Deidara Was Terrified With The Thunderous Opening Shot

Chapter 177 The Sound Wave Is Too Strong And Will Be Knocked To The Ground

After speaking, Whitebeard pulled down his cloak again.

He prevents his sons from attacking Kakuzu.

He was also afraid that Ye Feng would come out and interfere later.

After all, Ye Feng just wiped out their entire pirate group by himself!

In other people's territory, it's better not to go too far!

I just need to let these people understand that he Whitebeard is very powerful, not just for nothing!

"Father, you are..."

Seeing Whitebeard's movements, a group of pirates stepped back a little bit with trepidation.

Although it is to show strength, but using Shock Fruit in other villages, is it really a tape?

Whitebeard narrowed his eyes slightly.

A domineering aura emanated from Whitebeard's body.

The surrounding gravel slowly floated up from the ground!

Except for Ye Feng and Terumi Mei, the rest of the people looked at Whitebeard very seriously at this time.

Because they have never seen the power of Whitebeard to shake the fruit of "950".


Whitebeard let out a roar, and then punched hard with both fists directly to the side.

With this hit from Whitebeard.

The ground actually started shaking!

The surrounding houses are shaking from side to side!

The tiles even slid down from the roof directly towards the ground!

The dust on the ground quickly swept the entire village!

for a moment.

A huge earthquake strikes.

Animals in the jungle.

Let out a violent scream!

Escape everywhere!

And in the village.

adults and kids.

Also quickly run out of the house!


"Wow! Help!"

"There's an earthquake! Run!"

"Woo! Mom! Mom! Woo!"

For a moment, the sound of crying and shouting resounded in every corner of the village!

The group of people in Naruto were also affected by this huge shaking, and they will not be able to stand in the future.


Little Sakura sat down on the ground.

Then he said in surprise: "This...what's going on here?"

Shikamaru tried to control the balance of his body.

Then he said something in a daze.

"It looks like an earthquake!"

Little Sakura said in disbelief: "Earthquake? Why did an earthquake happen at this time!"

"This, this is Yinlang!"

"The sound wave is too, too strong!"

"If you don't shake, you will be knocked to the ground!"

And just as the crowd of Xiaoqiang exclaimed again and again, the earthquake suddenly stopped.

This is Whitebeard putting up his hands.

Naruto patted his chest, and said happily: "This earthquake is really terrible. Fortunately, it only lasted for a few seconds. Otherwise, if the shaking continues, the whole Konoha will collapse!"

Shikamaru looked at Whitebeard and said uncertainly: "This earthquake is really weird! Could it be......"

At this time, Whitebeard laughed loudly and said: "Gu la la la! It really scared you, yes! This is the ability of the old man, the thunderbolt fruit!"

When Shikamaru heard what he said, he looked very understanding.


It was the giant old man who caused the earthquake!

Naruto turned pale immediately, then looked at Whitebeard in shock and asked, "What did you say? Your ability? Could it be that you caused the earthquake just now?"

Before Whitebeard could answer, Marco came to his father and hung his cloak on him again.

"Hey, of course!"

"Our dad can trigger an earthquake at any time with just a wave of his hand!"

"Just ask if you are afraid?"

After hearing Marco's answer.

The youngsters respected Whitebeard even more.

You must know that only Ye Feng, Payne, and Madara can cause an earthquake with only one technique. These top powerhouses can do it.

Even Senju Tobirama, Second Hokage or Third Hokage don't have that ability.

This Whitebeard also belongs to the sequence of top powerhouses!

At this moment, Kakuzu sat on the ground dumbfounded.

He looked at the tall giant in disbelief.

Although he is also a character who has passed through a long time, he has witnessed many powerful characters.

Such as First Generation, Second Hokage! Uchiha Madara....etc!

But this is the first time he has met a character like Whitebeard who can cause natural disasters!

Ye Feng walked to Kakuzu's side.

"This is the so-called there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky."

"Kakuzu, the enemies you will face in the future may be stronger than them!"

Kakuzu withdrew his shocked eyes at this time, then looked up at Ye Feng and asked: "Boss, are these people the masters you brought from the outside world?"

Ye Feng nodded and said: "Yes, they are all top figures in the world of great pirates.

"The one who just caused the earthquake is the most powerful pirate in the sea, Whitebeard......"

"In the world of pirates, he is one of the most powerful people."

Kakuzu nodded: "Is that so? It's normal to lose if you fought with such a peak character..."

"And... you came here just to tell me this?"

Kakuzu was "comforted" by Ye Feng.

I also slowly adjusted my mentality.

After all, he is in the ninja world.

The gap with top figures like Ye Feng, First Generation and Uchiha Madara.

But there are dozens of floors so high!

That lost against top figures from other worlds.

This is also normal!

For Kakuzu, this is still very self-aware.


Just after Kakuzu and Ye Feng finished speaking a few words, three people rushed over in the distance.

Kakuzu was the first to spot the trio.

He was just about to admit his urges, talk to Whitebeard or something.

But after seeing those three people, he immediately changed his mind!

Kakuzu looked at Ye Feng a little funny and said: "Boss, although I really don't want to make a big deal, but the mistake is that this Whitebeard shouldn't use such a powerful move, and the next one may be a battle between the peak and the peak." Showdown!"

Ye Feng was wondering about Kakuzu's words, but following Kakuzu's line of sight, he saw the three people coming.

Ye Feng was stunned the moment he saw these three people.

Because these three people are Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama and Uchiha Madara.

"Fuck, this is the three most troublesome people who have been shaken out!"

0.7 Ye Feng wiped his sweat.

I can't even imagine what's going to happen next.

Soon, these three people came in front of everyone.

Hashirama looked at Ye Feng first.

Look suspicious.

"Hey, what happened to Ye Feng? Did you cause the earthquake just now?"

Senju Tobirama: "Konoha Village is a plain, there has been no earthquake, someone must have used some magic."

What several people asked was naturally the earthquake that Whitebeard had just rectified.

Hashirama, Tobirama and Madara just took a lunch break.

He was suddenly awakened by a violent shaking.

The three quickly flew into the air.

It was found that the Konoha was in good shape and there was an earthquake, and many houses collapsed.

That's why I rushed here to see what happened.

As a result, upon arriving here, Ye Quan was discovered. .

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