Deidara Was Terrified With The Thunderous Opening Shot

Chapter 87 The ChūNin Exam Officially Begins!

the whole scene.

Fell into a dead silence.

All the Konoha Xiaoqiangs opened their eyes wide and stared forward in horror.

After a full ten seconds of silence, they broke out into unbelievable screams!


"What did I, what did I see?!!!"

"With one slap from Hinata, the Hyuga family's mansion was destroyed!"

"Hyuga Hiashi's shoulder was blown away!?"

"This, what kind of power is this..."

Severe screams and shouts resounded throughout the area!

The entire Hyuga family, chaos!

And at this moment.

Center of the homestead.

Hyuga Hiashi, whose hand was knocked off, knelt on the ground in horror!

Sweaty head, weak legs and feet.

Even kneeling is almost unsteady!

"Father, you..."

Hinata was also shocked at this time.

She never dreamed that she just slapped "867" casually, and it would cause such a big damage!

My father's hand was broken by himself!

"Hinata, you, what are you..."

Hyuga Hiashi is speechless in fright!

what's going on???

How could his daughter be so strong?!

Before, he was clearly a trash who couldn't even beat Hyuga Hanabi, but now, he has such a powerful destructive power!

The power of that palm just now has far surpassed their Hyuga family Gentle Fist dozens of times, even hundreds of times!

Even surpassed the destructive power of S-rank ninjutsu!

"How is it? Is your daughter very powerful?"

Ye Feng walked over with a calm face.

Condescending, standing in front of Hyuga Hiashi, looking down on him, like looking down on an ant.

"You, you bastard..."

Hyuga Hiashi looked embarrassed, enduring great pain, wanted to roar, but couldn't.

"To be honest, when you asked Hinata to call quickly, I was a little puzzled.


It's the first time I've heard of such a strange request like yours.

Ye Feng launched the chatting ghost mode again.

Two taunts made Hyuga Hiashi anxious.

If one didn't stand up, the person passed out on the spot!

half an hour later.

Hyuga's family sent Hyuga Hiashi to Konoha Hospital for emergency treatment.

Although he received a Tathagata palm from the front, fortunately, it hit his shoulder and only lost an arm.


Hinata will be charged with patricide today.

"Hinata, you, you are really amazing! You have become so strong!"

A group of Xiaoqiangs worshiped Hinata crazily!

"I never dreamed that you could defeat Hyuga Hiashi!"

"What kind of technique is that palm! The power is too terrifying!" It was the first time in Hinata's life that he was surrounded and praised by everyone.

Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked at Ye Feng shyly.

"It's all thanks to Ye Feng, that technique...he taught me.

After being reminded, everyone realized who they really should worship.

In the blink of an eye, all Xiaoqiang gathered around Ye Feng again.

Girls like Little Sakura, Ino, and Tiantian look at Ye Feng differently.

In the past, I thought Ye Feng was tall and cool, with an attractive appearance.

Now, they are all convinced by his strength!

Everyone has become a fan girl!

"Ye Feng, you, can you teach me two tricks too?"

"Brother Ye Feng, are you still accepting apprentices?"

"Brother Ye Feng, you must not be the next generation of Kazekage! I have never seen you deceive people like this!"

A group of Xiaoqiang crazily boasted and worshiped.

Ye Feng was also secretly moved.

Judging from these Xiaoqiang's reactions, his infiltration plan has already achieved initial results.

If among this group of people, there are people like Sasuke who pursue strength.

You don't need to be guided, you can directly betray Konoha and come to him.

But these are not enough.

In order to truly conquer these Xiaoqiang, the next step is still needed!

"If you really want to become stronger, just follow in my footsteps. We will be invincible in front of you."

After uttering one of Aizen's classic lines, Ye Feng led the crowd to the barbecue shop...093312409Feilu070210060]


A week passed quickly.

Today, the whole Konoha Village is bustling with activity.

Passengers who come and go, Konoha Village residents who go out to set up stalls.

The village is filled with all kinds of pedestrians, and it has never been as lively as it is today in a whole year.

Hokage Building, Third Hokage Office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzō share a room.

"No abnormality?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked more thoughtfully.

"No, the group of little ghosts brought by the Kingdom of Winds hang around with Konoha's little ghosts all day long, and the rest of them are completely relaxed, so there shouldn't be any problems.

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded.

As a wily man, he naturally would not let go of monitoring this group of referees.

However, since no clues have been found, there should be nothing to worry about.

"Okay, then the Chūnin exam will officially begin!"

"Choose outstanding talents from this batch of little devils, and continue the will of fire!"

North side of Konoha Village………

Outside the examination room of the first written test.

"Cough cough, Yahiko, where have you been all these days?"

Ye Feng and six other members of the organization met here.

During this week, Ye Feng and a group of Konoha Xiaoqiang mingled all day long and formed a deep relationship.

Now little Sakura and Ino have even developed another feeling for Ye Feng.

A feeling called love!

On the other hand, several other people have not been doing business these days, eating and drinking in Konoha Village, as if they are on vacation.

"I haven't gone anywhere, I've been living in a hotel."

Payne said very calmly.

Because Payne's body was originally a corpse, he didn't need to eat, sleep, or go to the toilet.

What can he do when he goes out?

"Oh~~~So that's how it is~~~~~"

Deidara made a long sound, then looked at Ye Feng: "What about the others? Kisame and Scorpion should have arrived too, right? Why are they missing?"

The corners of Ye Feng's mouth curled up slightly: "They...I have my own arrangements."

"Okay... I really didn't expect that I would come to take this kind of exam, it's a big headache..."

Also feeling overwhelmed are Hidan and Kakuzu.


They are both old and immortal, and they still have to pretend to be little ghosts to take the exam!

It must be that Ye Feng wanted to play tricks on them!

Not long.

Under the support of a group of Konoha Shinobi fans, the invigilator team headed by Morino Ibiki and Mitarashi Anko officially debuted.

Ye Feng's expression changed, and he immediately started the next plan.

"I heard that in this written test, the test questions are 0.6 degrees difficult and have 5 stars. According to the current level of the test takers, it is estimated that no one can pass the test."

Suddenly, Ye Feng said something loudly to a few Xiaoqiang nearby.

The voice was so loud that Ibiki Morino, the invigilator of the written test, couldn't help slowing down and pricking up his ears.

"Isn't it? No one can pass the test? Then what's the point of this written test?"

Little Sakura and the others looked surprised.

Ye Feng glanced at Yibixi, who was eavesdropping, and continued: "Are you stupid? What's the use of the ninja written test? This test is about everyone's practical ability rather than theoretical knowledge.

In other words, it is to test your ability to cheat.

See who's cheating inside without getting caught!"

As soon as this statement came out.

Not only the Xiaoqiangs at the scene, but even Ibiki Morino and Mitarashi Anko were dumbfounded!

"what's going on?"

Yibixi and Anko looked at each other with a dull expression.

"Before the exam started, someone guessed the content of this exam?"

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