Deidara Was Terrified With The Thunderous Opening Shot

Chapter 74 Breaking Into Obito's Kamui Space

The upgraded version of the black cavity can freely enter and exit any space in the Hokage world.

Even the Summoning World, the Pure Land!

"This's scary just thinking about it."

Ye Feng took a slight breath of air.

The original black cavity is already invincible enough.

Being able to enter and exit any space means that he can break into other people's private places anytime and anywhere to carry out assassination operations.

But now, directly able to break into the Summoning Realm and the Pure Land...

in other words.

As long as Ye Feng is willing, it is not impossible to obtain the legendary fairy art...

"Let's try the water first, and see if this upgraded black cavity is really as powerful as it is described."

country of mountains.

In an underground cave thousands of kilometers away from Rain Shinobi Village, the base camp of Xiao Organization.

Obito sat alone on the ground thinking silently.

Not long.

On the wall beside him, there appeared a burst of subtle spatial ripples.

Immediately afterwards.

A humanoid pitcher plant emerged from the wall and walked slowly towards him.

"It's really troublesome..."

"I never imagined that I would have to travel so far to talk now..."

"Fortunately, you and I both have space ninjutsu, otherwise I really don't know how to solve it

After the siege by the three major powers ended last time, Obito deliberately pretended to be sick and asked for a few days off.

After all, like Ye Feng, he is a reserve member of the organization and does not need to stay at the base all the time.

And the reason for coming to the country of mountains is to avoid Ye Feng's pursuit!

Obito clearly remembered that the last time Ye Feng was talking to Onoki, he accidentally revealed that his perception range was hundreds of kilometers!

Although this sounds unbelievable, there is a high probability that Ye Feng is talking nonsense.

But Obito is a thoughtful man.

It is better to believe in what is there than to believe in what is not.


To ensure safety, Obito deliberately ran so far to talk to Jue.

"It's still not safe here, just to be on the safe side, let's use the Kamui space.

As soon as Obito said something, Jue's eyes bulged.

"Why didn't you go to the Kamui space earlier!? Why did you have to go to the country of mountains? Can't you just cast spells in the country of rain"?"

Obito snorted coldly, and resumed the insidious and vicious tone of costing: "You are really stupid...perception ability does not necessarily refer to visual ability.

If the aura of you and me suddenly disappeared within his range of perception, what do you think he would think?"

This made some sense, so he shut up.

After a spiral twist in the space...

Obito and Jue entered the Kamui space.

"Then, let's discuss countermeasures."

"Let it go on like this, our plan will be destroyed by him sooner or later..."

Obito and Jue began to discuss ways to get rid of Ye Feng.

And what they couldn't think of was.

at this time.

On the other side of Kamui's space, a black cavity is quietly opening.

With his hands in his pockets, Ye Feng took a leisurely step to Obito's private space.


Before entering the Kamui space, Ye Feng thought that this space was only as big as a playground.

So far, it's far more than that!

At least after Ye Feng glanced over, he didn't find the edge.

Maybe, the Kamui space is actually the same as the normal dimensional space, which is infinite!

"Good guy, it's really a space that almost killed Ten Tails, it's so big that it can hold a country.

Ye Feng used ring-rotation detection in Kamui space.

Arrancar can move hundreds of meters with one step.

He walked around for more than 20 minutes, but he still didn't find the edge of the space.

It seems that it is exactly the same as his initial guess, this is an infinite space.

at this time.

Ye Feng's footsteps stopped suddenly.

Because he found a very unique place.

In the entire Kamui space, there are some stone walls and flat ground, filled with a cold and murderous atmosphere.

It's like an uncultivated primitive area, without any breath of life.

But the area exposed to Ye Feng's sight at this moment has obvious traces of artificial modification.

There are lights, and there are bookshelves.

On closer inspection, there are various large cabinets and glass containers.

It's like a laboratory.

Ye Feng immediately cast Shunpo in the past.

After approaching, he was immediately overjoyed.


This is actually Obito's collection room!

The entire room is filled with Obito's collection of books and collections over the years.

There is also some money.

Those cabinets and glass containers were soaked with biological specimens of the Great Emperor.

Among them, Sharingan is the most!

There are at least hundreds of glass pillars, and in each pillar, 3~4 pieces of Sharingan are soaked in antiseptic solution.

"This should be the Sharingan collected by Obito when Uchiha Itachi slaughtered the clan."

Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Think about it, how many hardships and risks did the Orochimaru out there suffer and risk in order to obtain a pair of Sharingan?

but here...

There are so many that you can step on it as a fish bubble!

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng immediately opened the lid and took out two.

Although he doesn't use the Sharingan very much, if he really needs it, he won't take such a low-level Sharingan.

It's good to take it out and play with it once in a while.

Rolling the two eyeballs in his hands, Ye Feng felt like an old man in the park rubbing a pair of Wenwan walnuts.

I don't know if it will be pulped........

After looking around in the storage room again, there was nothing to take away, so Ye Feng continued to walk forward.

And at this time.

Obito and Jue Er are discussing things less than 500 meters away from the collection room!

That guy's actions have affected our plans more and more, and now Nagato has also been brainwashed by him, and he has lost his fighting spirit, and other members of the Akatsuki organization also trust him, our future is very bad..."

Hearing these words summed up by Jue, Obito gritted his teeth with hatred.

Today's Akatsuki organization can be said to have been cultivated by Obito with a lot of hard work.

But Ye Feng's joining has almost taken Xiao Organization away from him!

The cabbage that has been cultivated so hard has been stolen!

"That bastard...I'm going to kill him sooner or later!"

"We must take the organization back from him and realize our great cause!"

With a fierce look in his eyes, Obito cursed viciously.

(Good Zhao) But at this very moment.

His heart stopped beating as if being pinched by someone!

The whole person was short of breath, his hands were shaking, as if he had lost his soul!

"Obito, Obito what's wrong with you?"

Absolutely noticed something was wrong.

He turned to look.

He was so frightened that he petrified in place!


Behind them, there was a person standing at this moment.

He wears the Xiangyun uniform and holds two Sharingan coiled in his right hand.

It was Ye Feng who was discussing killing just now!

"You, how could you!!??"

Obito has a big head!

I just feel my head buzzing!

Mind is blank!

Absolutely dumbfounded!


They never dreamed that Ye Feng would appear in this place!

Here, it is thousands of kilometers away from the Land of Rain!

And this place is not the outside world.

Here is Obito's Kamui space!

There is no reason for Ye Feng to come in!


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