Deidara Was Terrified With The Thunderous Opening Shot

Chapter 193: All Members Of The Akatsuki Organization, Follow Me To Push Naval Headquarters!

"How can it be repaired!"

"Are you really going to let those guys act recklessly?"

"Ace, what a man! How did you get caught by those bastards?!"

Sanji slammed his fist on the table and cursed angrily.

Nami closed his eyes and meditated, and stood up at once, and read the newspaper carefully.

As Robin said, Marine wants to gather an army at the headquarters and prepare to fight the Whitebeard pirates.

The momentum of this battle was quite huge, Marine had three Admirals, plus 100,000 elite soldiers, and even invited the Seven Warlords of the Sea to cheer them on. This is already the most powerful force on the sea.

Perhaps, this may be the biggest event since Luo Jie's death since the Great Voyage Period.

"Still no news from Luffy?"

Chopper stared at the paper pitifully.

Not too long before this, the Straw Hats beat up the Celestial Dragons in the Sabaody Archipelago and encountered Marine Admiral Kizaru and Bartholemew Kuma, one of the Shichibukai.

The Straw Hat Pirates were slapped one by one by the tyrant Gouxiong 09, and they flew to different places on the navigation line. The entire Straw Hat crew was also broken up, and outside sources said that they had already been wiped out.

But at this moment, the news that Fire Fist Ace was arrested suddenly came from the sea, and all the Straw Hats immediately regrouped as quickly as possible, only Luffy was left behind.

"If it really happened as the newspapers said, then Luffy will rush back with all his life!"

"Ace is Luffy's big brother, he will definitely not let Ace be executed, so we don't have to worry about him! We have to trust Luffy!"

"So, now let's go to Naval Headquarters! I believe we should meet Luffy there!"

"Yes! Save Ace! Give those Marines a hard blow!"

When the Straw Hat Pirates set off for Naval Headquarters.


In Qingqing Grassland, the aircraft carrier built by Big Big Wolf has finally been completed.


"Finally finished!"

Big Big Wolf wiped the sweat off his brow, and took a deep breath.

At this time, Big Big Wolf, holding a wrench, wearing a yellow helmet, and wearing a white vest, looks like a worker working on a construction site!

However, the work he did was beautiful and shocking.

Even Ye Feng was dumbfounded!

In the past few days, Ye Feng has been guarding Big Big Wolf to work day and night.

Watching helplessly as he took a screwdriver and a wrench and built an aircraft carrier!

This kind of operation, if you look at the whole Ten Thousand Realms, you will not be able to find a second person!

Big Big Wolf is the real doer!

"I'm going, this boat is so big?"

Grandpa Madara and Hashirama also came to join in the fun.

"The boat built by this guy feels completely different from Yamato's! Yamato built a wooden boat. What is this? Steel?"

Not only Madara and Hashirama, but also a group of small powerhouses were amazed.

"Big Big Wolf looks like a master at first glance. Compared with our green captain, his skill is so high!"

"That's right, the outside of this ship is too big! You can already feel its power even before it's launched into the water!"

Everyone was shocked.

It's no wonder, because the ship built by Big Big Wolf is not an ordinary ship at all.

This is an aircraft carrier!

And it is a serious aircraft carrier, capable of hitting helicopters and fighter jets!

Seeing everyone's surprised reaction, Big Big Wolf proudly pushed his hat.

"Then, let me introduce to you, what functions does this brand new Moby Dick have!"

Big Big Wolf walked in the front and took everyone to visit the aircraft carrier.

"This aircraft carrier version of the Moby Dick has a series of functions such as long-range air defense, anti-ship, and anti-submarine. It has large drive, diesel-fuel alternating power, and the gas engine alone is as big as a football field.

Equipped with VLS+HQ9 and active phased array radar, anti-ship YJ$3, anti-submarine anti-submarine helicopter Jinglei + anti-submarine missile.

Medium-range 052C, air defense, anti-ship, short-range 054A air defense, anti-submarine.

It is equipped with a 093 attack nuclear submarine, but it does not have a nuclear bomb. It is also equipped with an advanced conventionally powered submarine such as the Yuan class.

2 supply ships. It's time for Whitebeard's sons to take the wheel.

Carrier aircraft: SU33 and 15.

For carrier-based early warning aircraft, due to limited time, early warning helicopters can only be used. If ejection devices are used in the future, carrier-based fixed-wing early warning aircraft should also be developed...

Hearing Big Big Wolf's introduction, Master Madara and Xiao Qiang kept nodding and called Niu B!

Although they don't understand any of these parameters, they don't know what's going on!

After all, this aircraft carrier is right in front of you, it's as tall as a few floors, it's bluffing just by looking at it!

"Nimma, if this thing goes to Pirate World, it will probably wipe out Naval Headquarters directly!"

Ye Feng couldn't help but blushed.

Generally speaking, with far, middle and near three layers of defense + submarine + carrier-based aircraft + supply, it is considered a relatively complete configuration in an aircraft carrier battle group.

Big Big Wolf has neatly arranged all the equipment of the aircraft carrier!

Who can resist driving this thing to the sea?

The other Four Emperors, Shichibukai, together, I am afraid that the firepower of this battleship is not as strong as it is!

843 "What the hell is this ship?"

At this time, the Whitebeard pirates wandering outside also walked into the base.

Because Big Big Wolf said he would give them a surprise, he didn't let the Whitebeard Pirates come in for a few days after the completion of the project.

As a result, seeing such a big ship now, many people knelt down excitedly on the spot!

"This, this is too exaggerated!"

"Such a big ship! It's time to flatten the Naval Headquarters!"

Where have these pirates seen such a battle?

The previous Moby Dick and , are already considered big ships.

But compared with this ship, it feels like a child met an elephant, not on a level at all!

"Big Big Wolf, I really don't know how to thank you!"

Whitebeard patted Big Big Wolf on the shoulder excitedly.

He only hated himself for being younger now.

Big Big Wolf cannot be recognized as his son.

Otherwise, I really want to pull him into the boat and drink for three days and three nights!

"Since the ship is ready, it's not too late, let's get ready to go."

Ye Feng stood up.

"Naruto, little Sakura, go back to Konoha Village and call everyone you can."

"We're going to push Naval Headquarters!".

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