Deer Demon Race

Chapter 418: Luo and Bailian (Part 2)

When the lioness hurried back, only one place was left burnt.

This Taiyimen residence has become a driving ridge before the White Deer enters the lord, and the darkness is completely silent.

Yuan Demon turned into scum, and the passage has disappeared. The two or three thousand disciples and guardians of Lingshan Temple who fled southward and gathered here, incidentally, even a few Taiyimen left behind disciples, none of them escaped, and all were "smoothly" destroyed by the tribulation. kill.

This includes all the descendants of the lioness, and even the grandsons of the demon generals who are about to be entrusted to Yuanyang.

None escaped.

At the scene, all the corpses had been turned into scorched earth, and even the smell was dissipated in the thunderstorm. Only a messy and slightly pasty smell was left on the scene, and there was no breath of life. At the beginning, the lioness did not give up.

Some beings were fleeing frantically, and they should have been frightened. The lioness rushed to chase, catching a horse demon, and questioning them carefully.

In front of the lioness, the horse demon would not dare to hide, trembling and frankly explain what happened.

Inexplicable passages to the devil world, bloodthirsty primordial demons, and all vigorous catastrophes within the scope of extinction.

The catastrophe of heaven is so impatient to create such a blunt coincidence, it is the arrangement that is not allowed to cross oneself!

Be sure to be in the same vein!

Also let me die!

The demon saint, shed his head on this black scorched earth, crying heartbreakingly.

Ma Yao will sneak away, but she didn't respond.

Yuanyang and Yimei looked at her from a distance, and they didn't dare to come close.

Tiandao no longer speaks "reason" to the people of Lingshan Temple. If you come to the catastrophe of killing a lioness, will it not be affected if you are too close?

Moreover, the lioness's mood swings are too great, the old demon with a lifespan of tens of thousands of years, but also looks crazy, if he wants to drag him, who will blew himself up?

This sudden change made the gods understand that the surviving disciples of Lingshan Temple were all plague gods, so they abolished their cultivation bases, and they really couldn't take them in!

Whether it is guilty or innocent, no one cares and can't even think about it.

Huang Huang Tianwei, non-earth creatures can imagine and resist, so they can only stay away.

I don't know what plan the lioness has after receiving such a big stimulus, the **** of transformation has to be on guard and wait for the result.

Staying in this continent is already a scourge. It is best to be able to return to the Xumishan Continent. It is really not good, and it is also okay to return to the Yaozu!

Terran can't keep her!

The lioness cried so sad that after more than an hour, she changed to laugh, first "hehe" giggly, then "chuckling" crisply, and then laughing hysterically up to the sky.


Yuan Yang waited with a smile, but none of them dared to persuade and inquire.

Just wait!

The sky was so windy that her long hair was flying and dancing, seeming to be enchanted.

Muttering to herself for a while, a blue light emerged from her, and then her black hair fell off, and new fruits appeared on her head, all of them verdant, but not a peach or apricot, nor a Li or a pear. , When it is not in this world.

Seeing the fruits that they didn't recognize, the gods were all surprised, and the squad screamed, "She...that's Dao Guo, she's self-reliant!"

Yuanyang's face was corrupted: "Evil way!"

At the time of the great change, the lioness had already stepped into the evil way radically, and the gods felt bad, but in the blink of an eye, her figure disappeared in place.

On the vast grassland, a large group of people are heading east.

This is the largest team among the people who set out to evacuate first, with a total of 30,000 or 40,000 people.

Among them, there are men carrying burdens, old men driving cars, half-elder children shouting at dogs to drive livestock, and women carrying young children on their backs.

There are also many bald monks with their heads down.

These monks have a low cultivation base, and the highest is only to build a foundation. First, they withdrew to the south with the disciples of the air refiner and air cultivator who could not fly. Hearing the Yuanyang rumors, they changed to the east again. People slowly yelled for livestock. Join, and finally the team gets bigger and bigger.

The light flashed, and the lioness appeared above the team, sternly asking: "Are you waiting to recognize me?"

The protector of the Dharma who sits almost on the same level as the great Zen master in the temple, there are frescoes and enlightenment books, to teach children to respect from an early age, although they have lost their long hair and have some strange fruits on their heads, why don't they know?

Tens of thousands of ordinary people knelt down and kowtow together, as did the monks. Some thought that the savior was coming, crying: "Please save me!"

To these monks, the lioness can only sneer: "It is known that the catastrophe will come at any time, and the number of people in the south has been smashed to death by three thousand. The saint himself is still unable to protect himself, so he came to seek you and wait for refuge. Who will save who?"

Among the kneeling people, those who could understand the meaning were all terrified, and the monks looked at each other even more.

Did the robbery come so quickly?

I can’t help but believe the words of the Great Sanctuary of the Dharma Protector!

The lioness asked again: "Wait for your disciples, and are willing to act according to the Zen Master's decree, what do you want to abolish your cultivation? Get up and see!"

The lioness stretched out his hand and waved more than thirty monks waiting to be trembling and startled.

On the grass, the monk who had just stood up collapsed to the ground again, groaning in sweat.

"This saint help you wait a minute!"

Many young monks have superficial cultivation bases, and they can't do it by self-reliance on their own strength. The lioness helped on the spot and abolished his waiting cultivation bases, letting their aura exhausted.

But here is thousands of miles away from the border of the Antarctic Palace. Trying to hurry, it will take more than a month to walk. Although Qi refiners and Qi raisers can't fly, they have aura, at least they are physically strong, and they are much easier than ordinary people. If the cultivation base is abolished, the meridians will not be hurt. These monks seem to have suffered a serious illness. On the contrary, they are not as good as ordinary people. If they travel a long way, they will suffer.

Those monks who do not want to respect their decrees anymore are a little gloating.

The lioness sent bad news again: "Actually, the Zen master's calculations are bad, so you will abandon the cultivation base, forget the inheritance of the Lingshan Temple, and switch to another faction to rebuild, and the heavens are not allowed to live!"

How can it be?

Those thirty or so monks who were sweating and weakened due to exhaustion of their spiritual energy would be hit by the blow again, and one can imagine their mood. Some people did not care about being afraid, and asked, "Why?"

If this is the case, won't I wait for my cultivation to be abolished in vain? Why is the Great Sage teasing me and waiting?

Just for fun?

"So change to be a mortal, become a family and pass on an heir, farming and herding for a living, it's okay to end your life! Without this change, will you be able to live forever?"

It takes the Nascent Soul Realm before the physical body can break through the life limit, but it also has to struggle with the heavens. The longevity opportunity is inherently vain, let alone the Lingshan Temple disciples who have been disgusted by the heavens. They have no courage to face the heavens, but the opportunity is elusive. One thing, not being able to be promoted and living up to life is another thing!

Knowing the grievances of the monks, the lioness sneered: "You have to be so alive!"

She raised her face with a hideous face, raised her head to the sky, and finally roared and vented: "Let the heavens and the creatures of the earth look at you. You still have the face to kill the ordinary people by taking advantage of the robbery!"

The sound was rolling, spreading all over the country.

Even the innumerable animals all knelt down quietly, as if only her roar was left between the heaven and the earth.

There is no response.

After a long time, she turned her head again and said to the creatures who were kneeling on the ground: "Believers for the people for generations should remember that heaven is impermanent, and retribution is actually hard to come by! The monk disciples should leave the money back to the secular. , Or get a vacuum!"

"The cultivator takes full advantage of the spiritual energy, but he can go to heaven and earth, and live long and happy. Li Shu suffers all kinds of hardships but can not enjoy half-life blessings. It can be seen that the world is suffering and the world is not benevolent! What do you believe in such a heavenly way? Why do you still believe it? Looking for a fruit position?"

"Today I got a fruit, so I made a big vow to make this world better than 33 days! I want to destroy the false world and become a vacuum hometown! If anyone converts to me, come and come down to me, You are not allowed to inhale spiritual practice, but you will be at ease in the end!"

"To enter my sect, you must follow my teachings! Whenever you see injustice, my disciples will be suspicious of it! Ask it! Oppose it!"

"If you wait for the money to return to the vulgar, abandon cultivation for the people, you can still live, come down to my door, or one day, you will not tolerate the hatred of living! Can you turn this world! Can change this world into a vacuum home !"

Da Zizai conflicts with the teachings of the Buddha, and Lingshan Temple is a disaster, and the way of heaven is about to be wiped out. Monks large and small, for the disciples of Lingshan Temple, who has no hatred in fear? Not to mention the previous decision to abolish the cultivation base by following the decrees of my own law, after a few breaths, among the lucky monks, many people also cried and begged: "Just ask the Great Sage to cut my cultivation base and allow me to do anything. Civilians!"

Many people in Nakamoto were also dissatisfied with their inability to practice and had many dissatisfaction with those who cultivated. The Lingshan Temple, which has been sheltered for generations, collapsed, and the family had to move thousands of miles away from the original demon clan to eat people. The great change comes at a time when people are in panic, and it is the most confusing time!

Many of the people and monks kneeling on the ground raised their heads, only to find that the face of the lioness was bathed in a holy brilliance.

Even if the lioness says there are many loopholes, even if it is known that she has gotten a bad way, someone will believe her at this time! Bong her!

Among the monks whose cultivation base has been lost, someone asked: "Great Sage, I wait to enter the religion, but I can't practice. I'm just like an ant. Who can go against it? Under heaven's punishment, what can it be worth?"

What he asked was after getting started.

The lioness replied: "This catastrophe is in this world, and the people of the heavenly family are the generations of 33 days, and they can only act in the sky, and they will perish if they go against the sky. I will not dare to kill Li Shu in the name of heaven! This way, I have looked at each life and every calamity, and the whole cycle will go back and forth. When it ends, many of the people of the world will be destroyed by it! If you have children and grandchildren to pass on this idea, it is no better than the immortality of the cultivator. Body? As long as the thoughts continue and the descendants continue, this world can be cut off from the spiritual roots, implicated in the heavens, and then destroyed his immortal body!"

What the lioness said was too rebellious, and there were overcast clouds above her head, and the thunder was about to come true.

She was not afraid at all, laughing wildly and yelling at the air: "Come on! Tens of thousands of people here have been blessed by Lingshan Temple for generations. They are all free believers. If you have the ability, you can kill them together!"

She was yelling and provoking, but the clouds in the sky just rolled over, but there was really no thunder and tribulation daring to fall.

In the face of a powerful demon saint, the Heavenly Tribulation of small power is useless, and too large power will definitely involve the people present.

The lioness said that she could no longer protect herself. She came here to seek shelter from the people, not false.

Of course, not all those who kidnap ordinary people can escape the catastrophe, but at this moment, the behavior of the lioness fits a certain "dao", and it is the thirty-three days that a certain mighty can not call the catastrophe again!

During the confrontation, another passage formed ten feet away in an instant, and that exit was the most extreme and shocking darkness!

Another gateway to the devil world!

This time, the passage was formed, but no demons flew out, and the dense clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed, revealing the blue sky again.

There was no robbery cloud outside, and no demons flying out. Only the voice came from the channel: "Bailian, although you have a fruit, there is no place in this realm. You can't ascend to the heavens, so you should follow me!"

Bai Lian raised her eyebrows and stared at the dark passage. After a while, she nodded, "May you and I be one, and we will find a vacuum hometown together!"

The magical treasure Chiba White Lotus was shown in her hand. It was both Buddhist and Fentolihua. She turned her head and said to the kneeling people and monks: "Those who are willing to enter my door, take a lotus leaf! No practice will be allowed after that. , Only to be ordinary people, but children and grandchildren tell the doctrines, when they are in trouble and solve problems, they can hold my lotus leaves, call me by my name, or solve problems!"

Following her words, the magic weapon shattered, and a petal of a flower leaf fell and flew out, and the Qianye Bailian became a bare flower stem.

The flower poles fly into the forehead of the lioness, and the flowers and leaves dance lightly among the monks and ordinary people who have abolished the practice, like white butterflies.

When the monk stretched out his hand, some flowers and leaves flew over, and fell into his hand cleverly. The monk clenched his palm into a fist and hid the lotus petal.

Among the ordinary believers, some collect lotus petals, and some are afraid to touch them, but none of the thousand-petal lotus leaves that fly out fall on the open ground.

The lioness shook her head again, and the countless fruits that came out flew out and fell on the ground. Those who believed in her had one in front of them, and those who didn't.

The one with the green fruit in front of him, although he didn't know him, gave birth to Mingwu, and he reached out and picked it and swallowed it.

After eating her Tao fruit, her teachings will be imprinted in the heart, take root and sprout, no matter how long they will not forget, they will also recite and analyze day and night, and they can also imitate the crossing mantra and pass it on to others.

"I am a demon in this life. From the time of the beast, I like to be a mother. I love to tease the descendants of the blood line. It’s not easy to enter the empty door. I thought it would be a great good fortune, and it would be able to live more, but I knew the impermanence of the heavens, and it would kill me! I want to enjoy the joy of being a mother, but the sky only tells me to know the pain of being a mother! No life, what do you do when you are born? Starting today, I will be called the mother of no life, you wait for the believers to make a mistake!"

After the explanation, the lioness pointed to Mojietong again: "Those who enter our door, believe in me and believe in him the same, he...his surname is Guo Luo!"

After speaking, the lioness flew to the Demon Realm Passage, and went in, and the Demon Realm Passage disappeared.

The world is silent.

On the grassland, after a long time, it was like a certain monk who had been seriously ill before taking his eyes back, shaking his first step towards the east, and embarking on the road of trekking.

After that, more and more people set foot on the road, and it didn't take long for the team to move again.

The man carried the burden, the woman carried the baby, the old man drove the car, the half-year-old child shouted the shepherd dog to chase the livestock, everything went as usual.

In the clouds, Yuanyang, Yimei and other Hua Gods frowned, and they all felt troublesome.

The lioness who called Zeng's surname "Luo" has been involved again, and has established a relationship with the realm. It is really necessary for someone to hold the lotus leaf and call "the unborn mother". His power can penetrate, how about transforming the gods?

What should we do with these ordinary people?

Immortal fighting technique, don’t make it difficult for me to wait!

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