"Die to me!"

The 4 hearts of Kakuzu enclose Ye Feng in 4 different angles.

There is a passage in the middle for Kakuzu to kill himself.

"Kakuzu! Stop it! Do you want to destroy the base!"

Konan snapped, but Kakuzu ignored him, obviously red-eyed.

"Little devil! I'll send you to hell!"

Kakuzu quickly formed seals with both hands, and the four hearts began to condense ninjutsu with different attributes.

Wind, fire, earth, thunder...

On each heart mask, a Chakra of the right color appears.

And Ye Feng on this side had a calm face, and he didn't even raise his hand!

With a thought, the purple platinum star burst out, and then, a set of combined punches was aimed at one of the hearts.

"O-la! O-la-o-la-o-la-o-la!"

boom! ! !

Almost in the blink of an eye, the heart representing the fire attribute was directly shattered and flew out of the field.

Kakuzu: "???"

Hidan: "???"

Konan: "???"

What happened?

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Because a substitute can only be seen by those who are also substitute messengers.

Therefore, none of the members of the entire base can see the entity of the Platinum Star.

They only saw Kakuzu's heart rushing towards Ye Feng at a fast speed, and then flew out at a fast speed.

Moreover, it seems that the heart has been severely injured and has been shattered!


"What happened?"

Kakuzu looked like he saw a ghost!

I won't mention the inexplicable mouth-to-mouth ninjutsu just now.

This guy actually stood there without moving, and his heart was blown away!

"Is it Shenluo Tianzheng?"

Payne's brows were furrowed, and his gaze scanned Ye Feng's face cautiously.

Able to fly targets without using hands, only Rinnegan's pupil power can do it.


This Ye Feng, he doesn't have Rinnegan!

Nima, what the hell?

boom! ! !

Another two hearts were blown away, and after hitting the ground heavily, the blood vessels became tangled together.

Kakuzu was almost dumbfounded.

What the hell is going on? !

On my own side, the other party killed 3 hearts before even the seal was formed?

Kakuzu's thoughts fell into chaos at this moment.

He is thinking about a problem.

Do you want to go up by yourself?

This Fire Style seal, should he end it?

At the moment when Kakuzu was in a daze.


There was another bang, and Kakuzu's 4th heart was blown away.

After hitting the wall heavily, it became entangled with the three hearts that had been blown away just now, blood vessels were scattered on the ground, slapping and twisting frantically, as if it wanted to attack again.

At this moment, everyone in the entire base stared wide-eyed with disbelief.

5 seconds.

From Kakuzu's sudden attack to the present, it took no more than 5 seconds in total, and all four of his proud hearts were blown away by Ye Feng.

And most importantly, Ye Feng himself didn't even raise his hand!

Stand in place the whole time, calm and relaxed!

"What kind of technique is this?"

Konan swallowed nervously, at this moment, her palms were already sweating.

Although the other members of the Akatsuki organization didn't say it clearly, the shock in their hearts was already shown on their faces.

Even Emperor Payne's expression changed from his previous aloof image, his brows were slightly frowned, and Rinnegan showed a hint of surprise.

"Why, is this your strongest technique?" Ye Feng shook his arm leisurely, and joked, "It doesn't seem to be very good..."


Being ridiculed like this, Kakuzu's face was a bit uncomfortable.

But at this moment, Hidan, who had been waiting for an opportunity, suddenly jumped into the air.

"Kakuzu you idiot! Why did you stop making seals!"

"Both of us are immortal, why are we afraid of him!"

Hidan swung the huge Shinigami sickle and slashed straight at Ye Feng's neck!

"Little devil! I don't care what skills you have, you are a dead end in front of the evil god!"

Everyone's hearts shrank, and they all held their breath.

Let’s not talk about the evil spell that Hidan used, which can reverse damage, self-mutilate and kill others.

Just chopping it off with a sickle is definitely a dead end! In the whole ninja world, there is still no two people who can take an iron scythe attack without getting hurt!


Hidan's scythe shone with a sharp cold light, and it cut directly on Ye Feng's neck impartially!

All members of the Akatsuki organization stopped breathing at this moment.

But the next second...

Something beyond everyone's comprehension happened.

Because, in their imagination, the scene of Ye Feng's flesh and blood flying all over the place and even his head being separated did not appear.

Instead, it was an incomparably crisp metal crashing sound, resounding throughout the hall!


As if he had been chopped on an iron wall, Hidan obviously felt a shock in his hand, and it felt a little numb.


"What happened?"

Hidan is not well.

His complexion changed instantly!

Because, his Shinigami sickle indeed cut Ye Feng's neck.

But the opponent was unharmed!

Not to mention turning around, Ye Feng didn't even break his skin!

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