Deidara Was Terrified With The Thunderous Opening Shot

Chapter 65 Scorpion: Are You Cheating On Me?

"What happened?"

Everyone was shocked and rushed over to check.

Now is the moment when the war is imminent, and they are all afraid that the enemy will attack their door.

So each one's nerves are tense.


When everyone approached, they discovered that the explosion was made by Ye Feng.

At this moment, Ye Feng was squatting on the ground.

And in front of him, stood a steel giant nearly two meters tall!

The whole body is made of gray-white iron sheet, presenting a human shape. The arms, legs and feet have some complicated mechanical structures, which seem to be weapons.

The moment they saw the steel giant, everyone was dumbfounded.

Xie took out a puppet just now, and Ye Feng has another one?

Can he do puppetry too?

"Ye Feng, what is this, what is this?"

Deidara ran over in a panic.

Man, what a spectacle the Iron Giant is!

It's bigger than Xie's crimson amber!

Moreover, the shape is more complex and the structure is more.

Ye Feng put down the wrench and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"This one? This one is called Mark's first battle suit."

"Battle suit? Can this thing be worn in?"

Scorpion asked in surprise.

"Of course, Deidara, you can help me."

Under Ye Feng's command, Deidara frantically hoisted the steel suit in the air.

Ye Feng put it on after wasting his old strength.

Moreover, some parts of 317 are not completely wrapped.

For example, hands, you need to wear a pair of thick gloves.

" seems inconvenient..."

The scorpion's eyeballs moved slightly.

"Aren't you talking nonsense? The scarlet amber of yours is easy to wear because your body has been modified, and it is full of ports. Can you let a normal person wear it?

Scorpion couldn't refute Ye Feng's words.

Because the scorpion is a puppet body, it has no sense of touch, is not afraid of poisonous gas and hypoxia, and its joints can move freely.

So he can roll himself into a ball and get stuck inside the puppet.

You can't do it with a living person.

"This Mark I combat suit has a horsepower of 250 horsepower and is equipped with various weapons such as rocket injection devices, incendiary bombs, and machine guns.

Ye Feng demonstrated to everyone while talking.

With a wave in the air, the steel arm of the battle suit knocked a crack on the wall.

Then raise your hand and pull the trigger.

"Da da da da~~ml"

A burst of intensive artillery fire suddenly resounded.

The steel target in the distance was directly pierced with fifty or sixty large holes!


A group of people were dumbfounded.

Just punch through the steel?

What kind of technique is this?!

The power is almost catching up with an A-level ninjutsu! (ajch) "Boom!"

Opening the gate, two dazzling flame dragons shot out from Ye Feng's two wrists in an instant.

"Fire Style!?"

Kakashi was surprised, and the others nodded in agreement.

"This suit should seal some ninjutsu inside, and release it when needed.

For the residents of the ninja world with backward technology, this is the only explanation they can think of.

Scientific ninjutsu or something...

After a few minutes.

After the test, Ye Feng walked out of the suit with great difficulty.

But Deidara, Xie and others next to him were envious.

Especially scorpions.

This battle suit of the first generation is completely different from his puppet!

Although from the modeling point of view, the Mark generation seems a bit rough.

But if you look at it with the eyes of an expert, the standard of this battle suit is very high!

Because it integrates so many functions, and it can also be worn by ordinary people!

Those puppets of the scorpion cannot be used by ordinary people.

Stabilizing his mind, Xie seemed to have made up his mind and walked up to Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, did you make this puppet......... the battle suit?"

Ye Feng smiled slightly: "No comment."

Scorpion gritted his teeth and said unwillingly, "Then can you transfer it to me?"

heard the words.

A hint of surprise appeared on Ye Feng's face.

"What do you want it for?"

Scorpion's face was very calm.

He calmly explained: "As an artist and collector, when encountering a good collection, the first thought is how to put it down.

I like this armor called Mark Generation very much, and I want to add it to my collection. "

Ye Feng frowned and said, "Then how much do you plan to pay?"

"It will be all right."

Ye Feng dragged his chin in thought, and after a while, he said, "How about exchanging it with your Third Kazekage puppet?"

Hearing this, Xie's eyes moved slightly, and his heart tightened a little.


Ye Feng, this guy, even knows this kind of thing?

"Let me think about it..."

Scorpio is in a difficult situation of choice.

Third Kazekage, that is a puppet he loves very much and is proud of his collection.

It would be a bit distressing to just exchange it like this


As the saying goes, if the old does not go, the new does not come.

There are gains and losses.

In order to get a glimpse of the mystery of Mark's suit, Xie decided to part with it.

"Okay then, deal."

Xie took out a scroll from his sleeve and handed it to Ye Feng.

That is the scroll that seals the Golem of Third Kazekage.

After the handover, Scorpion immediately put on the Mark I battle suit for testing.

clang clang clang

Walk normally.

Punch, squat.....

All human actions can be perfectly reproduced by the Mark suit.

"This... is really powerful technology."

Scorpion was amazed in his heart.

The technical content of this mark battle suit is far beyond his imagination!

Hundreds of times more complicated than puppetry!

"How to activate the technique that can penetrate the iron sheet just now?" Scorpion asked.

"Aim first, then pull off the wrench on the finger of your right hand."

Scorpion did so, but there was no response.

Ye Feng frowned, thinking that the bullet had jammed, he jumped up to check it.

"Oh, there's no more bullets."

"Bullet? What do you mean?"

"It's just that this technique has been invalidated, and it can't be released."

All right.

Buy everything, and Scorpio can only accept it.

"What about Fire Style? Why can't it be released?"

The scorpion frantically pulled another trigger, but the two fire dragons that Ye Feng sprayed just now did not reappear.

Just after spraying two small fire balls from the nozzle, it misfired.

Ye Feng came up to check again.

"Oh, sorry, I'm out of gas too."

"Gasoline? What does that mean?"

"Even this Fire Style technique is invalidated, it can't be released anymore."


Tsunade: “..…………


Everyone was dumbfounded!


The co-author Scorpion spent a lot of money to buy it back, it is a waste product!

Deidara couldn't help sniggering.

Scorpion's face is not very good-looking either.

I always feel like I've been scammed!

However, just when everyone thought that this was the end of the matter, Ye Feng suddenly took out a scroll from his bosom.

Then one shot, and a huge platform was shot.

In the middle of the platform, there is also a pair of silver battle clothes, only ordinary people are in the world!

"This is……………"

Everyone was amazed.

Because of this platform, it is full of sense of technology.

Mechanical arm, iron pedal...

As soon as Ye Feng stepped on his front foot, a few arms disassembled the pair of silver battle clothes, and then equipped him in an orderly manner.

"This is Mark 2."

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