungus of the yellow middle grade. The insect is stained to the color of the bacteria, and the color is made up. It will no longer spin the moth. After a few days, it will die. It is nourished by some spiritual energy, and the grass is born in the past ten years, which is the seven-color cordyceps of Xuanxia! The six-color moth is not difficult to find, but the sapphire bacteria are rare, and they love to grow in damp and cold places. Inferior!"

The demon white deer asked: "Do you have any sapphire bacteria in the sacred land boundary?"

"The amount of sapphire bacteria is very small, and the birth is chaotic. If the continent is to be productive, it is only off the northeast of the original island, or on the big island in the sea of ​​your husband's home!"

If it is similar to fungal spores, as long as you find the sapphire fungus to create a similar growth environment, it should not be too difficult to reproduce.

not good! not good! Naturally, the demon way must not be forgotten. Too much trouble is not a good thing, and you should do less of this kind of thing in the future!

He deliberately lowered his head honestly, Bai Lu demon thought about it, raised his head and shouted into the air: "You can't let go of the good luck pill, please say to that for no reason before the war, if you want to get back the basic principles of the Wuji Sect, take good luck. Dan Dan Fang to change!"

Except for the private time between the White Deer Demon and his wife and concubine, as long as the old ape is there, he has only one ear listening to him. After speaking to the air, he will return with an "um".

The Promise Gate uses martial arts to enter the Tao. The basic Taoist book is the "Beidou Boxing Jing", which is different from the Xuantian School's empty "Yu Xu Zu Huang Jing". It’s clear, the name isn’t loud, it shouldn’t be too esoteric, but even so, I believe that like Lei Zhenmen, Wujimen does not want to leak Dafa fundamentally, and is unwilling to be targeted by other creatures or even monks, so it’s affirmed that it can be exchanged back. To change.

The white deer demon in human martial arts has already tried it, but I haven’t learned it, but it’s a must to pluck the feathers. You will not just change it honestly, you can read and write, and you have free labor in front of you. The head of Ji said: "The little boy in your family looked lovable, and when he returned to the White Lion Valley, he asked him to copy the "Beidou Boxing Jing", and I had a copy prepared, so I would exchange the original copy for the prescription!"

Although the monks were down, they were always reluctant and fearful. Bai Lu Yao observed that the trail Tong Ma Dongyang was a bit naive, and he looked very curious when looking at the monsters. He wanted to come to the boy to be naked, but the distinction between the monsters was not very important, and he was drawn together from an early age to try to break the barrier.

It is a great opportunity to copy the basic Taoism of the Huashen Great School. Even if only Ma Dongyang has this blessing, it is also a blessing for the school!

It is already a capital crime to drop the Yaozu, are you afraid of adding another crime to stealing the classics of the great school?

He Yi was so happy that he couldn't hear from ear to ear, and shouted, "Don't worry, the king, outside of Dongyang, Xuandanmen can't ask for a question!"

I can’t learn it by myself, so I can use it as waste. It’s just right to take the heart of your monk, and don’t pay half of my money.

The face is of course like a spring breeze, and then softly soothed: "Go to the White Lion Valley to live in peace, refine the alchemy with your heart, make my old deer happy, or allow you to learn the "Beidou Quanjing" together!"

He Youyi was even more grateful, and knelt three heads.

In the sky above the east, before the war resumed, the old ape really made the request of the White Deer Demon public, and had to use the "Beidou Quanjing" to replace the pill of good fortune.

Several companies know the refining method of good fortune pill, but no one will offend the Wujimen to take the pill to change the Taoist book.

Faceless and expressionless, as if not heard.

He didn't want to learn Taoxuan and engage in gambling and fighting. Since the Deer King took the initiative to make the conditions, and the conditions were low enough to make him want to laugh, he honestly exchanged the Taoism, but it was a post-war matter.

Fight again today, the result will shock all monster races!

A large number of Taiyimen disciples who rushed to set up the formation received the decree halfway, and they turned back. Liliyuan could no longer use them.

Then, another great war broke out.

Just after dawn, Zhenru led the remaining Yuan Ying monk and Dharma protector demon ancestor of Lingshan Temple, and swept the back to kill the demon king and demon ancestors. Compared with the demon clan alliance, they were too few in number and could only guerrilla. Encircle and suppress.

On the top battlefield, according to the total of the demon sages, the old ape would wait until dark before he could send another blow with the starlight, and his deterrence would be greatly increased before he flew out to make trouble.

The gods have no longer given opportunities.

When the battle started, the eight-armed Bodhisattva began to absorb the Transformation Mantra, and then strengthen his body.

I only received it once the day before yesterday. There were too few new Duhua curses in the Monster Race's Sea of ​​Knowledge in the curse of "Predestined", but Duji didn't care about it, he didn't let it go, and received it cleanly.

After the collection, the opportunity came. During the fierce battle, the eight-armed Bodhisattva's rosary suddenly flew towards the old bear, and the Bodhi branch smashed the old ape!

Two Buddha treasures were missing, and the pressure of the dragon king who was fighting with him was greatly reduced.

When the old ape arrives, the demon saint has one more combat power, and his hatred is one enemy and two, and he is suppressed by the old bear and the old poisonous fish. Watching the rosary fly, the hatred flashes away.

Over there, the old ape’s Danshandan was beating the unprovoked Dharma, and the Bodhi branch flew to the old ape without any cause, and fled away.

The transformation gods are already at a disadvantage. The two of them suddenly flashed away, revealing a gap, and then the rosary and the bodhi branch blocked one or two. No matter how fast they hate and turn around for no reason, the three demon saints can also support others with one or two blows. .

I don't know what the two gods are getting, but the opportunity is fleeting!

Just about to hit the flying rosary beads and the bodhi branch, the two magic weapons suddenly "boomed" and turned into two groups of intense light!

Magic weapon blew!

In the burst of light, the old bear's face turned pale.

The face of the old ape was iron blue, and the white deer demon helped him get the second magic weapon ape skin, the magic weapon to protect the body, and the damage in the blew was much lighter than the old bear.

The two of them were seriously injured and not healed, so they don't want to sacrifice two Buddha treasures, they just pick soft persimmons to start!

The magic weapons used by the translators have been in harmony with their bodies for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, and their power has been beyond ordinary. Who should not be regarded as a beloved treasure? How can one be willing to explode before falling into a desperate situation?

It's just a war!

Even if the old bear and the old ape are wounded, the poisonous monk will permanently lose these two Buddha treasures, it may not be a gain!

The Demon Saint couldn't help wondering, what calculations did the human race have that Bai Ze did not foresee?

In their respective suspicions, Yuanyang, Zhongchun, and Yan Yisou abandon their opponents one by one, all retreating madly, leaving only a lioness entangled with the old yellow croaker.

The demon saints felt a little bad intuition.

But the opponent ran away, and only the fat monk and the lioness were left around. Such a big bargain could be taken, so wouldn't you fight them?

You poison monk and the lioness really think that the golden body is invincible, and two of them can stop the 11 demon saints from hitting twice?

Even if there are other calculations, give the poisonous monk twice first!

The fat monk chuckled, ignoring the double-headed shuttle, regardless of the spells and magic weapons used by the demon saints, flashing at the old ape, and groaning in his mouth: "The world is not bitter, nor happy, At a thought, you are trapped in a thought! There must be no thoughts in order to be at ease!"

Or it is also a Buddhist scripture, which can pass the curse, but now the demon clan has many octopus demon kings who can imitate magical powers besides the white deer demon. Who is afraid of your curse?

In a few bombardments, the Eight-armed Bodhisattva's method was instantly shattered, and the two-headed shuttle penetrated the monk's body, but he faced the smashed Dan Shandan and laughed: "Ape, Lao Na is destined to you! Hahaha!"

Dan Shandan smashed down head-on, but the fat monk did not back down and laughed endlessly.


Taking the place of crossing oneself as the center of the circle, transforming the body of the gods and the remaining five Buddha treasures into a golden light that shields the sky and the sun!

Amidst the golden light in the sky, there was also a light groan of Ruoyoruowu.

"The origin, the demise, and the freedom, the affection is superficial, but if you don't have a thought, what's it like? How does it seem to be in the world?"

The unique magical powers of Tide Sage Old Yellow Fish can eliminate spontaneous explosions, but they must be prepared in advance. The battle did not reach the point of desperation until the next day, and even the old bear dragged his wounded body into the battle, dignified. Huashen, how could he blew himself up at this time?

I didn't see the slightest sign before, but when the poison monk's law was broken, his body was hit, and the old ape was awakened, it was of no avail!

If you can't stop it, and avoid it, the demon saints are full of doubts: "Why?"

Lingshan Temple presided over, dignified the deity, the poisonous monk who made countless monsters hear about it, gave up his life and blew himself up for no reason, just trying to play?

In this battle, because of Bai Ze's first hand, the old ape went out to guerrilla again. The demon race did have the upper hand and should be able to win Liliyuan, but he did not expect the poisonous monk to die!

Isn't it that the old monk, who has no power of a battle and has a life span of tens of thousands of years, bursts casually, just like the demon saints?

Beast mother! For thousands of years, who has heard of this kind of thing?

This explosion caused the world to lose its color, day and evening.

With Duji as the center, the force that tears everything apart expands outward at the speed of light, and instantly drowns hundreds of miles of land!

The other gods escaped, and all the demon saints were affected in the battlefield, including the female lion Bailian!

The old ape bears the brunt, quenching Xinghui is only slightly less bearable than Dan Shan's ape fur fur, trying his best to reduce the damage!

At the moment of life and death, the old poisonous fish had nothing to do except wrap the old bear closest to her with a big white umbrella!

The Fenyan Great Sage Laohuang flashed behind the old yellow croaker, and the wild man wore two armors, which was better than the old mother!

Among all the demon saints, the old coconut tree is the slowest one, but he is a wood demon. He is not in this place. He recovers the fastest. He is not afraid of major damage to the demon body. Even as long as his soul is not dispersed, he will return to his original state after death. Resurrection is also not impossible, and it transforms into a sky-reaching coconut tree, swaying to help the old eagle, old osprey, and old squid cover in the bursting light that passes by.

The dragon king's couple instantly shrank to the size of a mustard seed and hid them under Long Po's dragon tendon handkerchief!

The lioness Bailian didn't care about the injury, and now he had a big mouth in the bleeding pot, and took a bite in the old yellow croaker's appearance!

The yellow light spread, and the extreme burst, within hundreds of miles, solid rocks, vegetation, insects and birds, wherever they were affected, turned into dust.

The magic weapon of the double-headed shuttle was completely destroyed, and the ape fur, the big white umbrella, the rhino turtle shell, and the dragon tendon handkerchief were also torn and broken, and the spirituality was greatly lost!

The demon saints broke down one by one, and the demon body was attacked!

The old ape had a hundred holes in his body, the old bear was dying, the old yellow croaker gushed blood, and the coconut fruit fell off the hard coconut tree, and a branch fell.

The huge lion mouth of the lioness has not disappeared, Lao Huang hurriedly hurriedly said to the wild man: "Hurry up and stop the explosion!"

The poisonous monk has exploded. What are you stopping?

But when I caught sight of the same broken lioness, scarred but calm, like a white lotus in full bloom in the mud, the old yellow croaker was puzzled!

The crazy lady of the dog day will burst too!

Blew, Erlian!


She burst out again, don't you want to go to Laozi half-life?

Once again, the demon saint blew himself up, and his own half-life is still lucky, and the old bear must be lucky, and will be buried with her! Whether the old ape can breathe depends on luck!

Apart from fleeing, can you wait for the escaped gods to return, so that you can pick up dead fish?

Without the old bear and old ape, Liliyuan and the Sacred Ape Mountain could not be held, followed by the North Desert, the Great Barren Mountain, and the seas not long before they moved to the west!

Why is the overall situation of the human race, a **** and a demon saint, are willing to sacrifice their lives?

Dog day!

How can there be such a ridiculous thing in the world?

Duji and the lioness were suddenly more mad than the craziest monster, and weirder than the weirdest monster!

The old yellow croaker was frightened into a cold sweat. He couldn't help swallowing the blood in his mouth, humming and chanting to activate magical powers.

Like the poisonous monk, the lioness has the same ambition to die, and has long been prepared. If there is no sound of the tide, but just unfolding, is it too late?

The old eagle, the old osprey, and the old phoenix, relying on their natural advantages, have flew outwards, even if they can't escape, it's better to stay far from the center of the explosion!

Long Po, who had escaped from the musty, appeared, and the thunder hammer made by Longhorn hit the air.


There was no thunder and lightning, but the sound of hitting the air went straight to the lioness Xintian and made her pause.


The old yellow croaker groaned, as if the tide was wave after wave, and the lioness's eyes appeared confused.

It's enough for the old ape to escape with the old bear!

The couple of the least injured Dragon Kings led the old poisonous fish, old yellow croaker, old coconut tree, and old squid. They surrounded the lioness with a fierce light in their eyes!

The old eagle, the old osprey, and the old phoenix have gone and returned!

All the demon saints gritted their teeth and rattled!

Crazy woman will explode again!

The nine demon saints were angry, and before Yuanyang and the other gods returned, they joined forces and attacked. Bai Lian hummed and was severely disabled in an instant, unable to maintain his human form, showing the true appearance of a lioness.

The old eagle and the old osprey regained their ways. One pinched the lioness’s neck, the other pulled her hind legs, and the old squid showed the truth, all octopus legs wrapped tightly around the lioness, plus the dragon king couple, and the five demon saints. Together, she suppressed her evil spirit.

Lao Huang screamed: "Crazy woman, let you die so happy!"

Xiwang, who rushed over, was still thousands of miles away, and her voice rolled first: "Spare her life!"

The top battlefield can’t help. The demon ancestors such as Xiwang are guarding the demon crowd in the rear, encircling and suppressing the demon ancestors. They don’t want to set off fireworks in Lingshan Temple today. , The old Osprey and the old Xiong's demon ancestor each had exploded, and there were several demon kings. Once the high-ranking creatures ignored the catastrophe, the lower-level demon crowds would suffer even more deaths and injuries. Several demon ancestors were also broken under the Dafengling Gate.

Although Xiwang was also frustrated, he found that something was wrong, and eagerly picked up Proxima to ask the demon ancestor who had magical powers to peep at the top battlefield, and when he learned the situation of the battle, he flew over.

She hadn't forgotten the powerful words of Bai Ze and Bailu Demon, and she valued it more than any demon.

Long Po scolded: "She wants to find her own death, how can she be forgiving?"

When looking to the west and flying by, Yuan Yang and others have also returned to the battlefield.

The old Tao Yao cried, "Old Lion, I don’t know why, but it’s still a fellow clan. The poisonous monk is dead. If you stay with him, he waits for the miscellaneous hair to really protect your children, grandchildren and disciples? Keep your heirs for a few years!"

Thinking that self-destruction is no longer possible, Bai Lian looked at Yuan Yang, the other side looked at ease, but shouted at the demon saints: "One more battle!"

When the Dragon King wants to fight the Huashen again, he is bound to pinch himself to death. The lioness replied, "Okay!"

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